How and how can you beautifully dye the hair in purple? Hair dyeing in purple: rules, recommended paints, technique of dyeing strands, ends of hair, examples of photos with red-violet, purple-brown, black and purple shade of hair

How and how can you beautifully dye the hair in purple? Hair dyeing in purple: rules, recommended paints, technique of dyeing strands, ends of hair, examples of photos with red-violet, purple-brown, black and purple shade of hair

In the article you will find many options for dyeing hair in purple. Find out how to give the curls a beautiful bright or muffled shade of purple.

Many Hollywood stars struck their fans with an extraordinary, bright purple color of their hair. They put selfie on social networks with a new, trendy way this season. In part, thanks to this, young fashionistas began to experiment with their appearance.

Stylists this season presented many new images with purple hair. Those who want to test the technique of coloring strands in bright purple must first find out which tone is better to use, and what kind of paint is used. To do this, you will have to view many photos and choose one, suitable in type.

How and what beautifully dyeing your hair in purple?

To painting curls must be approached responsibly. Especially if you decide to paint at home yourself. To obtain a purple or other shade of hair, a tonic is often used. It is convenient in that it can be washed very quickly with ordinary shampoo. This is done when the result was not at all to your taste.

When choosing a tonic and hair dye, look carefully at the component of the product. So that the hair does not lose its strength, it will be better so that the coloring composition contains many useful natural components.

Lilac tonic tonic on curls
Lilac tonic tonic on curls

Consider the process of painting hair in purple houses


  • coloring composition
  • special brush for painting strands
  • polyethylene gloves
  • glass or plastic container
  • warm water, shampoo, balm.


  1. Gather your hair in several bundles to make the strands easier to dye.
  2. To the places where the hair borders on the skin of the face, apply oily cream. Then you do not get dirty.
  3. It is better to start painting strands from the occipital part. And spread the paint throughout the hair.
  4. After application, you can seize the time. After the expiration of the time indicated on the package, you can wash off the composition from the head.
Stylish color of strands with purple tint
Stylish color of strands with purple tint

Classing tips

  • Choose paint not too rich in chemical components and not cheapest, otherwise the hair can turn into a pacli.
  • Start staining with your hand allergy dough. You also need to try out the color, paint one order. And only after that you can paint the rest of the strands.
  • Carry out curls, starting from the bottom up. White curls are better to paint. And the shades of purple will look brighter on white curls.
  • If you rinse the paint with hot water, then you risk obtaining a lilac to a rich purple.
Hair color selection rules
Hair color selection rules
  • If you choose the right shade of paint, then the color is ideal for your individual image. To do this, use small tricks.
  • Blondes with pale skin cover are best selected slightly muffled tones. Bright colors will emphasize even more pallor of a woman. For light ladies, a violet light shade and purple are suitable.
  • If you already have a bright copper shade of curls by nature, then highlighting will look beautiful on your hair with other bright purple tones, red, pink-violet.
  • Coloring is ideal for ladies with dark curls and chocolate color of curls.
  • A lilac tonic can be tinted with brown-haired women and lightly blond from nature to the ladies. And brunettes look great with rich purple, eggplant tone.
  • In addition to shades when choosing a paint, attention should be paid to its composition. If there are many natural components among the components of the product, then it will not harm the hair.
Delicate lavender on brown curls
Delicate lavender on brown curls

Those girls who love experiments often change the color of strands. They risk spoiling their hair if they use paints. It is better for them to use tonics. This product is well dyeing hair and rinses quickly. Thanks to bright tonics with purple shades, young beauties can easily feel like anime heroines. By the way, the hair from the hair is washed off with ordinary shampoo. If you buy a tonic, then choose the one where there is a printed instruction and there are useful natural components.

Gorgeous dark purple curls
Gorgeous dark purple curls

How to dye dark hair in purple?

