How to safely remove extensed eyelashes at home yourself: methods, tips, photos. How can you remove the extended eyelashes carefully, quickly and without harm at home? How and by what means to remove the extensions of eyelashes correctly?

How to safely remove extensed eyelashes at home yourself: methods, tips, photos. How can you remove the extended eyelashes carefully, quickly and without harm at home? How and by what means to remove the extensions of eyelashes correctly?

From the article you will find out whether it is possible to remove the extensively eyelashes on your own at home. For you - a step -by -step description of the procedures for removing a deboonder, a remover, cream, butter and eye drops of albucid.

In the article we will talk about how and at home to remove the extensions of the extensions, without damaging for our own.

How many extended eyelashes do?

The extended cilia is a guarantee that under any circumstances and at any time of the day your gaze will be expressive, and your eyes will be beautiful. If earlier the buildup procedure took place only brave girls to any responsible event, for example, to the wedding, now it is made just like that, for every day.

Important: if you first contacted the cosmetological salon so that you are increased by eyelashes, you are most likely interested in how much they hold out. Their "shelf life" is directly related to the life cycle of your native eyelashes.

  1. The modern extension procedure looks as follows - Lashmeker sticks from 1 to 3 artificial to each of your native cilia.
  2. Like hair, your eyelashes are constantly updated: having passed your life cycle, the old ones fall out, and new ones appear from hair follicles.
  3. You can lose up to 5-7 of your cilia per day, this is a normal process. If you see that there are more of them, perhaps something is wrong with your cosmetics, or the body is junk.
  4. Obviously, together with your native cilia will fall out and extended. And after 3-4 weeks you will notice that their length and the volume have become not so ideal, and your face does not look too neat.
3-4 weeks after building, your artificial eyelashes will lose the form - some of them will fall together with natural in the process of natural update.
3-4 weeks after building, your artificial eyelashes will lose the form-some of them will fall together with natural in the process of natural update.

Here you are faced with a choice: go to the salon and make a correction or remove artificial eyelashes.

Important: both correction and removal of extended eyelashes are included in the price list of cosmetic salons services.

But it happens that you need to remove the eyelashes, but there is no time to go to the salon. Or you allocated the money for the extension procedure, and the fact that you need to pay separately for the withdrawal is not taken into account. Is it possible to somehow solve the issue at home? Will it turn out to remove the eyelashes on their own so that their own remains in place, but nothing falls into the eyes? Our women are enterprising, they have found several ways.

How and by what means to remove the extensions of eyelashes correctly? How to remove extensed eyelashes by the most gel and cream debonder: Photo

Immediately get ready for the fact that independent removal of eyelashes at home is a risk. A professional cosmetologist certainly knows what and how to shoot, his hand, as they say, is full. He will do everything so that your native eyelashes are not injured. You have no guarantees at home, during the removal procedure and after it, various kinds of difficulties and problems may occur. Perhaps you should still allocate a certain amount of money and visit the salon if you are not sure of yourself.
If you still decide to remove the remains of extensed eyelashes on your own, it is better to purchase a professional tool or a remover for this, preferably on a natural basis and without acetone.

Debonders for extended eyelashes.
Debonders for extended eyelashes.

Important: various manufacturers have debonders and remover, you can buy them both in stores of salon materials and in ordinary cosmetics stores, but not all.

Debonders are liquid and gel. If you are not a professional cosmetologist, choose the second option: liquid agents are spreading, working with them is not easy.
For the procedure for removing extensed eyelashes, you will need:

  • gel Debonder
  • cotton wheels
  • brush or cotton wool
  • tweezers
  • carcass brush
  • makeup remover
  • cleanser
Removing extended eyelashes with a deboonder: Step 1.
Removing extended eyelashes with a deboonder: Step 2.
Removing extensed eyelashes with a deboonder: Step 3.
  1. Before the procedure, wash yourself and cleanse your face with demacky.
  2. Cut the cotton pads in half - these halves will be needed to protect the eyelids and eyes from the defector.
  3. If you remove the eyelashes yourself, you will process your eyes in turn. Lay the half of the cotton pad between the eyelids.
  4. Smile off a brush or a cotton wand in a debonder, apply the product to the eyelash growth line.
  5. How does a Debonder work? It dissolves the glue on which artificial cilia are planted.
  6. Leave the product for 2 minutes. It is so much time that the glue dissolves.
  7. If during this time the eyelids are slightly pinned, most likely, the product contains acetone. If the burning sensation is tangible, you are very uncomfortable or painful, rinse it off immediately.
  8. Take tweezers. From the roots to the ends, capturing artificial eyelashes, carefully remove them.
  9. Wipe the eyelids with a cleanser for the skin of the face to remove the remaining glue.
  10. Wash.
  11. Comb your native eyelashes with a carcass for eyelashes or a special brush.

How to remove extensed eyelashes by the most gel remover: photo

Remover is another professional remedy for lifting eyelashes, which, in addition to the solvent for glue, contains caring components. As in the case of Debonder, at home it is better for you to use a remover with a gel consistency.

Removers for extended eyelashes.
Removers for extensive eyelashes.
  1. Remove makeup. It is advisable to degrease the eyelids and eyelashes. But do not use alcohol in any case.
  2. To use the remover, you also need to protect the eyelids and eyes with half of the cotton pads.
  3. A brush or a cotton swab moistened in a remover, treat the eyelash growth line.
  4. Read the instructions to find out how long to keep the remover. Usually, the glue dissolves in 5 minutes or a little more.
  5. When the glue dissolves, artificial cilia will begin to move away from yours to which they were attached. Help them a cotton swab or tweezers.
  6. Wash. There should be neither the remnants of the glue, nor the residues of the solvent.
  7. Comb the cilia. If possible, apply coconut or burdock oil on them.
Removing extended eyelashes with a remover.
Removing extended eyelashes by a remover.

