How to quickly teach a child to walk? How to teach a child to walk independently without support?

How to quickly teach a child to walk? How to teach a child to walk independently without support?

Find out what ways there are to teach your baby to walk, and why children begin to walk at different ages.

There is no established exact period when children should independently learn to take the first steps. All kids are individual. By the standards of medical specialists, a child can go at eight months, and maybe a year and a half. Both of them are the norm. It all depends on the nature, individual characteristics of the crumbs.

And yet, each child for the first, such long -awaited parents of steps, needs adult help. After all, it is so difficult for the baby to keep balance himself and teach his legs to the load and confident movements.

How to quickly teach a child to walk?

Believe me, children are not so easy to learn to stay on their feet, and even more so to move independently. Therefore, in order to teach the baby a lot of patience will need to go.

Support for the baby when walking
Support for the baby when walking

And also follow advice experienced mothers:

  • don't make the baby walk, the child must do this with pleasure, if the baby crawls confidently, then he will begin to walk later
  • first children begin to hold on to supports and risethen gradually with the help of the same supports to move, your task is to maintain a child of the need
  • encourage the movements of the little fidget and rejoice at achievements (When the baby first climbed onto the sofa, chair), try to protect the fall, remove extra piles
  • do not limit the child only with one communication with mom, dad, baby should chat with other children, see how they move, for this, drive your child to all kinds of developing classes or simply be friends with mothers who also have children about your age
  • apply auxiliary tools for walking (walkers developing toys) so that the baby can confidently move with them
  • motivate the child is bright, beautiful toysso that he wants to come up and take them
  • drive the baby by the handlesthen gradually help him move with one hand
Mom teach the baby to walk
Mom teaches the baby to walk

How to teach a child to walk without support?

If the baby is already ready for independent walking lessons, then you need to start learning. Define the readiness of your child for the first steps It is possible on the following signs:

  • the child is already able to hold on to objects and walk
  • he knows how to stand on his own for several minutes
  • the baby himself rises from the knees, which means that the baby’s muscles are already quite developed
The child learns to walk
The child learns to walk

So that the child begins to walk as quickly as possible - interest him:

  1. Lure him to take a few steps in your direction with your favorite toy
  2. Use all sorts of developing toys with handles on wheels, the baby will hold on to them and slowly learn to walk
  3. Hold it while walking, periodically weaken your hands, give him the opportunity to stalk step or two on his own
  4. Refuse strokes, these at first glance - convenient devices, can vice versa: tighten the learning process for walking. After all, the baby does not hold on the legs himself, but sits in them (walkers), as a result - there is no load on the muscle mass of the legs. And in some cases, the feet of the baby are deformed
  5. Teach the baby so that he is not afraid to fall. Some children are scared after falls and do not want to continue to learn to walk. Your task is to prevent this. When falling, switch the attention of the crumbs to something else to forget about his failure
The first independent steps
The first independent steps

How to teach a child to walk at 8, 9 months?

Already in the eighth or ninest month of his life, the baby begins to climb the legs, start taking the first steps near the support. All these movements must be encouraged by games in order to strengthen the muscles of the legs.

To do this, you can dance to the music with baby, bend and straighten the legs to the music. Play the “catch-up-nogony”, that is, the baby will hold on to the furniture and move, and you pretend that you are trying to catch up with it.

The first steps of the child are eight months old
The first steps of the child are eight months old

How to teach a child to walk in the walkers?

Walks begin to be used from small age (7-8 months). Many mothers believe that they allow you to strengthen the baby's legs. At first, the child should be taught to stand in the walkers.

To do this, make the baby understand that standing in them is safe. Gently pull the baby hands forward, or hold with both hands by the waist, trying to put the legs on the floor. When the fidget learns to stand, then you can teach and move. Direct a little from the baby and call him to you. You can also lure the baby with your favorite toy.

How to teach a child to walk in the walkers?
How to teach a child to walk in the walkers?


How to teach a child to walk at 10, 11 months?

At this age, your child already has many skills:

  • he can already get up himself, stand, sit for a long period
  • can even humming your favorite songs, throw purposefully toys
  • rolls toys on wheels, throws balls
  • begins to take steps himself, can arrange runs from one support to another

Your task is to encourage all these skills. Help the baby, take the first steps.

The first steps of the child at 11 months
The first steps of the child at 11 months

How to teach a child to walk at 1 year?

Most often, the child is already starting to walk and moves around the room in one year, running on the street. But due to individuality, there are times when the baby does not walk yet.

You should not worry if the baby is confidently standing without support, moves well with support. The problem is most likely manifested due to the fact that the child is more convenient to crawl than to walk. It remains only to wait for the baby to finally understand that walking is better than crawling.

The first steps of the baby in a year
The first steps of the child in a year

How to teach a child to go by the hand?

After the child takes the first steps on his own, he no longer needs his mother’s hand. Often children refuse to walk with adults by the handle. But if the child moves around the room himself, then this is normal.

And when on the street mom or dad cannot take an independent baby by the hand, this is already a problem. After all, children have no experience - they do not know how to cross the road, there is a danger of getting lost. Therefore, parents need to make maximum efforts, patience, so that the child ceases to be capricious, began to walk by the hand with adults.

How to teach the baby to walk by the hand?
How to teach the baby to walk by the hand?

To do this, you need to find an approach to the baby:

  • There are no identical tips that will help to find a solution to this problem. It’s enough for one children to give an example: “You see Tanya go with my mother by the handle, let's take you.” And some need to tell an instructive story about Bear, who did not want to walk with his mother's hand and was lost
  • And if your child is 10 months old, the above example is not suitable. Such a baby should simply not let go far, constantly and strictly control the movement. Especially when you go near the roadway. Take the child in his arms and simply carry
  • It happens that your favorite child suits a tantrum. Tolerate, do not pay attention. Take the obstinate baby in your arms and carry the entire dangerous section of the road. Do not indulge it with whims. Safety is more important
Mom and daughter's walk by the hand
Mom and daughter's walk by the hand

Video: The first steps of the child

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