Greek braid - weaving on medium, long and short hair, side, from curls: step -by -step instructions, photos, videos. Wedding hairstyle Greek braid: Best Ideas, photos

Greek braid - weaving on medium, long and short hair, side, from curls: step -by -step instructions, photos, videos. Wedding hairstyle Greek braid: Best Ideas, photos

Instructions for weaving a Greek braid.

Now at the peak of popularity are a variety of Greek hairstyles. They are made using weaving a variety of cos and curls of curls. Actually, there are no certain subtleties, since each version of the hairstyle can be created on the basis of a French braid or an ordinary three-five-rh.

Greek braid - weaving on medium, long and short hair: step -by -step instructions, photo, video

There are many options. It all depends on the length of the curls and of course the celebration, reason. If this is an everyday hairstyle, then you can create a Greek version using a three -legged braid.


  • Separate the strand from the temple to another temple in the bangs, at a distance of 3 cm from the forehead.
  • Now divide the hair of the hair at the temple into three parts and weave the French braid, capturing the strands only from the side of the crown. The forehead does not capture the hair.
  • When you reach the back of the head, weave an ordinary three -rh cross.
  • From the remaining hair on the back of the head, tie a horse tail and put on a bagel on it.
  • Twist Babetta using a hairdresser.
  • Wrap the braid around Babetta and fix with hairpins.

Read more in the photographs.

Greek braid step by step
Greek braid step by step
Greek braid is everyday
Greek braid is everyday
The Greek scythe is festive
The Greek scythe is festive

Video: Greek braid

Greek braid - weaving on the side: step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

This is everyday and simple hairstyle. A girl who knows how to weave braids will be able to weave.


  • Divide the curls into two parts by the parting to the side
  • Choose three strands and weave the usual three -spent French braid, weaving curls both from the side of the forehead and from the side of the crown
  • At one ear, on the opposite side, take a strand and just twist it with the bulk of the hair
  • Collect all the curls from the side where there will be a braid
  • Weave strands from a braid from the side of the forehead into the main braid
  • Weave it like spikelet, capturing small strands
  • With an acute comb, flush the braid and make it voluminous
Greek braid to one side
Greek braid to one side
Greek braid to one side
Greek braid to one side
Greek braid to one side
Greek braid to one side

Video: Greek braid on the side

Greek braid - weaving from curls: step -by -step instructions, photo, video

This option is more suitable for a holiday or celebration. Actually, this is not quite a braid, but a laying option.


  • Get curls with a curling iron or ironing
  • Clutch the upper part, and leave the lower part dissolved. On the back of the head, using silicone elastic band, tie the tail, leaving the curls on the right and left
  • Attach a crumpled veil or a special donut to the resulting tail. It is around this part that we will "conjure"
  • Now choosing small locks on the right and left, wrap the curls around the tail
  • When the entire lower part of the curls is spent, take up the upper part
  • Read more in the video
Greek braid from curls
Greek braid from curls
Greek braid from curls
Greek braid from curls

Video: Cose from curls

How to weave a Greek braid with a roller: technology, photo, description

Actually, this simple object is used to give volume to the hairstyle. Although the hairstyles themselves with rollers to the Greek style are very weak.


  • It is necessary to divide the curls into two parts and attach the roller between the crown and the back of the head
  • Wrap your hair on it and close the roller
  • Now from the top of the hair weave the braid from the temple
  • It can be an ordinary three -rhgenical braid or a hoop in the technique of French weaving
  • With the help of studs, fix the braid on the received babett from the roller
  • If necessary, decorate the hairstyle with curls or flowers

Video: Greek braid with a roller

Greek braid with a roller
Greek braid with a roller
Greek braid with a roller
Greek braid with a roller
Greek braid with a roller
Greek braid with a roller

How to weave a Greek braid from harnesses: technology, photo, description

A simple simple option for weaving a braid of two strands with a pickup.


  • At the temple, divide the hair into two parts and twist each with a tourniquet
  • After that, wrap them one around the other
  • Now twist the additional strands and weave them into a braid of two strands
  • You need to braid the structure around the perimeter of the head
  • Get a kind of wreath from a double -rhiza braid

Video: braids from harnesses

A scythe from burning
A scythe from burning
A scythe from burning
A scythe from burning
A scythe from burning
A scythe from burning

How to weave a Greek braid volume: technology, photo, description

The technique is not new and implies weaving an ordinary reverse French braid.


  • Starting from the side of the forehead, choose three strands and weave the reverse French braid
  • For this, the strands are laid out not on top, but under the bottom
  • After that, strands are picked up under the bottom
  • So weave to the free edge and switch to weaving spikelet from 6 strands
  • After that, the tip is tied with an elastic band and with an acute comb are stretched out the strands, making the braid and voluminous braid
  • Everything is fixed with hair spray
Greek braid volumetric
Greek braid volumetric
Greek braid volumetric
Greek braid volumetric
Greek braid volumetric
Greek braid volumetric

How to weave a Greek braid on the back: technology, photo, description

In fact, there are a lot of techniques and options.

Weaving options:

  • French braid with stretching strands. The most impressive braid in the style of spikelet looks. At the same time, the forehead can be decorated with an ordinary three -rh cross -bed or a hoop from it.
  • The braid of their rubber bands. To do this, make tails of rubber bands, which then twist and wrap around each other.
  • A braid from curls. For the base, a roller is taken. It is on it that the braid is attached and gathered from the curls.
Greek braid
Greek braid
Greek braid on the back
Greek braid on the back
Greek braid on the back
Greek braid on the back

Hairstyle Greek braid for girls: photo

Actually, the main requirement for a children's hairstyle is the speed of its creation and reliability. After all, children are very mobile. Therefore, the best option for a girl is a braid built on horseback tails from curls. Although the options with curls are also appropriate. The photo below is presented.

Greek braid for a girl
greek braid for a girl
Greek braid for a girl
greek braid for a girl
Greek braid for a girl
greek braid for a girl

Wedding hairstyle Greek braid: Best Ideas, photos

The Greek hairstyle is created for brides that stopped their choice on a dress with A-Siluet. Most often it is chosen by girls in the body or in position. Also, Greek braids from curls are popular among brides, which are not the first to stand on the wedding rushnik and do not put on the veil. Such hairstyles are decorated with flowers or diadem.

Wedding hairstyle Greek braid
Wedding hairstyle Greek braid
Wedding hairstyle Greek braid
Wedding hairstyle Greek braid
Wedding hairstyle Greek braid
Wedding hairstyle Greek braid

Greek braid is a good hairstyle for the holiday. It will be a great option for everyday hairstyle.

Video: Greek braid

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