Why prick your finger with a needle on the right or left hand: signs - how to neutralize unkind predictions?

Why prick your finger with a needle on the right or left hand: signs - how to neutralize unkind predictions?

In this article we will talk about signs related to a finger injection for needlework.

In ancient times, every girl had to be able to sew, embroider and repair clothes. All this was done manually, because no sewing machines or special devices then existed then. Needlework skills were passed down from generation to generation, and the art of owning a needle was considered ordinary. But small injuries during this work did not happen so rarely.

And, of course, the Slavic peoples saw predictions and hints of fate in many things. In pricking your finger with a needle at work was no exception. Centuries have passed, and although now far from every girl can be called a needlewoman, but these signs still live, and predictions often come true. Consider the most relevant that we got from our distant ancestors unchanged.

What does it mean to prick with a needle with a finger of the left, right hand, without blood and to blood: signs for women and girls

It is worth distinguishing immediately - in all cases, the right hand is considered more favorable, the left is traditionally connected with the worst predictions. But the logical meaning in the formation of these signs nevertheless took up. Signs with a needle touch your working hand! That is, if you are right -handed and sew with your right hand, then, only bending your fingers in the opposite direction, or by great chance you can prick yourself over your right finger. For left -handed people - it is about the hand that you hold the thing when sewing.

But still, the Slavic peoples came up with their corrections for extremely rare accidents! For the convenience of understanding, we will, for example left (for right -handed), call non -working. Although both hands participate in the sewing process. The worker will be considered the one that holds the needle!

Did you know? That old people categorically forbade loan to lend any of their sewing things. Even a skein of thread falls under the ban. This case has your own sign - find yourself “naked”, you will be in poverty. The needles fall under the strictest taboo at all - neither give them nor temporarily to give them. This will lead to quarrels with that person. But there is a method of neutralization - let them give you a couple of coins in return.

Signs relate to the working hand for sewing
Signs relate to a non -working hand for sewing
  • Inject the finger of a non -working hand with a needle, As not surprising, during needlework it was considered a good sign - the work will receive delight and praise from others.
    • For example, if Young girl The finger will accidentally prick, then hesitates tonight of compliments about his strange work and beauty.
    • Married women A random injection also brings good news, especially if things were sewn/embroidered for a husband or mother -in -law. In this case, the girl will receive sincere praise today.
    • Single woman after 30 I pricked my finger with a needle - unexpectedly in the near future it will be covered with a wave of passion. Perhaps a new crazy love connection will appear.
  • Before On New Year's Eve Girls They specially sat down to sew or embroider, in the hope that an accidental injection would bring them good luck and this year they will find their soul mate. In addition, it was believed that if, when sewing some thing, the girl pricked a finger, then it was in her this year that she will meet her future chosen one.
    • The same goes for and new thing, Which the girl sewed or repaired for herself, hesed at any time. This new thing, if you also often wear it, will lead to a meeting with a new fan.
  • If you are still pricked their working (right) hand In the process of sewing a certain thing, then this indicates that you do not like it! That's the soul does not lie! And if the soul does not lie, then you cannot properly do the work.
  • If a I pricked my working hand married or girl with the groom - The second half will soon become indifferent to you. Only you can return the former passion!
  • Sewing during the wedding is a bad sign! And in this case there is a sign associated with sewing. The bride, if the finger is injected on this day, then her whole family life will be “like on needles” - in tears and scandals. In order to completely exclude such predictions, then if something needs to be done, they asked for a girlfriend or mother, sister.
The injection of each finger has its own interpretation
The injection of each finger has its own interpretation

Interesting: If during sewing your needle fell, then wait for the guests today on the threshold! But if the tip is directed towards you, then sharp languages \u200b\u200bwill teach or discuss you, the guests will not bring you joy. But if the tip is turned away from you, then the evening will pass well and at ease in a friendly environment. Across - a meeting with unfamiliar or unfamiliar people, with whom you are not too comfortable, but it will not work out to avoid.

What does it mean to prick a thumb with a needle?

