Cold coffee: recipe - what are the options for cooking a drink? Cold coffee: classic recipe. How to cook cold coffee: Frapp, Zealis, Taja, in English, with Amaretto and frozen espresso?

Cold coffee: recipe - what are the options for cooking a drink? Cold coffee: classic recipe. How to cook cold coffee: Frapp, Zealis, Taja, in English, with Amaretto and frozen espresso?

In the article you will see information on how to prepare cold coffee. Also learn about how to prepare cold coffee with additional ingredients.

When the cold season is replaced by hot, not everyone likes to drink hot coffee. But abandoning your favorite drink is not easy enough, and have long come up with how to deal with this problem. There are many alternative methods for making aromatic coffee in the form of cold invigorating drinking.

Historically, they believe that a cold recipe for refreshing coffee was opened by an employee of Nescafe. This happened by accident. He in a shaker mixed soluble coffee, cold water, ice, sugar. When people tried the drink, they approved its taste. In Greece, this recipe has gained particular popularity because of the hot summer and a relatively warm winter. The Greeks called cold coffee - Frapp. Then we get acquainted with the most popular cold coffee recipes.

Cold coffee: recipe - what are the options for cooking a drink?

In fact, there are many variations in the preparation of cold coffee drinking. It is interesting that the barista is prepared in different ways, everyone adds some secret ingredient to the recipe. Therefore, there are no identical drinks in two barists. Cold coffee has such preparation options, judging by the initial basis of the brewed product:

  • Cold mocko -based drink
  • Cold latte -based drink
  • Cold coffee based on frapp.

The coffee houses have special equipment, because the coffee machines visiting them have a large selection of offers for the preparation of delicious cold coffee. Moreover, customers can try drinks directly in a cafe or take a comfortable glass or bottle with them and drink enjoying the form of nature, somewhere in the park. Thanks to its invigorating influence, this coffee is popular among the connoisseurs of this drink. Many women also use it for cosmetic purposes.

Cold coffee with milk
Cold coffee with milk

Technically, two main methods of cooking invigorating drinking can be distinguished. The first can be easily used at home in a jazz or Turk - based on espresso. The second option is preparation by extraction. To do this, insist coffee in purified cold water. To do this, it is enough to highlight 9-12 hours time.

The most comfortable temperature for exposure is 16 degrees. With such values \u200b\u200bof coffee grain, they retain all their beneficial properties and do not lose their aroma, the taste is amazing. After the drink is infused, it must be filtered, pour into a shaker, add ice any other products that you want to use for ready -made drinking and beat. After pour coffee into a tall glass, fill it with foam and drink it with a straw.

Connoisseurs of the drink, as a rule, never change their habits and drink hot coffee even at the very peak of heat. If a person does not tolerate summer heat, then he resorts to alternative options. It uses cold coffee, getting the necessary dose of caffeine, then to feel good. This is especially true for people who have a reduced blood pressure. Many criticize a cold drink for not bringing such pleasure as hot, since coffee does not fully give its aroma and properties in cold water. Therefore, they begin to add many auxiliary components to it.

These are products such as:

  • milk, grated chocolate, cinnamon
  • ice cream, cream, syrup
  • fruits, liquor, amaretto
  • cognac, spices, condensed milk.
Coffee -based cooling
Coffee -based cooling

IMPORTANT: Sugar for a cold drink is not used very often. Not everyone likes a cold drink with crispy grains of sugar on their teeth. After all, a loose product is poorly dissolved in cold water. The barista of course came up with how to please the sweet tooth. They add syrups, ice cream, condensed milk, etc. in coffee.

Cold coffee: recipes

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of recipes for making a cold coffee drink. But the classic method is one.

The classic way to make a cold drink is Frappe


  • water - 125 ml
  • ground grains-3-5 g

Cooking process:

  1. First, prepare espresso in a Turk. To do this, pour coffee, pour water and three times give coffee to the upper boundary of the vessel in the thinnest place of the neck.
  2. Cool the espresso, filter.
  3. Add ice to the shaker, if you wish - sweet syrup and ready -made espresso. Beat the drink for several minutes to make a foam.
  4. After pour drinking into a high glass, if you want, add a little milk (100 ml) and put the foam on top with a spoon.

You can decorate the drink as much as you like and, the main thing is to focus on the taste of the coffee machine.

