A slide for bathing newborns: why is needed, at what age is needed, how to use it? What is the best slide for the baby: plastic or fabric, rag?

A slide for bathing newborns: why is needed, at what age is needed, how to use it? What is the best slide for the baby: plastic or fabric, rag?

Mill for bathing and how to use it.

One of the main factors in the health of the baby is the regular conduct of hygiene procedures and purity. As soon as the navel disappears in the crumbs, parents begin to bathe it daily. This procedure, in addition to preserving hygienic norms, has other positive points: a newborn is tempered, a kind of gymnastics occurs during the adoption of the bath.

The adoption of water procedures has a positive effect on the well -being of the crumbs: he has an appetite and healthy sleep. In order for daily water procedures to go with joy and pleasure for parents and crumbs, you only need to adhere to the simple rules of bathing a newborn.

Now there are many goods that facilitate the care of the newborn. Among such goods and children's slide for bathing. Why is it better to bathe a newborn on a hill, which slide should be paid attention to new parents and how does a simple accessory facilitate the process of bathing a newborn? An article will tell about all this.

Do you need a hill for bathing newborns and why?

  • It’s not just to buy a baby in an ordinary children's bath. We will have to keep it in a convenient position with your hands all the time. At the same time, the one who keeps the baby himself certainly will not feel comfortable for at least thirty minutes. It is much more convenient to carry out the procedure by laying the baby on a special slide slide.
  • What is special about this device for swimming? Having installed a hill for bathing in a children's bath, parents will not feel fatigue and pain in the back, as when bathing a baby without a special accessory.
  • The baby can lie on the hill for twenty minutes and even more, and the parents of the parents remain free and all other manipulations can be carried out without worrying that the baby is not convenient. But during this time you need to not only hold the baby in warm water, but also to contrive and buy it, paying attention to the folds.
The baby can lie on the hill for twenty minutes and even more, and the hands of the parents remain free

If you do not use the slide, then the procedure will remind parents of the next morning back pain due to a large load. And the baby feels on a stable slide quite comfortable.

With a hill for swimming, it is not difficult even one of the parents without outside help to buy a baby. Bathing passes calmly and without tension. But such manipulations with the baby are not often resolved by inexperienced parents.

For the manufacture of accessories that facilitate the process of bathing the baby, materials that prevent the glide of the crumbs located in water are used. They should also be environmentally friendly, antibacterial, easy and pleasant to the touch. In the manufacture of a hill, the anatomical features of the newborn are taken into account.

Varieties of hills for swimming:

  • plastic baths with a built -in hill
  • removable slide that has suction cups for fastening
  • removable slide without suction cups
  • mesh

There are also improved models of slides, but they are suitable for kids who can already sit on their own:

  • mill-pin
  • a stationary slide-car
  • mill-glass
For the manufacture of accessories that facilitate the process of bathing the baby, materials that prevent the glide of the crumbs

Mill for bathing newborns: at what age?

The mark “from 0”, which stands on an accessory, means that a slide is intended for conducting water procedures from the very first days of the peak of the little one. The main condition is not to bathe the child until the navel disappears.

The baby is not bathed until the umbilical cord disappears.

What is the best slide for the baby: plastic or fabric, rag?

In newly -made parents who came to the store behind a hill for swimming, eyes can scatter from the variety of goods presented there. Among the accessories you will need to choose the best option. Each model has its own characteristics. Before buying, you should get acquainted with the characteristics of each type of swimming slides.

Tips for choosing a slide for a newborn:

  • it is necessary to buy a slide taking into account the growth of the baby
  • the temperament of the crumbs matters: more active, for example, can fall with an unstable structure (for example, if it is a hill-gamak)
  • when buying a slide, you need to take into account the size of the bath (the width of the bath should be such that the slide can be freely placed inside) so that the baby does not hit the legs and handles about its sides
  • when buying a hill, it is worth carefully examined and check the main material for strength
  • the slide should not be much bend under the weight of the baby
  • you need to take a slide without sharp corners or burrs, otherwise the baby can get hurt
  • the smell of swimming slides matters: if there is an unpleasant smell of plastic, fabric or other material, then it is better to look at another model
Plastic slide

When buying a slide for the baby, be guided by your own preferences. Often, a newborn during the first bathing with the use of a hill begins to flounder strongly or resist such a procedure. However, subsequently, the “bathing accessory” may like the baby, which means that the experiences about the money thrown to the wind will be in vain.