  • If a unmarried girl I pricked a thumb with a needle during sewing - this is a true sign of the fact that she will soon meet the narrowed and get married.
  • If a She already has a groom, This means that at the moment he thinks of her and the upcoming wedding.
  • In the old days, the girl's thumb is injured for giving way I meant that we should prepare for the coming arrival of matchmakers.
  • Married woman A trampled thumb, everyday chores, fuss and serious experiences are expected, which may end unsuccessfully. Perhaps therefore, in some astrological sources, the thumb injection is interpreted as a harbinger of great misfortunes.
  • If a prick the thumb of the working handa needle, this is a sign that you are doing something wrong, perhaps even a contradictory morality! Review your behavior. Although it is still playing a role here, to whom you are sewing or repairing an outfit.

And if you drive the needle right under the nail of the thumb, then this is to unexpected luck or even financial profit!

By the way, the needle is very aligned under the nail!
By the way, very often the needle comes under a large nail!

What does it mean to prick the index finger with a needle?

  • Inject the index finger during sewing with a needle for both girls and married women It means that you will be drawn into the problems of loved ones who can easily develop into family troubles and require you to make important decisions.
    • If this happens, you must be extremely attentive to loved ones and try to support them. But at the same time, be prepared for the fact that all this will require you to have a lot of vitality and energy costs.
  • If blood appears, then this is a signal about the loss of finance! Avoid any expenses because they will lead to disappointment and greatly spoil your material base.

Important: According to signs, you can’t store your needles without threads - it also leads to poverty!

What does it mean to prick the middle finger with a needle?

  • Inflap with a needle Middle finger, Unmarried girls They should take a closer look at their friends. This may mean that there are envious people next to you who can easily discuss you and your life behind your back, gossip, and in the worst case, even try to recapture the groom.
    • But you should follow your own words! In the near future, negative energy reigns around you, which at any moment can lead to quarrels or minor troubles.
  • Married womenif it happened to prick the middle finger with a needle for needlework, you should think about the amulet that protects your house and the family from the bad evil eye and damage.
    • It is also a signal that you need to take a break, since your energy forces are running out. And signs say that in this case you should pay attention to your soul mate!

Interesting: To lose your “naked” needle, without a thread - to a new love or to a meeting with a distant friend, but if there was a thread in the ear, this is to part.

The lower hand often suffers
The lower hand often suffers

What does it mean to prick with a needle with a ring finger?

  • It is believed that in prick with a needle with a ring finger, for both a girl and a married woman - Not for good. Troubles can happen where you are not waiting for them at all, so it's time to think about the amulet and protection.
  • Inject your finger on a work hand with a needle, then these troubles are business, working in nature.
  • If they touched a passive hand - There are rivals on the love front. And be careful - perhaps they want to damage you.

Important: Find a needle in the house - to a quarrel in the family. It is necessary to break it and throw it into the gap, you can wash it off into the sewer. The main thing is that no one can get it and find it, otherwise the ill -wishers can bring the evil eye! And if this is your needle - to luck. But it should be taken in the ear to yourself.

What does it mean to prick a little finger with a needle?

  • Injected with a needle little finger for a woman in any position Also means the spread around gossip and rumors that can have bad consequences. Be attentive to your environment, do not share the innermost with anyone, do not give anyone for a while of your things.
  • Also in pricking a needle the little finger is a signal to see with your thoughts. Perhaps you envy someone or, even worse, dissolve unkind gossip. If you have such a sin, then remember - in life everything returns with a boomerang!
  • It is also a sign - to pay the attention of your life!

On a note: If you pricked any finger - by chance during sewing or finding on the floor, then wait for betrayal from your own or close person to you!

The little finger is not the most active finger in sewing, but it can also suffer
The little finger is not the most active finger in sewing, but it can also suffer

How to neutralize predictions if you were able to prick your finger with a needle during sewing?

  • Of course, do not forget about the possibility of neutralizing predictions if they are unfavorable for you. How to neutralize predictions if you pricked your finger with a needle? Red woolen thread As a amulet works in the best way. It just needs to be tied to the injured finger and not remove during the day.
    • Also, do not forget that the talisman for protection should be hidden from prying eyes. An ordinary patch will help!
    • After this thread, it is necessary to burn and wash off ashes in water. And mentally wish yourself good luck!
  • Another universal and effective method - To light a church candle And walk with her through all the corners of the house. In this case, it is necessary to read "Our Father." One circle is enough.

In pricking your finger with a needle at work during sewing is a common thing. But even such small details require attention!

Video: Why prick your finger with a needle - superstition about needlework

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