How and with what you can beautifully color the ends of the hair in a different color for a girl, a girl and a guy and a boy to a teenager at home: ideas, photos

How and with what you can beautifully color the ends of the hair in a different color for a girl, a girl and a guy and a boy to a teenager at home: ideas, photos

From this article you will learn how to color the ends of the hair, as well as in what colors and in what ways this can be done.

Coloring hair ends is a fairly fashionable trend that is often found in girls. Some do not want to go to the salon to dye their hair, they prefer to learn how to independently. Let's find out how to dye the ends of the hair yourself, and also see how it all looks.

How to paint the ends of the hair correctly and evenly: technology

It is not difficult to dyeing the ends of the hair at home. There are three main techniques. Let's look at them in more detail.

Technique 1. Ombre


This technique in appearance resembles a situation when you have painted your head in one color, and then your roots have grown. Professionals, on the other hand, argue that this method creates a transition from one color to another. By the way, the technique allows you to use several shades. Combinations can be very different from dark to very bright. Here everything is determined individually depending on the color of the hair and personal preferences. The transition can be started from the very tips and continue to the temples. And those who want to be shocking can be distinguished in the middle.

The staining procedure looks as follows:

  • First, the hair is divided into three parts - two on the sides and one behind. Each part, so as not to get lost, is tied with an elastic band
  • Apply paint to each part in turn. Start with the sides and move on. It is important not to forget about the transitions
  • For the best effect, wrap your hair with foil
  • Keep the paint for 30 minutes and wash your head

To set the smoothness to the transition, apply another layer of paint, but only 10 minutes and then rinse your head again.

Technique 2. Balayazh

  • First comb your entire head if you have short ones. To preserve the effect, spleak on the strands with varnish. Then they will not fall under the weight of the product.
  • Then divide the hair into 5-6 identical bundles.
  • Now we are starting to work with paint. Apply a lighter from the crown to the back of the head to the hair. Retreat three centimeters from the roots
  • When the coloring is completed, wait a few minutes
  • Next, take a little paints and spread near the roots. To make the transition, blend the paint with a brush
  • Leave the paint for half an hour and then rinse your head

Now you can evaluate the effect when your head dries!

If you have long hair, you can use a very simple way without special troubles - make a low horse tail and spread the ends with paint. Hold it for a while and rinse your head well.

Technique 3. DIP DYE


The third technique is called DIP DYE, which means translated - dip. She is very popular among young girls. By the way, you can use ordinary food dye for painting. He will not hurt his hair.

Coloring dark hair:

  • Put the locks on foil and apply the clarifier on top
  • Withstand the composition as much as indicated on the packaging
  • After completing the procedure, rinse your head and apply the paint itself already
  • Hold it for half an hour and then rinse your head

Blond hair dyeing:

  • Dilute in a bowl of food dye of a suitable color and dip the ends of your hair into it
  • Hold the composition for 10 minutes
  • In conclusion, rinse your head with warm water

Such staining is carried out very quickly and simple.

How to dye the ends of the hair in bright color: ideas, photo

You can always dye the ends of the hair in the cabin. Moreover, this option is even preferable, because a professional chooses the colors and he knows all the subtleties of combining shades. So he will create a harmonious image. But this option will be convenient when you are sure that you are ready to wear colored ends for a long time.

If you do not want to walk this way for a long time, then make a temporary option. There are several excellent means for this. They allow you to quickly get rid of color if you do not like it. If you are satisfied with the result, then you can already try and more persistent.

  • Loars for hair
Loars for hair
Loars for hair

This is one of the most relevant methods for those who do not need staining even for a couple of days, but just want to see how this or that option will look. Loars are sold in special cases, more similar to the shade. According to the instructions, you must take a strand in your hand and draw a jar with a whole on it. Keep in mind that it is better to fix the result with varnish so that the powder does not fall.

  • Balm or jelly

These funds are different in that they are applied as a cream or gel. They hold well on their hair, at least better crayons. Usually they are used to create an ombre effect.

  • Coloring spray

Another good remedy. The color is preserved with it for a couple of days until you wash your head with shampoo. The process itself is very simple, because the funds have a dispenser that does not allow to squeeze too much.

  • Colored mascara

Many do not know, but even colored mascara can dye hair. It’s just that a lot will be required.

How and what to dye the ends of the hair in blue, blue?

All shades of blue and blue will look perfect both on dark and blond hair. If you want to dye the ends of the hair and change the image, then this is the best option. Choose the technique that you liked more.

Blue ends 1
Blue ends 1
Blue ends 2
Blue ends 2
Blue ends 3
Blue ends 3
Blue ends 4
Blue ends 4

How and what to dye the ends of the hair in red?

