How to make snow from cotton wool on a thread, snowballs of cotton, gauze, fabrics, papers, PVA glue and tinsel with your own hands? How to make brilliant snow and snowballs made of cotton wool?

How to make snow from cotton wool on a thread, snowballs of cotton, gauze, fabrics, papers, PVA glue and tinsel with your own hands? How to make brilliant snow and snowballs made of cotton wool?

Instructions for the manufacture of snowball.

With the approach of the New Year, everyone is in slight excitement. Adults purchase products and New Year's outfits to organize a festive party. Children can be entrusted with decoration of the room and interesting ideas for decor.

Snow, lumps of snow from cotton wool on a thread for garlands: how to do it?

Making snow from cotton wool is quite simple. To do this, you can use both cotton and cotton pads. Even kids can cope with such work. Vata is very convenient and suppressed material, which can easily be formed, crush and roll.


  • Roll up balls of different sizes from cotton wool. To do this, just tear off the pieces and sink, roll them in your hands.
  • After that, take a needle with a thread and string the balls on the thread. In order for snowflakes to not move, fix them with glue.
  • After that, tie small segments with snowflakes to a thread fixed horizontally.
Snow, lumps of snow from cotton wool on a thread for garlands: how to do it?
Snow, lumps of snow from cotton wool on a thread for garlands: how to do it?
Snow, lumps of snow from cotton wool on a thread for garlands: how to do it?
Snow, lumps of snow from cotton wool on a thread for garlands: how to do it?

How to make brilliant snow from cotton wool?

This is a simple option. At the same time, the cost of manufacturing garlands is small. The garland turns out as purchased, it flickers perfectly.


  • It is necessary to tear cotton wool into pieces of different sizes and roll between your palms.
  • Dip the balls in the jet and sprinkle with dry shine. It can be bought in a store for nail decor. This is an ordinary flickering sand.
  • After the balls dry, string them onto the thread and fix them with glue. If there are bald spots and there are areas that do not shine, then lubricate them with glue and sprinkle with sand.
How to make brilliant snow from cotton wool?
How to make brilliant snow from cotton wool?

How to make snowballs from cotton wool and PVA glue?

It is enough to roll cotton wool into balls and string on a thread. Lumps are fixed with glue. But besides ordinary cotton wool, you can use cotton pads. From them you can make masterpieces of garlands.


  • Take cotton wheels and apply a picture. Makes and patterns are presented below
  • Circle around the patterns and cut off the drawings. It can be snowflakes, angels or Christmas trees
  • Using a needle, string a variety of figures on the thread. Fasten with glue
  • You can apply a little glue and sprinkle with sparkles
How to make snowballs from cotton wool and PVA glue?
How to make snowballs from cotton wool and PVA glue?
How to make snowballs from cotton wool and PVA glue?
How to make snowballs from cotton wool and PVA glue?

How to sew a snowball of fabric and cotton wool?

Cute snowballs can be made from fabric and cotton wool. To do this, you need cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, as well as white fabric.


  • Cut 4 petals from white fabric. Below are patterns
  • You will need 4 leaves for one snowball
  • Next, sew all 4 leaves, but one is not necessary. Turn out and the wrong side. Can be sewn with a sewing machine
  • After you turn out the form, fill it with snow or synthetic winterizer
  • Gently sew the seam with threads. So that there are no places where they sewed, grease the balls with glue and sprinkle with a mankua or dump in torn cotton wool
How to sew a snowball of fabric and cotton wool?
How to sew a snowball of fabric and cotton wool?
How to sew a snowball of fabric and cotton wool?
How to sew a snowball of fabric and cotton wool?
How to sew a snowball of fabric and cotton wool?
How to sew a snowball of fabric and cotton wool?

How to sew a snowball from gauze and cotton wool?

This is a fairly simple option. In this case, do not need patterns and sewing machine. The work is performed very quickly.


  • You need to take a piece of gauze and put a piece of cotton wool in the center
  • After that, tie a ball with threads. Cut the extra threads
  • Now give a pretty appearance to the ball. You can roll them in torn cotton wool
How to sew a snowball from gauze and cotton wool?
How to sew a snowball from gauze and cotton wool?

How to make snowballs from paper and cotton wool?

This is the easiest option. No need to make papier-mash. It is necessary to roll paper balls and roll in torn cotton wool. Of course, the coating may not turn out uniform, but snowballs are usually not perfect and smooth.

How to make snowballs from paper and cotton wool?
How to make snowballs from paper and cotton wool?

How to make a snowball of cotton wool and tinsel?

It is also enough to make snowballs from New Year's tinsel. For this, in addition to cotton wool and tinsel, you will need some tools.


  • Take old nylon tights and cut them into small squares.
  • Foll the pieces of tights with cotton wool. As a result, you will get pretty colobes.
  • Now it is necessary to fix them with a thread so that cotton wool does not climb.
  • Now sprinkle the finished balls with a hair spray, and while it is sticky, sprinkle with chopped shiny tinsel.
  • It will turn out pretty fluffy snowballs. They can be used for the manufacture of garlands or jewelry of New Year's costumes.
How to make a snowball of cotton wool and tinsel?
How to make a snowball of cotton wool and tinsel?

Making snowballs from tinsel and cotton wool is quite simple. With the help of artificial snow, you can make pretty garlands and decorate the Christmas tree.

Video: Snow Watch

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