Name of Valery, Lera: The origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name of Valery and Lera? Valeria, Lera: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

Name of Valery, Lera: The origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name of Valery and Lera? Valeria, Lera: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

Names Valery and Lera: similarity and difference, origin.

Very often questions arise about the correctness of appeal by name to people having consonant names. Exceptions are no Valery and Lera. About which of these names is independent, and what derivative we will talk in the proposed article.

Name of Valery, Lera: Are these names different or not their similarity and difference?

  • This is one and the same name
  • Their difference is that Valeria is a complete name, and Lera is reduced by the derivative of this name

Name of Valery, Lera: The origin of the names

  • The derivative of the female name is the male name Valery
  • The historical roots of its origin are drawn from the distant ancient Rome
  • Valerius - Latin ascending, Roman personal or tribal nickname (claws) Valerianus
  • Valeo literally translates to be strong, healthy
  • Initially, the Roman Empire gave women a male name. A little later, with an increase in the popularity of this name, he acquired a female form
  • This version of the origin of the name is historically considered the most acceptable
  • It is used in calendars of Catholic and Orthodox faith

Video: Valery's meaning. What does the name mean?

Valeria, Lera: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

  • Transliteration named after the requirements of the Russian FMS - Valeriya
  • Valeria is the right full name
  • Since Lera is an abbreviated form on behalf of Valery, there are no special rules in its voicing

Complete and abbreviated name, as will be on behalf of Valery, Lera?

  • The list of full names of this name is limited - "Valeria"
  • Abbreviated names have a fairly long list:
  1. Valera
  2. Lera
  3. Lerunya
  4. Lerusya
  5. Leroy
  6. Lerusha
  7. Leka
  8. Valya
  9. Currency
  10. Valeika
  11. Valesha
  12. Currency
  13. Currency
  14. Currency
  15. Valyusha
  16. Valechka
  17. Vaka
  18. Vava
  19. Lery
  20. Vale
  21. Lera
  22. Riana
  23. Lerik
  24. Lerchik
  25. Valka

The sound of the name in other languages:

Complete Abbreviated
  • Valerie - Valerie, Walery
  • Val - Val
  • Valeria - Valeria
  • Valerie - Valerie
  • Valérie - Valery
  • Valère - Valera, Valera
  • Valeriane –Valerian, valerian
  • Valeria - Valeria
  • Valerita - Valerite
  • Valéria —Thevaleria
  • Val - shaft
  • Valzinha - Valzinya
  • Lerinha - Lerinya
  • Léria - Leria
  • Valeria - Valeria
  • Valeriana - Valerian
  • Valerina - Valerina
  • Vale - Vale
  • Valerina - Valerina
  • Vale - Vale

Can Valery call Leroy and vice versa?

  • Based on the above, these names are interchangeable
  • But under certain circumstances, it is necessary to take into account the rules of etiquette and pronounce only the correct, complete form of circulation - Valeria

Video: The meaning of the name. Valeria

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