“Based on” in the sentence: is it stained?

“Based on” in the sentence: is it stained?

In this topic, we will talk about the punctuation of the part of speech “based on”.

In the letter, many are faced with the problem of highlighting various prepositions and participles with punctuation marks. And this is explainable, because there are so many different rules and exceptions. But let's figure out whether it is worth highlighting the turnover in writing with the connection “based on”.

When is the phrase “based on” the comma?

As it might seem at first, the answer is immediately clear, because usually the participles must be highlighted with punctuation marks. However, in practice, this turnover is used with two different values \u200b\u200band is distinguished in accordance with these values.

An example of use
An example of use

This turnover Standed with punctuation marks (commas) on both sidesin the event that he is in the middle of the sentence and refers to the main person.


  • You know, based on personal experience, I can say in the affirmative that our cooperation is built at the highest level.
  • I select friends based on my own wishes and tastes, like all other people.
  • She agreed to attend this event, based on selfish considerations, in his company.

Turnover with the connection "based on" It is separated by punctuation marks (commas) before the phrase.But an important condition is the lack of union “A”.


  • There was an agreement that the client would pay based on the cost of the goods.
  • Barbara has developed a text plan based on the ordered volume.
  • Well, let's try to do this based on our common big desire.

The turnover “based on” must be separated by such punctuation marks as commas, If it is used at the very beginning of the sentence.


  • Based on the foregoing, we can safely conclude that he does not understand this at all.
  • Based on the experience gained, I am looking for a better option for cooperation.
  • Based on the testimony of witnesses, we can conclude that there were much more victims.
Separation of situations
Separation of situations

When are the commas excluded in a sentence with a particle “based on”?

This revolution is used without sparring if if There is no connection with the main person in the sentence, but there is a connection with the predicate.That is, the particle acts in the sense of "thanks", which can be replaced in case of verification.


  • Repair is planned based on the cost of materials.
  • Future life is imagined based on the stories told.
  • This variable is determined based on the example.
  • Tariffs are calculated on the basis of your expenses.

This revolution is not distinguished by punctuation marks, If he has a union “A” in front of him.


  • I never had to be here, and based on the fact that in my town there were only a few streets, I was not afraid to get lost.
  • I wrote the book not by order, but based on the fact that great success awaits me ahead, with a great desire.
  • He then not out of stupidity let us in, but based on his beliefs and the kindness of the soul.

Video: Where do you need to put a comma?

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