If you are going to change your hair color in purple and you have a dark tone of strands, then be prepared that you will not have the same shade as you expect. The paint will only give some purple tint to your hair, and to achieve the desired effect it is better to go to the beauty salon. There you will have to first lighten the curls, and then paint in purple. To do this, you will need a long time, at a time the color you need will not work.

  • To lighten the black color of the curls yourself is a very difficult matter even when you use modern clarifiers. Especially if they are not professional. Too strong clarifiers will freely turn the curls into straw, and the weak are not able to give the strands the desired color.
  • To achieve the required purple tone, you just need to use some subtleties and avoid the process of hair bleaching with strong colors.
Bright purple tone on lush hair
Bright purple tone on lush hair
  • In order not to break the structure of the curls, use Tint. This is a paint-paste for strands. It can be successfully used by bold girls who love experiments. Such a pastel for curls allows only a few shades to change the color of the strands in the bright direction for further painting. Tint does not penetrate the hair rod very deeply, so it does not dry the curls.
  • Brunettes can freely tint the strands. It is good that now there are many sprays, varnishes, fences, tint shampoos on the market. Moreover, there are many different spectra of colors. They are both pastel and bright, screaming. And it is convenient that the toners are quickly washed off, if you do not like the shade, you can apply another. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately color the whole head, just try out a few strands.
  • Loofs for curls often use young beauties, to create fashionable images. They are so bright that even dark curls look bright. And the crayons do not affect the structure of the strands at all. They will not cause harm. To get a purple hue, you need to apply the color you like on wet strands. It rests relatively for long, but the effect is wonderful.
  • Ultramed ladies increase the strands of purple curls. This procedure is not cheap, but makes it possible to create new unique images.
Bright purple on long dark curls
Bright purple on long dark curls

Hair dye with purple tint, purple hair dye - the most popular manufacturers

In cosmetic stores there is a wide variety of colors of various manufacturers, they provide many shades to choose their customers. Among them there are fashionable purple colors with various castings from pinkish, to dark eggplant, purple, etc.

You can paint curls at home with such paints as Directions, Stargazer. Thanks to the wide range of shades of colors, women can choose their favorite image for any type of appearance. There are also saturated purple tones. They will not harm the structure of the hair, because the composition contains components that gently act on strands, without destroying them.    

Beautiful bright purple tone of strands on long hair
Beautiful bright purple tone of strands on long hair

To change the tone of their hair or curls, girls use tonics. The palette of purple shades in such colors is quite diverse. These temporary dyes are not deeply absorbed into the hair and do not harm it. You can rinse them with ordinary shampoo. Perhaps the most famous of them - Tonic, paint the tonic of Russian manufacturers. But not everyone and this tonic is well suited. According to users, tonic negatively affects the hair structure with prolonged use. The coloring product helps to dry out the curls and thanks to it there are dry tips.

Bright color of strands
Bright color of strands

Professional paint Estel Popular among masters-hairdressers. Who has already tried this product, knows that it has a mild effect on the curls and has a wide selection of the palette of shades. Women who have strict temper and have business characteristics prefer purple with ashen tone. Thanks to such staining, the ladies look younger than their years and emphasize the advantages of appearance.

In addition, the company produces hair powder, with which the roots are brightened. It is almost impossible to independently light up the roots at home. For the perfect design of strands, you will need the help of a specialist.

The most popular tone from this series in young girls is Violet blond. It looks great on white curls. To obtain persistent staining, you will need to buy an oxygent. After the process of staining young fashionistas, a surprise awaits - their curls will be covered with sparkles. Unfortunately, after the first washing they wash off.

Nouvelle - also a professional coloring composition for strands. It lies perfectly on curls with the least effect on their structure. Evenly stains gray strands. It contains air conditioners that are useful for moisturizing hair. Also, like Estelle, it has a wide palette, including purple tones.

Ladams are widely known among ladies with a wide palette of purple shades Concept Profy. Thanks to glucose and pine oil, the strands acquire a beautiful view with a deep, rich tone. The only drawback of the coloring agent is its cost.

