How to carefully and evenly paint your nails without staining the cuticle, skin on the arms and legs? How to beautifully paint your nails gel varnish, shellac, black, red, pink, white, ordinary varnish and two colors?

How to carefully and evenly paint your nails without staining the cuticle, skin on the arms and legs? How to beautifully paint your nails gel varnish, shellac, black, red, pink, white, ordinary varnish and two colors?

It is careful to paint your nails and do it carefully. To do this, it is not at all necessary to go to the beauty salon! It is necessary to use interesting and useful tips of this article.

How to gently and smoothly paint your nails without staining the cuticle, skin?

Every woman wants to look good. For this, among a dozen other procedures, she regularly makes manicure. But it often happens that there is simply no extra money or time to go to a professional master in the salon. In such cases, home manicure comes to the rescue.

The disadvantage of home manicure is that it does not always turn out to be neat due to inexperience, inconvenience, work with the left (and maybe right) hand, lack of good tools, varnishes and conditions.

But do not be upset ahead of time, because making a neat and beautiful manicure at home is quite real. For this, it is necessary to have time and certain knowledge. For example, a scheme of painting.

The scheme of filing nails with varnish allows you to properly apply the product to the nail plate and with the help of smooth movements of the tube brush to smash the varnish throughout the nail.

how to paint a nail with varnish?

How to paint your nails with varnish so that they look neat:

  • Pay attention to the condition of your nail, it is necessary to carefully clean it before painting and wash off all the remnants of the previous varnish with acetone from it. Be careful: before painting nails, do not apply the cream on your hands, because the surface of the plate should be completely degreased for an even layer
  • If you want to protect your nails from unpleasant yellowness and align their surface, you need to apply a layer of transparent varnish. Such varnish can be bought in any store or department of manicure supplies
  • The first drop of varnish should be applied to the nails slightly higher than the cuticle itself and only then pull this droplet a little with a brush so that not to touch the cuticle in any way
  • After that, stretch the entire drop of varnish up to the very edge of the nail. It should turn out to be sufficient straight and flat line of painted varnish
  • The next step is to put the brush exactly to where the first drop and fresh varnish was located with the help of the brush, first stretch one side, then on the other as neatly as possible. Do not press much on the brush so that when pressed it does not spread and does not hurt the skin on the side of the nail
  • Wait for the complete drying of the first layer of varnish and only then apply the second layer that will give your nail a rich and deep color
how to properly and neatly paint your nails with varnish?

How to paint your nails with tape?

It turns out that adhesive tape is a good assistant in a beautiful coating of nails with varnish. Skillful gluing it will help not only make drawings on the nails, but also carefully paint them.

To do this, prepare the templates in advance and cut them, so that then with wet nails to bother with this issue (especially since it will be quite difficult so as not to hook freshly painted varnish on one hand).

Use only narrow tape for such purposes, no wider than two centimeters. With a wide ribbon, it will be difficult for you to carefully glue it to the side parts of the finger.

You need literally three pieces of tape for each finger. They are glued alternately: first on the sides, they are vertically and thoroughly pressed to the sides, and then the horizontal strip, which when gluing can be extended in the shape of the nail.

For neatly painting nails, you can use several types of adhesive tape. Cleep transparent is perfect, as it has a width of one centimeter. Messile adhesive tape, as well as an isolet that can take any shape and bend in any way, is no less convenient.

how to carefully paint your nails with tape?

On the dry layer of varnish, you can also glue some clippings of the strips of adhesive tape, which, when filled and removed, leave an interesting geometric pattern on the nails.

blanks for decorating nails with tape
fleet drawing with tape
geometric manicure with adhesive tape

How to paint your nails with a sponge?

It is possible to make a beautiful manicure with the help of such an uncomplicated device as a sponge. There are several main secrets of such nail painting, but the most basic is to choose the right sponge. It is best for such a goal that an ordinary dry kitchen sponge is suitable. It has a suitable structure with small bubbles, which are printed on the nail.

