How quickly and easy to forget the former girl, whom you love very much, which you like and with whom you parted: the tips of the psychologist, reviews, conspiracy. I can’t forget the former girl after the parting that I love: what to do?

How quickly and easy to forget the former girl, whom you love very much, which you like and with whom you parted: the tips of the psychologist, reviews, conspiracy. I can’t forget the former girl after the parting that I love: what to do?

Ways to forget the former girl.

After parting, many couples continue communication. This does not happen often, because few are able to maintain friendly relations. Usually former lovers stop talking at all. And psychologists consider this approach the most effective.

How quickly and easy to forget the former girl, who you love very much, who likes and with whom he broke up: the tips of the psychologist

It will not work to be thrown out of the heart in one day, in order to forget, it is necessary. Accordingly, you will have to try less often to remember your lover.


  • Delete the phone and all contact details
  • Delete all joint photos
  • Give her things, and preferably not to meet her personally. The best option is to convey through common acquaintances
  • Try to appear less often in places where it happens
  • Find yourself a lesson. It can be a sport or hobby
How quickly and easy to forget the former girl, who you love very much, who likes and with whom he broke up: the tips of the psychologist
How quickly and easy to forget the former girl, who you love very much, who likes and with whom he broke up: the tips of the psychologist

How to forget the girl you love and see every day?

It is very difficult to part with the object of adoration, if a girl caught your eye every day. In this case, it is necessary to limit communication with it.


  • Limit with the girl with the words "hello", "so far." You should not even talk on neutral topics
  • If you learn together, you better transfer to another faculty. This will help to meet a girl less
  • If you work together, ask the translation. You should meet less
  • Be sure to ask friends to remember the ex -girlfriend less
  • Do not stay alone
  • Take yourself something. It can be a sport or hobby
How to forget the girl you love and see every day?
How to forget the girl you love and see every day?

I can’t forget the former girl after the parting that I love: what to do?

There are several ways to forget the girl. The saddest thing is that falling in love is not only mental experiences, but also a combination of homes. During love, the concentration of endorphins, serotonin and dopamine increases in the blood. After parting, the number of these substances is reduced. That is why a person can feel malaise and weakness. Accordingly, in order to quickly forget the girl, you must try to increase the level of these hormones.

Ways to forget the girl:

  • Diet. You need to eat food that increases the level of endorphins. These are chocolate, strawberries, bananas and nuts.
  • Sport. During running or strength training, the level of endorphins increases. This will not think often about her ex -girlfriend.
  • Hobby. Spend more time with friends and relatives. It is desirable that it be outdoor rest.
  • Travels. Distract from the situation. You need to go more, look at new places and change the usual environment.

If you are very seriously worried about parting, and you think that this is your fate, then be sure to restore the relationship.

I can’t forget the former girl after the parting that I love: what to do?
I can’t forget the former girl after the parting that I love: what to do?

Conspiracy so that the guy forgets the girl

Despite the prevalence of this situation, there are non -standard ways to solve it. There are several love spells and conspiracies, both their lover will be returned and forget about her. Similar manipulations are called Nenski. They are considered undesirable. But there is almost no harm if the guy himself tries to forget about the girl.

Conspiracy from the photo

To do this, you need a joint photo. It is worth sitting at the table and breaking the photo into two parts, separating yourself from the girl. During the procedure, read the conspiracy:

“We walked together along one path, reached the fork and parted. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy so that the guy forgets the girl
Conspiracy so that the guy forgets the girl

Conspiracy on potatoes

Wash the potato and boil it until half -cooked. It is necessary for it to be under -summary. After that, take the blue and white fabric and wrap the root crop. Say the conspiracy and bury the root crop in the garden.


“Love is carrots, not love - potatoes. He decays and decomposes, and the union breaks up. ”

It is worth noting that the absence may not work right away. Typically, cooling of feelings comes in 20-30 days. If love is very strong, then conspiracies are unlikely to help.

Conspiracy so that the guy forgets the girl
Conspiracy so that the guy forgets the girl

As you can see, forgetting your beloved is completely difficult. This requires a time that does not heal, but changes the attitude to what happened.

Video: How to forget the girl?

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