Confession: How to call your sins correctly? What sins to call a confession list

Confession: How to call your sins correctly? What sins to call a confession list
The importance of confession in the temple. The list of sins and preparation for confession.
Human life is not only everyday affairs, family and material goals. This is also the path of awareness of oneself, your connection with God.

In every religious tradition, you will find the instructions of the Lord, governing the relationship between all creatures on the planet and in the universe.

So it turns out that we are drowning in:
  • routine
  • emotions
  • race for survival and better life in terms of material comfort
  • pleasures and desires to possess at least something in this life
We forget that we rent from God everything that surrounds us and what comes in fate. Only our landlord certainly and endlessly loves us, gracious and favorable to any of our forms, as a loving father to the surges of his children.

We can give him the greatest satisfaction if we turn to face him, we will recall our connection, we will regularly sincerely pray and come to confession.

We will talk about the last moment in more detail in this article.

How to prepare for confession for the first time?

The girl came to find out from the priest how to prepare for confession
the girl came to find out from the priest how to prepare for confession
Confession is a relief of the soul through a sincere, humble pronunciation with the words of their bad deeds, which contradict the principles of life indicated in the sacred scriptures.

If you have never been in confession, and at this moment you decided to eliminate this gap and sincerely repent of God about sins, use some tips:

  • find the temple/church, inside you feel pacified and relaxed
  • find out the mode of her work - when services, confession and participles are carried out
  • choose the day when the stream of people is the smallest, or talk with the priest and ask him to appoint you day and hour for confession. If you immediately repent of the deed you do not have enough spirit and strength, ask the priest for help. He will set time for a spiritual conversation with you and prepare for confession
  • take a notebook and pen, write out everything that you are ready to repent
  • write only about the most serious things. For example, that you violated the post or knitted on a big holiday, you can not remember, because similar actions tend to repeat yourself
  • speak simply and clearly, not trying to put your acts into church words
  • if you are very far from understanding the types of sins, read the Bible, 10 commandments. Those types of actions that are considered sinful and contradict the plan of God regarding the life of living beings with each other are simply and capacious here.
  • buy a book in a church shop, where the main sins are listed. However, use this advice only in the most extreme case. Because there is nothing more important than your sincerity during confession, and the Lord all the time is in the heart of every person and knows much more about you than you pronounce the priest in confession
  • before arriving at the church, you must be put on a cross and clothes accepted for wearing a Christian/Christian

Preparation for confession: List

Father prays for a confession
father prays for a confession
Before arriving for confession, it is appropriate to allocate time for preparation. You are deeply immersed in yourself, remember what you said, did and thought about other people or God.

A good practice will be the recording of everything that you are ready to sincerely repent of confession, namely:

  • the grave mortal sins are apostasy from faith in their religious tradition, murder and adultery, or illegal sex
  • serious destructive actions - theft, deception, strong anger and hatred of other people and God
  • actions, words and thoughts directed against a neighbor, that is, any person who met you according to fate
  • words, thoughts, actions directed against God and holy personalities
  • remember only your deeds without condemning other people and evaluating their lives
If you have never been in confession for a very long time or during this time, the grave sins have accumulated, before arriving at the temple, keep the post, read the repentant prayers, perform epithemy. Find out in more detail from your confessor what actions and how long you should perform.

What to say in confession?

Father helps to call sins correctly during confession
father helps to call sins correctly during confession
Before arriving at the temple, think, realize and accept your imperfection in the form of actions, thoughts and words directed against or to the detriment of other people and creatures.

During the confession, you feel humility and responsibility for the lack of sins in the future.

  • Tell the priest only about your deeds, do not evaluate other people
  • Avoid long detailed stories about a specific situation
  • Speak simply without excuses and explanations of the motives of your actions and words
  • Do not immerse yourself in thinking that your story is evaluated by the father. Firstly, this is a sign of pride and exalting himself over others, and secondly, the priest listened to many repentant speeches from other people for his practice. It is difficult to surprise him with anything, and his task is different during the hearing of the confession
What should be said in the temple to the priest in front of the icons?
  • about the grave mortal sins
  • about strong negative emotions to the neighbor
  • repent in those acts that you unintentionally forgot and therefore did not say aloud

What sins to call on confession: a brief list

Holy Scripture on the altar to commit the Sacrament of Confession
Holy Scripture on the altar to commit the Sacrament of Confession
Before the confession, re -read or remember the 10 commandments that the Lord bequeathed to us. They will become a guideline, a hint and a measure of all the acts you committed.

Briefly a list of sins voiced in confession looks like this:

  • Anyway is a viewing and listening to a video with eroticism, physical betrayals for those who are married, life in a civil marriage
  • Gluttony is a passion for the thickening of the hunger of the body and language
  • Loveness - a race for money, the construction of money for a pedestal and the first place and life, instead of family and relatives
  • Anger - as a quality of character, the desire to control the lives and actions of other people
  • Despondency - any kind of laziness, especially in the performance of their daily duties
  • Sadness - prolonged spleen, regrets about past days and events
  • Vanity - the desire for glory, the desire to possess material goods and property
  • Pride is one of the most common sins of modern man. This is the construction of oneself to a pedestal, the lack of sensitivity to the life of another person, humiliation of free and involuntary people around them, animals and other living creatures

What to call sins in confession? Just listing sins

A woman in front of the altar is preparing to confess to the priest

a woman in front of the altar is preparing to confess to the priest

As described in the previous section of the main passions, eight humanity pissing. But only their listing during confession will not give any result. And to the priest, as an intermediary, it will not be clear what sinfulness was and what you repent of, and you will not experience relief of the soul.

Therefore, remember and just talk about your specific act, thoughts and words.

First of all, remember and say sins:
  • deviation from faith, doubt in the strength of God, atheism
  • murders, including abortion, even forced by medical indicators
  • fornication and betrayal. By the way, any religious tradition condemns civil marriage, or cohabitation. Although a modern person practices this form of relations

What is the name of the sin of a house on confession?

Girl with the finished entry of her sins in confession
girl with the finished entry of her sins in confession
Each sin has decoding and names of its different forms.

So handwritten happens:

  • natural - fornication, adultery
  • unnatural - Malakia, same -sex contacts, ties with animals and similar perversions
They are called fornication:
  • lustful views on other women/men
  • sexual contacts of people who are not married
  • various touches of an intimate nature to the body of another person
Manufacturing is the sins of a husband or wife with other people.

Malakia calls sexual satisfaction of themselves without the help of anyone.

In order to figure out more details on this issue, read the book SVt.Snatius Bryanchaninov T.1, ch. "Eight main passions with their units and industries."
A person’s life in the material world is fraught with emotions, thoughts and deeds, which, to one degree or another, affect and violate the interests of other people. Remembering that we are all souls and after returning to the spiritual world we are deeply repented by the deed during life on earth, but there is no longer able to change anything, come to the temple more often and confess to the holy father. Learn to forgive others with all the insults, pray and let God keep you and your family!

Video: Preparation for confession, what sins to call?

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