Mushroom signs: folk conspiracies of mushroom pickers, mushroom signs according to national and church holidays

Mushroom signs: folk conspiracies of mushroom pickers, mushroom signs according to national and church holidays

Each mushroom pickens know the mass of signs that will help him assemble a pleasant crop. Let's find out these signs.

With the onset of golden autumn, the mushroom collection season begins. In order to see small hats in the thickness of fallen autumn leaves, you need to be very careful. According to the saying: “If a person constantly bow to the Earth, then it will never be left without mushrooms” - the mushroom pickered needs to work.

It is very easy to damage the mycelium, so each forest find must be carefully cut off with a knife. Forest walk does not tolerate rush, the slower you go, the more mushrooms you will collect. The most important rule when collecting a mushroom harvest is to be able to distinguish an edible mushroom from a guess.

Mushroom signs

Each mushroom pickens have mushroom signs that help to use their time and collect a good harvest. If you first go for mushrooms and are configured for the result, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with folk signs:

  • With the advent of the summer season, the first fog is of particular importance. This phenomenon signals the beginning of the mushroom pore.
  • The rainy July portends a good mushroom harvest in the coming months. Following the large straight rain, the active growth of mushrooms begins.
  • In hot and windy weather Mushrooms grow more abundantly under the trees. In raw weather, even in the presence of wind, they feel comfortable in the meadow.
  • With a waning moon, mushrooms slow down their growth, so the probability of collecting many mushrooms is small. It is better to go for mushrooms during the period of lunar growth.
  • Among the mushroom pickers, there is a belief that after a human gaze, small mushrooms will not grow anymore. Therefore, it makes no sense to leave them. Believe it or not, everyone decides on their own.
  • If at the very beginning of the mushroom season, rawers grow the first abundantly, then the yield will be low. A large number of white mushrooms in early autumn promises a good harvest.
  • If in the process of searching for mushrooms you often come across red fly agaric, then you should count on a plentiful harvest of white mushrooms.
  • A large number of pink-lilac flowers The herbaceous plant Ivan-Jacket portends a good harvest of boletus and boletus.
  • In places of accumulation of boletus, thickets of fern plants are often observed.
  • The rainy spring-summer period creates favorable conditions for a good harvest of loaders. The growth of these mushrooms begins after the crop of the first waves.
  • Abundant mold in last year's foliage signals a good harvest of saffronies. Such spots can be seen after melting the last snow. Mushrooms grow in the summer.
  • At the end of spring, fluff begins to fly off the aspen. During this period, you can find not only simulators, but also more than a dozen species of other mushrooms.
  • As soon as yellow pollen begins to pour from pine cones, you can safely go for the search for oils.
  • The morning dew of the first cool days contributes to the growth of strong fragrant mushrooms. On sultry days, loose or rotten mushrooms often come across.
  • It is noticed that when rye spit on the fields, you can collect a good mushroom harvest. In this case, there is a reverse belief: "If mushrooms - and grain."
Mushroom signs
Mushroom signs
  • The beginning of November is a boundary period of mushroom harvest. With late mushroom growth, the first snow will not fall soon.
  • Autumn rains significantly increase productivity. It is especially worth noting the so -called “blind” rains that go in sunny weather.
  • With frequent summer rains with mushrooms, mushrooms can not be expected.
  • With the beginning of the leaf fall, you can safely go to the third autumn harvest of mushrooms.
  • Ripening time Strawberries and blueberries coincides with the period of ripening of the second layer of white mushrooms.
  • The pair fog over the forest both in summer and in the fall contributes to the beginning of the growth of mushrooms.
About mushrooms
About mushrooms
  • Abundant snow caps on the roofs - to a good mushroom harvest.
  • A week after the flowering of the mountain ash, it is worth looking for a boot.

Folk conspiracies of mushroom pickers

There are many traditions and legends about mushrooms in the mushrooms of Russia. They helped one people to survive, they destroyed and scared others. From here there were such phrases as “Witch Mushroom” and “Lesovik fungus”. Among the Russian folk beliefs, the forest kingdom occupies a special place. In order not to break this atmosphere and collect the treasured crop, many mushroom pickers pronounce the treasured words that can be called a forest prayer.

  • “As I go to collect mushrooms, I will read this conspiracy. In order not to get poisoned from mushrooms, return back with a full basket. May it be so. Amen!"
  • Of particular popularity are rituals in children. Going to the forest, the guys throw up the basket, while saying: "Give, the Lord, a complete basket with the top."
  • If a basket, falling to the ground, remains at the bottom, then there is a probability of harvesting a good crop. If the basket overturned the top with the bottom, then failure will be accompanied.
  • Many mushroom pickers consider it necessary to feed the forest host. To this end, any treat is left in the forest, most often something sweet. In this case, it is necessary to speak the appeal.
Mushroom sign
Mushroom sign
  • Ask to indicate the right road and take it away from misfortune: "" The owner is a forest, the hostess - the forest, from where they got, bring it there, help to collect mushrooms. 
  • The belief is popular that mushrooms are specially hidden from the human gaze. To arrange them to yourself, you need to say "Mushroom, fungus, show the pubis." In order not to violate forest silence, it is not advisable to sing loudly. Noisy sounds can scare your mushroom crop.
  • Not the most pleasant sign is associated with a large productivity of mushrooms. Based on past events, it was noticed that many mushrooms preceded military events. Older people believe in such a forecast. Mushroom pickers most often make fun of such a belief.
  • On a hike for mushrooms, you need to go only in a good mood. According to the saying "happy - walk around mushrooms, roam the unfortunate in the forest."
  • If you managed to find good mushroom places and harvest a good harvest, then you should not turn right right and left about your discoveries and achievements. Alien envy will frighten off your good luck.
Folk observations of mushrooms
Folk observations of mushrooms
  • A successful sign is considered to be a meeting on the way for mushrooms of a chromium person. Such a sign promises you a complete basket of mushrooms.
  • In the forest, do not swear loudly and scatter garbage. You will behave appropriately, the forest will reciprocate and satisfy your expectations.

Mushroom signs according to people's and church holidays

  • A plentiful amount of midges at the beginning of the summer pore is a mushroom mushroom signal about hiking for mushrooms. This sign has been tracked from the beginning of the folk holiday-Lukery-Komaritsa, who comes to 26 of May.
  • Feast of St. Mammoth who comes to September 15th It is considered the most mushroom day.
  • A large number of stars on New Year's and Christmas night portended a good summer crop of berries and mushrooms.
  • Rainy weather on a religious holiday of Trinity promises a rich harvest of mushrooms.
  • It is worth paying attention to the weather March 14th - On the Orthodox holiday of St. Evdokia. If the day is red, then you should expect a good harvest of loaders.
Date collection
Date collection
  • If on the night of Ivan Kupala there will be a starry sky, then in the near future we expect a good harvest of mushrooms.
  • The boundary date for collecting movers and redheads is considered October 14 - Pokrov. Other mushrooms can tolerate small frosts. For example, honey mushrooms, even if they are proxrated at night, will warm up under the sun's sun during the day.
  • Until October 22 - Before the Orthodox holiday, Jacob is collected by rawers. Weather conditions of late autumn do not contribute to their further reproduction.

Video: Folk mushroom signs

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