Zucchini benefits and harm to health. Recipes from zucchini: crispy little salted, pizza, cake, rolls with different fillings, lasagni

Zucchini benefits and harm to health. Recipes from zucchini: crispy little salted, pizza, cake, rolls with different fillings, lasagni

From the zucchini you can prepare many exquisite and simple dishes that will surprise and delight with taste. We have prepared for you the most popular zucchini recipes.

Zucchini - This is a universal vegetable, with which you can cook jam, rolls, cakes and even pizza. You will learn all the details of unique recipes from this article.

Zucchini: benefits and harm to health

Zucchini is a valuable product for the human body due to its unique composition. This vegetable has delicate dietary fiber, so that the product does not have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal system. They are also useful for diabetes suffering from mellitus.

Due to the low calorie content, are indispensable for people, overweight. In addition, since zucchini is a hypoallergenic vegetable, it can and should be entered in the child’s menu from seven months.

The fruits of this plant contain vitamins necessary and important for human health. Also as part of a vegetable acids are present:

  • apple (improves blood circulation and metabolism)
  • folic (provides protein synthesis)
  • nicotine (improves blood circulation, reduces cholesterol).

RUBRISE ARE ACCOUNT and important for the body salts:

  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • calcium
  • phosphorus
Eating for zucchini is useful for the heart, liver and bones
Eating for zucchini is useful for the heart, liver and bones

These substances are necessary for us for normal functioning heart muscle, liver and skeletal muscles. The optimal ratio of substances such as potassium and sodium has a beneficial effect on the water balance of the human body.

Since 95 % zucchini consist of water, they are a universally recognized diuretic and help get rid of edema. And also this vegetable has excellent moisturizing effect, Promotes the microcirculation of blood of the face, protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet exposure and therefore is quite often used in cosmetology.

All useful properties of zucchini cannot be counted, but it should be remembered that people who who suffer from kidney disease Do not abuse dishes from this vegetable. In addition, it is not recommended to use zucchini in raw form for peptic ulcer of the stomach and gastritis.

Crispy Small Ruchest Recipe

A great addition to the main dishes, as well as a wonderful snack to the feast are small -salted zucchini. Surprise and delight yourself and your relatives with an unusual, tasty, and most importantly useful dish. We are offering to you fast recipe for small -salted zucchini. We are sure that he will become one of the most beloved by you and your loved ones.

Small -salted zucchini - will be an excellent addition to the main dishes
Small -salted zucchini - will be an excellent addition to the main dishes

So, You will need:

  • zucchini - 1 kg
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 4 teeth
  • your favorite greens (cins, dill, parsley, basil) - 1 large bundle
  • black and fragrant pepper peas - 5 peas
  • cloves-1-2 buds
  • coriander - 1/3 teaspoon
  • For brine:
  • water - 1l
  • salt - 2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons

Rwaries desirable to take young ones, no longer than 15 centimeters. Then they do not need to be cleaned of the skin and seeds.

Zucchini in front of the sulfur can be cut into quarters or circles
Zucchini in front of the sulfur can be cut into quarters or circles

The preparation process is as follows:

  • First prepare the brine - To do this, add spices, sugar and salt to boiling water. After the brine boils again, immediately turn off and put to cool to room temperature
  • At that time prepare vegetables. Wash the zucchini and greens thoroughly, clean the garlic. Finely chop the greens and garlic. Cut the stalks from the fruits, and cut the zucchini along the thin slices using a vegetable engine. If there is no vegetable product, then you can cut them with thin circles. However, rolls twisted from slices look much spectacular on the table.
  • Chopped put the greens on the bottom of the dishesin which our dish will be prepared. Sprinkle with garlic. If someone loves more sharp snacks, then you can put circles of acute red or green pepper.
  • Put the chopped zucchini. Gently pour the cooled brine on top, shake the container a little so that the garlic and herbs evenly cover the vegetables. Put it under the lid in a warm place.

After the expiration 6-8 hours Tender, fragrant little salted zucchini are ready for use. Store them in the refrigerator should not longer than 2-3 days.

Pizza from zucchini in the oven: delicious recipe

Everyone loves pizza. However, those who follow their figure and consider calories have to abandon the extra piece. We bring to your attention a recipe for dietary, low -calorie pizza.

The basis of the test for this pizza they make zucchini. You can put everything you like in the filling: boiled meat, sausages, smoked sausages, etc. If only vegetables are added, it will turn out a magnificent vegetarian dish. Try it!