You can color the ends of the hair in red. Any of the existing techniques. The coloring for any hair is suitable. With it, you will always stand out from the crowd and show what a creative nature you are. It is advisable to dye the hair dirty. So the pigment will better go to the hair.

Dark hair before dyeing should be lightened. Otherwise, the paint will not fall correctly.

Any technique can be used, but better to the border where your color will end, apply less paint to get a smooth transition.

Red ends 1
Red ends 1
Red ends 2
Red ends 2
Red ends 3
Red ends 3
Red ends 4
Red ends 4

Is it possible to dye the ends of the hair with henna?

Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to dye the ends of the hair with henna? In fact, this is really not prohibited. But keep in mind that the color itself is copper and it is not suitable for everyone. Henna affects the hair well, so use it safely. Depending on the preferences, choose a powder or a ready -made look.

For staining, choose any technique that you like more. You need to withstand paint during the time indicated on the package. After completing the procedure, the hair must break and comb.

How to dye the ends of the hair with corrugated paper: Instructions

Painting ends with corrugated paper
Painting ends with corrugated paper

Today, bright colors are very popular, and therefore many girls want to dye the ends of the hair not just in the usual color, namely bright. There is one original way of staining that differs with cheapness, but the hair is not damaged and quickly washed off. So you can experiment as much as you like. Let's find out how to do coloring correctly.

So, we will use to paint with multi -colored corrugated paper. It can be very bright, so choose a suitable shade and start staining.

It is she who is used as a coloring pigment, and you will also need scissors for cutting, application brush, foil and water. By the way, such a composition is completely safe for hair.

We will immediately say that techniques for dark and blond hair are different.

  • Staining of blond hair

To dye the ends of the hair of light color, do the following:

  • Cut the paper into pieces up to 10 cm and put in a bowl
  • Heat the water to about 70-80 degrees and pour it to the paper
  • Mash the pieces. Do this until the water is painted
  • Let stand the mixtures for about 5 minutes and squeeze the paper. You do not need it anymore, so throw it away
  • Lower the strands of hair into the resulting composition for 20 minutes

After completing the procedure, carefully squeeze the hair and let it dry without a hair dryer.

  • Coloring dark hair

In brunettes, the hair is less susceptible to the pigment, and therefore you have to try a bit. So, for starters, we do everything the same as for blond hair, then the hair is divided into strands and each is wrapped in foil for another 20 minutes.

How to dye the ends of the hair to a guy, a boyfriend’s boy: ideas, tips, photos

Teenagers also often like to experiment with their appearance and also sometimes want to dye the ends of the hair. You can do this according to the usual method. Among the original ideas stand out:

Painting the ends of boys 1
Painting the ends of boys 1
Painting the ends of boys 2
Painting the ends of boys 2
Painting the ends of boys 3
Painting the ends of boys 4
Painting the ends of boys 4

In what color and how to dye the tips of red hair: ideas, tips

Red -haired girls can color the ends of the hair in chocolate, copper and golden shades.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with several original ideas:

Red hair 1
Red hair 1
Red hair 2
Red hair 2
Red hair 3
Red hair 3

In what color and how to dye the ends of brown hair: ideas, tips, photos

Craneing the ends of the hair of a blunder can in different tones. The fact is that both dark and light colors are ideally combined with these hair:

  • Chocolate
  • Caramel
  • Ashen
  • Golden
  • Copper tone

Bright shades are not used very often, but they also have a place to be.

Blind hair 1
Blind hair 1
Brush hair 2
Brush hair 2
Brush hair 3
Brush hair 3

How and what to dye the ends of the hair in bright color blonde: ideas, photo

It can be extremely difficult for blondes to dye the ends of the hair, therefore there are difficulties with the choice of color, especially if it is lighter than the main tone. But, if you choose a darker palette, then the shades of wheat, gold, amber and Russogo will look perfect. This is the best option for a warm face color type.

The cold palette differs. It is better to use ashen, platinum, pearl, silver and strawberry tones.

Sometimes instead of ends, girls prefer to make their roots darker. The color will look great closer to coffee or copper.

If the hair is dyed in the technique of dip-dai, then bright colors, for example, are blue or green.

Blonde 1
Blonde 1
Blonde 2
Blonde 2
Blonde 3
Blonde 3
Blonde 4
Blonde 4

In what color and how beautiful it is to dye the ends of the hair with a brunette in white, blond, contrasting colors: ideas, tips

It is not difficult to dyeing the ends of the hair of a dark color, but which color is more suitable?

All shades of honey, caramel or gold look great on dark hair. If the color is black, then make a contrast of a blond, ashen or silver tint.

To make the option closer to natural, use shades of chocolate, coffee, nuts or chestnuts. Wine and burgundy colors also look interesting.

