Breastfeeding from A to Y. Preparation and the beginning of breastfeeding. Breastal care of a nursing mother

Breastfeeding from A to Y. Preparation and the beginning of breastfeeding. Breastal care of a nursing mother

All subtleties of breastfeeding. Preparation, the first days, possible difficulties and the possibility of restoring lactation.

Waiting for the baby is exciting and troublesome. Especially the troubles occur in the last trimester of pregnancy. Often, before the birth of the baby, repairs are made at home, a bedroom or zone for a new family member is allocated, and many of the necessary things are bought.

Preparation of the breast for breastfeeding during pregnancy

But in this all cycle of cases it is necessary to allocate only half an hour a day to prepare for breastfeeding. There are many conversations about breastfeeding, and not all of them are cute and pleasant. Some mothers recall feeding with a tragic expression, a lot of problems and pain, as well as the rapid disappearance of milk.

Do you want feeding to deliver joy, both to the baby and mom? Want to feed the baby exclusively with his milk, and maximize the risk of “burning out” of milk? Then the first thing to do is to prepare thoroughly! Preparation of the chest


It is better to start preparing for breastfeeding in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The purpose of the exercises: to tune in as positively to breastfeeding, as well as prepare still tender nipples for daily tests.

Remember, unprepared breasts are cracks, inflammation, temporary excommunication, and subsequently the risk of translating into artificial feeding.

The most important thing is a positive attitude. From the moment you saw the coveted two stripes on the test, and until the moment you decide to excommunicate the baby from your chest, you need to observe calmness. Put away from all problems, conflicts, life situations. It is very difficult to learn this, but it is worth it.

  • Start with meditation
  • sign up for yoga
  • listen to calm and pleasant music and contemplate the beautiful

Now about the preparation of the nipples. They should wipe a little and lose part of the sensitivity. There are only three exercises for this:

  • It will take a flap of flax or waffle fabric (kitchen towels are often sewn from this fabric). In the evening, after a warm shower, to actively rub the nipples with a rough cloth for a minute. At first it will be unpleasant, but over time, the chest will get used to it at the beginning of feeding, you will minimize the soreness of the process
  • In the morning, after a shower, take a piece of ice and quickly wipe the Areol with ice. It is important to understand that the goal is to harden, and not to stand up. For one nipple no more than 4-5 seconds
  • The last exercise can be started when the former do not cause any discomfort. With smooth movements, heat the chest. After warming up, carefully stretch and squeeze the areola. Scroll the nipple to the right/left. Exercise to do no more than a minute

If you have questions or strong discomfort, additionally consult your doctor. And in conclusion, the most important recommendation: wear a bra.

The chest during pregnancy and lactation increases, poured and without supporting linen will simply sag. The size will go away and you will have a sagging chest. Also, the refusal of wearing supporting underwear often leads to breast diseases.

  • The first colostrum may begin to stand out several days before childbirth, but if this does not happen, you should not worry. Appear a little later
  • If you have retracted nipples in advance, stock up on special overlays, and also read video materials how to start feeding with this shape of the chest. Do not listen to spiteful people, including some doctors who will hasten to comment on the situation as a dysfunctional and certify that breastfeeding is not for you
  • Some hundred or two years ago, all women fed children on their own and did not even suspect that the shape of the nipple could be an indicator of the refusal of feeding

Video: problematic nipples

The first days of breastfeeding: how to prevent mistakes

And then the very moment came - the baby was born! Ask the midwife to put the baby on the chest and follow the baby's lips with a nipple. The child will reflexively capture the chest. Do not expect a long and active sucking. The kid just made the most difficult path in his life and was very tired. And you and the same contact of the natural mechanism for developing colostrum, and then milk, start from one contact. Feeding in the first days


Remember the golden rule - feeding on demand. Hours can be convenient, but it causes a lot of discomfort to the child. The need for the mother’s breast is not only the flow of food, but also a feeling of protection and comfort. Help your baby adopt without extra tears.

  • In the early days, feeding has not yet been adjusted and application on demand helps the body understand how much milk needs to be produced and at what time. If the colostrum is more than the child eats the remnants, you need to dash. Stagnant processes are fraught with hardening, temperature and “burning out” of milk
  • In the maternity hospital, a colostrum arrives and after a few days milk. The process is always sensitive, sometimes accompanied by very painful sensations. With independent sinking, a false feeling may arise that the chest is completely expressed, if only to quickly leave it into calm
  • Therefore, we strongly recommend asking for help from a midwife, and at the same time master the right technique

In the early days, daughters can do more harm than benefits, they can come in handy only after a few weeks.

How to use molested milk

No way. The child should receive milk exclusively from the chest. As soon as he understands that you can get enough and not suck - breastfeeding will come to an end.

You will express and drink from a spoon or bottle, as he will stop sucking, and if the child does not suck, the milk ceases to be produced. A vicious circle will lead to artificial feeding. Differences of colostrum, milk, mixtureLittle milk for feeding a baby.

If the baby is not yet two weeks, the only solution can only be frequent application to the chest. In the mother’s diet, low -fat broths, a lot of liquids, sweet tea should be present.

The child cannot be taken away by force. This will lead to cracks, bites and tears of crumbs. Wait until the baby lets go.

And in conclusion - the chest is warm and no drafts. No experiences. Most often, milk disappears due to the excessive emotionality of the young mother. Remember - feeding a natural process, the same as breathing. Rules

Why does the chest hurt after feeding?

After giving birth, a difficult time comes for the chest. A new process begins inside - milk is produced. From the outside, every few hours the baby is actively working, mining milk. Even the prepared breasts can hurt after feeding, unprepared: it hurts, the areola is inflamed, cracks and gums may appear.