Types of swimming slides:

Plastic - Made taking into account the anatomical characteristics of the baby. The accessory is easy, easy to use.

  • The plastic slide has special armrests. The fasteners between the legs are also provided so that the baby does not slip down or to the side. Some models have the ability to adjust the growth of the baby.
  • You can also additionally fix the hill to the sides of the bath with suction cups. Such a device is safe for a newborn. Newly -made parents will be able to easily buy crumbs in it, because every detail of the hill is thought out.
  • A plastic accessory is installed in a bath of any size. You will need a plastic slide from the first days of life until the moment when the baby can sit. Plastic slides are usually bright, with funny patterns.


When buying a slide for a baby, be guided by your own preferences

A slide made of fabric.The base of the slide is a strong frame made of metal. The frame is covered with a fairly dense fabric.

  • The baby is laid on the fabric and parents need to ensure that the slide remains in the correct position, otherwise the baby can slip.
  • The device is made without lateral limiters. To the bottom of the bath, the hill is not fixed.
  • The tissue slide is inexpensive, and the peanut does not feel discomfort in the neighborhood of tissue with the skin.
  • The fabric slide after bathing must be dried.
Fabric slide
Fabric slide

Hill-gamak - The best option for the baby. The model is made of fine -mesh mesh. The hill-gamak is attached with hooks to the sides of the bath.

  • Bathing takes place in a convenient position for the peanut, and its fragile spine receives full support. The hill-gamak is convenient to care for.
  • After bathing, it dries very quickly and can be compactly folded - such a slide does not take up much space.
  • The disadvantage of the adaptation is that sooner or later it will begin to sag, because the strength of the net should pay special attention to the purchase.

A hill in the form of a mattress.Such an accessory is suitable for a baby, whose weight is 3-8 kg.

  • For its manufacture, modern spongy or porous materials are used. In the right position, such a slide is absolutely safe.
  • It is resistant to moisture. The hill-matting is fixed in both the children's and in the usual bath.
  • Caring for a hill-mattress is simple: you just need to rinse it with clean water. For drying, it is suspended for a special loop.

Is a hill for swimming in a large bath for newborns convenient?

  • It is better to bathe in a baby bath up to 5 months in a children's bath. Let the mothers of the kids on the forums and complain that the baths after the child grow up, lay on the balcony or the cottage idle. However, we do not use our own bath for other purposes.
  • Children's baths are intended for children from the first days of life, because the baby is inclined during bathing. He can only move with handles and legs.
  • Thanks to the device for bathing, it is easier for parents to hold the child in a position convenient for him.
Is the hill for swimming in a large bath for newborns convenient

Of course, you can do without a children's bath. However, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons.

  • it is difficult and inconvenient to keep in a large bathroom
  • since the baby needs to bathe in the infusion of herbs or added potassium permanganate to the water, the white enamel of an adult bath may be painted
  • to prepare the infusion of herbs from chamomile, series, sage, you will need fewer herbs if you bathe a newborn in a children's bath
  • a small bath is easier to keep clean
  • to fill the baby bath, you need less water

Do not buy an expensive children's bath, because the baby will need it in the first 6-7 months.

When the baby is 5-7 months old and he can already sit, he can be planted in a baby bath opposite the hill or try to bathe in a regular bathroom.

How to use a hill for bathing newborns?

  • For an actively floundering peanut or for a baby older than 6 months, it is better to buy a bath rug. Such a device is reliably installed at the bottom of the bath and prevents sliding. If the baby grips from the slide, then the rug will soften the fall.
  • At first, water procedures should be carried out using diapers. Just cover the hill. The baby, whose thermoregulation is not yet perfect, will be warmer and softer. The baby will not slip from the hill.
How to use a hill for bathing newborns
  • Caring for a fabric hill after each bathing consists in washing and drying. Such simple actions will help to avoid skin rash and dermatitis in the baby.
  • A foam or spongy mattress must be broken after bathing and dry well.
  • The hill-gamak is suitable for children up to 8 months. Too frisky the baby can fall behind the side of the bathroom.

Video: Hill for bathing a newborn

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  1. In my opinion, plastic is better. More precisely, the case is made of plastic, and the place on which the child lies is made of soft material. I am talking about our angelke, a very convenient bed. The insert is silicone, soft and pleasant to the touch, and all in small holes. So that the water does not stagnate, but immediately drain into the bath

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