How to achieve hair volume with gelatin? 10 effective recipes for hair masks with gelatin

How to achieve hair volume with gelatin? 10 effective recipes for hair masks with gelatin

The article: Mask recipes, tips, recommendations that will allow hair to restore shine, health and beauty.

What do you know about gelatin? The first thing that comes to mind is made from it jelly and pouring. Do you know that gelatin, in addition to cooking, is widely used in the production of decorative and therapeutic cosmetics?

Food gelatin - protein hydrolyzate. Its molecule is less than that of collagen, since protein hydrolyzate is a product of incomplete protein splitting.

Contains in its composition:



Is an indispensable component of cosmetics for caring for

  • nails
  • hair
  • face skin

As part of cosmetics, it is listed as polypeptide. Refers to protective proteins.

The functions of protein hydrolyzate (gelatin) in cosmetics:

  • create a protective film on healthy hair
  • glue damaged horn shields on weakened hair, provide protection against mechanical damage


Even beginner cosmetologists can create hair care products based on gelatin.

Which hair for hair with gelatin to choose?

Before choosing a hair mask, you should decide on the type of your hair

Basic rules for using gelatin -based masks

Important: plan the hair dyeing procedure either until the use of gelatin therapy, or 2 weeks after the restorative course. The gelatin film on the hair prevents uniform coloring!

Rule 1: Strictly adhere to the recipe for the selected mask. An excess of gelatin in a nutrient mixture for a mask can lead to dry hair and brittle hair!
Rule 2: Dissolve gelatin to a state of uniformity. The presence of lumps in the mixture is not permissible!
Rule 3: Masks are applied to pre -peeled, slightly wet hair along the entire length, without affecting the scalp
Rule 4: Clean hair should be gelatin shampoo
Rule 5: The temperature of the water that you use for washing and rinsing hair must correspond to body temperature!
Rule 6: All masks using gelatin after application require additional insulation!
Minimum: polyethylene cap (package) and thick terry towel
Maximum: from time to time to warm your head with a hairdryer (without removing a towel)


Rule 7: Mask action 45-120 minutes
Rule 8: Masks are washed off with running water, without the use of additional chemicals
Rule 9: After using masks based on gelatin, the hair should dry naturally. The hair dryer should be used in "Cold drying" mode
Rule 10: D geicetine masks are recommended to be done 1-2 times a month. For severe damaged hair, it is allowed to use gelatin shampoo as the main remedy

Important: never rub the gelatin -based products into the scalp!

Basic recipe for dhivate

  • rapidly soluble gelatin in granules or plates-10-15 g
  • water (70-80 ° C)-7-8 tablespoons

Gelatin a glass of water

Important: at a temperature of 100 ° C (boiling water), gelatin can curl up!

Stir until completely dissolved (10-15 minutes). Warm up in a water bath if necessary.

Advice. Instead of water, you can use decoctions of herbs, milk, cream (for dry and damaged hair)

Gelatin shampoo

  • Dissolve gelatin according to the basic recipe
  • In a separate container, thoroughly mix 1 part of the gelatin solution and 1 part of the children's or organic shampoo

Gelatin shampoo

How to use:

  • Apply the mixture along the entire length of the hair
  • Put on a spacious hat from polyethylene
  • Wind up a towel turban on a hat
  • Application time - 40 minutes
  • Wash your hair thoroughly without adding any detergents

Dry hair with gelatin

  • 100 ml of liquid honey
  • 1 yolk
  • 2 tablespoons of the base solution of gelatin



To stir thoroughly. If necessary, warm honey and gelatin in a water bath and only then add the yolk.

Important: at high temperatures, the yolk can curl up!

Apply a mask, withstand, wash it off in accordance with the rules listed above.

Fat hair mask with gelatin

Mix all the components of the mask thoroughly

Mask #1



  • 100 ml puree raw pumpkin
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey (liquid)
  • 1 tbsp. l. natural apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
  • 50 ml of kefir or yogurt (fat content of 1%)
  • 1 tbsp. l. Basic mortar of gelatin

Mask #2



  • puree of 2-3 fruits of kiwi (kiwi should be solid, unaware, peeled)
  • 2-3 drops of natural apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. Basic mortar of gelatin

Apply a mask, withstand, wash off in accordance with the rules listed above

Gelatin mask for damaged hair

Castor oil

Mix in a separate container

  • 100 ml of a basic gelatin solution
  • 2 tbsp. l. castor oil
  • 2-3 drops of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. honey (liquid)

Apply a mask, withstand, wash off in accordance with the rules listed above

Hair density mask with gelatin

  • 50 ml of a basic gelatin solution
  • colorless henna - 2 tbsp. l.
  • burdock oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • castor oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • egg yolk - 1
  • lavender essential oil - 5 drops

Mix all ingredients to a pasty state. Apply a mask, withstand, wash off in accordance with the rules listed above

Gloss for shine hair with gelatin

The very simple mask for returning shine

  • egg yolk - 2
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • 100 ml of a basic gelatin solution

Use the mask in accordance with the general rules given at the beginning of the article

Hair mask from falling out with gelatin

Mix in equal quantities (depending on the length of the hair)

  • the basic solution of gelatin
  • cottage cheese
  • egg yolk
  • olive oil
  • honey

By consistency, the mixture should resemble a thick gruel

Next, act in accordance with the rules described at the beginning of the article.

Hair mask with gelatin for volume

Any of the masks presented visually increases the volume of hair due to the compaction of the structure of each individual hair (but not weighting). However, there are leading masks to increase the volume of hair.

You will need

  • 100 ml of a basic gelatin solution
  • chicken yolk - 1
  • dry mustard - 1 tsp

IMPORTANT: the time of applying the mask is 25 minutes!

All other actions in accordance with the basic rules specified at the beginning of the article.

Hair growth mask with gelatin

  • 100 ml of a basic gelatin solution
  • 2-3 drops of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
  • 2 drops of any essential oil
  • 1 tsp. honey (liquid)
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Fresh banana puree

Carefully mix all the ingredients, apply the mask, withstand, rinse in accordance with the rules listed above

Home lamination of hair with gelatin recipes

Hair lamination is a popular and quite expensive salon procedure. With the help of a special tool on the hair, a protective coating is created that provides protection, brilliance and smoothness to the curls for 30-35 days

The effect of the home procedure for laminating hair with gelatin is less long, but more useful and economical

Lamination of hair with gelatin consists of two stages:

  • purification
  • applying masks for lamination

At the cleaning stage, gelatin shampoo is used. Its recipe and method of application are described at the beginning of the article.

Lamination mask consists of

  • 1 part of the basic gelatin solution
  • 1 part of high -quality balm (masks) for hair
  • 1 teaspoon of oil of wheat germ, avocado oil or almond oil (optional)
      1. The ingredients should be thoroughly mixed in a separate container and applied along the entire length of the hair, without affecting the scalp
      2. Put on a spacious plastic cap
      3. Turn your head with a towel
      4. Withstand 60 -120 minutes
      5. Wash your hair thoroughly without adding any detergents

Hair after gelatin photo

Hair gelatin: reviews and tips

Gelatin, as the basis of home care products, has not only fans, but also opponents.

Negative result is a consequence

  • improper use of gelatin solution
  • too thoroughly rinsing hair with hot water

You can get to know the positive experience of using gelatin in home cosmetology by watching a video at the end of the article.

Video: Keratin restorative mask with gelatin for hair/lamination

Video: Mask with a gelatin for hair

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