If you want to defeat the whole world, defeat yourself, the main thing is not to lie to yourself. How to defeat addiction and co -dependence? What distinguishes you from others? How does the winner do? Human potential does not know the boundaries whether it is possible to win over his vices: literary examples

If you want to defeat the whole world, defeat yourself, the main thing is not to lie to yourself. How to defeat addiction and co -dependence? What distinguishes you from others? How does the winner do? Human potential does not know the boundaries whether it is possible to win over his vices: literary examples

In this article, we will consider how best to behave in order to be a winner in life.

In this life, only the person who defeated himself will always be able to defeat. We will look at how best to behave in order to be a winner in life. When you give, it doesn’t matter: attention, good, joy, encourage, praise or joke - you delight others, and they begin to reach for you. Not because you are Sultan Suleiman and you are successful, by no means, but because you give something good.

If you want to defeat the whole world, defeat yourself, the main thing is not to lie to yourself

If you “follow the dose” and do it carefully, then people and your life will be good from this.

Win yourself and you will see what others do not see

Why? You give people hope, good always wins. The person who gives is always in a more profitable position than the one who will sit and get angry throughout the world.

  • Not all the great speakers were from God. For example, Demosthenes differed from the birth of a tongue -tied tongue. However, he worked a lot on himself. I tried to speak to small groups of people. Having honed, he gradually acquired his amazing opportunity to lead the masses.
  • And to this day, legends go about his oratory. Persistence in achieving the goal, work on herself - that was what helped Demosthenes to defeat herself.
  • The hero of Roman I.A. could not defeat himself Goncharova Oblomov. He lived with his servant in St. Petersburg and was not going to get up from the couch at all. He ate, drank, did not engage in anything, even did not go out and lay.
  • His friend Stolz, and Oblomov even fell in love with Olga Ilyinskaya. However, this love was not destined to develop into family life. Everything remains still. Dreams remained unfulfilled.
  • B. Polevoi wrote the novel "The Tale of a Real Man." Here is an example of a completely different person. A person who defeated everything and everything in his way. During the Great Patriotic War with the Germans, the plane of this amazing person was shot down. Events unfolded in winter.
Great victories of man
Great victories of man
  • The pilot crawled in the snow to escape and completely froze his legs. In the hospital, both legs of Meresiev were amputated. But the pilot did not give up. He made prostheses, and Meresiev began to study again. When the commission gathered, and he was asked where he wants to serve. Meresiev replied: “In the flight troops” and danced a dance.
  • Then the commission decided to satisfy the pilot's request. He returned to duty and continued to shoot down the planes of German invaders . An example of the life and feat of Meresev is a confident victory over himself and circumstances.

If you strive to defeat yourself and become better, then you will be the first soon

A simple exercise that psychologists use in their practice will help to overcome your fears:

  • Sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine the most terrible scenario. Imagine this as if it had already happened.
  • Take your time, consider all the circumstances with all the details in this fear in this fear. And then think: since it happened, and I live on, then everything is very good for me. So you defeated your fear. Congratulations!
  • Fighting your complexes is also very important. We are all with our “cockroaches” in my head. Someone is an optimist, and someone is a pessimist. If an optimist is sitting on the bench, and he put his hat nearby, and a passerby sat on it. He will get up and laugh.
  • But the pessimist will cry. In the life of every person there is a place for both positive events and negative. Positive events form a stable position of the winner, and help to move forward. But negative events work on the fact that we have complexes.
  • Working with complexes is also very important. Take care of yourself. Start your day with a smile. Even just a stretched smile gives an impulse into the brain, where the hormone of happiness is produced - serotonin. Try and you will definitely defeat the complexes.
Work on complexes
Work on complexes
  • The word "ask" implies that you do not have something. There is no light in the eyes, you ask for money, blessings, health - you do not have it, and will not. After all, you think like a defeated. Light the light in your eyes, you can always be happy.

IMPORTANT: You woke up, you have two legs and two hands. The sun shines in the sky, and you see it, but someone cannot see this. You have many reasons to rejoice even without money.

No, we are not altruists at all, to be rich and healthy is just great. But we are about something else: the condition of the petitioner will lower you down, further from his goal of the winner. Thoughts as a winner, and be them! You will see the circumstances change around you.

