Hugge: What is it? What is Huggage happiness: signs, recommendations. How to do to feel Hugge? How to create a hugge in the interior?

Hugge: What is it? What is Huggage happiness: signs, recommendations. How to do to feel Hugge? How to create a hugge in the interior?

Tired of the gray everyday life and everyday life? Plunger into the serene world of Hugge. How to do this, and know the true joys of life, read on.

Gray everyday life, life, work - all this takes almost all of our time. There is no end to care and troubles. People live tomorrow, hoping for a miracle, waiting for vacation days.

  • But few people think that true happiness is hidden in the little things.
  • You need to only be able to enjoy these trifles. Connoisseurs of worldview even came up with the name of such simple human joys.
  • What does the word mean "Hugge"? To understand, read the article.

Hugge: What is it?


In Russian, you will not find such a definition as "Hugge". It is impossible to describe it by some one word. The Norwegians spoke for the first time about Hyugg in the early 19th century. "Hugge" or "Hygge" - It means "The good state of the soul, prosperity".

This is a kind of lifestyle that is based on the joy of trifles, simple family happiness, home coziness and comfort. A person living in Hugge is in a constant feeling of prosperity and satisfaction.

What is Huggage happiness: signs, recommendations


Living in Hugge means to consciously make your everyday life joyful. Share a positive with friends and relatives. It is important to communicate live without wasting time on correspondence in social networks. It is better to go to the theater with a girlfriend or a concert of a celebrity, and you can also meet friends in a cafe over a cup of coffee than to chat, for example, in messages of social networks or even on video links.

Invite your own person to a movie or theater, where you will receive a portion of positive and good emotions. After all, it often happens that people, engaged in their career, do not pay attention to those relatives who live nearby. As a result, one day they find themselves completely alien to each other.

Advice: So that the relationship does not become so boring, and the days are gloomy, add Hyugge to your life.

You can talk a lot on this topic, but there are such basic principles of such a positive lifestyle. They are as follows:

  • Joint vacation with family or friends - Walks in your favorite places, trips to the theater, cinema. But rest is not only gathering a noisy company. There is even solitude, but it should only be hand in hand with loved ones. Rest in Hugg is to collect autumn leaves together, sculpt a snowman in winter, listen to spring drops or birds outside the window.
  • Friendly communication, benevolent conversations. No need to talk with someone for a long time on some topic, if there is no time, although according to Hyugg-this is very good. Just say hello to your neighbors, find out how they are doing, call relatives or take care of your neighbor. Wish a good day for someone or thank you for opening the door to you at the entrance to the entrance or helped to convey bags to the floor.
  • Comfort and comfort in the house. No need to invest millions in repairs, the purchase of ultramodern furniture. It is enough to correctly organize the space in an apartment or house, filling the interior with pleasant gizmos. Get a pet, maintain the cleanliness and freshness of the air.
  • The smell of delicious food. Food for a person is one of the most important pleasure. The aroma of homemade food is also a hugge. Rejoice yourself and loved ones with delicious dishes prepared with love.

The recommendations for Hyugge include the most banal life little things. To decorate your life, it is not necessary to fly on vacation to the Maldives. It is enough to come up with something new and interesting.

Advice: Write a list of joys that you and your family are available. After that, get down to business.

Life trifles by hugge:

  • Tied woolen socks or a scarf with a hat for a loved one.
  • A romantic candlelight dinner, with light music and a bouquet of wildflowers on a table.
  • Hot tea from thermos in the cold.
  • A warm bathtub with the smell of indoor herbs, with soap bubbles.
  • The cat purring in an armchair, or rest on the couch under a large blanket is also a hugge.

Hyugg does not need excesses, the main thing is to find the charm in ordinary life things. They are usually affordable and simple. Many people think that lazy people and loafers came up with this word. But this is not so, no need to arrange a continuous holiday from life.

It is worth knowing: Hugge is a “highlight” in a pie or a unique spice that add dimensionality, originality and sophistication.

How to do to feel Hugge?


