The name of Semyon and Senya: the origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name Semyon and Senya? Semyon and Senya: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

The name of Semyon and Senya: the origin of the names, are these names different or not? What is the difference between the name Semyon and Senya? Semyon and Senya: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

From this article you will learn what the similarity and difference between the names Semyon and Senya.

It often happens that in an official setting of a person is called a complete name, and friends - abbreviated. We learn about the names of Semyon and Senya more.

Name of Semyon and Senya: Are these different names or not their similarity and difference?

Semyon and Senya can be different names and the same
Semyon and Senya can be different names and the same

Semyon is a full name for the boy. In fact, the abbreviated name should sound Syomas, but the Russian language is very rich and diverse, and in Russia Semenov is called: Senya, Senusha, Senuha, Syoma, Semenka, Sim, Sima, Simi, Simonya, Simany, Simon.

But the male name Arseny in an abbreviated form also sounds Senya. So, Semyon is one name, and Semen and Arseny can call the hallway.

Name Semyon and Senya: The origin of the names

Semyon is a caring father and husband
Semyon is a caring father and husband

The name Semyon is Russian. It comes from the Hebrew name Simeon or Shimon. These names have one meaning "heard by God." The names of Samuel, Samvel, Samuel, Simon have the same meaning into Russian.

By the nature of Semyon, the leader, quickly finds friends, enthusiastically and with excitement works, approaches work creatively. The career ladder can reach the leader.

With friends, Semyon is sincere and reliable, always will help in trouble.

With women, Semyon is soft, meek and merciful. Many women dream of such a man.

In the family, Semyon is a caring husband and father, an attentive son, a good owner in the house.

Semyon has excellent intuition, rather secretive, and rarely shares his plans with friends.

In the 20th century, Semons met infrequently. The peak of popularity of the name was before the revolution, since they called peasant children. With the advent of Soviet power, the name ceased to be in the everyday life of people. Now again in Russian families, boys began to give the names of Semyon.

There are 2 days in the year when celebrated angel Semyon's Day:

  • February, 15 - The day of the St. Simeon of the God, the righteous old man from Jerusalem, who accepted the baby of Christ in his hands in the temple. Now - a religious holiday of the lord of the Lord. According to folk signs on this day, pregnant women need to pray so that childbirth is easy.
  • September 14th - The day of the Monk Simeon Stolpnik, who lived in the 5th century AD, at a young age suffered a lot of things for Christian asceticism. The old man, and he died in 103, prayed a lot, and his prayers turned miracles. According to folk signs in Semenov, day they guess for the weather: if the day is warm, then the whole winter will be warm.

Famous people named Semyon:

  • Polar navigator - Semyon Dezhnev, who lived in the 17th century
  • Researcher of the Arctic - Semyon Chelyuskin, who lived in the 18th century
  • Prominent figure under the reign of Catherine the Second - Semyon Naryshkin
  • Artist - Semyon Shchedrin
  • Marshal of the Soviet Union - Semyon Budyonny
  • Soviet radio engineer - Semyon Aizenstein
  • Soviet aircraft designers - Semyon Kosberg and Semyon Lavochkin
  • Actor - Semyon Farada

Semyon and Senya: How to call it correctly, how to write a full name in the passport?

The full name of Semyon
The full name of Semyon

In the passport, Semyon will be recorded. This is a complete name. But if you baptize Semyon’s child in the church, then Simeon or Simon will sound the Orthodox church name.

Complete and abbreviated name, as will be on behalf of Semyon and Senya?

We have already figured out the full name of Semyon. Now it has come to find out how the full name of the boy or man of the canopy can sound:

  1. The full name can be Arseny.
  2. The abbreviated name Senya can be Xenophon. This is a Greek old name, meaning "speaking a foreign language."
  3. The full name can be Sennis, translated from Greek "old".
  4. Senya can be MaxentiumWhat is translated from Greek as "majestic."
  5. The abbreviated name Senya is and Avksentymeaning in the walnut language "growing."
  6. Senya can also be called Yesenia. Eseniya - The ancient Slavic name meaning "clear sky."
  7. Senya is and Evseniy, Greek origin, which in Russian means "pious."

Can the seeds be called canopy and vice versa?

Great commander Semyon Budyonny
Great commander Semyon Budyonny

Semen’s boy can be called the abbreviated name of Senya, but let's not forget that the seni is also called Arseny, and this is another name in meaning. Arseny - Greek name, translated into Russian means "courageous."

So, now we know that Semyon and Senya are different names.

Video: Happiness named Semyon

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