Who will fit the purple hair color?

Thanks to many color tones of purple paint, you can find different shades to paint strands for any color type of woman. But it should be noted that with this color you will look bright, and stand out against the background of the remaining beauties. Therefore, get ready for the increased attention of others.

Be careful with the choice of eye makeup, face, etc. Everything should be harmonious, but not merge in one tone. Now in the trend, when the shadows, label, the strands have some difference in shades. See further examples of how it is preferable to combine color gamuts of hair, shadows, lipstick in a stylish look.


Cyclomen's tone of strands
Cyclomen's tone of strands

A gray-pink, lilac or purple shade of purple looks ideal on young girls with flat white skin and by nature light by nature.

Beautiful purple tone
Beautiful violet tone

Bright purple paints are suitable for brunettes with brown eyes, they also emphasize the dark -skinned skin tone.

Purple shade on dark hair
Purple shade on dark hair

The purple color of the strands is suitable only for brave and active ladies who are always ready to be in the spotlight. It will be difficult to “wear” such a bright hair, precisely in a moral aspect.

Saturated hair color
Saturated hair color

A bright shade on fair-haired beauties looks advantageous due to the fact that a complete picture of shades of the entire spectrum of purple tones is transmitted. On dark hair, this effect is impossible to get.

Red-violet hair, purple-brown hair color-photo

The purple-brown tone of the strands can harmoniously combine with everyday style, because it is not quite bright. Of all tones, this is a classic basis. For women on the color type of winter, bluish shades, muffled purple are ideally suited, the rest of the girls look great with bright colors of the violet.

Brown purple tone of curls
Brown purple tone of curls

Red-violet is quite bright. It can be used by girls who are confident in themselves and not be afraid to stand out against the background of others. It is interesting that you can make an ombre in this style. Moreover, different color shades are used, both red and purple.

Red-violet tone of curls
Red-violet tone of curls

Black with a purple tint - examples of photos

Not all girls are ready to paint the hair in violet, lilac, purple, pink-purple and other purple tones, although many are thinking about it. Black with purple vivid example. See further examples of such images.

Purple tone on dark hair
Purple tone on dark hair

Those who have already stained the curls in purple should know about the rules for the care of the hair. After all, the paint when washing off completely loses its tone, and unevenly. It looks ugly first of all on white strands. So that this is not, it is necessary to constantly monitor your hair and use tonics when washing your head or tint more often with ordinary colors.

Also, when caring for strands, use a suitable shampoo, and balm. These auxiliary elements provide curls with the necessary processing. The hair, which passed coloring with coloring agents, can not do without moisture, nutrition and thermal protection.

Eggplant on dark locals
Eggplant on dark curls
Hair tone purple with black
Plum with red and black

Violet strands - Photos examples

Whoever wants to change their hair a little can complement the main tone of the curls with purple strands. Girls at a young age especially love to experiment in this way.

Those who at the workplace cannot allow too bright shades of purple complement their image, combining not bright black tones with purple or brown, purple, etc.

A combination of colorful shades with the addition of purple strands
Flower game - with purple locks
Flower game - with purple locks
Blonde with pink, lilac, purple curls

Violet ends on dark brown hair - how to do it?

In order not to change dramatically, sometimes it is enough to please yourself with small changes. Women who are not sure whether such a tone of paint is suitable for them or not can light up only the ends of the strands. How will it look like? Look below.

To obtain this result, apply a fairly coloring composition to the ends of the strands, wrap them in foil for 20-40 minutes (as written in the instructions for the use of a coloring substance). And then remove the foil and rinse the ends of the curls, only after that wash your head with shampoo.

The ends of the hair of purple, pink, blue tone
Painting the ends of the strands

Right now, the purple shade of the strands is in trend. Many famous actresses and not only prefer such hair dye. As you can see in the photo, you can pick up, practically, every girl's shade for a new image.

Video: How to dye hair in a purple tone?

Video: How to paint the locks with purple?

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