Appetizing zucchini pizza
Appetizing zucchini pizza

Take it such products for the test:

  • zucchini (medium -sized) - 2 pcs
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • flour - 0.5 cups
  • baking powder - 0.5 teaspoons
  • dill or parsley
  • salt pepper

For filling:

  • tomato - 1 pc. (if the tomatoes are small, then 2 pcs.)
  • bulgarian pepper (optional) - 1 pc.
  • champignons (optional) - 100 g
  • sausages, ham, sausages, etc. - 100 g
  • solid cheese - 100 g
The shape of the pizza may not necessarily be round
The shape of the pizza may not necessarily be round

The recipe is as follows:

  • First prepare the dough, for this, grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, squeeze the juice, mix with chopped herbs, drive eggs, salt and pepper
  • Mix the baking powder with flour and pour it to the rest of the products. The dough should turn out a little thicker than for pancakes
  • Mix thoroughly and leave for 15 minutesso that the ingredients "make friends"
  • At this time, prepare the filling - cut the tomatoes in circles, bell pepper - straws, mushrooms - mushrooms - in 4 parts. Cut the sausage, ham or boiled meat with cubes, sausages - circles. Grate the cheese.
  • Pour the dough into a greased with butter and sprinkled with semolina or panning crackers shape
  • Lay the filling in the order you like (first sausage, then vegetables or vice versa). At this stage, you can grease the pizza with some kind of sauce, if you want. And sprinkle generously with grated cheese.
  • Bake in preheated up to 180 degrees oven 30 - 35 minutes. It is better to take pizza from the mold when it cools down a little.

Video: Diet pizza from zucchini

Tasty zucchini cake: recipe

Operational vegetable cakes have long won an honorable place on our festive table. I especially fell in love with many cake from zucchini. There are a great many recipes for this dish. Today we offer you a rather unusual recipe for a “ordinary” zucchini cake.

For the test you will need:

  • zucchini (preferably young, medium size) - 3 pcs
  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • flour - 4 tbsp. tablespoons
  • turmeric, zira - a pinch
  • salt pepper
Relice cake

For filling:

  • cottage cheese type "Philadelphia" - 300 g
  • garlic-1-2 teeth
  • maslins without bones - 2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • pickled champignons - 0.5 jars
  • basil, parsley - 1 branch

The cooking process is as follows:

  • Grate the zucchini or grind in a blender. Leave for 15 minutesDrain the excess fluid
  • Slightly shake the eggs, pour into zucchini. Mix dry ingredients with flour. Then pour flour into zucchini with eggs, knead thoroughly
  • Fry on two sides in a heated, greased pan -greased with vegetable oil 5 cakes. Try to make the cakes not very thick, otherwise it will be difficult to turn them over
  • Put the finished cakes on a paper towel so that excess fat is absorbed into a towel
  • While the cakes cool down, prepare the filling - cut in small cubes of olives and champignons
  • Chop the greens with garlic
  • Mash the cottage cheese well with a fork and add the rest of the products
  • Mix gently, trying not to damage champignons and olives. Salt to taste. If the filling is a little dry, you can add a spoonful of mayonnaise or sour cream
  • Lubricate each cake with filling, fold each other. Decorate with herbs

If desired, you can add to the filling Credded crab sticks, bell pepper, pickled cucumber chopped cubes. Experiment and enjoy your appetite!

Video: delicious zucchini cake

How is the climbing of zucchini prepared?

Climbing - A popular Italian dish, which is based on thin sheets of dough, alternating with meat or vegetable filling, flooded with smell and sprinkled with grated parmesan. The dish is very satisfying and quite high -calorie.

Therefore, we offer you a recipe "Lightweight" climbing, The basis of which is not the dough, but zucchini. We are sure that everyone will like such climbing, and lovers of zucchini - especially.

Relice lasan
Relice lasan

So, products will be required:

  • young zucchini medium sizes - 4 pcs
  • minced meat-500-600 g
  • onions - 1 pc
  • tomato - 2 pcs
  • italian herbs - 2 hours
  • hard cheese - 100 g
  • milk - 500 ml
  • butter - 6 tbsp. l
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l
  • nutmeg - on the tip of a knife
  • salt pepper
Zucchini -climbing can be dietary and even vegetarian
Zucchini -climbing can be dietary and even vegetarian

Guide such rules:

  • Wash the zucchini, remove the stalk, cut along thin slices. It is more convenient to do this with a vegetable engine
  • Salt, sprinkle with Italian herbs and leave to pickle for 10 - 15 minutes. Fry slightly on both sides in vegetable oil. It is wonderful if you have a pan - grill, in this case, zucchini practically do not absorb fat and the taste will be brighter
  • Fry minced meat in vegetable oil with finely chopped onions, constantly mixing so that there are no lumps. Salt, pepper
  • Add tomatoes chopped with cubes, tap 3 - 5 minutes. Grate cheese
  • Prepare the Behamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, carefully add flour, mix thoroughly
  • Boil milk separately, pour it into a thin stomach with flour and butter, without stopping stirring
  • Add nutmeg, salt to taste. The sauce is better to do in advance
  • Lubricate the form in which the climbing will be baked. Lay out in layers: zucchini, minced meat, cheese sauce. Again, zucchini, minced meat, cheese sauce and so to the end, until the products end. The last should be a layer of cheese.
  • Bake in preheated up to 200 degrees oven for about 30 minutes

Video: Lazanya from zucchini

How to cook zucchini rolls with different fillings?

