Personomers with diabetes of type 1 and 2, gestational diabetes of pregnant women - is it possible or impossible: tips, recommendations. Hurma: beneficial properties and contraindications in diabetes of type 1 and 2, gestational diabetes of pregnant women

Personomers with diabetes of type 1 and 2, gestational diabetes of pregnant women - is it possible or impossible: tips, recommendations. Hurma: beneficial properties and contraindications in diabetes of type 1 and 2, gestational diabetes of pregnant women

In the article you will find recommendations on how a persimmon in diabetes is a persimmon.

Personomers with diabetes of type 1 and 2, is it possible or impossible: tips, recommendations

It is far from a secret that the nutrition of a person suffering from diabetes should be carefully and correctly adjusted, depending on his features. If the diet does not adhere to, the diabetic will certainly be worse, even severe consequences, a deterioration in well -being and health may occur.

Important: fruits are “careful” nutrition for a diabetic, because these fruits may contain a lot of sugar, which means that they should be eaten in small quantities or at all.

The calorie content of the persimmon is not great and 100 gr. The fetus falls up to only 60 kcal. But sugar in a persimmon (total) is approximately ¼, which means a persimmon is prohibited food for a diabetic. But this rule concerns only excessive eating persimmon, and not a small one -time portion.

Interesting: if you compare the amount of useful substances in the fruits, persimmon is even more useful than apples.

Features of the use of persimmon
Features of the use of persimmon

Hurma: Useful properties and contraindications for diabetes of type 1 and 2

Important: persimmon is that food that can bring not only the benefit of a person, but also harm, especially when it comes to diabetics.

The benefits of persimmon (diabetics):

  • Strengthening weakened immunity (relevant with diabetes, because the immune system with such a diagnosis can be very weakened);
  • Confrontation between the body with viral and infectious diseases (the ability of the body to resist);
  • Promoting rapid healing of wounds (with diabetes, they can heal slowly and poorly).
  • Improvement of metabolism(very good for a person whose body is weakened by diabetes).
  • Visual strengthening(There are a lot of vitamin A, K, P and C in the fruits)
  • Improving the work of the kidneys(as well as the ability to avoid buds complications).
  • Cleaning the body(from all kinds of deposits, toxins and slag).
  • Stimulation of the digestion process(activation of intestinal function).
  • Improving the work of the nervous system(Hurmma contains a number of substances that are soothingly act on the central nervous system).
  • Strengthening blood vessels(as a result, the cardiovascular system works well).
  • Elimination of swelling(Hurma "drives" excess water from soft fabrics).

Important: in the case of excessive eating persimmon, complications may occur not only in an increase in blood sugar, but also consequences such as allergies and intoxication of the body.

The benefits of persimmon
The benefits of persimmon

Is it possible to use persimmon with gestational diabetes of pregnant women, is it useful?

Gestational diabetes of pregnant women is a violation of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. As a result, such unpleasant consequences as premature tribal activity or, conversely, miscarriage may occur. In order to prevent this from happening, women in a position when detecting a diagnosis (diagnosed from 16 to 32 weeks) should regularly control their sugar level (using a glucometer).

The required sugar level is 3.5 - 5.5 mmol. If this is not done, the fetus can experience complications not only in development, but also in obtaining important substances to maintain life. That is why the expectant mother should eat right, and persimmon - the product is very rich in sugar and therefore it should be carefully minimal portions (or excluded at all).

Video: "Can a persimmon with diabetes?"

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  1. All the same, even with sharpness, I would not recommend that I have indulged with fruits ... Diabetes have sugar and everything sweet for me is a tabu. But even without it I can do it perfectly. I try to eat correctly, I take a cardioactive Taurin as prescribed by a doctor+ I go to physiotherapy once every six months. Sugar is almost always normal, but since there is a predisposition to increase, fruits are not risking to use

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