What distinguishes you from others?

Do not be afraid to be different, not like everyone else. Set with big goals, just huge. And do not care that others will not be able to achieve this. You are individuality and huge peaks can do.

  • Sit, write on a piece of paper everything that you dream about. Take your time, perhaps this activity will take a couple of three hours.
  • Before writing, psychologists advise “shaking” you can jump or dance “dance with a tambourine”, as shamans did in ancient times. The main thing is to let everything out of your head, throw absolutely all thoughts and emotions.
  • Do not think: there is no money for this, there is no time for this, but I don’t know how.

Money will come in due time, and there will be more freedom and perhaps your close friend will teach you. Never stop there if you want to defeat yourself. When they achieved something, set goals above. The road will master the walking.

  • Struggle, internal struggle. An example of such a struggle in the story of Gorky "Old Woman Isergil". The protagonist Danko persuaded his tribe to leave the forest. People were afraid, uncertainly behaved, thought that they would get lost and die in the swamps.
  • However, Danko believed in success - he pulled out his heart from his chest and illuminated his path. In the image of Danko Gorky showed an example of a selfless struggle for the benefit of people. Danko defeated his fear, defeated himself, and helped people do the same.
Old Isergil
Old Isergil

The mistake of many people, at the moment when you want to defeat yourself - instead of a clear vision of yourself, a person goes down to fears: yes it is not possible where to get it, how much I will have to take work, how long to wait for profit, the crisis. It is more correct to catch the moment (he is always alone, similar to insight in the shower) and see yourself in a new quality.

No need to look for any options at all. No emotional bursts need. We must stubbornly insist on your own. Insist, despite various difficulties, obstacles, conventions. Here is a clear format of a person who defeated himself and the circumstances around him.

What is the winner who defeated himself?

In one of his tales, Ion Kryang, describes how two daughter -in -law cannot live with an evil mother -in -law. She in every possible way offends them with both word and deed. But in the family a new, younger daughter -in -law appears and she is not going to put up with a mother -in -law.

The girl persuades her daughter -in -law to help her punish her mother -in -law. And they do it very well, even so that husbands do not guess. You think she was not afraid that her plan would fail, but the girl defeated herself and punished her mother -in -law.

And the well -known example of Roksolana from the famous work of Pavel Ivanovich Zagrebelny. A simple girl from Poltava, whom the Turks were captured, and then sold the servants of the Sultan into slavery. The girl from a simple captive becomes not just a concubine of the Sultan.

Roxolana is a vivid example
Roxolana is a vivid example

She becomes his beloved wife. Roxolana occupies a prominent place in politics. And thanks to her, the Turks stopped raids on Ukraine. Here is an example of victory over hopeless circumstances and a turn of events, as best for yourself.

  • Everyone can deploy adverse events, you just need to try to defeat themselves. Many psychologists advise practicing the exercise “Coconut” or “Mirror”. When you feel bad or anything, the ill-wishers interfere or the circle of adverse circumstances closed.
  • Create an invisible cocoon around you or imagine that there is a mirror between you and these circumstances, reflecting the side to the enemy. And be distracted, calm down. Everything will be alright. I don’t know if Roksolana used this technique, but she knew how to turn all the hardships for her benefit.

Not only people win themselves, but also animals

If you take the production jack London "White Fang", Then, using the example of the life of a half -bastard, named a white fang, you can trace the internal struggle of this animal.

  • When the wolf father dies in the unequal struggle with trot, the wolf cub and mother are left alone. And then one day he is faced with people. It turns out his mother, met her former master of the gray beaver. And the wolf cub is in people.
  • The white fang lived with the Indians and he had to fight for existence, with the surrounding dogs, to observe the laws of people whom he considers by the gods. It so happened that the white fang was forced to engage in a fight with the bulldog. And then he is saved by engineer Widon Scott.
  • Scott takes a wolf and teaches his happy life, where a girlfriend of Collie appears at the wolf. The white fang fought with all the hardships, he was like an animal, and fell and got up, he served people and eventually gained long -awaited happiness.
White Fang
White Fang
  • You are fighting with you every day. Your most terrible opponent is you yourself. You need to wake up at six or seven hours to redo all things. And the one who sleeps until nine ten hours is already losing.
  • No one will make you a successful person, only the work on yourself is big and small victories, only you yourself can cultivate complete success in yourself. The main thing is the will to win.
  • If you want to reduce weight - go to the hall, eat not a piece of cake, but a berry or fruit. This is also a victory over oneself. Nobody sees this. No one will put you five in the diary. Only you and your mood to win. You do not prove, you choose to be a happy winner.