You can also purchase a special sponge in a store or department of manicure supplies.

manicure made with a sponge

How to make a manicure with crossing colors with a regular sponge:

  • Gently paint your nails with varnish as you usually do it. The applied layer of varnish will serve as the basis. It is best to take light tones as a basis: white, beige, pink. So, you can play in contrasts and give your nails volume
  • After that, wait for the complete drying of the varnish, otherwise you can’t do a high -quality and beautiful pattern with a sponge
  • After drying the light, you should take on the preparatory work: apply several varnish colors alternately on the working surface (a piece of oilcloth or plastic surface). Drops should be wide enough. Using a toothpick, try to mix the colors of the desired varnish until smooth to get a beautiful gradient
  • Dip the prepared sponge in obtaining a puddle of varnish. Globe to grab a certain amount of liquid
  • Such a sponge should first be tested on some surface in order to remove excess varnish from it and only then apply to the nail with soft pressing movements
  • This technique can not be done in no way to streaming all the skin around the nail, because the sponge should not be too small (this is the secret to its varnish). Excess varnish from the skin can be carefully removed with a cotton stick or toothpick wrapped in cotton wool. You can also dip a brush in a liquid to relieve varnish and gently walk along the edges
  • After you removed all the disadvantages of your painting, you should start other decorative elements (if desired, you can glue rhinestones, stickers or something)
  • The final stage of work is the coating of a painted nail with a stagnation varnish. It is necessary in order to protect the varnish, make the manicure stronger and more brilliant, create glossy

The procedure for creating a blot on the working surface from the desired colors and dipping the sponge into it is repeated each time for each finger.

a nail painted with a sponge. Double color
how to paint the nail with a sponge
nail design and painting with a sponge
gradient manicure created with a sponge
tricolor gradient manicure on long nails created using a sponge

How to quickly and beautifully paint your nails short nails, photos?

Some women are owners of short nails. This is due to personal preferences, beliefs, activities of a woman or simply inability to grow her own.

Do not be upset, since short and beautifully painted nails are a trend in our time. Long nails are increasingly replaced by cute “shorty”, decorated with various decorative elements covered with varnish and varnished.

There are several ways to decorate in an original and beautiful short nails:

For example, you can draw on them point drawing.To do this, you will come in handy either a special manicure tool for drawing with a metal ball at the end, or ordinary toothpick. Unlike a special tool, toothpicks will have to be changed several times during the work, as they quickly spoil.

It is very simple to apply a point pattern on the nails, it is enough to have a wide variety of varnish colors for drawing.

You dip the tip of your instrument in a fresh liquid varnish (apply a drop to the working surface) and transfer the point to a freshly painted layer of light varnish.

To make your drawing as neat and interesting as possible, you should focus on special templates or examples of a ready -made manicure.

toutful pattern on short nails varnish
nail decor with point pattern
manicure "in specking" on short nails

You can also surprise others with another interesting trick - nail painting in different colors. Such a manicure is especially popular in the summer, as it causes pleasant associations of summer, sweets, joy and childhood.

Choose only relevant colors, do not give preference to the colors of "metallic" or "sparkles." The varnish must be plain - enamel. Repeat the colors, depending on the finger, on both hands.

multi -colored nail tones decorated with rhinestones
multi -colored short nails

You can decorate short nails in the same way with:

  • gluing rhinestones
  • creation of not a complex geometric pattern
  • creating a miniature short jacket
  • creating a gradient with a sponge
  • creating or gluing on the nail of the print (drawing on the entire nail plate)
  • drawings of an animalist style (leopard spots that are drawn by a special manicure brush)
rhinestones on short nails
short manicure in an animal style
slides (stickers) on short nails

How to make up your nails so that they seem longer?

Among all the secrets, of course, there are those that allow even the shortest nails to make a little longer visually.

To do this, it is necessary to resort to special secrets of painting of the nail, focused on stretching the area of \u200b\u200bthe nail plate using drawings, lines and other techniques.

To stretch your nails visually will help the easiest french manicure.To do this, it is necessary to paint the entire nail with a neutral beige or pink color and only the extreme part of the nail in three to four millimeters is painted white.

Such a manicure is covered with a stagger varnish for resistance and giving gloss. It is noteworthy that over time the nail will grow and becomes more beautiful with such a manicure.

french with decorative drawings on ring fingers for short nails

Another cunning but unusually effective technique is spearfly French.Such a jacket does not have horizontal, but beveled striped on the nail from one edge to the other.

Visually and on the one hand, the white part of the nail becomes longer and therefore, it seems that the nail itself is much larger than in fact. An oblique jacket can also be decorated with rhinestones, sand or sparkles.

option of a mowed jacket
avangard with a scythe jacket

Visually lengthen the nail will help in the same way drawing oblong lines or patterns on the nail. A pattern or strip must be drawn from the bottom up or obliquely so that the nail becomes visually larger and length.

