Pumpkin jam, jam, jam, confiture: 10 best recipes for the winter, every day, for weight loss

Pumpkin jam, jam, jam, confiture: 10 best recipes for the winter, every day, for weight loss

Pumpkin jam - a delicious autumn dessert? Is it possible to cook confiture with jam from pumpkin? Read the article, in it you will find answers to these questions.

Have you heard of plum, strawberry, lemon or apple jam? With a high probability, one can answer: "Yes, they heard!" Perhaps some types of jam from the listed you even tried. But do you know about pumpkin jam? Or about the confusion from the pumpkin? And this also happens.

Jam, jam and pumpkin confitures are especially fragrant and moderately sweet. They have a rich orange color and a pleasant consistency.

Real pumpkin jam is very tasty!
Real pumpkin jam is very tasty!

Orange pumpkin jam: recipe for the winter

Such jam will warm you in the moments of autumn spleen, cold weather and will be an excellent addition to a cup of hot aromatic coffee in the morning. Be sure to do this jam if you value home comfort, warmth and a good environment.

Pumpkin-apelsin jam from autumn spleen
Pumpkin-apelsin jam from autumn spleen

Jam from pumpkin and oranges for the winter. Recipe No. 1


  • pumpkin - 2 kg
  • sugar-sand-2 kg
  • water - 2 cups of 200 ml
  • orange - 4 pieces


  • It is very good to clean the pumpkin from pulp, threads, seeds, peels
  • Pour the oranges with boiling water so that the bitterness leaves. Clean, beat in a blender until homogeneous mashed potatoes
  • Make sugar syrup by mixing water, sugar and boiling to a state of very liquid jam
  • Cut the pumpkin into cubes with a rib 2 cm
  • Pour pumpkin cubes with still hot sweet syrup and leave in a dark place for 2-3 hours so that the pumpkin is soaked in sugar and become sweet
  • Put the pumpkin impregnated with syrup on a slow fire. Boil about 20 minutes
  • Add orange puree, cook for another 20 minutes
  • Lay out jam in sterile jars, roll up
Fragrant pumpkin-apelsin jam
Fragrant pumpkin-apelsin jam

Jam from pumpkin and oranges for the winter. Recipe No. 2


  • pumpkin - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • orange - 200 g
  • water - 200 ml


  • Prepare a pumpkin as in the previous recipe
  • Cut the autumn vegetable in small cubes
  • Clean orange, get rid of seeds. Sometimes you need to remove white partitions
  • Beat an orange in a mashed potato blender
  • Put a pumpkin, puree from orange, sugar in a pot with a thick and wide bottom, alternating them. Layer height of not more than 2 cm
  • Remove for 20 minutes in a dark warm place
  • Pour water contents of the pan after time. Cook jam over low heat, often stirring, 35 minutes, and then distribute to jars and clog
Orange and pumpkin jam
Orange and pumpkin jam

Jam from pumpkin with lemon for the winter

If the jam of pumpkin and orange is most pleasant to be rainy in the fall, then pumpkin-lemon jam is relevant in the cold winter. It contains many vitamins, including vitamin C, not bypassed in the winter months, so as not to catch a cold.

Pumpkin and lemon jam. Recipe No. 1


  • pumpkin - 2 kg
  • lemon - 300 g
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • cloves, cardamom or cinnamon - 2 boxes or sticks


  • Free the pumpkin from seeds, all the pulp with white threads, peels, cut with medium cubes
  • Fill the pumpkin with sugar and remove for 3-6 hours in a darkened place with room temperature (you can slightly warmer)
  • Cut the lemon with the same cubes, remove seeds
  • Add lemon to a pan with pumpkin cubes and sugar, all spices (but you can without them), cook 30 minutes
  • After cooking, remove cinnamon sticks and clove boxes
  • Pour jam into banks, roll up
Pumpkin-lemon jam
Pumpkin-lemon jam

Pumpkin and lemon jam. Recipe No. 2


  • pumpkin - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 0.8 kg
  • lemon - 200 g
  • water - 200 ml


  • Free the pumpkin from the pulp, peels, seeds and threads, cut into cubes with a rib 1-1.5 cm
  • Next, you need to twist the pumpkin through a meat grinder, or break through in a blender to get mashed potatoes. Previously, the pumpkin can be baked or allowed in a pan, adding a little water so that it becomes soft
  • Beat lemon in mashed potatoes, after cleaning the bones
  • Combine sugar, pumpkin and lemon puree, cook for 30 minutes, constantly stirring
  • In the process of cooking, the jam will become quite transparent
  • Pour into banks, roll up
Liquid tyvno lemon jam and winter
Liquid pumpkin lemon jam and winter

Pumpkin jam with lemon and ginger for the winter

Such jam is useful to mothers, because children are so often sick. This is a real vitamin mixture, a bomb against a cold in winter.