Of course, fame and money and a beautiful life are a great temptation, it is quite difficult to pass “copper pipes”. And as Al Pacino said in one of the magnificent strong films, where evil is very clearly shown: "" Vanity, definitely, is one of my favorite sins!»

Vanity and envy go hand in hand. Envy does not seem so dangerous, obvious, but in fact it is a very strong poison in the life of the one who envies. Fight, win in yourself and this ailment. Let it be your personal victory!

Once a conversation took place with a fairly successful entrepreneur. We sat on the veranda, from where the beautiful view of the sea opened. I asked her: “What allows you to never lose heart and be so successful?” And she replied that she always tries to win herself. “At the same time, I won - go on. Do not stop". This phrase crashed into memory.

  • Perhaps the most dangerous path is that when, something does not work out and all you give up and further like a snowball. Everything goes by inertia.
  • Never give up! It doesn’t work out now, it will come out tomorrow. They didn’t take it to this position, life has prepared you even more exciting option. As a result, there will be even more victories, so you are a successful person.
  • No wonder there is a statement by W. Faulkner “I believe that a person will not only endure everything - a person will win!”

What does our genetic memory do with us?

Unfortunately, our genetic memory is so arranged that the first thoughts, if events do not develop as it should, go about fear. Our ancestors, indeed, had something to be afraid, especially wars, which will still accompany the current generation in dreams for a long time. But all these are just fears that need to skillfully manage to defeat yourself.

If the situation has developed or is not the case, everything went somersault, the events go with a different series or even stopped. The first thing to always remember: the event is not bad, we give him this color. Life shows that you must fight, choose another step, side, action.

So why worry then? You just need to make efforts to another aspect. Fighting your fear, and stubbornness. Trust life!

The main thing is not to lie to yourself. Think about how many more Oblomovs in this world. People who write plans for life today, and tomorrow they lie on the couch. Plans remain dreams. And they assure that nothing happens, that there are reasons for everything that do not need to act.

IMPORTANT: Do not flatter yourself! Act is simply vital. Do not lie for yourself when you take the next piece of the cake, in pursuit of pleasure. And the figure? Nothing, tomorrow I will work in the hall. Alas, this is a common mistake. If you decide to do anything, then do not evade. Do not turn on the brake. On the contrary, forward and only forward!

Genetic memory
Genetic memory

Communication with various successful people shows that life consists of success and falls. But the ability to rise is the key to complete unconditional success.

  • For example, a successful programmer part of his life smoked and ate a lot, and since the sedentary lifestyle led to health problems. But not here, it was, the man himself quit smoking and leaves every day, ride a bicycle to nature.
  • Needless to say, the weight has gone and the condition has improved. Victory over yourself, you say a small one. And how much do you meet men who say that it is necessary to quit smoking, or even worse - to drink, and yet they continue to live without changing anything.
  • Another example: a successful student from birth was a chubby girl, besides, she has a large chest size. When she passed the transitional age, she decided that this could no longer continue. She went in for sports, and spent a lot of time in the gym.

The result was that she not only reduced weight, pulled up the figure, and reduced her chest. She began to perform at various competitions and even takes first places. This is also a victory over yourself, its embedded genetics.

Human potential knows no boundaries: literary examples of victory over himself

However, people are often laziness, fear of something. It is necessary slowly, and possibly quickly, step by step overcome yourself and identify only good.

