The name Artem and Artemy: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Artem and Artemy: characteristics of names, similarities and differences. Artem and Artemy: How to call the full name correctly?

The name Artem and Artemy: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Artem and Artemy: characteristics of names, similarities and differences. Artem and Artemy: How to call the full name correctly?

The meaning and difference in the names of Artem and Artemy.

Today, not only young parents are faced with a similar problem, how to write a child correctly. No, an adult does not have such a choice, just recently there have been a lot of discussions on the topic - whether to call Artem Artemy correctly (or vice versa). Perhaps these are completely different names and have nothing to do with each other or, on the contrary, just a different form of one name.

The name Artem and Artemy: different names or not?

How many people, so many opinions. Some violently dispute that the names are completely different, while others do not see any special differences. Before putting the final verdict, let's delve into the history and significance of such a name a little. Perhaps this will appear leading facts or tips.

Get deep into history - what is the origin of the name:

  • This name has Greek roots. In principle, for most of our names, thank you, it is necessary to say precisely Greece and the Greek people. Well, more precisely, their gods. Since the main part takes the roots with the names of the gods or goddesses.
    • A little interesting facts! The goddess Artemis - The ancient Greek virgin, who is known to the majority as a hunter (or warrior). I became famous for archery. But she is also the goddess of fertility and female chastity. And also, acts as a patroness of a happy and harmonious marriage and light birth. And, of course, it should be noted that Artemis also acts as a defender of all living things on Earth.
    • This combination was presented to her by her parents - Zeus and summer. Recall that Zeus He considers the god of thunder and lightning. BUT Summer - This is the daughter of the heavenly gods, who were still kings in the north.
  • So we received the first signal - the name Artemy came on behalf of this very goddess (by the way, it is considered the fourth -generation goddess). Its characteristic is partially reflected in the character and fate of a person with this name (but more on that later).
  • What a year it was is difficult to establish. Since the Greek gods existed, like the ancient Greece itself, even before our era. And the name takes roots since then.
  • But the name Artem began to gain momentum in the 17th century (meaning in Russia), as the result of colloquial speech. And since then popularity only blooms.

Artemy (from the Greek “artems”) is “dedicated to Artemis,” as most have already guessed. Also, the name is interpreted as “healthy”, “invincible” and “impeccable health”. Well, the meaning of the name Artem has the same wording.

So we approached the main question - is this the same name? Let's just say that these are different forms of the same name! Artemy acts as the ancestor of Artem, because it was colloquial speech that replaced this ancient name.

Important: there is no Artem in the church sacrament. That is, you can only baptize the child with the name of Artemy.

  • By the way, an interesting fact - the name Artemy disappeared from everyday life just at the time when Christianity was adopted in Russia.

Therefore, you can still indicate the names so : Artemy is an old church form of the name Artem. Also, the second option is an abbreviated form.

Meaning of the name
Meaning of the name

Artem and Artemy: How to call the full name correctly?

If we talk about abbreviated or diminutive versions.

  • There are a whole many of them: these are Artosh, and Artemch, Artemka, Artemushka, a well -known topic and even Tyunya. And also Artesh, Tyusha, Artemino, Artyukha and Artyusha. As you can see, it all depends only on your imagination.
  • And it is also worth noting that there are other synonyms of the name:
    • Artemios (this is how it sounds in Polish);
    • Artz (in Belarusian);
    • Artemio (this is how the name in Italian and Spanish sounds);
    • Artamon or Artemon (these are another folk forms of one name);
    • Artemy (another option).
  • Important! On the legal side are two different names. Even three. Since the name Artem and Artyom is also different names. Yes, when the first redness of the papers occurs, this fact will come out.

So we touched on another important question - the reasons for the occurrence of such a discussion:

  1. The first reason, probably, is already clear - this is the legal side. Yes, in documents (in all) it is important to indicate with the accuracy of each letter. Any even the slightest deviation will give you a new name. With the surname, by the way, the same problem will arise. A striking example (although this name is still considered the same), but when Julia will receive a passport and in the column “Name” will record himself like Julia. Then she will get a different name, because according to the documents it will be so.
  2. The second reason is the popularity of ancient names. At some historical time, Artemy was slightly wound up by the name Artem. And in the last period, we begin to return to the original option.
  3. And, perhaps, the totality of the two previous reasons prompted us to another fashion - any name today is considered independent. Once again, we repeat that according to the documents, the slightest changed letter already makes the name to others and independent, therefore.

Also, one cannot help but indicate the birthday or, as we are more familiar, the day of the angel. Mostly only two or four days are distinguished by angels, but in the church calendar there are several name -names of this name.

