How is prayer for a son read? Why do you need a mother’s prayer for her son? Prayer for son: Text, words

How is prayer for a son read? Why do you need a mother’s prayer for her son? Prayer for son: Text, words

Reading rules and the text of the mother’s prayer for her son.

Many mothers treat their children with great love. This applies to babies of any gender. In anticipation of a miracle, most women want a daughter, and men, on the contrary, are a son. After all, this is a kind of confirmation of the status of a male and proof that a man has an heir. In this article we will talk about prayer for the son.  

Why do you need a mother’s prayer for her son?

The most interesting thing is that with the birth of a child in a young family, the trouble is added. This is especially happening if a male child. After all, the boys are mostly more desperate, persistent, looking for troubles. This is a feature of the male, because they cannot sit in one place for a long time. That is why a significant part of the male does not live up to 18 years. For this reason, a song for 10 girls appeared 9 children.

In order for the child to become a successful, bright person, sometimes there is not enough good education. It is believed that maternal prayer can reach the bottom of the sea. Indeed, many generally identify the hands of a mother with the wings of an angel who are able to protect the child from all adversity. That is why the petitions and appeals to the Lord of the Son are quite strong. For what purpose are this kind of words read? There are several solutions and methods. Basically, women ask: health, happiness, mind, enlightenment, wealth.  


Prayer for son: Text

In order for all this to happen, the words to the Lord must be read in special ways. It is best to do this in prayer places, such as temples and churches. However, if you are not often in the church, you can carry out petitions at home. It is believed that a prayer that is read on the knees has maximum strength and bow. There are several rules, adhering to which it is necessary to read magic words. Thus, they will be stronger and highly likely that the Lord will hear you.  


  • It is best to read prayer when there is no one in the house. At the same time, it is advisable to calm down a little before the manipulations. It is necessary that all your words be spoken with goodwill, and the desire to help your son.
  • That is, this kind of appeal should be sincere, come from the very heart. It is considered a negative factor if a woman pronounces a petition in despair, or an unbalanced emotional state.
  • An ideal option is calm and a quiet tone. In addition, it is desirable that all words are directed to the aid of the son. Moreover, all words, thoughts should be pure and positive. It is impossible for some anger, contempt or despair in words.
  • In no case should it be that there are negative thoughts and the desire of evil in the head or avenge, to educate. The real goal of prayer is to ask God to help your son.
Health text
Health text

Prayer for a son: how to pray correctly?

There are also several specific rules regarding the pronunciation of prayer. There are a great many of them, but they all differ depending on the purpose. After all, every mother asks for something specific. It is necessary at the very beginning to ask about the spiritual development of his son, and about his soul, and then it is advisable to pronounce the petition that your child is a bright person with positive qualities.

It is necessary to believe in God and develop faith in yourself. In addition, you can ask for good and bright patrons for your child. It is believed that the most effective are special appeals that need to be memorized. However, many clergymen say that there is no need to adhere to certain rules for reading specific prayers. The fact is that the main task of prayer, to be sincere and want to help your child. Accordingly, it is not necessary to memorize some words, you can say everything yourself from a pure heart. That is, words can be absolutely arbitrary.  


Prayer when the son moves:

Lord, my son in your mercy, for his sins, save from temptations and direct the true road.

The best option is to read words, kneeling. But if you have not a very good state of health, get sick, then it is allowed to pronounce words sitting or even lying down. At the same time, after pronouncing the words of our father, it is necessary to cross himself. The most interesting thing is that for adult sons and small ones, different words are read. The fact is that mostly children are quite active, not always obedient.

Most mothers are afraid that in adolescence the son can become a very shaky path. After all, very often boys can get carried away with drugs, or to be found with a not quite good company. Mother is trying to protect her child from participating in such companies. Therefore, you can pronounce prayers in such cases. If the son is quite adult, he works, he has his own family, his mother still wants only good to her son, and possibly a little more attention on his part.

Before the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Before the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary

After all, many complain that sons in adulthood are quite rarely arrived and communicate with their mothers. To make sure that everything is fine with your son, you can say words that are suitable for supporting adult children. Reading prayers really helps children, making them more successful and healthy.

Video: Prayer for a son

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