Before and after feeding, the chest must be washed. If pain, burning, injuries occur, wash the chest after feeding, get wet with a soft cloth and treat with a cream with dexpanthenol.

Milk remains in the chest after feeding. What to do?

As mentioned earlier, at the beginning of feeding, the body produces more milk than a child can eat. The remains need to be expressed. But without fanaticism. The more you feed and express, the more it arrives.

  • Slightly reduce the amount of fluid consumed until the process is settled
  • One feeding is one breast. Remains scream. If the baby applied to his chest, squeezed his lips several times and fell asleep, leaving his full chest, do not rush to express. Leave her next time
  • Convenient bra for nursing mothers. Walking and even a dream without linen at this time - risk of a risk of milk Lingerie for nursing mothers
  • If the chest hardens and what temperature rises worse - accumulation is necessarily. Stride one breast completely, in the second, leave a little to feed the baby when he wakes up

Rules for expressing breast milk

  • Expressioning of milk only residues or when raising the temperature and hardening of the chest. Expressing an additional tool to adjust the amount of fluid and diet to settled the process
  • Milk is disposed of, it can be left only in cases where the mother needs to leave
  • If there is not enough milk, it can be additionally stimulated by expressing
  • Friction, squeezing, pops are contraindicated. The presence of video materials largely facilitate the masters of technology, but if possible, set this skill in the maternity hospital under the supervision of experienced specialists

Video: Manual Expression of milk

How to store milk after expressing? (link to the article on the site)

Why does milk disappear and how to restore feeding? Preparation of the breast for breastfeeding during pregnancy

The development of milk, although a natural, but very capricious process. It depends on many factors:

  • Nervous overstrain. Life changes dramatically, relatives can upset, childbirth is not perfect, hormones are raging. On all this background, it is quite possible to go beyond. Remember about yoga and meditation at the beginning of the article? Now they are needed more than ever. Calm mom - calm child
  • The use of drugs. Before you drink any medicine, consult your doctor
  • Stagnation of milk. Preventive expressing will solve the problem
  • Improper nutrition. The quantity and fat content of milk directly depends on the diet and liquid
  • Bad sleep. Mom needs to sleep at least 8 hours. Do not have time at night - get in the afternoon. The baby fell asleep, go to bed and you
  • A bottle and a nipple. Yes, yes, they relax the baby, he does not want to work with his mother's breasts. And the lack of sucking of the chest leads to the fact that the body ceases to produce milk

In addition, in the process of feeding there are days when the milk naturally decreases. Most often, the situation arises when the baby turns a month, half a year and closer to the year.

In such cases, you need to strengthen the diet and drink more liquids. Apply a hungry baby to the chest (so that he actively resolves his chest, stimulating a surge of milk), and only then give complementary foods. If you use a bottle, the nipple should be tight with a tiny hole.

Breastal nutrition

We repeat once again - the mother’s diet should be balanced and diverse. Mommy menu should have proteins, carbohydrates, fats and, of course, vitamins with minerals.

We give only a small list of the necessary products: chicken briges or rabbit, baked vegetables and fruits, herbs (except parsley), milk and dairy products, dried apricots, prunes, nuts.

During feeding, coffee and alcoholic drinks, food with preservatives and dyes are contraindicated, gas-forming products can be administered into power after 4-5 months of feeding (cabbage, beans, so on). Regarding red products, everything is individual. Someone is introducing back in the hospital, someone after six months. Much depends on the tolerance of the products by parents and relatives of the child. What spoils the chestHow to increase lactation?

First of all, a positive attitude and confidence in favorable continuation of feeding.

Small amount of milk: once per hour drink a glass of water or sweet green tea. Currently, the pharmacy has a lot of powders and teas to increase lactation. Tea to increase lactationIncreasing the fat content of milk: The situation improves with the introduction of more meat, nuts, fatty cottage cheese into the diet.

An excellent recipe has come from our great -grandmothers: a black radish grated on a fine grater and mixed in equal parts with honey.

Heat excommunication: when and how (link to the article)

How to finish breastfeeding
How to finish breastfeeding

Breastfeeding advice of a nursing mother

Remember, the duration of lactation depends on your rest, nutrition and well -being. This is the period of time when it is not shameful to ask relatives for help in caring for the baby and housekeeping.

In the presence of pain of weakness, poor health - seeking a doctor is mandatory.

Sometimes the first months of raising a child are very difficult. Talk about this with your spouse. Think together as you can relax: walking in the fresh air, traveling to parks and shopping centers. Breastfeeding on vacationAs well as the notorious care of oneself. Do not be afraid to leave the baby for relatives for only an hour and take care of yourself. A new haircut, a trip to a cosmetologist and even a manicure will drop all the negative and problems far, far from you! A happy mother is a happy family!

Video: Breastfeeding of a newborn baby

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Comments K. article

  1. Breastfeeding is great .... While still pregnant, I thought that I would feed as long as possible. But in the end, the problems with lactation arose .... I was very happy about this, but thank God I was able to restore everything, Evalar Bio Lactomama helped (I ordered a phytomarket in the online store, it’s more convenient and cheaper) and the transition to high-fat meals)) so everything fixable, as you see)

  2. I am a young mother only learn to everything. I am looking for good tips and here on this site I found available information
    Everything is written in an accessible language, interesting, in general I advise. Log feeding/

  3. I thought that radish with honey was from coughing. And it is useful for increasing milk. I'll know. My daughter and my milk came very badly. Although she fed on demand. The food has amplified. The very appetite did not have at all, ate through force. So we spent two weeks. Then my mother bought Lactomama tea in a pharmacy. All the time I made it and forced me to drink. I no longer even hoped that there could be time to rest between feedings. But tea really helped. Within a week, the milk began to come sharply. And by the end of the second week, a daughter was enough for one breast. It was a miracle. She's fed. I'm calm.

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