The Church of the Holy Matrona of Moscow in Moscow on Taganka: address, metro, map, hours of work, worship schedule. The temple of the Holy Matrona in Moscow on Taganka: how to get?

The Church of the Holy Matrona of Moscow in Moscow on Taganka: address, metro, map, hours of work, worship schedule. The temple of the Holy Matrona in Moscow on Taganka: how to get?

The location of the temple with the relics of the Holy Matrona in Moscow. The healing force of the water gained in this temple.

People are prone to faith by nature. Although history tells us about different periods, when the authorities limited and sought to eradicate faith from human hearts, it, as a spring, was again revived.

Each religious direction has its own holy personalities who, with their lives, taught people to live according to the law of God. One of them is the Holy Matrona of Moscow.

As in her lifetime, the human stream still does not run out to her, which carries his troubles, illnesses, mental discords and questions. And she will listen to everyone and give a hint what to do.

We will talk more about the place of storage of the relics of the saint, the graph of the temple and the properties of water from the holy source of the monastery where they are.

In which temple of the Holy Blessed Matrona relics?

Cancer with the relics of the Holy Matrona and her icon
cancer with the relics of the Holy Matrona and her icon

The relics of the Holy Blessed Matrona rest in the church of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, located on the territory of the Pokrovsky female Stavropigial Monastery. They were postponed here in March 1998.

Before this date, the power was in the Danilovsky cemetery. Here the grave of the saint was decorated with fresh flowers all year round and there was a long queue of people who came for spiritual help and instructions from different parts of Russia and abroad.

To strengthen the Orthodox in the faith, the Church Fathers organized the storage and journey of individual parts of the Holy relics to other temples of Moscow and the whole country. Therefore, to attach to the miraculous residue and sincerely turn more people with a prayer to the Lord and Matron.

Where is the Church of the St. Matrona of Moscow?

Photo of the Pokrovsky Convent in Moscow, on the territory of which the relics of the Holy Matrona rest in the temple
photo of the Pokrovsky Convent in Moscow, on the territory of which the relics of the Holy Matrona rest in the temple

The temple with the relics of the Holy Matrona is located in Moscow on the territory of the Pokrovsky Convent.

Church of the Holy Matrona of Moscow in Moscow on Taganka: address, metro, map

The temple with the relics of the Holy Matrona is located in Moscow at 58 Taganskaya St..

The nearest metro stations:

  • Proletarian
  • Peasant outpost
  • Marxist
  • Taganskaya

For the convenience of perceiving the location of the Pokrovsky monastery, add the map:

The location of the Pokrovsky Convent of Moscow on the map
the location of the Pokrovsky Convent of Moscow on the map

The temple of the Holy Matrona in Moscow on Taganka: how to get?

Photo of the temple in which the relics of the Holy Matrona rest
photo of the temple in which the relics of the Holy Matrona rest

The most convenient mode of transport in any city is the metro. Therefore, in Moscow, sit in it and go to any of the stations indicated in the section above.

Your further route looks like this. For example, from the Taganskaya metro station:

  • leave the station to the right
  • focus on McDonald's and go to pedestrian crossings so that it is from you on the left side
  • further along Taganskaya Street you go straight to the stone fence of the Pokrovsky Convent

From the metro "Marxist":

  • having left the station, you will fall into the underpass
  • turn to the left and climb up,
  • there will be McDonald's, and on the right there is a Tagan passage,
  • turn right, then the passage will be to the left of the direction of your movement,
  • further, either sit in public transport and go 3 stops to the monastery, or to a private taxi driver, or go on foot. If you decide to go by bus/trolley, then go out at the Bolshaya Andronievskaya stop, it will be the third in a row,
  • after 10-15 minutes of walking, the walls of the monastery will meet you. They will be to the right of you
  • turn into the first gate, you will see a sign with the address "Taganskaya St., 58" on the wall.

From the metro "Peasant outpost" or "Proletarian":

  • go to the Krestyanskaya Square and move right to a large intersection
  • continue the direction of your movement after crossing roads
  • you get to Abelmanovskaya Street
  • on the left side of you, red brick walls of the monastery will soon be visible from you
  • metro walk time - 10 minutes

The hours of work of the Church of the Holy Matrona in Moscow on Taganka

The temple with the relics of the Holy Matrona is open to visit at the same hours as the Pokrovsky monastery.

It is available on weekdays and Saturday from 7-00 to 20-00, and on Sunday-from 6-00 to 20-00.

Schedule of worship in the Church of the Holy Matrona on Taganka

In the temple of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where the relics of the Holy Matrona rest, worships are held daily:

  • about 9-00 on weekdays and Saturday
  • 10-30 on Sunday

The liturgy precedes the worship.

Water from the temple of the Holy Matrona: Properties

Holy Source on the territory of the Pokrovsky Convent in Moscow
holy Source on the territory of the Pokrovsky Convent in Moscow

As the Holy Matrona said during life, that sanctified water, as a communion, has a huge power, is beneficial to the soul and body.

Considering that the Pokrovsky monastery is a prayer place, where to this day worships and prayers are regularly held, the water in it gains the power of Khreshchenskaya.

And its properties are as follows:

  • healing physical ailments, pain, mental disorders
  • cleanses the body and spirit of the influence of dark forces
  • illuminates housing, car, clothes, animals, if they sprinkle them
  • transfers its strength, changes the structure of ordinary water when mixing
  • enhance the effect of drugs
  • rinses the consequences of intense communication, stress, unpleasant views of others
  • charges by force all day after regular morning ablutions

So that the water from the temple of the Holy Matrona retains its qualities, store it behind home icons and regularly use with a prayer addressed to God and Matrona.

So, we learned the address of the Church of the Holy Motron of Moscow, how to get to it, as well as the schedule of work and prayers.

However, only your sincere faith in help from higher powers and saints, as well as specific regular actions, can create a real miracle in your life.

Believe and go to holy personalities for instructions and help!

Video: How to go to the Church of the Holy Matrona of Moscow?

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you very good article! Thank God for everything!

  2. Thanks for the article, I'm going to visit, I think it will help to find, I'm from another city!

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