  • Veniamin Kaverin wrote the story "Two Captains." It clearly shows the struggle and victory of the protagonist Alexander Grigoryev. After all, think about it, a boy from a working family who did not know how to pronounce words, meets the doctor who makes him speech.
  • Having spoke, Sanka teaches by heart an unknown person to her family. Life controls so that Sanka, not knowing himself, meets the same family. When he grew up, he fell in love with Katya Tatarova. However, he had an opponent.
  • Many troubles had to transfer Sanka. However, he became a pilot and served at the front during the war. When the war ended, Sanka fulfilled his dream - to find the expedition of Captain Tatarinov. And he managed. An example of Alexander Grigoryev shows that any opportunity can become predetermining. After all, he managed to overcome himself and circumstances.
  • Or a story Jack London "Love for Life". This story describes the fate of a person who remained alone with the elements - a snow desert. He lost his gun, his clothes are torn, there are no matches. He meets a bear, fights with a wolf. But everything survives.
  • He gets to the Arctic Ocean, where the whales are selected. And he finds himself in San Francisco. This unknown person (in the novel is not indicated by his name) he managed to overcome not only his fears, but also a real threat to life. Only a very strong -willed person is capable of this.
  • « The fate of man ”is the name of Mikhail Sholokhov. The story tells of the not easy fate of the Russian driver Andrei Sokolov. From the first days, Andrei ended up at the front, where he was captured by German invaders. He was sent to a concentration camp, where Andrei courageously avoids the execution and he manages to escape the front line to our troops.
  • Arriving for a short time in his native town, Andrei finds out that his family died during the bombing. He returns to the front, because the heart signs in pain. Andrei has another son - an officer, but he also dies at the front on the last day of the war. Andrei works in different places, and once meets the boy Ivan.
About the fate of the driver
About the fate of the driver
  • The boy’s mother died, and his father was missing. Andrei tells Vanka that he is his father. Thus, he gives hope to the boy, as well as himself. The story is based on the life story of a real person who was met by Sholokhov. The driver Andrei Sokolov managed to defeat all life circumstances, survive the pain of loss and the joy of gaining. He gave a chance for a new life to a little boy.
  • Only a person with a big heart can survive all this and not break. In the post -war years, there were many people who, in everyday life, committed the exploits of overcoming themselves and circumstances, and did not even think about it.
  • In Russian literature there are many examples of how people and even children overcome themselves. So in the story of Prishvin The "pantry of the Sun" is a narrative of two children - orphans. Children after the death of their parents live on the outskirts of the forest and care about themselves. Once they decide, go to the forest for berries and quarrel along the road.
  • Children diverge on different paths. Mitrash gets into the swamp and begins to sink, he calls Nastya - his sister, but she does not hear him. It so happens that a dog lives in the forest, which remained there after the death of a forester.
  • The dog hears Mitrashi’s call and helps him get out of the swamp. Nastya at this time was carried away by collecting cranberries, and suddenly she recalls her brother, it so happened that she went to the swamp, where she found him.
  • Nastya is ashamed that because of the cranberries, she forgot about her brother. And she decides to give all the berries to evacuated children from Leningrad, who are more needed.
  • Nastya managed to overcome the carelessness and pride in herself. She did not lie to herself, but simply did the fact that she told her her heart.

Is it possible to win over your vices: literary examples

It is necessary to pay attention to Troekurov, in the work of Pushkin "Dubrovsky". This character is described as a person who has many vices: wastefulness, waywardness, revenge, pride, spoiling power, drunkenness.

  • Between Troekurov and Dubrovka the elder, a conflict unfolds. In the course of whom, Troekurov decides to take away his brick from Dubrovsky. The court is on his side. But the victory in court does not care about Troekurov, his conscience torments him.
  • Troekurov is ashamed that he left his old comrade without a single estate. He makes a decision, apologize to Dubrovsky. If we take into account what kind of person Troekurov was, then such behavior is not very characteristic of him. He managed to “step on the throat” with his vices, and defeated himself.
  • In the story of Vladislav Andreevich Titov "to all deaths to spite" It is told about his feat. Vladislav Titov closed the fire with his own body, which advanced to the transformer in the face. Titov understood that if the fire got there, an explosion would happen and people would die - the miners who worked in the face at that time.
  • He was found by passers. The many -month -old struggle of doctors was able to save his life, but he remained disabled without both hands. Doctors puzzled, as with such wounds, he did not die in place. However, both people themselves were saved. This man defeated his fear of death, and survived.
  • Gogol "Taras Bulba". The main character fights with his doubts: love for his son and his betrayal. Taras Bulb had to make a choice, overcome himself and his paternal feeling. After all, the new comrades Andrei killed his wife - Andrei's mother.
  • And you need to avenge the loss of a loved one. Bulba makes a choice in favor of protecting the Fatherland. "I gave birth to you, I will kill you!" This is a desperate step, however, it was needed. After that, Taras Bulba begins the life of the complete struggle and exploits for the glory of the Motherland.

