Historical facts about the sedan and hatchback. What is the difference between sedan and hatchback by the type of body? What are the disadvantages and advantages of the sedan and hatchback: comparison. What is better to choose?

Historical facts about the sedan and hatchback. What is the difference between sedan and hatchback by the type of body? What are the disadvantages and advantages of the sedan and hatchback: comparison. What is better to choose?

In this article, we will reveal the advantages and disadvantages of infinitely competing car models: sedan and hatchback. And find out their main difference.

Today's market is simply overwhelmed by a variety of models, color scheme or brands of cars. Yes, today you can even purchase an almost perfect car, which will meet all your criteria. But so there remains an endless struggle between two popular models - a sedan and hatchback. Therefore, we propose to find out their main differences, install weaknesses and winning sides of each type.

A little historical facts about the sedan and hatchback

To expand your horizons, we suggest that you go back a little and walk through the memories of history. Namely, on the creation and changes in the body of the sedan and hatchback.

  • The body is owed to simple and affordable car models with its popularity  mid-60s. Such as Zaporozhets, GAZ-M-20 "Victory", Muscovite, Fiat 600, Opel Rekord.
  • In Europe and North America, two -door sedans were first popular. In the 60s, they were pushed from the leadership positions of Hardtopa briefly, but they did not last long.
  • The four -door sedans managed to return the former glory. Interest in the model faded at the beginning of the 70s, when more practical cars with a hatchback body came to Europe markets.
  • The hatchback model was originally positioned as a family -type car. At first, the hatchbacks were considered to be known to all the brands of the car Renault 16, Moskvich-2141, VAZ-2108.
  • The start of the release of such models was laid back in the 40s by Citroen cars. Popularized the type of hatchback body in US rinks company Kaiser with a redemption of the right to release from Citroen. Such models of Frazer Vagabond were released, as well as Kaiser Traveler.
  • Europe was conquered by the French and their model of a car with a body of the Renault 16 hatchback. The efforts of the Japanese also did not pass by. It was thanks to the efforts of these masters that the body has gained wide popularity.
The struggle between the sedan and the hatchback has been stretching for several decades
The struggle between the sedan and the hatchback has been stretching for several decades

Sedan and hatchback: Difference by body type

Body type is one of the main criteria when choosing a car. General options are closed, open and cargo -passenger. Depending on this characteristic, the body types are different: station wagon, hatchback, convertible, sedan, coupe, combi and others. The most popular options are sedan and hatchback.

Type of body sedan and its characteristic

  • The sedan has a three -bottle body option, in which all the main compartments (motor part, passenger salon and trunk) are divided by each other. Visually, this is a car, the hood and trunk of which are a little.
  • With this design, the transformation of the trunk with an extension into the salon is impossible. Translated by the “sedan” literally means “closed armchair or stretcher”, which does not fit into the respectable appearance of popular models with this type of body. For example, Volkswagen Passat, Volvo S90; Skoda Superb, Audi A4, Ford Focus and others.
  • Car models with such a body are more often produced with a traditional amount of seats and doors. That is, 2-4 doors and 2 rows of seats.

Varieties of sedans who are known:

  • the classic sedan - all three volumes are clearly expressed and divided by each other. At the same time, the length of the first and third compartments is approximately the same. It was fashionable to make the luggage and motor compartments in the beginning of the 60s. This design became appropriate if you look from the point of view of aerodynamics;
  • notchback - this is how all three -bob bodies in Europe were called at one time;
  • sedan-boorrate four-door car with glasses without frames outside and central racks. A true body options were produced in the 50s in the USA;
  • fastback - the third volume is not clearly expressed, the back wall of the body is plowing;
  • the long -border sedan often had three rows of seats and a somewhat elongated body;
  • liftback The main difference in the length of the rear history. He is like the hatchbacks.
Sedan is a favorite species of many brands of cars
Sedan is a favorite species of many brands of cars

Characterization of the Hatchback body

  • The hatchback type is considered double -bearing. The motor compartment is separated by its own space. But the trunk and salon can be connected, they are separated only by a simple partition.
  • If you need to transport the volumetric cargo (TV, refrigerator or something like that), the seats are laid out, expanding the trunk with additional space. In this case, the trunk lid plays the role of a full -fledged door of the car. You can choose a three -door or five -door model.
  • Visually, the hatchback is distinguished by the length of the trunk. Such a model is more popular in Europe than in our country. Among the famous models with this type of body, you can see Skoda Fabia New, Ford Focus, Citroen DS4, Volkswagen Golf, Kia Rio and others.