Important: the church is not separated by these names! This is considered one name, but Artemy correctly record it, because Artem, as a name, arose a little later. And the Bible for each change in fashion for names does not correspond. By the way, it is not a fact that Artem in those days was a conversational option (as Artem today). It’s just that the church language is slightly different from our modern dialect.

Artem or Artemy
Artem or Artemy

Celebrate (in brackets dates for the old style):

  • January 17 (4)-on this date, one of the 70 apostles, who were chosen by Jesus (except for the main twelve), the Librian Apostle Artem, are remembered on this date.
  • February 26 (13) - on this day is celebrated in honor of the righteous Artem Palestinian.
  • April 6 (March 24) - in honor of St. Artem, Bishop of Solunsky.
  • May 12 (April 29) - this day is celebrated in memory of the martyr Artemy Kazic, who was killed with eight supporters of Christ.
  • July 6 (June 23) - name day in honor of the righteous youth Artemy Verkolsky, who died from a lightning strike at the age of 13 years.
  • November 2 (October 20) - day of two saints. Also, the lad Artemy Verkolsky and the great martyr Artemy Antioch, who predicted the death of the pagan Julian.
  • November 12 (October 30) - on this day the Apostle Artem Liriysky is again revered.

Important: Angel Day depends on your date of birth. That is, all these days do not need to be celebrated, each of us can only have one name day. For example, if a person was born on September 9, then his Angel's day falls on November 2. And if the birth of the baby fell on March 2, then the name day should be celebrated on April 6.

Artem and Artemy: characteristics of the names

Speaking openly, it will be right and that way. The celestial hail will not crumble on you and no one will throw stones at you. We have already said that any change in the letter of the word is already entailing the formation of a new name. But there are no strict rules.

  • If we talk about church requirements, Artemy will write correctly. After all, we have already said that the church does not recognize other names as Artem or, for example, Sophia (this is also a conversational form, according to church canons, Sofia is correct).
  • From a legal point of view, just get two different names, but both options will be true. This is already at the discretion of parents. By the way, the letter “E” or “E” can also be written at your discretion.
  • No matter how you record the child’s name in the birth certificate, it will still be called the topic (this is the most common abbreviated form). And it does not matter to it Artem, Artyom or Artemy.
  • Today, as they say, "any whim for your money." If you wish, you can indicate any form and it will already be considered a separate name. That is, formally it will be different names. But in fact - the same thing.
The name Artem
The name Artem

If we talk about the character of a person and the influence of his name on fate:

  • First of all, I would like to note his previously growing up. More precisely, such children most often communicate with older guys. Since, with peers, it is early for them to become boring and uninteresting. Therefore, friends at an early age will be older, and in the future it is not rare to choose older wives.
  • Also, they become early and eagerly trying to prove their independence. In adulthood, this feature does not disappear, but even more manifests itself. They do not like to turn to someone for help, because then one gets the impression that you are becoming a debtor. And Artem does not like this.
  • Diligence and hard work is manifested in early childhood, which undoubtedly positively reflect in adulthood. Especially if you take into account the aspect of the career.
  • As a rule, these are hardworking personalities. This is noticeable already in school years. Artem can study well, diligently and with interest, but he can become boring. Yes, often the average level of study can repel great hunting in it. Also, he quickly grasps the information and understand it. But the lack of workload can discourage the desire to strive for anything. As a rule, school is not very good at school. But purely because of the lack of information and the complexity of training.
  • Also, the excessive activity of the baby also affects this. This is a very mobile child from childhood and often there is not enough perseverance in study. They prefer outdoor games.
  • It is impossible not to note their leadership qualities. By the way, this is also reflected in study. Parents should take note that your child just needs to visit various circles and groups where he could realize himself. We repeat that for this he has great zeal and a desire to expose himself in the best light. Just do not give the boy to dancing without his consent (this, by the way, is to any male names).
  • Artyoma is very stubborn and argue a lot, which acts for him with a positive quality and a negative feature. He is not inferior to difficulties and other people's opinions. And to convince him in some ways this is just a useless activity that will only provoke a dispute.
    • Often these representatives impose their opinion and are too demanding. And sometimes outsiders are too controlled, especially the second half.
  • Although Artemy is not considered a conflict person who can diplomatically solve any problem. But sometimes stubbornness interferes with this.
    • Especially, such character traits as stubbornness and exactingness among autumn representatives are pronounced. Therefore, even with parents, problems often arise. Make him do something or impose his opinion cannot be possible. By the way, these children need to help to reveal their talents and gently direct them.
    • Winter artems have a contradictory character, but at the same time they have great perseverance and hard work. They are considered good and hospitable owners. He loves traveling and learning something new. Therefore, do not close his curiosity and interest.
    • Born in the spring will be a good friend, because it has a well -developed sympathy and empathy. He is already in early childhood has a great responsibility. But, at the same time, these are selfish and capricious children (in adulthood, character does not change either), which also differ in great temper. But there is an approach to him - he loves praise.
    • Summer representatives have the most developed discipline and desire for leadership. Sometimes they are unnecessarily picky to details, and are also prone to the strictest compliance with the rules. But it will make a gallant gentleman who likes to think through everything to subtlety.
  • And, of course, it is worthwhile to highlight such a feature as the inability to adapt to people, their behavior. Artem will always have his own opinion, which, by the way, he will certainly voiced. We are glad to hear it or not.
The name Artem
The name Artem

