How to achieve a flat abdomen for 7 days? Exercises for the abdominal muscles in the gym and home

How to achieve a flat abdomen for 7 days? Exercises for the abdominal muscles in the gym and home

The article will give recommendations on how to make the stomach flat as soon as possible.

A flat stomach is the cherished dream of women of any age. If full hips sometimes go to the female body, then no one likes the sagging belly. It can form due to malnutrition and sedentary work, after childbirth, or because of hormonal diseases. But even if it happened that you have recovered and formed a stomach - you do not need to despair.

In the power of each to change their appearance for the better. Come up with a motivation that will charge you with positive emotions and will not allow you to return to your previous state. Maintain an active lifestyle always, and not just during the period of weight loss, otherwise kilograms will quickly return.

How to get a flat belly for a girl? The secrets of the flat abdomen

  • The female body is arranged so that fat reserves on the stomach and hips appear the fastest. This is due to the natural reactions of the body to protect the reproductive systems
  • Women have less muscle mass and, thanks to the composition of hormones, it is more difficult to increase it. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to get the press "cubes" for women
  • It is impossible to achieve quick and mild results without harm to health. Exhausting diets, tablets and miracle cocepies give a temporary result. As soon as you stop using them, the weight will return, and maybe in a larger size
  • It is impossible to lose weight locally. Moreover, the stomach, buttocks and hips will lose weight last. Although, it all depends on the type of figure. For example, in women - pear fat accumulates in the lower abdomen, but the upper stomach is flat. And in women - apples, on the contrary, the lower abdomen and legs are thin. But fat is deposited in the upper body: hands, shoulders, chest and at the top of the abdomen
  • Combine playing sports with proper nutrition, it is then that you will achieve the desired result. The effect of losing weight does not come quickly, but the weight will decrease regularly and without harm to health
  • Do not refuse sports. If, for health reasons, you are contraindicated in running and classes in the gym, choose another load. For example, yoga classes
Tightened belly
Tightened belly

A set of exercises for a flat stomach in a week

It is impossible to turn the stomach from a sagging “apron” into flat per week. Be patient and continue to work regularly.

  • First, make a warm -up to warm up the muscles of the whole body. Make tilts and turns of the neck, exercises for the hands and lower back. A good exercise for warming up the abdomen and back - "cat is a dog." Stand on all fours and bent alternately and bend your back with an arc. Do the exercise 15 times
  • Next, you need to make an aerobic load that activates blood circulation and will participate in the heartbeat. It is aerobic loads that give the effect of losing weight. These include: running, dancing, jumping jumps, quick bicycle skating, active swimming. Do such a load for more than 10 minutes
  • For those who have just begun training, a good exercise is the twisting of the hoop. He will help to make the waist already and warm the muscles of the press. You need to twist the hoop for 10 minutes, gradually increasing time
  • Finally, you can start exercises on the press. Below are the best exercises that will help to achieve a flat abdomen. In order not to load your back, press the lower back to the floor in those exercises where you lie on your back
  • Do each exercise for 10 - 20 repetitions. There must be 2 - 3 approaches. Adjust the load to feel the tension in the press muscles

Flat belly in 30 days

A month is a sufficient time to tighten the abdominal muscles. A complex of measures: proper nutrition, aerobic loads and exercises, will help to achieve the desired result.

Below is a complex of 3 videos. Each of them is designed for its own level of complexity. Start with level 1 and do it for a week. Then proceed to the next. Do not forget to do a warm -up before these exercises.

Video: flat stomach in 30 days (3rd levels)

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Yoga exercises for a flat stomach

  • Yoga is not only physical exercises, but also spiritual practice. Each of the exercise carries a healing effect and a positive attitude of the whole organism
  • Yoga exercises are called asanas. All asanas must be done slowly, observing the correctness of breathing
  • Most of the yogi poses are static, they need to be kept from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, depending on physical preparation
  • The paradox of the yoga poses is that the longer you hold them, the easier it is. Muscles get used to new loads and begin to burn subcutaneous fat
  • If it is difficult for you to understand the asanas of yoga, sign up for yoga courses in your city. Now it is an extremely common direction
  • There are many types of yoga. Some are aimed at breathing exercises, spiritual practices, there is paired yoga and many more species. When recording, specify why you want to sign up for classes. Then you will be advised the direction that is necessary
  • By comprehending the basics, you can continue to develop independently. There are many video lessons on the Web from amateurs and experienced instructors

