How to quickly grow long hair? Hair growth recipes

How to quickly grow long hair? Hair growth recipes

The article describes how to quickly grow natural hair color. As well as useful tips for home care for hair.
Beautiful hair is the pride of any girl and woman.
We paint them, cut, curl, put them - we do everything so that they look attractive. But such procedures result in only problems. The structure of the hair is thinner, they dull, break during combing. A large number of hairs with the ended ends appear. Therefore, many of us come to the conclusion - enough to suffer, it is time to grow natural hair color.

How to grow natural hair color quickly and without large care costs?

For you, dear girls, the secrets of beauty are collected, as with your own hands and with the help of home recipes to speed up the growth of natural hair and make them dazzlingly beautiful.
The first step is to do the following:

  • completely abandon the coloring and tinting means, because our goal is to grow strong and well -groomed hair of a natural color
  • refuse hot devices - ironing and hair dryer
  • learn to wash, dry and comb your hair correctly
  • home Hair Care

Important: observing each item, you can quickly grow natural hair color without serious financial embezzlement.

True, you will have to spend your strength and time. But it's worth it! Now let's look at each item in more detail.
He will tell the colors - no!

Our goal is to grow thick hair of a natural color.

Therefore, the colors should be abandoned. The last time you can dye your hair in the color of the roots so that there is no ugly transition between natural hair and painted.
The use of tinting funds should also be excluded if you are fond of them. They dry their hair, destroy their structure, which is not comparable with our goal. Having abandoned coloring means, you will not only take a big step towards your dreams, but also save significantly (after all, good paint is not enough today).

How to grow thick hair quickly?

Planned hair haircut.

IMPORTANT: In order for the hair to grow well and rapidly gaining strength, you need to get rid of the dead and the ended ends.

To do this, you will have to visit a hairdresser once every couple of months and cut 2-3 cm long. But it's okay! You will not even notice how new hair will grow.

Down with hot installations for styling!

As you know, hair hair dryer and iron burn a healthy hair structure, making it lifeless and dried. The constant use of hot installations for styling is a direct path to the appearance of split and lifeless hair. Having removed the hair dryer and iron from your everyday life, you can guaranteed to reduce the deadline for growing natural hair.

Important: if you cannot do without these devices, you will have to get used to it. In extreme cases, use thermal protection products before drying hot air or hair straightening.

How to wash, dry and comb your hair right for rapid hair growth?

It is very important to learn how to wash, dry and comb your hair. At first glance, these procedures are simple. In fact, you should consider many points that will help make the hair strong.
Be sure to follow these rules:

  • wash your hair with warm running water (hot is not recommended)
  • shampoo should be applied directly to the scalp, and the length and ends are washed with the formed foam
  • it is best to add shampoos with natural components
  • rinse the hair with cool water, which contributes to the appearance of shine and silkiness
  • balms-steamers and masks suitable for your hair should be used
  • wet hair should be gently wiped with a towel, while trying not to rub them, but slightly squeezed them
  • you can start combing the hair only after sufficiently dry.
  • use a comb with natural bristles (wild boar, horse hair, whale mustache) or with large teeth
  • combing hair should be started with the ends.

Home recipes that accelerate the growth and beauty of the hair

And now the most interesting and basic are effective recipes that accelerate hair growth. Why is it necessary to focus on this and refuse purchased funds? Firstly, expensive means only mask hair flaws.
Secondly, purchased funds are much more expensive, but often the effect gives minimal.

Important: on average, 1.5 cm of hair grows on a person’s head per month. But there are cases when this process slows down, and the hair grows no more than half a centimeter per month. The reason for this is most often incorrect care and constant staining.

But everything can be changed!

Home recipes that accelerate hair growth: masks

To quickly grow natural hair, we recommend using the following masks.

  1. Mustard. Mix one tablespoon with a small slide of mustard powder with one tablespoon of sugar. Next, add the egg yolk and a floor of a spoonful of water. Stir everything well to a monotonous mass and apply strictly to the roots and scalp. Avoid getting on the ends of the hair, otherwise dry them hard. Hold the mask for 20-30 minutes, wash off the infusion of herbs or ordinary warm water
  2. Pepper. Knead 1 tablespoon of ground red pepper with 1 egg. Apply to the head, while trying to avoid getting to the ends of the hair. Keep for about 25-35 minutes, then wash off with a decoction or warm running water
  3. Burdock. Apply burdock oil to the hair in the roots, massage and insulate well. Make hair in the tail, put on a special hat for taking a shower and on top of an ordinary warm hat, or a towel. Keep at least 2 hours, then rinse your head well several times with the usual shampoo
  4. Cash. The same thing, only instead of a burdock oil to take a castor.
    They also stimulate hair growth: regular massage with fingers or massage brush, taking a complex of vitamins, frequent hair combing

Recipes for growth, hair health and chic shine

To grow hair not only strong, but also shiny, use the following home care recipes:
1. Rinsing the infusion of herbs. Herbs are most convenient to purchase in a pharmacy in bags. To prepare the infusion, 2-4 bags are poured with 1 liter of boiled water. It takes 40-50 minutes to insist. Then the hair must be washed in the usual way and rinse it well with the prepared infusion. Shine for the hair will be given: chamomile, sage, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, lavender.
2. Oil masks for hair length. They are filled with the ends of your hair, visually reduce the section and dryness. After oil masks, the hair is combed easily, become obedient. The recipe for masks is simple, any girl will prepare them. It is necessary to take one or 2-3 basic oils, mix them and heat them. See that the oil does not boil! After that, apply with driving movements to the hair (except for the roots).
The best hair length is suitable for moisturizing: coconut, shea Butter (karit), grape seeds, persian, amla. We recommend adding 4-5 drops to basic oils essential oils lemon, patchouli, ylang-ylang, lavender or geraniums.
These are the most basic secrets of health and natural hair of hair.

Use them and enjoy the natural brilliance of each of your hair!

Video: How to grow hair?

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Comments K. article

  1. Hair growth is well stimulated by gorchica, caffeine, tincture of bitter pepper, and other products improve blood circulation. This is from folk methods. And from the drugs from the pharmacy, I liked the rhylexa lotion with berries of dwarf palm. worries.

  2. After giving birth, many have a problem with hair and excess weight, I am one of these. The Model -Model Model Model means helped to solve the problem. Only two months and minus 6.8 kg, and the hair was what thick ones, even there was no hint that they were once rare and lifeless

  3. Mustard and peppers made at home. And I bought at a pharmacy with pepper hood and hyaluronic acid the nutrient mask of drugs. Surprisingly, even the volume appeared, this is a huge plus.

  4. About the oils right to the point. I usually order several everyday life on a phytomarket so that there was enough for a long time)) I began to use them about a year ago, since then the hair was not just stronger and stronger steel, but also grown up to 20, which is very happy))

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