The name of Pelagia and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Pelagia from Polina, Fields, Apollinaria? Pelagia or Polina: what to call the name correctly?

The name of Pelagia and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Pelagia from Polina, Fields, Apollinaria? Pelagia or Polina: what to call the name correctly?

This article describes three names: Polina, Pelagia, Apollinaria. What is their difference?

When parents want to name their newborn daughter, they look for a beautiful and unusual name. I want the baby to have a special name - rare and unique. But it happens that the names seem to be similar, but they are different. For example, Pelagia, Polina and Apollinaria - the same names or different? Let's understand this in the article.

The name of Pelagia and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not?

The name of Pelagia and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not?
The name of Pelagia and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not?

All these names are very beautiful and unusual. Now they rarely call girls. But, if you give one of these names to the girl, then the rest will be derived names? The name of Pelagia and Polina, Fields, Apollinaria: different names or not?

  • Pelagia and Polina are different names. They will even have different characteristics. Pelagia from Greek is translated as “sea”, “path”, and Polina is “sunny”.
  • Fields are an abbreviated and affectionate form of the name of Polina. It turns out that these are the same names.
  • Polina - as they used to call girls in Poland and France. Pelagia is a purely Russian name.
  • But often girls named Pelagia are called Polina or fields. This is wrong, since these are different names.
  • There is no such name Polina in the church and therefore, during the baptism, the girl is recorded as Apollinaria.
  • By the way, Apollinaria is also often called Polina or fields. This is more correct than calling Pelagia Polina, although it is also erroneous.
  • There is also a version that the name of Pelagia came from behalf of Apollinaria, and this is true. But soon these names became independent and were considered completely different.

Conclusion: Polina and fields are the same names. Pelagia, Polina and Apollinaria are different names.

Pelagia or Polina, Apollinaria: what to call the full name correctly?

Pelagia or Polina, Apollinaria: what to call the full name correctly?
Pelagia or Polina, Apollinaria: what to call the full name correctly?


Before giving a name to the child, parents are always looking for its full shape, so that it is beautifully combined with the middle name. Pelagia or Polina, Apollinaria: what to call the full name correctly? All these three names will completely sound like that - Pelagia, Polina, Apollinaria.

What is the difference between the name Pelagia and Apollinaria?

As mentioned above, the name of Pelagia comes from the name of Apollinaria. But now these are completely different two names. Even in the church, when they conduct a rite of baptism for girls named Polina, they ask their parents under what name they will baptize their daughter: Pelagia or Apollinaria.

The difference between the name of Pelagia and Apollinaria lies in interpretation from the ancient Greek language. The name of Pelagia means "Sea", and Apollinaria - "Dedicated to Apollo".

Can Pelagia be called Apollinaria?

Can Pelagia be called Apollinaria?
Can Pelagia be called Apollinaria?

The name is given by parents after birth. This name is then called in kindergarten, school, institute and at work. But sometimes another name, similar in meaning, is “glued” to a person. For example, can Pelagia be called Apollinaria?

As mentioned above, these are different names, but the name of Pelagia came from Apollinaria. Therefore, if a girl, girl or woman does not mind that she is called that, then it means you can.

Advice: If you want to call a person differently, then first ask him permission.

In any case, all these three names are very beautiful, and if you have a dilemma, then think about which name is more suitable for your child. It is also worth considering that Pelagia and Apollinaria are old Russian names that can sound strange in 10-15 years, since new modern names will appear. Although the fashion for old names is returned, so the decision must only be made individually.

Video: meaning of the name Apollinaria

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Comments K. article

  1. So, if Pelagia is a Russian name how it can be translated from Greek ... And if it is a derivative of adhesive, how can it mean differently than a derivative ... It is very strange, if not a stupid interpretation of these names ... my grandmother (1898) the name Pelagey ... All of the whole Life, from childhood, her name was the fields ... Here you have a different name ...

  2. Well, finally, at least some comfort, I have the daughter of Apollinaria, and the Pelagey’s friend and her and her daughter are trying to name the fields, Polina. What for the bad people. If I would like to call Polina, that would be called the author of the article Thank you so much. The woman and grandfather call my daughter affectionately Apushka/sounds great, true/and I and her friends API. But no Pauline.

  3. Well, finally, at least some comfort, I have the daughter of Apollinaria, and the Pelagey’s friend and her and her daughter are trying to name the fields, Polina. What for the bad people. If I would like to call Polina, that would be called the author of the article Thank you so much. The woman and grandfather call my daughter affectionately Apushka, Linarushka/sounds great, true/and I and her friends API. But no Pauline.

  4. Apushka🤭🤣, API ... Tryndets will be difficult to continue ... Try it to everyone it is indemnity 😊🤦ence

  5. My mother was baptized by Pelagia it was in 1907. In 1932, she married Pelageya. In 1936, Polina became in the archive recording of the registry office there is no mark on the change of name. In 1940, I was born in my birth certificate Polina. Now they believe that Polina is not my mother.

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