Video: How to remove extensed eyelashes at home?

How can you remove the extended eyelashes carefully, quickly and without harm at home?

If you have not bought a debonder or a remover, you will still succeed in removing your eyelashes. Our resourceful girls were adapted to use for this tools that can dissolve glue relatively safe for the eyes, skin and natural cilia, which are in every house:

  • eye drops Albucid
  • fat creams, including children's
  • oils

Important: before applying the above means to the eyelash growth line, be sure to check if you have an allergy to them. The day before the procedure, lubricate with a small amount of oil or cream the inside of the bend of the elbow, or drop a couple of drops of albucide on it. If unpleasant sensations, rashes or other negative reactions have not come per day, take on the removal of eyelashes.

Albucide is eye drops for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, including bacterial conjunctivitis. It turned out that they not only kill pathogens, but also split the glue on which the extensed eyelashes to stay.

  • Albucid (by the way, it costs at a pharmacy mere pennies - about 30 rubles)
  • cotton wheels
  • cotton buds
As a means of removing extended eyelashes, you can use albucid drops.
As a means of removing extensed eyelashes, you can use albucid drops.


  1. Protect your eyes and eyelids with halves of cotton pads.
  2. Moisten a cotton wool in the albucid, apply a tool along the eyelash growth line.
  3. Wait for 2-3 minutes, apply the albucide with a second layer. After another 2-3 minutes-the third.
  4. After 20-30 minutes, check if the eyelashes are disconnected. Do not twitch with tweezers, use a clean cotton wool for removal.
  5. Wash, use the eyelid cream.

Important: many during the use of albucide have unpleasant sensations from tingling to unbearable burning. If you feel something like that, wash yourself immediately. Find another, less aggressive way to remove extended cilia. Remember that albucid is still a strong medicine, not a cosmetic product.

How to remove extensed eyelashes with sunflower, castor, burdock or olive oil: photo

Instead of a professional remover for extensed eyelashes, you can use a tool that you probably have at home - vegetable or cosmetic oil:

  • sunflower
  • olive
  • castor
  • burdock
Removing extended eyelashes with vegetable oil.
Removing extended eyelashes with vegetable oil.

With oil, the cilia are removed in two ways:

  1. Moisten halves of a cotton pad in the oil, attach them to the eyelids, put on the night bandage for the eyes and go to bed. In the morning you will remove the bandage, and artificial cilia will shower by themselves.
  2. Brew grass, for example, chamomile. Wait until the decoction has cooled to 70-80 degrees. Make yourself a steam bath for your face: pour a decoction into a bowl, lean over it and cover yourself with a terry towel. The 10-15 minute procedure will benefit you: you will prepare the cilia for removal, and the skin for the cleansing procedure. Speak a cotton pad any of the above oils, gently wipe the eyelashes to them. Literally in front of the artificial eyes, they will begin to move away from your natural ones. When the procedure is over, wash and use the cream around the eyes.

How to remove extensed eyelashes without special products, fat or children's cream: photo

The glue, on which artificial eyelashes “plant” are dissolved with prolonged contact with oily cream. If you have a child’s cream at home, intense moisturizing or anti -aging, use it.

Removing extended eyelashes with fat cream.
Removing extended eyelashes with fat cream.
  1. Illume a cotton wool in a cream.
  2. Get the cream densely on the eyelash growth line.
  3. Wait until the cream is absorbed. By this time, artificial cilia or bundles should disappear.
  4. If not all the cilia managed to remove at a time, repeat the procedure.

Is it necessary and necessary to remove the extensive eyelashes and after what time?

Eyelashes in a person live, on average, 90 days, or three months. Theoretically, the extended beams can not be removed, they themselves will disappear during this period of time.
But after 3 weeks you will notice that your magnificent and long eyelashes look different: unevenly, inaccurate, with "bald patches". You cannot afford such an untidy look! You should go to the cosmetologist so that he removes the remnants of extensively eyelashes, or choose one of the home methods described above in this article.

Depending on the individual characteristics of your body, it will be necessary to remove the extended eyelashes in 2-5 weeks.
Depending on the individual characteristics of your body, it will be necessary to remove the extensed eyelashes in 2-5 weeks.

Removing extended eyelashes: tips

  1. If you decide to build eyelashes, keep in mind that after time they will need to be adjusted or removed.
  2. If it seems to you that after building your eyelashes began to fall more intensively, do not panic.
  3. Perhaps earlier the process of their update passed your attention. And now, when 1-3 artificial falls together with one of your native cilia, of course, this is noticeable.
  4. Remember that the service life of extensed eyelashes is very arbitrary. Look more carefully at your reflection in the mirror: someone goes before removal or correction for a month or even one and a half, someone has artificial bundles in 2 weeks.
  5. If you are an allergy sufferer, or your skin is too delicate and sensitive, do not experiment with home remedies. Let a specialist in the cabin carry out the procedure for removing.

Video: Remove the extended eyelashes for yourself

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Comments K. article

  1. I myself would not recommend taking my eyelashes, since together with the extended and remove my. Contact the master better!

  2. I myself would not recommend taking my eyelashes, since together with the extended and remove my. Contact a specialist better.

  3. Oh, everything was back))

  4. Yes, hope, it is better not to do this on your own at home, so take off your relatives. I just once shot myself so that then the Corneregel course had to drip, since one eyelashes hit the eye and damaged the cornea. Fortunately, the drug helped quickly and effectively, but I myself do not do such things.

  5. I didn’t do anything, when I applied mascara, captured both of them and mine, then they themselves gradually reopened one by one, fell out, maybe the mascara contributed, and I also cut them carefully so that they would not stand out from my own.

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