Such a drawing can be safely decorated with sparkles or rhinestones to give it elegance and festival, as well as remove simplicity.

longitudinal line on the nail - a pattern for visual lengthening of the nail
manicure visually lengthening nails
geometric patterns on the nails and the gradient also visually lengthen the nail

How to make up beautiful legs on your feet?

The most popular type of pedicure - french.perhaps this is the only way to “ennoble” the nails on the legs and make them well -groomed, neat and clean.

It is difficult to make a jacket on your feet yourself, but real. Nails are not always large and perfectly even. In order for the jacket you will need either special stickers or adhesive tape.

Paint your nails with a neutral color, wait for its drying, stick a sticker, cover the nail area with white and remove the sticker. Apply a fastener and wait again to dry.

The most difficult thing is to try to do everything in order to keep your fingers as much as possible all the time, in order to avoid damage and hooks of fresh varnish.

french on the legs

Several other options for a beautiful pedicure on the legs:

multi -colored gradient

Pedicure also allows the use of gradients and painting nails with multi -colored varnishes. It is best to pursue this style in manicure.

decorating the nail of the thumb on the leg

The pedicure also provides for painting with one continuous color of small nails and decorating, as well as a painting of the thumb on the thumb.

pedicure decoration with rhinestones

You can decorate simply and with the taste of pedicures with the help of the most ordinary rhinestones. The thumb “requires” the maximum number of crystals, and small at a time.

simple pedicure in dark colors

The pedicure in dark colors always looks profitable and feminine, but for this it is not at all necessary to choose black. The best and most popular (as well as incredibly fashionable for several years) are considered cherry and plum tones.

bright red pedicure

The most popular, most feminine and sexy in all years and at all times the red pedicure is considered.

He makes female legs in a special way interesting, tender and sophisticated. Such a pedicure should be as neat as possible, without spots on the skin and with an even layer of varnish. Any shade of red is suitable. It is best to combine red pedicure with red manicure.

How to make your nails on your right hand itself?

It often happens that having made our nails on one hand (left), we proceed to the right and observe the not joyful picture of the result of our works. The reason for this is not a thorough development of the hand, because the working is mostly right. But in the persecution of a neat manicure, it is important to know how to achieve beautiful painting of nails and on the right hand.

how to paint your nails carefully on your right hand?

In order for manicure to be almost perfect to remember a few secrets:

  • Start painting the right hand first of all. Of course, it is more handful to make up your left hand first and admire it, but it is best if you spend all your strength and patience on a “complex” hand
  • Apply a thin layer of varnish, do not dare a brush in a bottle over and over again to dial the most greasy drop. The smaller the varnish, the more carefully the first layer will turn out, and the second will already make it easier
  • Use a special corrector. It is not difficult to buy in cosmetic stores. Visually, it resembles a felt -tip pen, but its rod is impregnated with varnish with a liquid. It cleans the skin of the finger as conveniently as possible and makes the manicure neatly
  • Buy special "defense". They resemble stickers. They should be attached to the finger around the nail so that the brush with varnish paints only the nail and the excess amount of varnish leaves on the sticker

How to beautifully paint your nails gel varnish or shellac?

Probably every woman noticed how quickly an ordinary varnish is able to lose attractiveness, cracks, slashes and bursts. For this, manufacturers have invented a special varnish.

What is shellac? This is nothing more than the exact combination of the most ordinary varnish with gel polish. It is for this reason that working with such varnishes is incredibly easy even at home.

Shellac has its obvious advantages:

  • he shines (gloss) much more than ordinary varnish
  • its coating is many times more durable than that of ordinary varnish
  • the reliability of the material allows you to wear manicure for a long time
  • it can easily be applied both and remove it yourself
  • it does not require removing the top layer of the nail plate
  • it positively affects thin and weak nails, making them more durable
  • is completely non -toxic
gel polish shellac

The difference between this varnish is that it requires a special ultraviolet lamp for its drying.