"Relative" of the hatchback or its classification

  • Some people consider the subspecies of such a body, they call such a model simply “long” hatchback. Many representatives of this subspecies have a protruding trunk, remotely resembling a sedan. The model range has cars and shorter. Their rear door is almost vertical.
  • Bright representatives of Daewoo Matiz, Peugeot 107, Renault Twingo, Ford Ka, Mitsubishi Colt. In general, the hatchback is a basic body, it is in all segments of the automobile market. This type of body has long been feeling confident, conquering a young buyer due to modern aggressive design and low silhouette.
The hatchback is very popular among consumers
Hatchback is very popular among consumers

Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of the sedan and hatchback

The difference between these two models is not only in appearance. We offer to see a little “deeper” and make out the main characteristics of each type for further clarification of differences.

The pluses of the sedan

Sedans are leading among cars of cars. They are considered more solid, practical and presentable. The percentages of sales also indicate leadership qualities and make up 36.2% of the total market. Therefore, we offer the first thing to highlight their pluses:

  • often, budget brands of cars are produced in the sedan back;
  • the insulation of the trunk from the passenger salon does not allow smell and cold from the street;
  • fuel saving is an important factor, because the trunk does not warm up in winter;
  • the rear window remains clean due to aerodynamics, which improves rear view overview;
  • prestigious and modern appearance;
  • in the sedan, the weight is evenly distributed to the wheels, which improves the clutch with the road.

Important: it is worth highlighting the main advantage of the sedan in comparison with the hatchback is security. In an accident or collision, the hatchback passengers can be injured by objects that were in the trunk. In the sedan, a similar case comes down to a minimum percentage.

A few disadvantages of the sedan body:

  • small capacity of the luggage compartment;
  • poking the lid is another minus, because there is little height above the head of passengers;
  • the transformation of the salon does not provide wide possibilities;
  • insufficient maneuverability in comparison with hatchback.
The sedan has always won and will win with its appearance
The sedan has always won and will win with its appearance

But what is the dignity of the hatchback

The body has several advantages especially in the city. But you need to understand all its shortcomings. Yes, there is no absolutely perfect machine, but you must always be guided by your preferences. And so, we bring to your attention the advantages of the hatchback:

  • the rear overhang provides the car with good maneuverability. Which is especially important if you move around the city in it;
  • the dimensions of the car allow you to simplify parking problems;
  • simplified access to the luggage compartment;
  • the ability to transform the salon and expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe trunk;
  • the ability to transport volumetric goods to the best;
  • improved feeling of dimensions;
  • parking in reverse is simplified without touching the curb.

Important: but experts note that due to the correct location of the borders of the hatchback case along the edge of the body, the management of such a car is greatly simplified. Therefore, this model is strongly recommended to choose not only married couples with children, but also beginners with driver’s rights.

Evaluate the cons of the hatchbacks:

  • the heating of the salon in winter occurs longer, which, in turn, bears large fuel costs;
  • the same applies to summer cooling;
  • extraneous smells from the trunk fall into the salon;
  • when the trunk is opened, the cold from the street enters the salon;
  • dirt with wet roads falls on the rear window, a worsening review. There is a need for the rear wiper.
The hatchback beats the sedan with a capacious luggage compartment
Hatchback beats the sedan with a capacious luggage compartment

What to choose: sedan or hatchback?

Despite the popularity of sedans, hatchbacks are more common on the roads of the country. Although the first version of the body will not be very soon arrived in leadership positions. The release of these models is preferred by European and domestic automobile plants.

  • If it is difficult to choose, pay attention to the ultimate goal. You must clearly understand why you need a car. And also do not lose sight of the conditions in which you plan to operate it.
  • If you intend to often transport large or small goods, relax in the country or traveling the whole family by car, then your choice is hatchback.
  • But when you have compactness and prestige in the first place, then it is a sedan. It is not very difficult to find a suitable model in any type of body in the automobile market. The main thing is an affordable budget.
  • By the way, the price should also not be forgotten. Even similar or identical models of cars with different bodies will differ in price. This factor often affects the final solution when choosing a car.
  • It is usually believed that a sedan is more expensive than a hatchback. After all, the costly part of the production of three sodan compartments is higher. But the hatchback may surprise that the Chevrolet Aveot model has proved in a more spacious modification.
  • Therefore, remember - factors that may affect the price, consider the luggageman and engine power. When buying a car, always be guided by common sense and do not forget that your car will always talk about you.

Video: What is the difference between sedan and hatchback?

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