Name Ira, Irina, Arina: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Ira, Irina from Arina? Ira, Irina, Arina: How to call a full name correctly?

Name Ira, Irina, Arina: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Ira, Irina from Arina? Ira, Irina, Arina: How to call a full name correctly?

Is there a difference between the names Arina and Irina or is it the same name?

The modern variety of names sometimes doubts the correctness of the pronunciation of some of them. In this article, we will consider the names Irina and Arina, namely, they are different or this is one name.

Name Ira, Irina, Arina: different names or not?

  • Since Arina does not belong to an independent name, but is a form of appeal to the named name Irina - these are the same names.
  • In the modern world, the appeal is Arina, acquired the status of independent. Arina is easily entered in the metric, replacing Irina. But still, do not forget that initially Arina is the nominal form of Irina.
  • Despite this, the fact that they have the same patrons, very often Arina is given at birth, as an independent name.

Ira, Irina, Arina: How to call a full name correctly?

  1. Ira is a diminutive form on behalf of Irina
  2. If we consider the name Arina, as transformed on behalf of Irina, then Irina is considered in this case the right complete name
  3. If Arina is an independent name, then Arina is a full name

Video: The meaning of the name. Arina

What is the difference between the name Ira, Irina from Arina?

  • In the common people, the form of the name Irina - Arina (Orina), relatively recently gained independence
  • You can see this by reading any named dictionary
  • For example, the famous Arina Rodionovna is truly called-Irina
  • Therefore, the names under consideration are no different
  • In fact, Irina can easily be called Arina and vice versa

Can Ira be called Arina?

  • In accordance with the dictionary of Russian names, Arina is a folk name formed on behalf of Irina
  • If the hostess does not mind, why not call her Arina instead of Irina?

Video: Irina, Arina - the meaning of the name and name day

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  1. Ira can also be Irma. .. ..

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