How to compliment to a girl: instructions for dummies

How to compliment to a girl: instructions for dummies

From this article you will learn how to compliment the girl. There are many examples and instructions.

All female representatives like compliments, as girls love with ears. The correctly selected and said compliment is able to melt and conquer the heart of the beauty. But not many men know how to do this correctly, and the girls hear banal compliments on the street every day. Below you will find information on how to make compliments for dummies. Read further.

How to learn correctly, what, how beautiful it is to compliment a girl who likes - tips for dummies, examples: what compliments can be done?

The guy makes a compliment to a girl
The guy makes a compliment to a girl

Few men know what compliments can be made to representatives of the fair sex. The spoken words are so banal that they are not even considered a sign of attention, but simply mundane speech and communication. Compliments need to be able to do, and you need to do it beautifully, especially, a girl who likes it. How to learn correctly, what kind of courtesies you need to say? To stand out from the crowd, it is important to know several rules - tips and examples:

  • You should not make compliments very often, it is bored and not perceived as a special sign of attention.
  • It is important to speak beautiful words, looking into the eyes alone, and not in people.
  • No need to lie, embellish, because the girl already knows about her minuses.

There are many types of compliments. Here is some of them:

  • About appearance. If the girl was very prepared for a date and came incredibly beautiful, it is worth emphasizing it - "You look very great in a special way today!".
  • About the beautiful part of the body. Men love their eyes, and if he chose this chosen one, then for some external qualities. For example, she has very beautiful eyes - "It is simply impossible to take your eyes off your beautiful eyes".
  • About a smile. “You have an incredible smile. I want to smile constantly ".
  • About the hair. If the girl has long or unusual, for example, curly hair, be sure to tell me about it. “I first met a girl with such long hair. I am captured by your hairstyle ".
  • About her character. Perhaps the girl does not smoke or is very strong in character, then it should be emphasized. “It smells perfectly with flowers, not like those who resemble ashtrays.” “You are so brave and strong, but at the same time fragile and tender. You combine so many wonderful qualities in yourself! ".
  • About her affairs or actions. If, for example, she has prepared delicious coffee for you, emphasize this.

To learn how to make compliments, you need experience and thousands of experiments. This is the only way to learn to speak to the point when communicating with a beautiful floor.

Advice: In order for the compliment to sound beautiful, it is necessary to develop confidence in your voice. When a man loves himself, then the girls will pay attention to him.

The conclusions are obvious. Experience will necessarily lead to the results, so do not dwell on what has been achieved and go right now to make compliments, improving the mood of the beautiful sex and self -esteem.

Compliment to a girl from a guy: Poems

If you don’t know how to speak beautifully yet, then it is better to learn a couple of quatrains, and then success is definitely provided to you. Here are a few compliments to a girl from a guy in the form of poems:

Compliment to a girl from a guy: Poems
Compliment to a girl from a guy: Poems

Advice: Try not just to read the lines, but put your soul into them. This is the only way the lady of your heart will believe you and will be fascinated.

The girl makes compliments to a man, a guy: what does that mean?

The girl makes compliments a man
The girl makes compliments a man

Often the initiative to show sympathy through a compliment comes from a man. But alas, not every guy can give free rein to feelings, especially if he is modest by nature. Then resourceful women take the initiative into their own hands and spoke flattering about one or another quality of the interlocutor. What does this mean when a girl makes a compliments to a man, a guy? There can be many variations. Here are a few of them:

  • A woman can compliment a man, frankly flirting. Flirt is not necessarily used as a manifestation of sympathy. Thus, a girl can check her ability to fascinate without a hint of continuation of acquaintance.
  • Maybe flirting is used To challenge interest At the opposite sex.
  • A sincere compliment has to get acquainted. It is with him that it is easier to start a positive conversation.
  • Flattery. Women resort to her, expressing personal hostility or for selfish purposes. The effect, of course, is not great, but as a female trick, it is indispensable.
  • Common sympathy or great mood She has a woman to make an opponent a compliment or give feedback.
  • Sometimes i would like to tell someone something pleasant just like that, praise, admire changes in appearance and habits.

In any case, the girl makes compliments for a reason. Thus, it makes it clear that it is located well to a person.

Why are guys, men compliments to their or other girls?

