The name of Elizabeth What does it mean? Elizabeth: the meaning of the name, decoding, character, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The name of Elizabeth What does it mean? Elizabeth: the meaning of the name, decoding, character, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The article will reveal the secrets of the name Elizabeth.

Choosing a name to my child, I want to know its meaning. After all, the name leaves its mark on the fate and character of a person. Read more about such a magnificent name Elizabeth in the article.

What does the name of Elizabeth on the church calendar mean?

The name of Elizabeth from Hebrew means “God's help”, “reverers of God”, “the oath of God” in the Orthodox calendar is listed as “Elizabeth”.

Therefore, you can baptize a child under the name of Elisaveta.

What is the nationality of the name of Elizabeth?

The name of Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin.

Elizabeth Deciphering the name with Greek

In Greek, the name of Elizabeth sounds like "Alisavet."

In Greek, diminutive names will be: Veta, Lisa, Fox, Eliza, Lizaki, Ellie, Elsa.

The meaning of the name Elizabeth
The meaning of the name Elizabeth

Elizabeth's name in English, Latin, different languages

The name of Elizabeth on the english: Elisabeth (Elizabeth), folk form - Lizbeth (lizbet), diminutive - Bess (Bessi), Bessie (Bessie), Beth (Bet), Bettie, Betty (Betty), Betsy (Betsi), Bette (Bettt, Betti), Elisa, Eliza (Eliza, Eliza), Elissa (Elissa), Elise, Elyse (Eliz), Elsie (Elsi), Elsa (Elsa), Libby (Libby), Lilibeth (Lilibet), Lisa, Liza (Lisa, Lisa), Lise, Liz (Liz), Lizzie, Lizzy (Lizzy)

Elizabeth name in French: Elisabeth (Elizabeth), diminutive - élise (eliz), lise (liza), lisette (lizette), lisèle (lizel), lison (Lizon), Babette (Babett), Elisène, Elisenn (Elizen, Elizenn)

The name of Elizabeth in Swedish: Elisabet, Elisabeth, Elizabeth (Элисабет), Elisabeta, Elizabeta (Элисабета), народные формы — Lisbeth, Lisbet (Лисбет), Lisabeth, Lisabet (Лисабет), Elsbeth, Elsbet (Эльсбет), Elsebeth, Elsebet (Эльсебет), уменьшительные — Betan (Betan), Bettan (Bettan), Bett (Bett), Elsi, Elsie, Elsy (Elsi), Elsa (Elsa), Else (Elsa), Elisa (Elisa), Elise (Elisa), Lisa, Liza (Fox) , Lise (fox), lis, liz (fox), lisen (fox), lissi, lissie, lizzi, lizzie (Lisissi), Lisken (Lisqueken)

Elizabeth's name in Latin:Elisabetha

How is the name of Elizabeth written in the passport?

Elizabeth’s name in a foreign passport in accordance with all the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation is written “Elizaveta”

How the name Elizabeth is written in the passport
How the name Elizabeth is written in the passport

Elizabeth reduced short name, diminutively affectionate

The name of Elizabeth allows you to come up with a lot of diminutive and abbreviated name options:

  • Lisa
  • Lizka
  • Lick
  • Lizonka
  • Lizunya
  • Lizaveta
  • Lisi
  • Fox
  • Elizabeth
  • Eliza
  • Veta
  • Lizochka

Elizabeth name: origin and meaning

The name of Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin.

The name of Elizabeth used to be called persons from a high society. The name was widespread as royal.

In Western Europe, this name is widespread in a slightly different form of Isabella.

Elizabeth: The meaning of the name is character and fate

Summer Elizabeth:

  • Very kind, cheerful and active
  • Will become the center of any company thanks to its charisma
  • Relations begins only with the same kind and open person
  • Loves people capable of charity

Autumn Elizabeth:

  • Has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat he wants from life
  • On everything has its own opinion and does not want to change it
  • Has a strong, strong -willed character
  • Only a man will take into the chosen ones, whom he can fully rely, who will be completely trusted
The meaning of the name Elizabeth
The meaning of the name Elizabeth

Winter Elizabeth:

  • Cheerful and fervent
  • Likes to joke and communicate with your own comedians
  • But in important matters it becomes serious and makes decisions responsibly
  • The best chosen one for Elizabeth is a cheerful and prone to adventures man

Spring Elizabeth:

  • Satisfied is active and positive until he hears criticism addressed to him
  • I am satisfied with touchy, and therefore it is difficult to build a strong relationship with people. After all, not everyone is ready to speak only good words, despite the situation
  • A man who will love her with all the shortcomings is suitable for husbands to Elizabeth. At the same time, he should refrain from criticism to her
The character of the name of Elizabeth
The character of the name of Elizabeth

Elizabeth: intuition, intelligence, morality

  • In childhood, Elizabeth is a very active and inquisitive child. It is not greedy, easily shares its toys with other children. But he will not give offense either himself or his toys. To aggressive children can answer the same
  • The school is successful. It has an analytical warehouse of the mind. Perfectly assimilates the exact sciences. If not lazy, then it becomes the best in the class
  • Since childhood, he seeks to be a leader. And she is fine due to natural charisma