We bring to your attention remarkable rolls from zucchini, for which you need:

  • 8 zucchini
  • olive oil
  • spices
Piquant zucchini rolls
Piquant zucchini rolls

You can add to zucchini cheese filling:

  • 200 g of cheese
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • greens

Or Curd filling:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese
  • 10 tomato
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • spices
Reluccous rolls with cottage cheese filling
Reluccous rolls with cottage cheese filling

Record the recipe:

  • Cut the zucchini with slides
  • Lubricate the pan with olive oil and fry the zucchini, lay out fried vegetables on a napkin
  • If you use cheese filling, mix chopped greens and garlic with cheese
  • For filling from cottage cheese, chop mixing a dairy product with chopped herbs and tomatoes
  • Lay the filling on each plate and roll the roll

The finished dish can be consumed immediately or left to cool in the refrigerator.

Chicken cutlets with zucchini

Everyone knows that zucchini they have a unique composition And they are a necessary product for humans, and especially for children. However, as a rule, children do not like this vegetable And they refuse to eat dishes prepared from it.

Chicken cutlets with zucchini
Chicken cutlets with zucchini

We bring to your attention a recipe for useful chicken cutlets with zucchini, which, we hope, will like little away. And adult family members will probably appreciate this dish.

So, for chicken cutlets with zucchini You will need:

  • young zucchini - 2 pcs. (approximately 400-500 g)
  • chicken fillet - 500 g
  • eggs - 1 pc. (if the eggs are small - 2 pcs.)
  • greens to taste-1-2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • sanny cereal-1-2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • garlic-1-2 teeth
  • salt pepper
Kuachka cutlets can be from without adding chicken - then you will get a light vegetarian dish
Kabachka cutlets can be made of without adding chicken - then you will get a light vegetarian dish

Cooking process consists of the following stages:

  • Grate the zucchini on a coarse grater (if desired, you can clean it from the peel, but it is more useful to consume this vegetable with the peel), leave it 30 minso that the vegetables are let down the juice
  • Drain the excess liquid from the zucchini
  • Add chopped fillets, eggs, finely chopped greens and garlic
  • Sprinkle the dish with your favorite spices, salt
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly and add a semolina, leave for 15-20 minutesso that the decoy is absorbed by the juice, and the minced meat became thicker
  • Form cutlets with a spoon or wet hands and fry in vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown (approximately 5 minutes each from each side)

The dish is ready, the cutlets are tender and very juicy. You can also cook these cutlets in the oven or double boiler. It will turn out an even more useful and dietary dish. Enjoy your meal!

How many calories are in a zucchini?

Everyone knows that zucchini is a low -calorie dietary product because 95 % It consists of water. 100 g of raw zucchini contains only 20-24 kcal. Depending on the variety, food value 100 g vegetables:

  • fats - 0.2 - 0.3 g,
  • proteins - 1.2 g,
  • carbohydrates - from 3, 5 to 4.7 g.
Zucchini - will become an indispensable low -calorie product
Zucchini - will become an indispensable low -calorie product during a diet

Due to low calorie content, you can use up to 1.5 kg On the day of this healthy and tasty vegetable without risk to figure.

However, it should be remembered that when extinguishing zucchini absorbs a lot of oil, and the calorie content of the dish increases. So, in 100 g of fried zucchini already contained 88 kcal, in the caviar From zucchini - 98 kcal per 100 g, in pancakes From zucchini - 127 kcal per 100 g.

Therefore, it is preferable to prepare zucchini with a minimum of oil and minimal heat treatment. It is best to put out vegetables without fat or bake in the oven. After all, 100 g of baked zucchini dishes with other vegetables contain only 50 - 55 kcal.

Despite thermal treatment, even in fried form this unique vegetable saves vitamins and minerals And it is a valuable product for the human body. Therefore, cuts from zucchini should be sure to attend your table During the summer season.

In addition, zucchini is an indispensable vegetable that is used during diets. His low calorie content With proper processing, it will help to lose weight and maintain the body in shape.

Just turn on the zucchini in your diet And this will help normalize the condition of the skin, improve the work of many organs and systems and give a charge of vitamins for a whole year.

Video: scoop caviar

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Comments K. article

  1. Mm, recipes are just delicious! I have been raw zucchini with my brother since childhood. But if you bake with cheese, tomato or meat ... mmm .. delicious. But we love the raw))) recently my brother threw off the article on the Medvizor RU, it says that you can poison with raw zucchini! Shock. It is necessary to be more careful ...

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