The guy makes compliments to the girl
The guy makes compliments to the girl

Compliments for girls guys because ladies expect pleasant words from their men in relation to them. If you do not pay such attention to its soulmate, it may be offended or think about the decline in relations. To avoid such a situation, it is worth paying a few pleasant and expected words. Why are guys, men compliments to their or other girls?

Interesting: Psychologists are sure that compliments seduce and provide 60% Success in a relationship. True high love feelings are manifested precisely in such an expression of feelings.

In addition to this word in relation to a fan, they indicate precisely the virtues for which the man paid attention to her. In a woman, when she hears pleasant words, a passion for a man flares up. It is also worth noting the following:

  • A compliment is the most affordable tool that does not ask for investments, and you can always stop.
  • With the help of a word, you can change the mood of the girl.
  • Any man does not stand female tears. The lady can always be reassured by saying a few beautiful words.
  • The compliment helps a man to change his location to a woman, you can even change the attitude and look. The main thing is not to become intrusive.

Compliments can be consumed for both your lover and other girls. But whether it is worth placing another lady to himself, a man must decide for himself.

Why does the girl make compliments: what does this mean?

The girl makes compliments to the girl
The girl makes compliments to the girl

If you think well, you can observe such a tendency that a girl or woman to another woman can freely praise and admire each other. You will not hear this from a man towards another man. Why is the girl compliments a girl? What does it mean? Here are the answers:

  • When In the image of another lady I liked somethingAnd it is impossible to resist, so as not to praise. For example, dress, makeup, hairstyle and so on.
  • I just want to make a pleasant oneAdd positive and cheer up. For example, when a girl who is uncertained or this can say that girls at work colleague.
  • Compliment as a flattery, When you want to be praised in response.
  • Anti-commercial, When the lady wants to "annoy" the other. For example: “You look so beautiful and recovered well!”

Beautiful words even from a woman to another woman are always pleasant. Such a compliment can make your day and you must definitely thank it for it.

Do the girl need to compliment: is it worth it?

The guy makes compliments to the girl
The guy makes compliments to the girl

Many guys are sure that the shortest way to conquer a lady is to sow compliments. But is the word of admiration to say to the girl? Is it worth it? Here are assumptions:

  • If you often say a word of admiration for the girl you like, you will look annoying and sorry. She will think that you are another, another fan, the same as everyone else.
  • Other guys are sure that they never need to praise girls, and this is also an wrong position.

It is important to understand that:

  • Compliments can greatly affect the girl, if it is presented with an open heart.
  • Words of admiration must be said from the perspective of a good and strong man. So they will reach the goal and the beauty will be pleasant.
  • If the compliment was made only to seduce it faster, then it will be noticeable immediately and the girl will not trust you, calling the rogue.
  • Compliments should work for you. Words should sound delighted. If your voice is not confident enough, then you need to work on it.
  • No need to compliment true beauties. They know about their attractiveness and often hear such words. You cannot stand out from the crowd, but just move away from the girl.
  • You should learn more about her, maybe she recently worked on something, for example, from her appearance-radically changed her hairstyle, enlarged her breasts. The main thing is to say the compliment playfully, and not with sinking.
  • Do not get hung up only on compliments. If you say the words of admiration all evening, she will quickly get tired of it. Do this sometimes in between, passing on a friend of the topic, entertaining the beauty.

If you are sure that the words of admiration will sound at the moment sorry and put you in an uncomfortable position, it is better to abandon this venture. Let them remain with you, and you can be on a horse with your charm and charisma.

Never compliment the girl’s mustache: what's the mistake?

Never compliment a girl's mustache
Never compliment a girl's mustache

Such a phrase can be found in jokes and memes. But, but seriously, then in no case should a hint of a girl that she has a mustache. It is clear that almost everyone has a fluff or small hairs in physiology, but talking about it is indecent.

  • Girls painfully perceive information about the presence of hair on their body, because they constantly wage a struggle with them.
  • Therefore, if you want to like a woman or win her heart, never compliment the girl’s mustache, even in the comic, or as you think, harmless.
  • Such mistakes are often made by many guys, and then regret.

Make pleasant compliments, raise your mood, add positive and enjoy your life with your soul mate. If beautiful words told you, then accept them with gratitude. Good luck!

Video: How to make compliments to a girl?

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