Elizabeth name: hobbies, activities, business

  • At school age, Elizabeth experiments with various hobbies a lot: he can rush from sports in dancing or drawing circle
  • At work, Elizabeth does not aim to career growth. The work performs efficiently, but does not strive for the role of the director
  • Elizabeth is a very good mistress, she cooks very tasty and tries to delight households with new dishes
  • The interests of children for Elizabeth - in the first place
  • If, nevertheless, Elizabeth occupies the role of a leader at work, then her subordinates will have to show high results and exceptional discipline
Elizabeth name: hobbies, activities, business
Elizabeth name: hobbies, activities, business

  Elizabeth name: Health and psyche

  • It is always purposeful and is trying to achieve the desired by all means. Very upset in case of failure
  • Elizabeth is pretty capricious and touchy, although it does not always give out its insult
  • Very narcissistic, but as a rule has reason. If someone does not evaluate it, then it hurts her
  • In adulthood, it is conflicting. This often encourages relations with others
  • When Elizabeth acquires a family, she comes in first in the list of priorities. Elizabeth loves his household and will never exchange them for a career or money

Elizabeth name: sexuality, marriage

  • The male half is still from school years. Men are very to their liking
  • In love is very legible. Will not rush to the first man who interested her
  • Loves shy men who can be subordinated
  • In view of its impulsiveness and a tendency to adventures, Elizabeth can marry somewhat rash, in connection with which to divorce. But the second marriage is usually conscious and very strong
  • Elizabeth will not change men, like gloves due to a penchant in constant and serious relationships
Elizabeth name: sexuality, marriage
Elizabeth name: sexuality, marriage

Elizabeth name: compatibility with male names

The best compatibility With men with the following names:

  • Akim
  • Alexander
  • Andrew
  • Artem
  • Boris
  • Valery
  • Vladlen
  • Gleb
  • Dmitry
  • Egor
  • Ivan
  • Igor
  • Kirill
  • a lion
  • Leonid
  • Makar
  • Nikita
  • Nikolai
  • Rostislav
  • Taras
  • Fedor

The worst compatibility With men with the following names:

  • Adam
  • Anton
  • Arthur
  • Valentine
  • Vladimir
  • Vladislav
  • George
  • Hermann
  • Denis
  • Ivan
  • Nikolai
  • Oleg
  • Plato
  • Savely
  • Stanislav
  • Stepan
  • Philip
  • Yuri
  • Yang
  • Yaroslav
Elizabeth name: compatibility with male names
Elizabeth name: compatibility with male names

When does Elizabeth have a name day for the Orthodox calendar?

The name of the Elizabeth - May 7, July 18, August 13, September 12, September 18, October 21, October 31, November 4, November 14, November 20, April 18.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Elizabeth are short in verses and prose

Lisa, with the names of you,
Congratulations from the heart, loving
Let you be lucky today
May luck await you in everything,

From the bottom of my heart I want to tell you
That you should not at all lose heart,
It is better to enjoy this life,
Have fun, sing and smile

Dear Lisa! Congratulations on your name day - your name in the afternoon. They say: "As you call the ship, so it will float." I wish your name to help you in creative formation and achievement of goals, and that your life path is long and happy

I wish Lisa on an angel day
I am happiness in this bright life,
So that you have fun,
So that all good things come true

So that she never discouraged
Love and happiness radiated.
I want to wish luck
As well as live and prosper!

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Elizabeth

Song with the name Lisa

A. Gubin - "Lisa"

Aleksin - "Lisa"

V. ASMOLOV - "Lisa"

M. Shofutinsky - "Elizabeth"

F. Kirkorov - "Lisa"

A. Marakulin - "Lisa"

A. Malinin - "You are waiting, Lizaveta"

K. Aksakov - "My Lizochka is so small, so small"

Tattoo named Elizabeth, Lisa

Tattoo named Elizabeth, Lisa
Tattoo named Elizabeth, Lisa
Tattoo named Lisa
Tattoo named Lisa
Tattoo named Lizaveta
Tattoo named Lizaveta
Lisa tattoo
Lisa tattoo

Suspension with the name of Elizabeth from gold: photo

Suspension with the name of Elizabeth from gold: photo
Suspension with the name of Elizabeth from gold: photo
Suspension with the name of Elizabeth
Suspension with the name of Elizabeth
Elizabeth's neck
Elizabeth's neck

Zodiac named after Elizabeth

Signs of the zodiac Virgin, Sagittarius and Scorpio will supplement the name from the good side

The patron saint of Elizabeth

Saint patrons of names:

  • Elizabeth is a miracle
  • Elisaveta Adrianopol
  • Elisaveta Constantinople
  • Elisaveta Righteous, Palestinian
  • Elisaveta Feodorovna

Elizabeth's name Stone Talisman

Calisman stone for Elizabeth-Amethyst

Elizabeth's name Stone Talisman
Elizabeth's name Stone Talisman

Elizabeth flower

Elizabeth plants - lilac, oleander.

Totem animal named after Elizabeth

The totemic animal Elizabeth is a fox.

Totem animal named after Elizabeth
Totem animal named after Elizabeth

Numerology named after Elizabeth

The number of the name Elizabeth is 6.

Pseudonym to the name of Elizabeth

For the name of Elizabeth, you can choose the following pseudonyms:

  • Luise
  • Lizi
  • Liz
  • Eliza
  • Lizet

Video on the topic: The meaning of the name Elizabeth

Girls named Elizabeth are very interesting natures with a good sense of humor and their own dignity

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