How to do face cleaning at home? Face cleansing methods

How to do face cleaning at home? Face cleansing methods

Facial cleaning is a way to find healthy radiant skin. You can do this procedure in the cabin and at home. Each has its own advantages.

Do I need to clean your face?

Only having clean and  shining skin can count myself attractive man. Huge role playing daily cleaning from  skin sala and others pollution. If you do not comply with hygiene norms, it is quite possible to achieve inflammation, the appearance of comedones and acne on the face.

Facial cleansing will allow the skin to return an even color, make it elastic, remove a layer of unnecessary keratinized cells. If the skin receives a proper level of oxygen, it is less susceptible to age and facial wrinkles. Clean pores, do not clog with dirt and do not inflam.

Manual facial cleaning
manual facial cleaning

Important: facial cleaning allows the skin to eat in full, which means to receive the required number of trace elements to preserve youth and health.

Facial cleaning is different:

  • mechanical
  • ultrasonic
  • vacuum
  • galvanic
  • chemical
  • home

Each species has its advantages and even contraindications. So, mechanical cleaning- conducts a master in a beauty salon with the help of special cosmetic products. Ultrasound cleaning -exposure to the skin with ultrasound waves. Vacuum cleaning -salon cleaning with a pneumatic apparatus.

Different facial cleaning techniques
different facial cleaning techniques

Galvanic -the effect on the skin with small discharges of the electric current. Chemical -the use of medicines and chemical compounds to get rid of inflammation and skin diseases. Home cleaningit implies a gentle effect on the skin with cosmetics and recipes for traditional medicine.

The face is definitely necessary to do. The frequency and intensity of the procedure depends on the seriousness of the problems of your skin. The cosmetologist recommends a procedure that is suitable for you and will not leave negative consequences.

Video: "Why do I need to clean the face?"

How to do your face cleaning at home?

  • First of all, facial cleaning is not a frequent procedure. Even home cleaning should not be carried out more often than one to two times a month. The main condition is to do cleaning correctly, in compliance with all norms
  • Be prepared for the fact that the usual home procedure requires enough time. So, on average, such a cleaning takes one to two hours
  • The first stage of the home cleaning- This is preliminary cleansing of the skin. All the remains of makeup, dust and fat should be removed from the face. To do this, it is best to use not alcohol
  • Micellar water is perfect. For lack of one, wash your face with a small amount of cosmetic gel. It is better not to use lotion, as it leaves a film behind
The first stage is a thorough facial cleansing of everyday dirt
the first stage is a thorough facial cleansing of everyday dirt

The second stage of home face cleansingit involves the removal of the handwritten layer of keratinized old cells. To do this, use a coffee scrub. This is an excellent soft remedy that gently cleanse the skin without scratching it.

The unique properties of caffeine carry out cell regeneration, which is very important in the procedure of facial cleansing. Prepare a coffee scrub It is possible from the previously used coffee hip, mixing it with butter or gel.

The second stage is face peeling
the second stage is face peeling

The third stage of the home cleaning of the face -this is pores to cleanse them. To do this, you need to make a steam bath. Boiling water is poured into the dishes. You can add a few drops of essential oil to it.

Most often, the oil is used by tea tree with antibacterial properties. For steaming, you can use clean water, or you can make a decoction of herbs from chamomile, calendula or celandine. The head is covered with a towel and hold the face above the steam for about fifteen minutes.

The third stage - steaming pores with a bath
the third stage - steaming pores with a bath

The fourth stage of home cleaning of the face -this is the purification of the open pores. To do this, you need to disinfect your hands. With not strong presses of the fingertips, try to remove all unwanted black dots, acne and acne.

Do not injure the skin with nails and do not press much on that pimple that has not yet matured. After manual extrusion, wash the skin with water or a decoction over which the face was held.