To create contrast, you can still use red, blue or other bright colors.

How is a beautiful brunette to dye the ends of the hair in purple?

If you want to dye the ends of the hair in a purple color, then for this you can use hair dye. However, if you are not sure that you will get the proper effect, then first experiment with tonic or crayons. They are not holding for a very long time, but you can understand whether such an image is suitable for you.

Violet hair 1
Violet hair 1
Violet hair 2
Violet hair 2
Violet hair 3
Violet hair 3

How to dye the ends of the hair for a while with crayons?

If you do not want to walk with colored strands for a long time, then you can paint hair ends with pastel crayons. They give a huge scope for imagination. This method is relevant for those who want changes, but not sure which. The crayons are kept quite short and washed off with shampoo, so experimenting with them is most convenient, because if you do not like it, then you can always wash your head.

The coloring technique is very simple:

  • To get started, wet your hair if you have dark ones. For blond hair, such a procedure is not required
  • Divide your hair into the locks, and then twist each with harnesses
  • Process each of the tourniques separately with crayons
  • Wait until everything dries and comb your hair well

How to dye the ends of the hair with tonic at home?

Hair tonic
Hair tonic

Very often, when the girl decides to dye the ends of her hair, she is afraid to do this for a long time, because suddenly she will not like it and then she will have to do everything again or cut her hair. To prevent this from happening, use a tonic for a sample. It does not last long and allows you to see if this or that color is suitable for you.

Using this tool is very simple:

  • Divide the curls into several zones, and those into several parts
  • Further, each part is painted with a means
  • Wait until the tonic is absorbed. Depending on the manufacturer, the time may vary, and therefore look at the packaging
  • Rinse and dry your hair in the last step

How and how beautiful it is to dye the ends of the hair to the square of the house: tips

If your haircut is not too short, but a square, then such hair can also be dyed. To dye the ends of the hair with a hairstyle:

  • Divide your hair into small squares and grab each bundle with an elastic band
  • Each curl put in turn on foil and apply paint
  • After you distributed the pigment, wrap the curl with the same foil and proceed to the next

By the way, if you turn your hair with a terry towel, then you will get a pronounced result. When you wash off the product, it is better to use balm.

Square 2
Square 2
Square 3
Square 3
Square 4
Square 4

How to dye the ends of short hair yourself: ideas, tips

To dye the ends of the hair in the presence of a short haircut, they must first be combed up. Then it will be more convenient to work with hair. It is important that they do not fall. To do this, fix them invisible. The hair is dyed not so that you apply the dye immediately on it, but at first the pigment is located on the foil, which needs to be carried out through the hair.

You can even pinch the ends of the fingers lowered into the paint. So the effect will be much more interesting. After completing all the manipulation, slightly dry the hair with a hairdryer and wait 20 minutes until the paint is absorbed into the hair.

Wash off the paint at the end until the water ceases to be colored. At the end, treat the hair with a balm and on this the procedure will be completed.

How to beautifully dye the ends of long hair: ideas, tips

If you want to dye the ends of the hair so that it looks like random “feathers”, then use the following technique:

  • First carefully comb your hair and divide it into different locks
  • Now each separate paint. So that nothing is mixed up, wrap each strand with foil

If you want to get a flat line, then staining will be slightly different:

  • Highlight the lower locks, and fix the rest with a hairpin
  • Then apply the dye to the ends of the strands and also remove them on the foil
  • Separate the next layer of hair and repeat the same with it

Continue staining until all ends are painted over.

Regardless of the selected method, the paint is withstanding for about 40 minutes. When the paint is washed off, moisten your hair with balm.

How to dye the ends of the hair in two colors, several colors?

It happens that I want to do something directly unusual and dyeing the ends of the hair not in one, but two or several colors. There are many ideas, how can this be done and what colors to combine:

Multi -colored ends 1
Multi -colored ends 1
Multi -colored ends 2
Multi -colored ends 2
Multi -colored ends 3
Multi -colored ends 3
Multi -colored ends 4
Multi -colored ends 4

Crane the ends of the hair in green: ideas, photo

You can color the ends of the hair in any color and even green. Everyone will be interested to see how this option looks at the ends, depending on the length and color of the hair.

Here are some interesting ideas:

Green ends 1
Green ends 1
Green ends 2
Green ends 2
Green ends 3
Green ends 3

How and how beautiful it is to dye the ends of the hair in pink: ideas, photo

The staining in pink looks very interesting. This is probably one of the most popular colors that girls choose when they decide in what color to paint the ends of the hair.

We present you several ideas how pink ends look on your hair:

Pink 1
Pink 1
Pink 2
Pink 2

Video: How to dye the ends of the hair in a bright color? Purple hair

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