Why dream of his own death, the date of death to a man, a woman by dream books: interpretation, description, warnings

Why dream of his own death, the date of death to a man, a woman by dream books: interpretation, description, warnings

Many people think that death in a night vision is considered a poor sign. Since there is nothing worse than to disappear from this world forever, but everything is not so bad - such a dream must be interpreted only in a good way.

Many modern dream books say the following, seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that the sleeping person will live for a very long time. However, there are some points that must always be taken into account while solving sleep.

Why dream of a girl, woman?

If you dream of your own death, it may have several meanings. We list the main:

  • A dream with his own death will make you think about life. Take carefully about your own actions. Perhaps you are doing something wrong.
  • Vanga deciphers the dream as follows: wait for a long life, you will be a happy person. If you are a lonely girl, soon you will meet your loved one. But, if your death was long, painful, then trouble awaits you.
  • By Nostradamus: you will have in life a lot of happiness You will rarely get sick.
  • Modern dream books: A dream wants to push you to ensure that you we reviewed their own life position. You may have a change. They will certainly carry positive, if you use the situation that will develop correctly.
  • Sleep can lead to bad changes - this can be read in the Islamic dream book. If you are a poor person, you will get rich soon.
  • According to the dream book of the loff, you can decipher the vision like this - you will receive a new position, you will be a successful businessman.
  • Feodorovskaya seer deciphens a dream like this - in your life will begin Good events. A vision indicates that you will get married soon, you will have a career well, a happy family life awaits you.
Dreams for a girl are often favorable
Dreams for a girl are often favorable

Why does a man dream of his own death?

In one of the dream books, such a vision has a double meaning. The exact interpretation of the dream depends on the next nuance-how the man felt himself whether he had any emotions:

  • The man was very worried, worried? He has the same behavior in reality. He afraid to die, Therefore, he cannot enjoy life and happy moments. In such a situation, it is better to sign up for a therapist, try to find the reasons for which fears are eaten from the inside.
  • Did death in a vision cause bad emotions? So the man it's time to get rid of old stereotypes, values. If he changes them, it will become much happier, calmer.
What did the man feel in a dream?
What did the man feel in a dream?

There are also other meanings in case your own death is dreaming:

  • If a man, when he was dying in a dream, was experiencing a strong horror, he could wait for the danger to die in reality. Something threatens him, so very soon the man should be extremely careful. For example, he I must refuse long travels, dating with people who are suspicious, walks at night.
  • In a vision of a man Did someone close? Perhaps he is very crushed by the killer from sleep. The male i must stop communicating with this person.
  • Death did not scare the man? Sleeping soon They will increase in position at work. Finally, the sleeping person awaits the jump in this area that he had been waiting for a long time, for which he worked around the clock.

Why dream of the death of your own child?

  • If you dream of the death of your own child, do not worry, the baby will live a long life, he will always be healthy.
  • I dreamed like does the child die? In reality, you will experience a financial lack. Instead of well -being, they are waiting for you disappointments, constant unrest.
  • Does your own child die in a vision? You are with him quarrel, and very much.
  • In a dream saw a dead child Which recently was born? You will have cherished desires.

As a rule, such dreams have a positive meaning:

  • In vision Did your son die? Get a pleasant message or a major event at home awaits you. The son died in a vision? You are soon they will be invited to a big holiday, where you will have a great rest.
  • I dreamed that did the daughter die? This is a sign of what awaits you illness, debts, problems.
  • Did you see a dead daughter in a dream? Strong expenses await you soon. In reality, problems will arise, where you could draw strength earlier.
  • I dreamed that did you see how my daughter was dying? Wait difficult life stage, which will end quickly. After that, you will be taken.
The death of a child
The death of a child

Now we will consider the main causes of the death of the baby in a dream and their interpretation:

  • He crashed. You will have difficulties in endeavors.
  • The baby knocked down the car. You will worry, you will be very scared of some situation soon.
  • The kid drowned. You will get rid of difficulties, problems at work or in relations with loved ones.
  • Someone killed the child. Wait for a joyful news.
  • The kid died due to the disease. You can solve a long -standing problem.
  • The child killed himself. Wait for incredible luck.
  • In a dream, did you bury the child? My child is already growing up, the child is ready to join adulthood. Also, such a dream means debts that you forgot about, but they will return them to you.

Why dream of your own death and funeral?

