How to quickly teach a child to dress independently in 2, 3 and 4 years? How to teach a child to tie laces and fasten buttons?

How to quickly teach a child to dress independently in 2, 3 and 4 years? How to teach a child to tie laces and fasten buttons?

The tips that will help parents teach the child to dress and tie the laces on their own.

The ability to dress independently is one of the main skills in the development of the child. Usually, children know how to completely dress without the help of adults at 5 years old. However, you need to teach the child this skill. Stell yourself, it usually takes a lot of time.

How to teach a child to dress yourself?

IMPORTANT: Best of all, the child masters everything during the game. It’s easier to teach a child to put on clothes by playing.

Use the following game options:

  • “Vasya, your legs are cars, and pants are a garage. Let's go to the garage legs in the garage "
  • “Masha, who will dress faster: I or you? Let's play!"
  • “The shoes want to walk. Let's put them on the legs and lead them for a walk. "
  • “Alice, let's arrange a fashion show! We dress up and defile "

The child will gladly accept your offer and join the exciting game.

The child dresses on his own

How to teach a child to dress in 2-3 years?

Important: at the age of 2 years, the development of a child can be described by the name "I myself." This is the most suitable period in order to accustom the child to independence.

At this age, the child comprehends the world on his own, he wants to do everything himself. If you see this desire, do not interfere. Invite your child your help, because he still can’t do it completely.

To begin with, the child must learn to undress on his own. At the age of two years, children themselves take off socks, a hat. A little later they can unfasten the zipper, remove the blouse or pants.

Do not forget about some features:

  1. The dressing process will take a lot of time. Sometimes parents can’t stand it and begin to quickly put on clothes themselves, as there is not enough time. If you decide to accustom your child to independently dress, calculate the time in advance with a large margin
  2. Do not make the child dress abruptly completely. If before that you completely dressed the baby, he will not be able to learn to wear a blouse, pants, socks, a hat, etc. In one day. Accustom the baby gradually
  3. Do not forget to praise the child if he managed to successfully. Do not scold at the same time, otherwise the child will lose his desire to dress on his own
How to teach a child to dress yourself? Do not suppress the initiative of the baby

How to teach a child to dress at 4 years old?

Important: often parents do not think about whether it is time for the child to dress himself until the time comes to visit the kindergarten. One of the first questions that you will hear in kindergarten: "Does the child know how to dress himself?"

If by the age of 4 the child does not cope with the basic wardrobe, parents urgently need to teach the child this skill. It is advisable, of course, to learn this at the age of 2-3 years.

So that the child learns to dress faster:

  1. Buy free clothes
  2. Clothing should be comfortable
  3. Shoes are best taken on Velcro; clothes - without complex fasteners, locks
  4. Prepare your child's clothes before going out. Lay it out in the sequence in which it needs to be worn
By the age of 4, the child must learn to dress himself

How to teach a child to independently tie laces?

IMPORTANT: Learning to tie laces is quite difficult for a child. Set up with age 4+. Until this age, Velcro or lightning shoes are preferred.

There are several ways to teach a child to tie up their own laces:

Method 1. Interest the cartoon.

There are many cartoons that motivate the child to learn how to tie laces. Look at the cartoon together, then get down to business.

Method 2. Tell the child that he is already an adult

Most children want to become adults as soon as possible. Talk to the child that he will soon go to school, which means that he has become an adult. It's time to learn how to tie your laces yourself.

Method 3. Training on the toy

For training, cut a large boots of cardboard, make holes for laces in it. Then, together with the child, insert the laces into these holes. The child will be happy to train, playing.

The child ties the laces on his own

Important: if a child can tie laces, but lazy, use the next trick. Say that you have a finger hurt, and you cannot tie a lace for yourself or your child. Usually children love to take care and help.

Video: How to teach a child to tie laces?

How to teach a child to fasten buttons on their own?

Important: starting from an early age, parents develop fine motor skills of the child with the help of toys, games, classes. In the future, this development will serve a good service, for example, the baby will quickly cope with buttoning buttons.

If a child can already put on a blouse himself, but cannot fasten the buttons, you need training:

  • To do this, sew buttons of different diameters with loops on soft toys
  • Or take a small piece of fabric. On the one hand, sew buttons, on the other, make holes for them. Let the child train
How to teach a child to fasten buttons? Make a special toy

Why does the child wear slowly? How to teach a child to dress quickly?

Dressing and tying the laces, few people think about how great I can do it. Or: It's great that I do it quickly. But you, too, did not always know how to dress yourself, and even quickly. The years are leaving for reinforcing this skill.

Be prepared for the fact that the child will slowly dress for a long time. He needs to learn this and practice well. Only over time and long practice, the child will learn to dress quickly.

Tip: calculate the time before leaving the house with a margin of about 30 minutes so that the child can wear clothes and shoes himself.

How to teach a child to dress independently? Do not rush and have patience

Why doesn’t the child dress at home, in kindergarten?

Sometimes the child refuses to wear clothes on his own. This happens both at home and in kindergarten. To solve this problem, you should find out the reason:

  1. Ask the child why he refuses. Perhaps he does not like this clothing, or it is cramped, or he is embarrassed by a large number of complex fasteners
  2. The reason can also lie in the suppression of the child’s independence by parents. Sometimes it is easier for mom to wear a child herself in 5 minutes than to wait 30-40 minutes. The child is used to it
  3. Maybe during dressing in kindergarten they scolded for slowness
  4. The child can attract attention with his refusal if he is not enough

Important: in kindergarten, children dress more willingly than at home. Development in the team accustoms the child to independence.

Mom helps her daughter get dressed

Consultation for parents: how to teach a child to dress?

Remember 10 simple rules, thanks to which it will be easier for you and the child:

  1. Do not scold for slowness, praise for success
  2. Have patience, the process will be long
  3. Constant training is the key to success
  4. Help if necessary. In other cases, let the child have the opportunity to dress himself
  5. Start teaching the child to dress from the age of 2, tie the laces-from 4
  6. Choose free simple clothes, Velcro shoes
  7. Teach your child to dress in a playful way
  8. Start with a simple one, do not force the child to sharply put on all the clothes
  9. Calculate the time for fees with a margin
  10. Do not worry if a neighbor boy already knows how, but yours - no

We hope our tips will help you raise independence in the child.

Video: How to teach a child to dress yourself? Montessori technique

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