How quickly and easy to clean the garlic from scales and husks at home: methods, life hacks, tricks, video. How to quickly clean a lot of garlic, garlic in a bank, young garlic in 10 seconds?

How quickly and easy to clean the garlic from scales and husks at home: methods, life hacks, tricks, video. How to quickly clean a lot of garlic, garlic in a bank, young garlic in 10 seconds?

For many blanks you need garlic. Our article will help you deal with cleaning this insidious plant as quickly as possible.

Cleaning garlic causes a lot of inconvenience. Hands smell badly, a husk often remains under the nails, which then does not clean it out well. And if you clean a large volume of garlic without gloves, you can get burns, which will then pass for a long time.

Our article will help hostesses to preserve the health of the skin of the hands and save a lot of time.

How to clean garlic correctly?

Traditionally, when cleaning garlic, a knife is used. This method is reliable. Most likely, you will have to make an additional discovery, because the kitchen knife can not do everything for you.

What is required:

  • a kitchen knife with a wide blade
  • a few heads of garlic
  • cutting board, better wooden

How to clean:

  1. Put the garlic horizontally on the board.
  2. Small the knife movement cut off the ends on both sides at the clove of garlic.
  3. Put on the garlic with a wide side and press. You can make several "swinging" movements.
  4. As soon as you hear a click, you need to remove the knife.
  5. A rough husk will separate, a thin skin will remain, which can be removed with your hands.
For cleaning garlic, such a knife is suitable
For cleaning garlic, such a knife is suitable

Garlic can also be completely cleaned with a small knife designed for cleaning vegetables. But I must admit that this method is far from the most effective.

Typically, short thin knives are used to clean vegetables
Typically, short thin knives are used to clean vegetables

How to clean a young garlic in 10 seconds?

Young garlic is cleaned much worse than the old. It's all about thin soft partitions that have not yet managed to “harden”. Two methods of cleaning young garlic come to the rescue.

The first way. Using a special rug from silicone for cleaning garlic. The device was designed specifically to help hostesses (and owners) in the kitchen.

  1. Break the garlic head on the cloves.
  2. Each clove in turn (you can also 2 cloves) on a special rug, twist.
  3. Roll the resulting "pipe" like a rolling pin for a few seconds.
  4. Turn the rug and remove the husk.
  5. Start the next clip.
The same rug for cleaning garlic
the same rug for cleaning garlic

The second method. In 10 seconds, you can hardly clean the young garlic, but in 10 minutes it is quite! In addition, at this time you will have completely free hands to deal with other matters in the kitchen.

  1. Divide the head of the garlic into separate cloves.
  2. In a bowl of cold water, throw not cleaned cloves yet.
  3. Do other things.
  4. After 10 minutes, pull the peeled garlic.

Video: how to quickly clean the garlic! 2 method?

How to quickly clean the garlic in a bank?

How else can you clean the garlic? The answer comes unexpectedly - with the help of a regular can! The method works for both one or several heads of garlic, and for teeth.

What do you need:

  • garlic
  • jar

How to do it:

  1. Place the heads of garlic in the jar.
  2. Close the jar tightly with a lid.
  3. Take the jar with your hands for the bottom and lid, energetically shake for a few seconds.
  4. Open the jar, pour the contents into a bowl.
  5. Take the garlic in the grief of the husk.

Advice! Instead of a can, you can use large glasses, bowls and even basins.

On this occasion we have prepared a video!

Video: The fastest way to clean the garlic. Life hack for the kitchen

How to quickly clean a lot of garlic?

A large amount of garlic can be cleaned with boiling water. Just keep in mind that you will lose time significantly, you will lose in taste. Garlic after this cleaning method loses part of the taste and aroma.

What do you need:

  • garlic
  • a bowl or a plate
  • hot water kettle

How to clean:

  1. Break the garlic on the cloves.
  2. Pour hot water into the lawsuit, you can even boiling water.
  3. Throw cloves of garlic into the water and wait a minute.
  4. Drain the water with a smoker.
  5. Choose garlic from a pile of husk.
Use this method if you do not care about the loss of the taste of the product
Use this method if you do not care about the loss of the taste of the product

Quick way to clear the head of garlic: video

You can watch a variety of the very first method of cleaning garlic in the video!

Video: How to clean garlic?

How to quickly and easily clean the garlic from scales and husks at home: methods, life hacks, tricks

Summarizing now, how can you easily clean the garlic:

  1. Using a knife (two methods).
  2. With the help of cold and hot water.
  3. With the help of a can.

Note! If you still decide to clean the garlic in the old fashioned way, separating the husk with a simple knife, then use medical gloves! This advice will protect you from burns.

An important fact! Cleaning old and young garlic should be carried out in different ways. What exactly - indicated in the article!

Video: how to quickly clean a lot of garlic | The art of cutting

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