DIY shower gel: features, benefits, advantages. How to make a shower gel with your own hands: recipes

DIY shower gel: features, benefits, advantages. How to make a shower gel with your own hands: recipes

Many people use the shower gels, but it is not necessary to buy them in the store, or you can do it with your own hands. Our article will tell you how to do it.

Cooking a shower gel at home allows you to get a completely natural remedy without chemical additives. Such a care product is characterized by naturalness, effectiveness, as well as utility even for babies. It cleanses the skin well, give it nutrition, moisturizing and even capable of protecting from cellulite.

Why don't you buy a shower gel in a store?

Soul gel natural
Soul gel natural

In the assortment of different stores there are always many gels, lotions and other products for every taste and wallet. But many products are usually not intended for a specific type of skin and this can manifest in the form of allergies. Such a reaction can be due to several substances:

  • Mineral oils. They are derivatives of oil refining. These inexpensive substitutes instead of moisturizing the skin, they simply create the form that the composition has an oil product. Such oils cover the skin with a film that harms it because the pores are closed. The film does not pass air, is not absorbed, and therefore it can lead to rash and irritation.
  • Laurill sulfate sodium. Soap foam is created by this substance, but the product is not washed off with water. Thus, it persists inside the skin, provokes allergic reactions, and also disrupts the endocrine and digestive system.
  • Kokokidopropilbutain. A very harmful additive of surfactants, which allows you to cleanse the scalp and hair of excess fat. It is harmful to immunity, and if a person has sensitive skin, then this can lead to allergies.

What is good shower gels: Advantages

The advantages of natural gels
The advantages of natural gels

Preparing gels at home is certainly better than buying them in a store. This is due to several factors:

  • Naturalness. The composition of home gels does not contain dyes, preservatives and flavors.
  • Economy. The cost of essential oils is rather large, but they are used in small quantities and gradually it all pays off. So, the funds are economical and inexpensive. In addition, no one winds up the cost for the brand and packaging decoration.
  • Choice. You can choose what exactly to use. The composition is made only according to your preferences with a thoughtful composition. It is also important to note that you can prepare gels to solve specific problems.

How to cook a shower gel with your own hands: Methods

The preparation of shower gels is not complicated, but it is possible in different ways. Let's talk about some of them.

Method 1. Using the soap base

Soap base
Soap base

The easiest way is to use the already finished base and add additional components to it. This basis can only be purchased in specialized stores or on the Internet. It does not need to dilute it. It is enough to heat to 30 degrees and mix with oils.

At the next stage, you can mix components. This is done after eliminating turbidity and achieving homogeneity. At this time, you can add a little salt and beat the solution.

The finished product can be poured into a comfortable bottle, preferably with a dispenser and let it brew for a while. As a rule, two hours are enough.

Method 2. Children's soap

It will be much more economical to use baby soap. A piece of soap is required on one bottle. Be sure to look at the composition so that it does not include any additives and strange components. And if you have children at home, then accumulate the wash and you can take them for your home remedy.

All sorts of herbs and essential oils can also be introduced here. Remember glycerin, as it helps to soften the skin. As for herbs, it is better to select them for your skin type. For example, you can use mint, celandine or lemon balm. About 10 large spoons of grass will go to one bottle of gel.

Essential oil can be chosen what more you like. It allows you to improve the effect, and also gives a pleasant aroma. If it turns out to be too sharp or even unpleasant, then you will not wash yourself with such a gel, even if it is well combined with your skin.

To prepare the soap base, adhere to the following scheme:

DIY soap base
DIY soap base
  • First boil herbs. To do this, pour the grass with clean water and grab over low heat. When the water boils, turn off the fire and leave the mixture for half an hour.
  • Strain the resulting liquid so that there are no grasses left in it. And now rub the soap and place it in a pan. Pour a decoction into it and weld carefully. Wait until the soap is dissolved.
  • After receiving a homogeneous mass, add a tablespoon of glycerol and essential oils to it. The more oils, the brighter the aroma, but still do not add too much.
  • After the completion of all the manipulations, leave the gel cool and then pour it into the bottle. If suddenly the mixture turned out to be liquid, then do not worry, since it will become thick when it stands a bit.