The fourth stage - removal of acne
the fourth stage - removal of acne

The fifth stage of home facial cleaning -mask for the face. It performs double: cleans the skin and at the same time nourishes it. For this, a honey-banana mask is suitable for everyone and very useful. In the utensil, open half the banana with a fork, you can use the blender.

Add a tablespoon of liquid honey (sugared honey is easily drowned in the microwave). Hold the mask on the face for twenty minutes and rinse with water (it is good to use the same broth).

The fifth stage - applying the mask to the face
the fifth stage - applying the mask to the face

Now you have to moisturize the skin of the face well. To do this, use your favorite cream. It is useful to use the scarlet leaf, its juice nourishes and cleanses the skin.

Video: "Deep facial cleaning at home"

Face cleaning by aspirin from home

More serious problems on the face require a serious solution. So, the home chip of the face also involves cleansing the skin and pores with the help of a conventional pharmacy aspirin. The fact is that this acid has excellent anti -inflammatory qualities and is the best piling for the face.

Before using aspirin, check your reaction to it. Aspirin is contraindicated:

  • pregnant
  • nursing
  • people with allergies for the drug
  • during acute infectious disease
  • with purulent inflammation on the face
Personal cleansing by aspirin
personal cleansing by aspirin

There are several ways to use aspirin on the face:

  • Intensive cleaning -it involves a deep effect on the skin with this tool. To do this, thoroughly crush three tablets into powder. They should be mixed with your favorite cream or face lotion without alcohol content. The mass is applied to the face like a mask and hold fifteen minutes
  • Aggressive cleaning -such cleaning is needed for problem areas or oily skin, it is not suitable for sensitive. Six tablets crumble into powder and interfere with lemon juice until the pasta is formed. The mass is applied to the face and hold for ten minutes, removed with warm water and sponge
  • Cleaning cleaning - Cleans the pores of the sebaceous cork and narrows them. For cooking, two tablets should be knitted and mixed with the same amount of white pharmacy clay. Add a small amount of water to form a paste. The mask should be applied on the face with a thin layer, keep until drying and washed off with cold water
  • Food cleaning -two tablets are pushed into powder, diluted by the minimum amount until the paste is formed. Mix the mass with ordinary yogurt or sour cream. Use the product as a scrub or mask. Wash off the remaining cold water

Video: "Cleaning of the face (aspirin, honey)"

Facial cleaning soda at home

Home peeling and facial cleaning can be carried out very budget with ordinary baking soda. Soda has an excellent anti -inflammatory effect and easily copes with any skin problems.

The only condition requiring compliance is not frequent and safe use of soda. It cannot be applied to the skin in its pure form and too often.

Facial cleansing soda gives excellent results
facial cleansing soda gives excellent results

Normal food soda can be used to read the face as:

  • Solution -only one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water should be diluted. Washing such a solution will get rid of oily shine, reduce inflammation and dry the skin
  • Masks -to prepare the simplest and most effective mask, mix a spoon of soda with flour (five spoons) and dilute with water. The mask is applied to problem areas, avoiding the eye area and hold for at least ten minutes, then washed off
  • Scrub -to prepare a scrub, you need to mix soda with water to make a gruel. A little salt of the sodium “extra” and any oil (can be replaced with sour cream) are added to the mass. Cleaning by a scrub is done for ten minutes with massage movements and washed off with warm water

Important: you can safely replace water with milk and add a little honey to each recipe, this will make the procedure more gentle. Do not do the procedure too often so as not to dry the skin.

Video: “Peeling. Effective and cheap "

Facial cleaning at home

Facial cleaning with chamomile is the most gentle procedure that allows not only cleansing, but also the prevention of skin inflammation. Chamomile perfectly affects the dermis: tones, soothes, evens out the tone and eliminates the rash.

Chamomile - a wonderful natural antiseptic
chamomile - a wonderful natural antiseptic

Cleaning with chamomile involves brewing a decoction of flowers. To do this, three tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile are poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour.

The skin is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and everyday mud with alcohol content. A cotton pad is used to apply a decoction.