Drink with milk, cream
Drink with milk, cream

Coffee with sweet jam

Ingredients :

  • cherry jam without bones - 25 g
  • sugar - 5 g
  • espresso - 195 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Brew in a jezva espresso from natural grains of medium grinding. After let the drink cool.
  2. Strain the contents of the jerses, coffee grounds will not be needed to make cold coffee.
  3. With cherry jam, it is advisable to use only syrup. Mix espresso, jam syrup, sugar in a shaker, pour a finished drink into cups.

To give taste sensations, you can still use cream, milk and other products to enjoy a cool drink in a hot season of the year.

Coffee with cherries
Coffee with cherries

Cold drink with orange nectar


  • orange nectar - from two fruits
  • sugar - 125 g
  • water - 225 ml
  • ground coffee houses-3-5 g
  • ice
  • cream - 125 g

Cooking process:

  1. Brew espresso over low heat in a Turk and let drink cool to room temperature.
  2. Brew the zest of oranges in sugar syrup on slow gas. Do not forget to stir so that sugar dissolves well. Five minutes will be enough for the process.
  3. When all the prepared drinks cooled, strain them and mix with an orange nectar in a shaker.

Add pieces of ice to coffee glasses and pour a ready -made cold drink. You can still not mix espresso with nectar and syrup. In this case, the ice is first put in the glass, then the juice with syrup is carefully poured, and the espresso on top, as in the image below.

Orange drink with espresso
Orange drink with espresso

A cold drink is in a new one


  • espresso - 1 l
  • condensed milk - 175 g
  • cream - 0.5 l
  • sugar - 75 g
  • chopped almonds - 4 g
  • ice, spices

Cooking process:

  1. At the very beginning, prepare espresso with any option convenient for you: in a Turk or a coffee machine.
  2. Then pour the cream into the container, pour sugar, spices, condensed milk there. Give the mixture to boil, only stir so that the mixture does not burn.
  3. When it boils, turn off the stove and let the cream stand and cool down a little.
  4. Mix ready -made ingredients, add almonds.
  5. Pour cold coffee into coffee glasses.
Thai coffee
Thai coffee

Cold drink Amaretto


  • ice - 30 g
  • espresso - 300 ml
  • Amaretto - 175 g
  • milk - 125 ml.
  • almonds ground in powder - 4 g
  • sugar 4-6 g

Cooking process:

  1. Boil a fragrant, strong espresso in a Turk according to all the rules (removing the Turk three times from the heat when the coffee mixture will rise).
  2. When it cools down, strain the espresso. Mix almonds, milk, sugar, coffee in one bowl.
  3. In large coffee glasses of 350 ml, add ice, add an amaretto, pour coffee on top.
  4. Then decorate the top with cream and sprinkle with cinnamon or grated chocolate.
Cold drink with amaretto
Cold drink with amaretto

Coffee with ice cream (Glazas)-in English


  • ground coffee houses - 55 g
  • ice cream - 200 g
  • milk - 125 ml
  • water - 425 ml
  • grated chocolate for decoration.

Cooking process:

  1. Brew the espresso, strain the drink when it cools completely.
  2. Place one ball of ice cream in the cups, pour espresso on top, and then milk.
  3. Garnish the top of coffee with chocolate.
Cold coffee Glass
Cold coffee glance

Frozen espresso

If there is no time to make coffee, then you can make an icy expresso and a pleasant beginning of a summer hot day for you.

Ingredients :

  • purified water - 425 ml
  • kofizern is freshly -growed and tarred in dust - 55 g

Cooking process:

  1. Brew strong espresso in a coffee machine. For a drink, do not use water from the tap, there is a smell of chlorine that can ruin the entire drink.
  2. Let cool coffee, strain the thick.
  3. Pour the drink into a mold to solidify ice. Place the mold in the cold, wait until the drink hardens.
  4. In the morning, you can add an ice cube to mineral water, you get an original drink that will give vigor and relieve fatigue, lack of sleep.

As you can see, there are many recipes for this drink. Espresso can be the basis not only for hot coffee of different types, but also for cold, invigorating, cooling drinks. You can experiment, add different ingredients. The main thing is not to overdo it and use only quality products, coffee houses.

Video: Cold coffee recipes

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