How to store a home shower gel: Features

How to store a home shower gel?
How to store a home shower gel?

It is important to know not only how to make a shower gel, but also how to store it. This will allow you to know for sure that the product will be stored for a long time and you can use the product.

The very first thing you should do is to place the gel in a glass bottle with dark walls after preparation. It must be stored in a cool place where there is no direct sun.

However, even this does not guarantee a long preservation. If you want to maintain the beneficial properties of a gel for a long time, it is better to buy a special preservative. It is in the same stores as the basis.

How to make a shower gel with your own hands, at home: recipes

There are many different recipes for shower gels. They can be universal or solve any specific problems. We offer you to get acquainted with popular gel recipes.


It charges with energy for a day and allows you to become more vigorous in the morning. The following ingredients will be needed for him:

The composition of the awakening gel
The composition of the awakening gel

Grate the soap and add it to the pan. Add water or mineral water there. 75 ml will be enough. Heat this mixture in a water bath until the soap dissolves. The mixture will turn out to be similar to jelly. The whole procedure will take about half an hour.

After that, remove, prepared the base from the heat and let cool slightly. After that, you can add the remaining ingredients, and beat them with a whisk. If the consistency is too liquid, then you can make it thicker with sea salt, and if you need to dilute, then warm water will help you.


The gel uses soothing and healing components, and therefore it is ideal for restoration of the skin, healing of wounds and treatment of allergies. You will need:

The composition of the restorative gel
The composition of the restorative gel

As in the previous version, you need to make a soap base. When you warm it up in a water bath, then after dissolving the soap, you can introduce additional cocoa oil and brown sugar. Stir until all components dissolve. Let the mass cool and enter all other components. After whipping the gel, drain into the bottle.

Relaxing shower gel

It is perfect in a situation where you sleep poorly or you have insomnia. After using such a gel, your body relax, and you can fall asleep well. To cook it, take it:

The composition of the relaxing gel
The composition of the relaxing gel

Dissolve the soap in 50 ml of water in a water bath. After that, enter salt, grape oil and clay. When everything melts and shifts, the mixture can be removed from the fire. Before continuing, give the mixture a little cool. Then it will be possible to introduce essential oils. Drain everything into the bottle and shake until the gel becomes homogeneous. To make the effect perfect, use it in the evening.

Rejuvening gel for shower

If you want to refresh your skin so that it is less tired, as well as compete with age -related changes, then this recipe will definitely suit you. With daily use, the skin will be updated and will receive enough moisture. For cooking, take:

The composition of the anti -aging gel
The composition of the anti -aging gel

Dissolve each component in a water bath. The exception is only oils. Stir the mass well and leave to cool. In conclusion, enter essential oils into the mixture and wait for cooling. For convenience, pour the gel into the bottle and during use use a washcloth for the most problematic areas. To make the effect more noticeable, it is recommended to hold the gel a little on the body.

Children's gel for shower

For children, somewhat different cosmetics are used, because the skin in adults is not so susceptible to chemistry. Especially for children, you can also prepare a natural tool. For him you will need:

The composition of the children's gel
The composition of the children's gel

Mix grated baby soap with a decoction of chamomile, sugar, beet juice and glycerin. Dissolve all components in a water bath. At the end, add lavender oil and aloe.

Chocolate gel for shower

Ideal for the whole family. A delicious aroma of chocolate will allow you to get a lot of effort, as well as cheer up. More chocolate has a beneficial effect on the skin. For cooking, take:

The composition of the chocolate gel
The composition of the chocolate gel

In a small plate, mix all the components with milk. It is enough to take 50 ml. Dissolve everything in a water bath and stir with a whisk. When the liquid has cooled, it can be drained into a bottle.

As you have already noticed, there are no difficulties in creating a gel. You can purchase or cook your own soap base in advance and then simply add additional substances to it.

The advantages of home gels are obvious because after a thorough choice of all components, you can know exactly that they are safe. Although high-quality broadcasts are not very few, it is still cheaper to cook gels yourself. Try the new, experiment and be sure that you no longer want to use store funds.

Video: How to make a shower gel with your own hands?

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