Irish crochet for beginners: motives, ideas, diagrams, description, model, photo, knitting technique, step -by -step instructions. Connection of Irish lace for beginners: schemes

Irish crochet for beginners: motives, ideas, diagrams, description, model, photo, knitting technique, step -by -step instructions. Connection of Irish lace for beginners: schemes

Crochet Irish lace technique. Motives, diagrams, descriptions.

The beauty of the world fascinates man. Natural objects and phenomena, of course, are out of competition. However, the craftswomen of man -made creativity found a lot of ways to surprise and attract the delighted views of others to their products.

Crochet is a delicate work combined with the fantasy of the creator. In this type of needlework, there are a number of areas, each of which has fans. A special place is occupied by the technique of Irish lace.

At first glance, there are no thoughts that it requires an increased concentration of attention, good skills and the supply of patience from the needlewoman. However, without this, it will not work without this without this.

Let's talk more about the technique of knitting Irish lace and the first steps in this style for beginner needlewomen.

Irish lace for beginners: where to start learning to knit Irish lace?

Crochet elements of Irish lace
crochet elements of Irish lace

Like any other knitting techniques, there are 2 types of Irish lace - for:

  • beginners
  • professionals

In the first case, use a number of tips:

  • get hook and yarn and learn the main elements of knitting - air loops, different columns,
  • keep in mind that the thickness of the thread is the most important indicator of the future beauty of your work,
  • find simple patterns of patterns in the style of Irish lace and honing your skills for their embodiment,
  • think about the method of connecting elements and what exactly do you want to tie, for example, a napkin, a jewelry for a summer T -shirt/T -shirts,
  • start with the simplest ideas, for example, decorate with a rose in the style of Irish lace a ready -made napkin/headdress,
  • crochet the net canvas and distribute on it fragments made in the technique in question,
  • practice more often to gain experience to embody more complex works, for example, to tie a beautiful one. Dress from elements of Irish lace.

How to read Irish lace schemes?

Several diagrams of Irish lace for crochet
several diagrams of Irish lace for crochet

At the stage of mastering this knitting technique, questions often arise with the correct reading of the schemes. Especially if you undertook to knit with branches with leaves or a flower with several petals.

To figure it out, use a number of tips:

  • Open your favorite scheme.
  • Take a sheet of paper and a pen and start drawing it, imagining that you are moving with a hook. At this stage, you will find the point of starting knitting.
  • Pay attention to Japanese finished schemes. There are more often arrows indicating the direction of knitting.
  • Look for ready-made master classes where an experienced needlewoman shares its secrets and developments in the embodiment of elements of Irish lace.
  • If there is a ring or half -ring on the diagram, then in the vast majority there is a point of start of work here.
  • Tie a few fragments of your favorite scheme, starting it from different points. Often only your personal experience is the key to studying the correct understanding of the features of Irish lace.

Simple elements of Irish lace for beginners: photo, description schemes, instructions, knitting technique

A few simple motives of Irish lace, crochet, with schemes
a few simple motives of Irish lace, crochet, with schemes

Needlewomen that begin to master the crochet of Irish lace are faced with a number of unpleasant moments:

  • the duration of work on the first fragment
  • errors with thread tension control
  • a huge number of yarn tails from ready -made elements
  • incorrectly compiled by the pattern of the future product

To avoid such troubles, follow strictly and carefully:

  • knitting technique of each fragment
  • alternation of yarn of different thicknesses, if necessary
  • the sequence of location and mounting motives in the general canvas

We add about the technique of knitting Irish lace: we add:

  • the correct pattern is the key to the success and beauty of the future product,
  • the length of the remainder of the yarn in each fragment should be at least 8 cm,
  • a special needle for embroidery will help to carefully hide all hanging tails,
  • take up complex patterns and large products after you have filled your hand and easily hold the same knitting density,
  • combine the yarn of different thicknesses to give originality to the product, for example, thin - for mesh, medium - for fragments, thick - for decoration, accents,
  • the more complicated the elements of Irish lace, the more creatively approach their combination among themselves. Experienced needlewomen advise practicing an irregular grid for this purpose than “honeycombs” and/or file.

Below in the picture we present the technique of knitting the style in question, taking into account the recommendations of experienced craftswomen:

Knitting technique of fragments of Irish lace Crochet
knitting technique of fragments of Irish lace Crochet

One of the important points - if you decide to professionally master the technique of Irish lace, knit its simple elements every day for a month.

Below, add the schemes of simple fragments and ready -made photos of the latter.

Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 1
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 1
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 2
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 2
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 3
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 3
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 4
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 4
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 5
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 5
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 6
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 6
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 7
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 7
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 8
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 8
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 9
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 9
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 10
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 10
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 11
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 11
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 12
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 12
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 13
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 13
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 14
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 14
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 15
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 15
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 16
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 16
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 17
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 17
Schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 18
schemes of simple elements of Irish lace crochet, example 18

Connection of Irish lace for beginners: schemes

Elements of Irish lace are attached on the grid
elements of Irish lace are attached on the grid

This stage is perhaps the most difficult, requiring attention and patience from a needlewoman.