Apply shellac is recommended in three layers:

  • the first layer is the base (using a lacquer-base)
  • the second layer is the main (color varnish)
  • the third layer-fixing (coaching varnish)

Applying gel polish to the nail plate:

  • Make the usual manicure with cleaning the nail, giving it a special shape, removing the cuticle
  • Completely degrease the nail with varnish fluid
  • Provide with a special grinding with a nail grinding so that the varnish “grabs” by the plate
  • Apply the basic varnish (it is transparent) and dry it under an ultraviolet lamp for about two minutes
  • Apply color varnish is the basis. This layer also requires about two minutes of drying under the lamp
  • Then the third layer is applied - fixing. It must be applied very carefully, since if its remnants touch the skin, it can easily break its integrity
  • After that, the nails are polished with a special groove cloth, you can rub the oil into the cuticle. All. The manicure is ready
shellac manicure

How to beautifully paint your nails with two colors, photo

Two -color manicure is unusually popular. Depending on the season, its color schemes can be different, but nevertheless, it does not lose its relevance. It is not too difficult to paint your nails with two colors. Two main methods can be distinguished:

Combining -you combine two colors on one finger. It will take time to create such a manicure. Apply the first layer of varnish in an even layer, wait for its complete drying. Now, depending on your design, apply the second color of the varnish. You can use special stickers or simple tape to give special shapes and patterns to the nail.

The semicircular stickers, as for French manicure, can be glued not only on the upper part of the plate, but also on the lower one, creating the hole. With adhesive tape you can make many stripes and geometric shapes that, when removing, will open an excellent design.

two -color manicure

Alternation -to do this, it is proposed to make up all the nails in one color and only certain fingers are completely different. You can pursue the style of the French manicure, creating a band in the vertical part of the nail with the second color, but you can not do this at all. Everyone will pay attention to your manicure.

two -color manicure

How to beautifully paint your nails with white varnish?

White varnish causes pleasant associations of purity and femininity, summer, white sand, sea. This color is very good for long thin fingers and looks great on the nails of any length. Apply white varnish to the nails very carefully so as not to hurt the entire area around the nail:

  • Beat your right hand first with white varnish, and then the left one, so that you can spend all the zeal on that hand that is always more difficult to make up
  • Apply the varnish with a thin layer and in no case do not hold your hands on the weight. Hands should always have some kind of strong support
  • Apply white varnish in two layers: the first will paint all the edges and side sides, and the second will give the color of the saturation
  • Garnish the finished manicure at will either with rhinestones, or sand, or sparkles, or a decorative element

Try to combine white varnish in the image with something else: beads, belt, earrings or hours to look as spectacular as possible.

white varnish on nails

How to beautifully paint your nails with black varnish?

Black varnish is a favorite among many women. All because it goes to the nails of almost any shape and to the fingers of any long and thickness. Black varnish gives mystery and special brutality to its owner. It can be difficult to apply black varnish only because it is able to stain the skin around the nail.

  • Try to apply black varnish first on your right hand and only then on the left
  • Do not dial too much varnish on a brush - it will spread and leave ugly bays on the nail
  • Apply the first layer very thin, and the second is fatter to give the color of the depth
  • Use a special corrector or toothpick wrapped in a cotton swab moistened in acetone to remove the errors of not neat manicure
black matte varnish

How to beautifully paint your nails with pink varnish?

Pink varnish, due to its soft neutral color, allows it to be easily applied to the plate without special errors. Try to apply varnish concentrated, without sudden movements and haste.

Do not overload the brush with excess varnish and do not leave not painted sides so that the manicure does not look bad. Pink varnish can be decorated with decorative elements, sparkles or rhinestones.

pink manicure

How to beautifully paint your nails with red varnish?

Red varnish on the nails of a woman says a lot about her. It testifies to the special sensuality of a woman, hints about the ardor of feelings, passion and love. Red color is the color of sexuality and fire. It is for this reason that the red manicure should be as ideal and neat as possible.

Try to apply varnish in complete calm and only in “small portions” without overloading the nail with a large amount of varnish. The thin layer first will dry faster, and secondly, it will look more accurate. Cover the red varnish with the conjunrator with the glossy and can let the glare, attracting even more attention.

red varnish

How to beautifully paint your nails with ordinary varnish?

Ordinary varnish gives you the opportunity to correct the situation at any time using acetone or any other varnish removal. Choose only fresh and liquid varnishes for painting nails. Such varnishes will dry faster and spread better along the nail plate.

Take it in a rule to apply the base layer of colorless varnish to your feet and only then colored. This will allow you to align the nail and preserve it, eliminating the yellowness.

How to beautifully paint your nails at home with a pattern?

Inventive fashionistas have found far from one way to create a simple, but spectacular pattern on the nails. For this, there are many methods and secrets, as well as improvised means. You can find out in detail about how to paint the nails at home and make a drawing on them from the video.

Video: "Simple drawings on the nails with a needle"

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