Do you dream of your own death, as well as how you were buried? Pay special attention to the details of this dream:

  • People at the funeral for you Was mourn without hiding their own pain? You will get what you dreamed about so long.
  • You are sick, saw in a dream how you were buried? In reality you will completely recover.
  • A woman sees her own funeral in a dream? She will soon get married or become pregnant.
  • Follow the funeral during sunny weather - for luck in every business.
  • We saw in a vision your grave? The sign is quite good - soon new, interesting projects, and a new life await you.
  • Read the inscriptions on the tombstone? RelfatesHowever, people will begin to talk about you only everything positive.
  • Saw crypt? Wait for the shock.
  • Dreaming of digging a grave for yourself? In reality you will be very shy, you can completely degenerate.
  • You fell into the grave, which was open? Meet a person. He will be a patron for you.
Own death
Own death

Why dream of your own death and resurrection?

If you dream of your own death and resurrection, do not be sad - such a dream is always considered positive:

  • In a dream you were buried, but you got out of an open coffin? Soon you will receive a positive news from distant relatives or a forgotten comrade. Information will greatly please you. Maybe because of her your life will completely change in a good direction.
  • Death and resurrection - A sign of financial well -being. You will receive money when you will not wait for this. The most basic, do not waste them quickly.
  • In a dream, you were resurrected, you were surrounded by friends, relatives, friends? Such a vision is considered a sign of a meeting with a person who has not seen each other for a long time.
  • Are you resurrected after the accident? In reality, you will travel. Such a trip will concern work, or maybe even the long -awaited vacation. It doesn't matter what the main goal of the trip will be. She will bring you only good emotions.
  • If you see such a night dream every day, do not ignore this sign. You are simple many problems have accumulated which must be urgently solved.
Death and resurrection
Death and resurrection

Why is your own death in an accident?

Often people see a similar dream in night dreams - a person gets into an accident, and then dies. Why dream of your own death in an accident depends on the details:

  • There was blood on the asphalt, were there wounds, fractures on your body? You will spend a lot of effort, patience to achieve your own goal.
  • You had an accident, but there was not a scratch on your body? You can successfully finish your own affairs. The result will turn out to be favorable, you will realize everything within the necessary time.
  • Have you died on the road, were in a burning car? You will get rid of past mistakes, start life from scratch.
  • In a dream, you saw the culprit of the accident, because of which many other people died? This plot is serious warning. Carefully analyze your own life. Perhaps you interfere with someone or are wrong about others.
  • Very often, such night dreams can prevent sleeping. If you correctly interpret the signs received, avoid trouble.

What is the dream of preparing for your own death?

  • A very terrible dream if Dreaming of preparations for his own death. However, under certain conditions, such visions have good values. For example, if in time there was Sunny, good and clear weather.
  • If during the funeral procession you are strong they were afraid, experienced other bad sensations, then In reality you will live for a long time, but the disease will not affect you.
  • Was they prepared for their funeral in vision? You will happy person You have a good life. You may meet a loved one.
  • The dream is negative if in preparation for the funeral ritual it was raining, it was cloudy. In this case, wait for a difficult period, troubles and problems.

Why is the date of its own death?

  • Dates the date of his own death, which is indicated on the tombstone - signforeshadowing the fact that your life will change soon. Try to remember the figure -It is in this number that something important will happen to you, which will greatly affect your future life.
  • Try to the day that you remember, do all household chores. Do everything you have long wanted to do.
  • In addition, the number from sleep may indicate a winning number from the lottery.
  • If a woman recognized her date of death, she has life will change a lot. If a woman already has children, then in their life a strong turn of fate will soon happen. Mom will not be able to find out about these changes soon.
See the date of death
See the date of death

What does a person dream of before his own death?

  • Psychologists say that before his own death, a person begins to recall his past life. And this process can form night dreams.
  • Often relatives of the dead, said that they dreamed of strange dreams before their own death.
  • It is important to listen to the signs that the Universe gives us, because in this way you can protect yourself and loved ones.

If you dream of one of the following dreams, be extremely careful:

  • You met a deceased relative. He called you, invited you to visit. You agreed - soon you will die, refuse - you will live for a long time.
  • We saw in the dreams of a face on the icon. You can get into an accident.
  • You put tramps in the church. In a dream, someone alien put a candle for your health.
  • In a dream you saw the tombstone, it has a clear date of death.
  • In a dream, you dreamed of bright moments from early childhood.
  • You flew, were in space.
  • You quickly fell somewhere, for example, in a ravine, a basement, even in a well, in which there was muddy and black water.
  • You dreamed of a tree that the snake wrapped up.
  • A meteorite or other cosmic body fell in a dream.
  • You talked with the forces of the other world.

There can be a lot of such dreams. But you do not perceive them with horror. Just follow the signs, be careful and you will be fine.

You can read about the significance of other dreams in the article:

Video: What does a dream mean about your own death?

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