To combine related fragments into the common canvas, there are several ways:

  • their combination with each other in the process of creation, that is, you associate the finished element with another ready as they appear,
  • filling the voids with a grid with an arbitrary cell size, since the details of Irish lace have different sizes and geometric parameters,
  • their fastening on a crochet in advance - suitable for beginner craftswomen,
  • use as a basis for stripping nylon or cotton tulle,
  • a needle stitching - the method is convenient only for homogeneous, equal in size of fragments.

Below we add a number of connection diagrams of Irish lace elements.

Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 1
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 1
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 2
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 2
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 3
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 3
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 4
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 4
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 5
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 5
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 6
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 6
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 7
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 7
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 8
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 8
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 9
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 9
Connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 10
connection schemes for the motives of Irish lace Crochet for beginners, example 10

Irish crochet for beginners: motives, ideas, schemes

Crochet flat roses in the technique of Irish crocheted flat roses in the technique of Irish lace
crochet flat roses in the technique of Irish lace

Irish crocheting has the largest number of motives on the theme of nature:

  • flowers
  • leaves
  • bunches of berries
  • branches with leaves
  • butterflies
  • birds
  • shells and sea stars
  • snowflakes

As well as fantasy elements, cords and nets for connecting the first to each other.

We insert a number of motives and schemes of fragments of Irish lace for inspiration.

Schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, option 1
schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, option 1
Schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, Option 2
schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, Option 2
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 3
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 3
Schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, option 4
schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, option 4
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 5
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 5
Schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, option 6
schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, option 6
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 7
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 7
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 8
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 8
Schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, option 9
schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, option 9
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 10
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 10
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 11
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 11
Schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, Option 12
schemes of elements of Irish lace associated with hook, Option 12
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 13
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 13
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 14
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 14
Schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 15
schemes of Irish lace elements connected, option 15
Irish crocheted lace, motive 1
irish crocheted lace, motive 1
Irish crocheted lace, motive 2
irish crocheted lace, motive 2
Irish crocheted lace, motive 3
irish crocheted lace, motive 3
Irish crocheted lace, motive 4
irish crocheted lace, motive 4
Irish crocheted lace, motive 5
irish crocheted lace, motive 5
Irish crocheted lace, motive 6
irish crocheted lace, motive 6
Irish crocheted lace, motive 7
irish crocheted lace, motive 7
Irish crocheted lace, motive 8
irish crocheted lace, motive 8
Irish crocheted lace, motive 9
irish crocheted lace, motive 9
Irish crocheted lace, motive 10
irish crocheted lace, motive 10
Irish crocheted lace, motive 11
irish crocheted lace, motive 11
Irish crocheted lace, motive 12
irish crocheted lace, motive 12
Irish crocheted lace, motive 13
irish crocheted lace, motive 13
Irish crocheted lace, motive 14
irish crocheted lace, motive 14
Irish crocheted lace, motive 15
irish crocheted lace, motive 15
Irish crocheted lace, motive 16
irish crocheted lace, motive 16
Irish crocheted lace, motive 17
irish crocheted lace, motive 17
Irish crocheted lace, motive 18
irish crocheted lace, motive 18
Irish crocheted lace, motive 19
irish crocheted lace, motive 19
Irish crocheted lace, motive 20
irish crocheted lace, motive 20

So, we examined the features of crocheting the motives of Irish lace, got acquainted with the technique of work, the rules for reading the schemes. And also replenished their piggy bank with new ideas, combinations of fragments.

Have you decided to master the knitting technique of Irish lace? Practice every day!

Smooth loops to you!

Video: Irish lace for beginners - floral elements

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Comments K. article

  1. Dear author!
    Thanks for the publication of your material about the Irish lace, for sharing experience ... The beauty is indescribable ... I am a needlewoman myself. I knitted a lot and crocheted - the elements are all simple for me, but the very idea of \u200b\u200bfantasizing them simply captured them. The good is good for you.

  2. Thank you very much for the material on Irish lace. I knit for a long time. But I only come to this knitting. Both morally and physically.)) The material is everywhere scattered. And here you have everything compact, everything is clear. And so in detail. Good luck to you!

  3. I want to learn how to knit just as beautifully. Thanks for the selection.

  4. It’s good that in one place there is so much information on Irish lace. Thanks a lot.

  5. Thank you. Very informative. Of course, many are simply scared and will not be tormented. And some will at least try by trial and shibbka!

  6. Incredible! Admired by work! Master! Thank you so much! I will try.

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