Smooth and cross-striped human muscle tissue-features, structure and functions, properties and signs: a scheme with a description. What does the muscle tissue of the heart, tongue, and human stomach consist of?

Smooth and cross-striped human muscle tissue-features, structure and functions, properties and signs: a scheme with a description. What does the muscle tissue of the heart, tongue, and human stomach consist of?

This article describes the structure and functions of the smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue.

In the body of any man or woman there are several types of muscle tissue. Muscle tissues differ in structure and origin. In this article, we will consider their properties, functions and signs.

What types of muscle tissue are found in the human body?

Types of muscle tissue
Types of muscle tissue

In our body, the following types of muscle tissue are found:

  • Smooth
  • Skeleton
  • Heart

Smooth muscle tissue There is a composition of the skin, the walls of our organs and blood vessels along which blood flows. Its contractility is performed involuntarily and quite slowly. Unlike others, this type of muscles consumes a small amount of energy and does not get tired for a long time.

Cross-striped skeleton muscle tissue There are in the structure of the esophagus, in the pharyngeal structure and in the skeleton. Control is carried out by the human brain. These muscles have high contractile speed. This type of fabric requires a lot of energy and for a long time to rest.

Cross-striped heart muscle tissue It is an integral part of the heart, carries out a pumping function with the help of cellular contacts, which instantly transmit a pulse to each other, from which the contraction occurs synchronously. It is controlled involuntarily, capable of automatism.

Features of the structure of the human smooth muscle tissue: properties, what cells, fibers form?

Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person
Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person

All types of muscle tissue are distinguished by the pores of the structure and origin, but are equally well reduced. Miocytes have their composition - these are cells that take impulses and respond with reduction. Features of the structure of the smooth muscle tissue of a person are available in the presence of small spindle -shaped cells.

All muscles of the human body are represented by only 3 species:

  • Smooth
  • Cross-striped skeletal
  • Cross-striped heart

These are the cells, fibers form smooth muscles:

  • The structure of this type of muscles consists of smooth myocite.
  • The composition of such cells has a nucleus and the finest myo fibrilles.
  • The cytolemma of smooth muscles forms multiple captures in the form of small bubbles - caour.
  • Cells of smooth muscles are connected to bundles of 10-12 pieces.
  • This feature is obtained thanks to the innervation of smooth muscles and this helps to better and faster pass the pulse throughout the cell group.

The properties and functionality of smooth muscles are as follows:

  • Excitability, contractility, elasticity. The reduction is regulated using the nervous system.
  • Performing stable pressure in organs with a hollow structure.
  • Regulation of blood pressure levels.
  • The peristalsis of the digestive organs and the unhindered movement of the contents along them.
  • Emptying of the bladder.

Many organs in our body could not function if they did not consist of smooth muscle tissue.

The structure of the cross-striped skeletal muscle tissue of a person: functions, signs

The structure of muscle tissue
The structure of muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle tissue is a tight, elastic tissue that is reduced under the influence of nerve impulses. It consists of skeletal muscles, both in humans and animals. Its work consists, for example, in reducing the vocal cords, performing breathing, as well as body movement.

As mentioned above, people distinguish several types of muscles:

  • The transversely broken heart muscle
  • Transversely broken skeletal muscles
  • Smooth muscles

The structure of the cross-striped skeletal muscles of a person is special and consists in such main aspects:

  • It consists of myo-cits, which are equal to several centimeters in length.
  • The diameter of these miocytes cells 50 to 100 μm.
  • Such cells have many nuclei - up to 100.
  • If we consider under a microscope, you can see dark and light strips.
  • Fibrous threads have length up to 12 cm.

It is also worth noting the following:

  • Skeletal muscles are an active fabric segment necessary to maintain a musculoskeletal system, consisting of bones, their joints, tendons, ligaments.
  • Motor neurons are also included in the motor apparatus, which send nervous “signals” to muscle fibers.
  • The bodies of motor neurons are placed in front, in special branches of the spinal-brain department, and innervating muscles of the maxillofacial region-in the nuclei of the brain stem. When the neuron enters the skeletal muscle cage, it is bifurcated, and creates neuromuscular synaps on each fibrous segment.

Functions of skeletal muscles:

  • Holding the position of the figure
  • The movement of the figure in space
  • The movement of individual elements of the human figure relative to each other
  • Execution of respiratory movements

The skeletal muscles, along with the skeleton, form a musculoskeletal system of the body, which helps a person keep poses and perform movement. Skeletal muscles and skeletons perform a protective function, protecting our heart, stomach, liver, almost other organs from bruises.

What does the muscle tissue of the heart, tongue, and human stomach consist of?