If touched love aspect and family creation:

  • Regardless of you, Artem or Artemy to family life be careful. Even if they have early marriages in their youth (this is extremely rare, a civil marriage will be an ideal option for them), then in most cases end up with a divorce. No, he is not so given to work, he just chooses his wife very reverently, even slightly excessively.
  • To create a family, they become ready after thirty, but forty years old. Again, he feels great while in a civil marriage.
    • Girls and women who are next to him should learn one truth - in no case do not press on your chosen one. He, in principle, does not like this and just may not be ready for marriage. What to do in this case is a different conversation. But a little advice - turn on the female charm.
  • They really appreciate delicious food and comfort in the house. By the way, husbands are caring from them and they are on the side of equality. Yes, these are those men who are ready to do household chores with his wife in half. That's just a woman must meet his requirements and show her need in him.
  • With children, Artem is often too strict and harsh, but compensates for excessive pampering. No need to beat off his hunt somewhere your child or buy a toy for him, even if you are in a difficult financial situation.
    • And one more advice to their wives - do not limit his freedom! These representatives primarily value their independence.
  • But arthems are extremely rare. By the way, they also do not agree to divorce. An exception can be only incredible new love and complete misunderstanding in the family. But! If there are children, he is ready to endure until the last.
  • If we talk about his family ties, then with distant (and with loved ones) relatives, reluctantly communicates. Even, keeps at a distance. Again, you need to force him to go to a family dinner, just try to unobtrusively maintain contact with them.
  • Artems have few friends, and so much more close. Although they are sociable, they are not revealed to everyone. Yes, and trust too.

Important: Artyoma is a little hidden and closed in herself. Sometimes it’s hard to guess what to really lurk in his soul. But you do not need to forcibly slow down, just always substitute a friendly shoulder. If he wants to share something secret, he will do it only of his own free will.


  • From childhood, parents have been delivered a lot of trouble. Especially, they often suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and bronchitis becomes their favorite ailment.
  • Often they do not have time to recover, as they pick up a new disease. But, as they grow older, immunity is strong and already in adolescence rarely complains about health. In adulthood, it also rarely gets sick and tolerates everything on his feet well.

Intimate side:

In sex, he sees, first of all, a way to relax and relieve tension. He is a very delicate and sensitive lover and his fantasy is well developed. Supporter of role -playing games. Therefore, a woman should be a passionate nature, which will not let him out of ardor and contribute to the potential.

If we talk about compatibility with female names:

  • A successful marriage develops with Anna, Lyudmila, Tamara, Larisa, Svetlana, Catherine and Maria
  • But with Julia, Olga, Natalia, Marina and Elena, relations will be very difficult

But! This does not mean that such people are not destined to be together. It’s just that you need to constantly work on your relationship, and look for the gold in the middle. And most importantly in relationships - this is trust in each other.

What is the difference between the name Artem and Artemy?

As can be seen from all of the above, there are no differences between these names. At least according to church canons - this is a different form of the same name. On the legal side, yes, these are different names. The meaning and characteristics of their names are identical, but there is a slight difference. This is a middle name.

  • If Artem, then the children will be Artemovich, Artemovna;
  • If Papa Artemy, then the children work out Artemyevich, Artemyevna.

Can Artyom be called Artemy?

We have already examined the situation along and across, so you can safely give an answer to the question posed - you can call Artem Artemy. Moreover, with baptism or visiting the church, the name will only be such - Artemy. In the same way, we can speak vice versa. In general, both of them friends or relatives will be easier - a topic. And it will also be right.

Video: The meaning of the name Artem

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