Hugge is the art of being happy. Learning this is simple. This is what needs to be done to feel Hugge:

  • Invite your relatives or friends to visit or just spend time together in any cafe or in nature. But remember, in order to achieve Hugge, there should be harmony in everything, especially in communication. No one should show dominance over other people or prove the case. Everything should be measured and calm.
  • Hot drinks in the cold or cool soda in the heat - It is also Hugge. It was said above that you can take hot tea with you on a frosty day. Coffee, hot chocolate or even mulled wine are also suitable. One moment, and you already feel the smell of coffee, enjoying life, and this is already a hugge.
  • Delicious food to dump. Hugge and diets are incompatible. If you want to achieve a hugge, cook cocoa with milk, bake hot buns, cookies or fry the chopped from meat. You can bake a goose in the oven or weld pilaf. It is important that the food is simple and affordable. No need to go to an expensive restaurant, prepare something delicious at home.
  • Dress stylishly and at ease. Oddly enough, but this is also Hugge. For winter, choose a voluminous top: a large scarf, snood, a warm down jacket, and in the summer - the clothes should be free, beautiful and made of materials comfortable for the body: x/b, knitwear, and so on.
  • Play board games with a large company.
  • Watch an interesting movie or series with your friends.
  • Arrange an exchange of exchange. Let friends bring things that they have not used for a long time, and exchange them.
  • Go to the picnic, roll on a bicycle, from a slide, arrange gatherings around the fire with friends or just cook jam.

If you do what you and your loved ones like, then you will definitely achieve Hugge. The universe experts advise gathering a set for the ambulance Hugge. Let him always be at your hand so that at any moment you can restore your spiritual balance.


It can be such items:

  • Aromariners
  • Tasty chocolate
  • Favorite coffee
  • Book, film or television series
  • A pair of warm socks
  • Voluminous and soft sweater
  • Warm blanket
  • Music or photo album you like to review

As you can see, everything is very simple. Even in bad weather, you can not lose heart at home alone, but achieve Hugge and enjoy life.

How to create a hugge in the interior: Tips


Most of all I want peace of mind when we come home. Therefore, it is so important that in our home there is a pacifying situation. Houshus can be achieved using a correctly equipped interior:

  • Lighting - It should create a warm background. If the upper lighting is very bright, turn off these lamps. Make additional lighting in the rooms, but in less bright and warmer tones. For example, a floor lamp is suitable. Lights installed at the level of human growth are added to the interior of comfort and attractiveness. You can arrange many candles, but do not overdo it with aromas and forms.
  • Deep meaning in interior items - Do not clutter the shelves with old and already read books. It is better to arrange souvenir and cute things brought from different travels. The interior should be filled with cozy objects that will add positive emotions to your life, every time you look at them.
  • Combine external and internal spaces in the house. If possible, let the doors and windows be open. Now it is fashionable to make an additional room from the balcony and this is also Hugge. Do not close the doors to the balcony and other rooms so that there is freedom of movement.
  • Home flowers or bouquets should be everywhere. If you have no plants in pots at home, then you can buy inexpensive bouquets, divide them into separate flowers and place them in rooms in vases. Let these vases be everywhere: on tables, window sills, furniture, near the bed. You will not notice how your mood will rise at every look at the living flower.
  • Create a secluded place - It doesn’t matter where: in the kitchen, in the bedroom, living room. It can be a wide windowsill with pillows and plaid, a place near the fireplace or just a large chair. You can read your favorite book in the evenings or just enjoy a cup of tea or coffee.
  • Bashes made of noble material also creates pleasure. Buy an elite porcelain service to drink tea, or a set of crystal glasses, to drink champagne or expensive wine under their sound.

Feeling at home, serenity, relaxation, security, close and beloved people nearby - all this art is happy. This is how you can feel Hugge:

  • The taste of hugge - A pleasant, acquaintance who calms. Tea with honey or lemon, cookies sprinkled with powdered sugar or sprinkled with jam, second dishes with aromatic spices and so on.
  • Hugge sound - Spring drops, crackling of the fire, noise of the wind outside the window, rustling leaves, thunder in the sky.
  • The smell of Hugge - This is a smell that helps to recall a pleasant past. For example, the smell of mandarin for the New Year, the aroma of lilacs, vanilla cookies, spirits that mother loved.
  • Tactile hugge - pleasant sensations when touching a tender fur, a hot mug with a favorite drink or to the surface of an old wooden table.
  • Visual Hugge - Look at the flame of a fire, falling snowflakes that sparkle in the light of street lamps, flowing drops of rain on the glass.

In general, every person can achieve Hugge. The main thing is to look for him in a simple being, those trifles that surround us and give us pleasure. Enjoy life and be happy!

Video: Hugge - what is it and how to apply in life?

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