Heart muscle tissue
Heart muscle tissue

The structural unit of the heart tissue is cardiomyocyte. What does it consist of? Here is the answer:

  • Cardiomyocyte is a cell in the form of a rectangle.
  • Miocytes are located one after another with columns and, together with the insertions, form a conductive system of the heart.
  • Insert discs in their structure are sections of plasmalem of neighboring 2 cells.
  • The fibers flying nearby have a compound in the form of anastomosis, which provide synchronism of the contraction.
  • Another feature is a large number of mitochondria, which allows the heart to work continuously and almost not to be fatigted.
  • The contractile ability of this type of muscles does not depend on the will of our body. Their activity depends on the impulses of the rhythm of conducting systematization of the heart.

The muscular tissue of the human tongue and stomach: what is it? Here is the answer:

  • The language and stomach of a person are represented by a transverse-striped skeletal type of muscles.
  • This fabric consists of multi -core fibers of a cylindrical shape, which, located in parallel, form light and dark areas (the so -called discs and strips).
  • The diameter of the forming fibers is 100 microns, and the length is from 1000 to 40,000 microns.

The contraction of these muscles is arbitrary. Their innervation occurs with the participation of spinal and cranial nerves.

What kind of human organs are formed by smooth and cross-striped muscle tissue?

Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person
Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person

The main function of any muscle tissue is the ability to change the shape, length of the fibers, that is, to reduce when excited. What organs are formed by smooth and cross-striped muscle tissue? Here is the answer:

In most internal organs, the composition has smooth muscle tissue:

  • Bladder
  • Stomach, intestines
  • Vascular walls
  • Uterus and other internal organs

The length of the smooth muscles reaches 500 microns And it contains one core - a spindle -shaped myocytes. It is involuntary and inactive, slowly compresses and relaxes.

Transversely - striped muscle tissue is part:

  • The cardiovascular muscle
  • The pharyngeal department
  • Esophageal department
  • Language
  • Eye muscles

This is the basis of skeletal muscles, since such muscle tissue is a multi -core structure. For example, the heart muscle consists of 1-2 nucleiSkeleton contain up to 100 cores. It has an increased speed during compression and relaxation. The fibrous threads of skeletal muscles are large - up to twelve centimeters.

In what form does it exist, what does the cross-striped and smooth muscle tissue of a person look like?

Muscle tissue
Muscle tissue

The transverse striped muscle tissue is located on the bones of the human skeleton and due to the fact that it is reduced, it sets the human body and joints in motion. Her myofibrils form transverse strictions.

In what form does it exist, what does the cross-striped muscle tissue of a person look like? Here is the answer:

  • It includes numerous cells that have length in length.
  • Thanks to her, a person can perform different motor exercises.
  • The cross-striped muscle tissue is divided into skeletal and heart.

Smooth muscle muscles:

  • Its main function is a reduction, so that the motor process occurs in our body.
  • On this type of fabric, transverse stripes are not traced.
  • This fabric is in the stenotic tissue of any internal organ. Consists of cellular myocytes that have a different look.
  • The length of this cell is from 20 to 500 microns, and a core is located inside it.

Myocytes can have the following shape:

  • Oval
  • Rounded
  • Stone
  • Spindle

A vivid expression of the excitability of the body tissues is considered to be their reduction, that is, a change in the length that is observed in muscle tissues.

Differences of smooth and cross-striped muscle tissue: Comparison

Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person
Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person

From the foregoing, one can understand what the difference between these two types of fabrics is. Here is a comparison of the smooth and cross-striped muscle tissue of a person:

  • Cross-striped muscle tissue It is the basis of skeletal muscles, heart muscle, musculoskeletal system. With excitability, it has the property of quick fluctuations. Innervated by a somatic nervous system.
  • Smooth muscle tissue It prevails in the internal organs: the gastrointestinal tract, the uterus, in the urinary tract. It has the property of slow changes in membrane potential. Innervated by the autonomous nervous system. It has sensitivity to bioactive substances, the possibility of plastic tone, regeneration to restoration.

The following conclusions can be drawn:

  • Differences. Smooth muscles-single-core, are reduced slowly, involuntarily and little tired, cross-striped-multi-core, contracted quickly, arbitrarily and quickly tired.
  • Similarity. The presence of nerves and blood vessels is present in both muscles a shell of connective tissues and a bundle of muscle fibers.

Below you will find a little more important information about these muscle groups, which will be useful to you in preparation for exams. Read further.

Distinguish between smooth, cross-striped muscle tissue: answers to questions about the exam

At the school in biology lessons, the teacher told you that they distinguish between smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue. All questions on this topic on the exam will be related to the functions, structure and mechanism of muscle contraction. The answers should be like that:

Human muscle tissue
Human muscle tissue
Muscular contraction mechanism
Muscular contraction mechanism
Muscle functions
Muscle functions
Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person
Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person
Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person
Smooth and transverse-striped muscle tissue of a person

Video: Lecture No. 7. Muscle tissue - 2. Lecture on histology

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