Video: Yoga for a flat abdomen

Pilates for a flat stomach

  • Pilates is not intended for weight loss. If this is a Pilates without an “impurity” of additional exercises, then it has a healing function
  • Despite the fact that it will not work out to lose weight with the help of Pilates - this is a great auxiliary way. Pilates allows you to make the muscles less constrained. Back pain, joints and relaxation of the clamped muscles occurs
  • Also, Pilates develops flexibility and allows you to easily endure physical activity
  • Pilates can be done daily. It can be heating exercises. Or Pilates can be engaged in those days when you do not go to the gym
  • Although Pilates is not aimed at losing weight, it is able to tighten the flabby muscles of the abdominal cavity. Everyone can deal with Pilates, even people with highly overweight

Video: Pilates

Fitball for a flat stomach

  • Fitball is a set of exercises that are performed on a large soft gymnastic ball
  • Depending on the number of repetitions and the type of exercise, people with any physical preparation can be performed
  • Fitball is good because it will help to diversify the routine daily exercises. With it, you can load any muscle group
  • Plus fitball for those who have long been playing sports - the novelty of the load. Thanks to a change in body position, fitball involves new muscle groups

Video: Fitball for a flat abdomen

Exercise vacuum for a flat abdomen, video

Such an exercise as a vacuum does not so much pump the muscles of the press, which allows the stomach to be fit. It eliminates such a phenomenon as a thin protruding stomach. The vacuum exercise can be done as an additional exercise for any complex.

Exercises for the abdomen in the pool, video

Exercises in the pool can perform people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and with a large excess of weight. Making exercises in water is easier, but the effect on the muscles is striking. You can do the exercises yourself by signing up in the pool. And you can come to the group classes of aqua aerobic.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles in the gym

  • The gym can be visited by people who do not have contraindications for health. Those who have significant overweight are also better to start with exercises at home
  • Visiting the hall is very disciplined. Having bought a subscription, the probability of missing training is reduced
  • If you first came to the hall, contact the instructor for help. Probably his services are additional money. However, he will give you a thoughtful program and help you deal with the action of simulators
  • Decide why you came to the hall. If you increase the muscle mass, you need to do exercises with strong weighting and a minimum of repetitions. If you use losing weight, then you need to do many quick repetitions with a little weight
  • Women often avoid visiting the gym. Motivating that they will look like "strokes". This is absurd. To pump up even a minimum of relief muscle mass, a woman is not enough to visit the hall 3 times a week
  • Do not overdo it during training in the hall. Large weights can damage joints and cartilage, which are very difficult to restore
  • Remember the rule: it is better to make more approaches less than once more once in one approach
Exercises in the hall
Exercises in the hall
Exercises in the hall
Exercises in the hall

How to achieve a flat abdomen in a short time: tips and reviews

  • Losing weight does not occur locally. Only by reducing the total body weight of the body will decrease the stomach
  • Normalize your nutrition. Exclude consumption of fast food, fried food, sweets, mayonnaise and white bread. Eat more vegetables, fruits and lean meat
  • Do a fasting day once a week. It can be done on kefir, apples or buckwheat
  • Do the exercises regularly. Minimum loads - 3 times a week for 45 minutes
  • To lose weight, do aerobic loads: running, dancing or jumping on a rope
  • Do cosmetic procedures to tighten the skin on the stomach: massage, wrap
  • Be patient. And then you will get not only a flat stomach, but also good health, good mood
Tightened belly
Tightened belly

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Comments K. article

  1. To return the flat stomach of the week, there was little. After I switched to the mixture, I decided to drink capsules for weight loss. They are called models for mothers. With these capsules, I threw 7,800. For two months! The stomach does not stick out at all now. Class) During this time, I was in general terms after childbirth. I feel better, right more strength

  2. Very good article, thanks to the author! I also want to advise you an excellent article, after reading which I got rid of my tummy and became a slender: Since childhood, I have been a chubby, but using recommendations from this article, I made a flat stomach and a narrow waist for half a year. I advise everyone to read!

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