Ginger adds special piquancy to jam, a touch of sharpness and divine aroma.

Attention! Jam is prepared in a cold way!


  • pumpkin - 500 g
  • lemon - 150 g
  • honey (liquid) - 250 g
  • ginger - 150 g
  • spices (cinnamon, cardamom, black fragrant pepper, nutmeg) - to taste


  • Remove the pumpkin from seeds, peels, threads, cut into cubes with ribs of 2 cm, twist through a meat grinder or kill in a blender
  • Twist the lemon too through a meat grinder, or just finely chop it with a blender, removing the seeds. Leave the peel
  • Ginger together with the peel shallow
  • Combine pumpkin puree, honey, ginger, lemon and spices, mix
  • Lay out pumpkin jam into sterile jars, close tightly with lids
  • It is better to store this pumpkin jam in the refrigerator, cellar or in any other cool place
Pumpkin jam with lemon and ginger
Pumpkin jam with lemon and ginger

Mistresses note! Ginger can be added to any jam with pumpkin from the given in that article. Only you need to add it at the very end, immediately in front of the spill in banks. Otherwise, he will lose all his properties.

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

Orange and lemon are often used in jam together, the first gives sweetness, and the second - aroma. In addition, they are both combined with pumpkin. Such jam goes very well with pancakes, cheesecakes and not very sweet buns!

Pumpkin jam - a wonderful addition to the sandwich
Pumpkin jam - a wonderful addition to the sandwich

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon. Recipe No. 1


  • pumpkin - 700 g
  • lemon - 100 g
  • orange - 200 g
  • water - 100 ml
  • sugar - 500 g


  • Peel the pumpkin, grind to the state of mashed potatoes
  • Free oranges from the peel, seeds, cut
  • Peel lemons only from seeds, cut
  • Combine oranges and lemons, beat to a puree state
  • Combine the pumpkin with sugar and fruits, let stand for 1 hour
  • Cook a fruit and vegetable mass for at least 15 minutes, let it completely cool down
  • Boil the future jam again and boil again for 15 minutes, pouring 100 ml of water
  • Pour into clean jars, clog
Bright pumpkin jam with orange and lemon
Bright pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon. Recipe No. 2


  • pumpkin - 500 g
  • orange - 200 g
  • lemons - 100 g
  • sugar - 500 g
  • water - 200 ml


  • Remove the pumpkin from the peel, seeds, threads, cut into a cube with a rib of about 1.5-2 cm and bake in the oven to a very soft state
  • In the meantime, pour oranges with boiling water, remove the skin from them, cut it into strips, administer sugar, pour water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave under the lid for 2-3 hours
  • Cut the oranges themselves, remove the seeds to grind in a blender
  • While the orange-sugar mixture is insisted, grind the lemon along with the peel, but without seeds, in a blender
  • Beat the pumpkin puree in a blender, if necessary
  • Combine pumpkin and lemon puree, add the mass to syrup with oranges, mix. cook for about 20 minutes
  • Pour the banks prepared in advance, roll up
Sweet pumpkin jam with orange and lemon
Sweet pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

Pumpkin confiture with orange and lemon

The confiture differs from jam, jam and jam that it is a jelly -forming mass with pieces of fruit. He looks like jam, but still differs from him.

From pumpkin, prepare more confiture than real. It is prepared no more complicated than ordinary jam, jam or jam.


  • pumpkin - 600 g
  • sugar - 400 g
  • orange - 200 g
  • lemon - 100 g


  • Prepare a pumpkin as usual for jam, cut into small cubes
  • Divide sugar in half
  • Pour the first half to the pumpkin, insist at least 6 hours
  • Wash the oranges very well, cook on very low heat in a pan with the addition of water for about 2 hours
  • Remove oranges out of the water, cool, cut with the peel into small cubes
  • Do not drain the decoction of oranges, add the remaining half of the sugar, insisting pumpkin to it, cook for at least an hour over low heat
  • In an hour, add a cut orange. Cook for 25-40 minutes
  • Squeeze the juice from lemon
  • After the time of cooking time to the confiture, add lemon juice, pour it into banks
To this recipe, you can add spices if you wish: cinnamon, cloves, Badyan

Jam from pumpkin with orange and lemon


  • pumpkin - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • orange - 100 g
  • lemon - 100 g
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • cloves-3-4 inflorescences


  • Prepare the pumpkin in the usual way, grate it on a coarse grater
  • Pour sugar to pumpkin, let it brew at least an hour
  • With the help of a grater, finely grate the zest of fruit
  • Cut the fruits and free from the seeds, add to the pumpkin if the latter is infused
  • Cook on minimum heat for about 15 minutes, then add spices
  • At least another hour
  • Pour into banks
Pumpkin jam - a special treat for the whole family
Pumpkin jam - a special treat for the whole family

Paul from pumpkin with orange and lemon

Paul from pumpkin diversifies any meal. It does not flow thicker than jam, therefore it is perfect for filling in pies, muffins, as a layer for cakes.