What am I doing for myself? How do I change every day? What can I overcome the negative in my life? A person forgets a lot when a new day begins. You need to protect yourself from everything that destroys: seven mortal sins are described in a great book. Pride, despondency, the desire of a stranger - this is not all. The position of “everything should be me” will attract situations when you will be taught to accept the situation, and not be indignant.

What are we doing for ourselves?
What are we doing for ourselves?

The position of condemnation, the “washing of the bones” of the neighbor will give rise to the situation when they will condemn you, bring the negativity to life, and you will plunge more and more into it. Pride's position will teach you not to compare yourself with others, not to convict a person. It is constantly in this, puts all your efforts to zero. You do not fight, you are floating with the flow, and not the best. Think and transform your life. That's what you need to do.

About negative emotions

Look carefully to the sides of how you work on your life. Let everything always always cloudlessly, but you go forward without stopping.

When everything goes well for you, then you win yourself

You build relationships, your world with pleasant people, capabilities, emotions. There will be everything that allows you to set global goals. What interferes and does not like it is not here.

  • If you do not complain, do not work for the public, then everything goes smoothly, "as in notes." You defeat yourself and your laziness. You are working. But it happens on the contrary, when you are surrounded by people who wish you evil, they are offended, manipulate you.
  • These people are detrimental to human life. In such a person, "everything falls out of the hands." Nothing happens, everywhere there are obstacles. He's sick. Choose thoroughly or change the environment!
Do not complain, but rejoice
Do not complain, but rejoice

Why is this happening?

Because of pride, unwillingness to reckon with the whole world, misunderstanding that balance must be observed. Do not be a “Hamburg rooster” do not boast of new things, do not cause envy in a person. This feeling is destructive in both and the one who envies, and to the one who envies.

Vanity: I'm very good, look. You must make out your behavior until life hit the nose until illness began, because envy is poison. Just do not exaggerate. Just do not stick out everything new. And you will not have to win the envy of other people. And do not envy yourself.

Why do you have to fight envy?

Because envy poisons the one who envies. Envivors constantly make an error. They think that they do not have this, and they lose and continue to lose in the future. If they learned to rejoice at the victories of others, then their life would have changed two hundred percent.

Fighting with envy
Fighting with envy

And you need to erase envy, because you also get. You need to work on such areas as vanity, pride, a desire to show that you are the best to praise, be a servant of other people's lives. You need to work on yourself and your life.

How to defeat addiction and co -dependence?

The term "co -dependence" appeared in the twentieth century in the seventies. It was then that in America the first -assistance groups appeared for the first time for dependent on chemical elements.

  • Psychologists who worked in these groups, over time, noticed that the relatives of these people are also somehow incomprehensible. They looked at the families of sick people, and so the concept of "co -dependence" appeared.
  • In that, in a narrow aspect, only members of families of people who depend on chemicals were called co -dependent. At the present time, this term got a wider meaning - emotional dependence or emotional dependence of one person on another more important for him.
  • Dependence is not the functional interaction of the psychological boundaries of two or more people of one family system.
  • Our society, in essence, is very dependent, and earlier dependence was only welcomed and it was it called true love. When one person was completely dissolved in the life and interests of his half.
  • And everything would be nothing, in fact, every person, when falls in love or enters into close relationships, becomes dependent. But here it is that you need to overcome themselves and organize a healthy relationship in which people do not absorb each other's mental territories without permission.
  • And also do not cripple emotionally another or children. Dependence becomes a problem when it begins to interfere with life. A good formula that something is wrong with you: “I love you, but it’s hard with you, and I can't live without you”. As soon as possible, analyze your life, and start changing something in it. Spend the winner in this battle!
We fight with co -dependence
We fight with co -dependence

So, want to defeat the whole world, win over yourself. Never lie to yourself. If you are hard to give this path, stop, take a break. And with renewed vigor, start working on yourself again. In your life there are a great many different examples when people managed to overcome the seemingly impossible. However, persistence, unshakable faith in success gave them strength to fight and victory. Drink and you will be the first!

Video: Psychological dependence and its types. How to fight and win?

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