It is dipped in a warm decoction and applied to a problem place. You can wet the gauze bandage and make a compress on the whole face. The procedure has no contraindications and can be done regularly.

Video: "Facial cleaning at home (steam bath)"

Mechanical facial cleaning at home

Mechanical facial cleaning is a salon procedure, but it can be carried out at home. First of all, make sure that you really need it. This will tell you about this:

  • fatty shiny skin
  • seborrhea
  • the presence of comedones
  • acne of any light and middle stage
Cleaning the face of the house
cleaning the face of the house

Divide your work into the main stages:

  • First stage -remove makeup, thoroughly wash your face with a cosmetic product
  • Second phase -sperisling the pores, for this you need to purchase a special gel perparizer. It is applied with a brush on the face and covered with cling film. They keep fifteen minutes
  • The third stage -cleansing of the skin. Take the film from the sites alternately and remove the remaining gel with a cotton swab with a fingertips of the fingers of the comedones
  • The fourth stage -skin nutrition. It is best to wash your face after the procedure with a steep decoction of chamomile. This will calm the inflamed areas of the skin and contribute to healing

Video: "Facial cleaning and care at home"

Why did acne appear after facial cleansing?

There are situations when salon or home -made facial cleaning ends with new inflammations and acne appearance. If the procedure was carried out by a specialist-cosmetologist, then in this case it is safe to say that he made mistakes and has no enough experience in his work.

Very often after cleaning, more complex acne appears
very often after cleaning, more complex acne appears

Unfortunately, the so -called “injuries” after facial cleansing are much more global and more serious than the problems of the skin that existed before cleaning.

Leaving the cabin, you expose the impact of negative factors: ultraviolet, dust, moisture. Forms from former acne are scored again with garbage and inflammation occurs. Therefore, home cleaning is more effective from this point of view.

Video: "Acne after facial cleansing"

How to care for a face after cleaning?

  • After cleansing the face, try to secure peace for at least a day. Do not touch your face with dirty hands and do not go out into the street
  • Laser cleaning requires regular application of anti -burn agents to the skin, as the top layer was removed
  • Avoid the first week after cleaning saunas, baths and all kinds of solariums
  • Wash yourself only with cool water
  • Do not drink alcohol in the first days after cleaning
  • Do not clean during menstruation
  • Make clay face masks
  • Wash yourself with a decoction of chamomile
  • Buy a special face with an antibiotic in pharmacies

Video: “After cleansing the face. Cosmetologist's advice "

Is it possible to clean your face to pregnant women?

In this case, we can say that all effects on the skin using natural components favorably affect the skin. But given the fact that during pregnancy a woman experiences hormonal perestroika, you should choose more sparing ways of facial cleansing.

Sparing way of face cleansing
sparing way of face cleansing

Ideal and useful will be:

  • cleansing the face with chamomile
  • salt, sugar, coffee and soda scrubs
  • clay, gelatin masks
  • moisturizing the skin of aloe juice
  • light mechanical cleaning

Women should avoid any serious interventions and wait for the time when hormones are “leveled”. Perhaps just by this time, your skin will become less susceptible.

How to do face cleaning correctly: tips and reviews

Before choosing a certain type of face cleansing, you must get a consultation with a doctor of a cosmetologist or dermatologist. At a minimum, you should know how serious your problems and the possible consequences of their elimination are.


The face should be cleaned in compliance with all sanitary standards, since the possible introduction of infection will only aggravate your problem. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and cleanse your nails with alcohol.

If you regularly cleanse your face from keratinized cells, you will allow a new layer of skin to receive maximum nutrients. The skin that receives nutrition is less prone to diseases and inflammation.

Video: Combined face reading, how is the procedure going?

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Comments K. article

  1. You have very useful information. Facial cleaning at home is very relevant. Especially peeling. I have been using glyco-A cream for many years and I am very pleased with the result. Thank you for info.

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