  • pumpkin (purified) - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 100 g
  • orange - 100 g


  • Pre -clean the pumpkin. It is important that the weight of the peeled vegetable is 2 kg
  • Grate the pumpkin on the middle grater
  • Put a grated pumpkin in a pan with a wide and thick bottom, languish until it softens
  • After the pumpkin has become soft, it can be additionally beaten in a blender or grinded in a kitchen combine
  • Finely chop lemon, orange too
  • Add sugar, orange, lemon to the crushed pumpkin and cook until the pumpkin jam is transparent and thick (thicker than jam)
  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add cinnamon, but this step is not required
  • Squeeze jam into sterile jars
Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon - find for sweet tooth!
Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon - find for sweet tooth!

Important! You can prepare such a dessert without lemon. Then you will need no more than 5-7 g of lemon acid.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

Very sweet jam from pumpkin and dried apricots - the treat is unusual. Not so often put this dried fruit in jam, but in vain! Kuraga adds a dessert additional aroma and sweetness.

It is not difficult to cook such jam. Usually it is prepared in several varos.

Pumpkin jam and dried apricots. Recipe No. 1


  • pumpkin - 1.2 kg
  • sugar - 800 g
  • kuraga - 400 g


  • Thoroughly clean the pumpkin so that there are no seeds, peel and fiber residues
  • Soak dried apricots for 1 hour in fairly warm water, cut in stripes
  • While the dried apricots are soaked, grate the pumpkin on a grater with large holes or scroll through a meat grinder
  • In a large pot with a thick wide bottom, mix the pumpkin mass, sugar and chopped dried apricots. Cook for 5 minutes from the date of boiling
  • Let the mass cool yourself
  • Dubricate the procedure 3 times
  • Pour just jam cooked in clean hot banks, roll up
Pumpkin jam and dried apricots are fame!
Pumpkin jam and dried apricots are fame!

Pumpkin jam and dried apricots. Recipe No. 2

This jam is slightly different from the previous one in that in it pieces of pumpkin will be whole, and at the end, citric acid for taste is added.


  • pumpkin - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 g
  • kuraga - 300 g
  • citric acid-4-5 g


  • Prepare a pumpkin as in all recipes in this article
  • Cut the pumpkin into cubes with a rib 2 cm
  • Rinse kuraga, cut into cubes
  • Combine all ingredients, except citric acid, let stand at least 3-4 hours
  • Cook mass over low heat for at least 30 minutes
  • 4-5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour citic acid, mix
  • Pour into banks
Products for jam and pumpkin and dried apricots
Products for jam and pumpkin and dried apricots

Jabs from apples and pumpkin

Tender and fragrant jam that resembles a charlotte and autumn. For this jam, choose juicy apples without sourness, because at the end citric acid will be added, or lemon juice.


  • pumpkin - 1.2 kg
  • sugar - 0.8 kg
  • apples - 1.2 kg
  • lemon - 150 g
  • apple juice or water - 200 ml
  • cinnamon-a teaspoon or 3-4 sticks


  • Prepare the pumpkin as usual, then cut into cubes
  • Mix pumpkin and water (juice). Cook 15 minutes so that the pumpkin becomes very soft
  • At this time, clean and cut apples also with cubes
  • Squeeze the juice from lemon
  • Combine pumpkin, sugar, apples and lemon juice. Cook from 25 minutes
  • After this time, beat the whole mass with a submersible blender with a submersible blender
  • Add cinnamon to the future jam, cook 5 minutes
  • If you added cinnamon in sticks, before pouring jam, they need to be taken out
  • Now you can roll up banks with delicious jam
Delicate pumpkin-apple jam
Delicate pumpkin-apple jam

Pumpkin jam on ducan for weight loss

Slimming jam is true? To the great happiness and joy of all the sweet tooth who dream of getting rid of a couple of extra pounds, French nutritionist Pierre Ducan developed a recipe for useful and dietary pumpkin jam, which can be eaten without danger.


  • pumpkin - 1 kg
  • water - 1 cup (may not be needed)
  • spices (nutmeg, cardamom, ginger, cinnamon) - 0.5 teaspoons
  • citric acid-3-4 g
  • sugar -substituter - to taste


  • Wash the pumpkin from dust and dirt, free from seeds, pulp, cut into small cubes
  • put pumpkin cubes in a large pan, pour water if the pumpkin variety is not very juicy
  • Mate
  • Kill the pumpkin to the state of puree with a blender
  • Pour sucriner, citric acid, spices
  • You can boil for another 5-7 minutes
  • Pour into sterile jars and store strictly in the refrigerator
Ducan jam can be prepared with a solid lemon
Ducan jam can be prepared with a solid lemon

Video: Pumpkin jam and apples for the winter! Insanely tasty!

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