Where can you hide the money in a house or apartment? Where in the house or apartment you should not store money?

Where can you hide the money in a house or apartment? Where in the house or apartment you should not store money?

If you have money, our article will help to hide it. The most interesting ideas on this topic.

Where in the house or apartment can I hide the money from your wife or husband? Where in the house or apartment you can hide money from apartment thieves? Read the best ideas on this topic in our article.

Where in the house or apartment can I hide the money from your wife or husband?

Ideas where to hide the money in one way or another visited the head of everyone who had cash. With the advent of bank cards, such problems have become easier to solve. After all, cash can be turned into cashless savings, and in this way to protect yourself from financial losses.
But where to hide cash in an apartment or house? I must say that women's hiding places are somewhat different from male hiding places. Male or female logic is triggered here. Here are some typical female secrets where to hide the money:

  • On the upper shelf of the chiffonier.
  • Between books or notebooks.
  • In drawers of the bedside tables.
  • On the shelves of the kitchen.
  • In jars for spices.

And here are typical men's places for the turtles:

  • Tool boxes.
  • Pockets of jackets or pants.

It is clear that in such places it will not work to hide the money, these "hidden places" are known even to children. The most successful places where you can hide the money is obtained in men during the repair of a house or apartment. Then the cache for money can be made in the wall or floor of the apartment. Such caches can be under the wallpaper, under linoleum or under the windowsill. The most successful places under furniture or behind it.

The main thing when arranging a cache is its poor availability for a husband or wife. If you want to hide the money from your wife or husband, get two or three cache at once.

In a cache with more availability, put small amounts of money. Then the wife, finding your stash, will calm down and decide that there is nothing more to look for. Thus, you will save most of the money. If you have trained electrical appliances spoiled and not thrown into the garbage bin, use them as a cache for money. Unscrew the rear panel of the device and put the money inside. Make sure that your precious half does not throw your money with an unnecessary thing. If you have a personal plot, cuddle your money. True, in this case, you are provided with sleepless nights and thoughts on the topic, did anyone see you when you buried the money?

  • How to make a cache from the book shelf?

Remove the book shelf and drill a hole on the inside with an electric drill.

How to hide money in a house
How to hide money in a house

Make a recess in the fiberboard on the desired cache width next to this hole. Contact the irregularities with a knife.

With your own hands
With your own hands

Hide the money in the cache and put the shelf in place. By this principle, you can make a cache in any furniture made of chipboard or wood. So that no one finds your cache, collect the sawdust of the chipboard, mix with glue and lay out the drilled cavity. In order not to suffer the money, put it in a bag. If the color of the cavity of the cavity is slightly different from the main array of chipboard, open the entire surface with varnish.

How to make a cache for money
How to make a cache for money
  • Cache for money in the wall

Sometimes for storing money, the recesses existing in the walls are used, for example, recesses for sockets. To make such a cache as convenient as possible, increase the volume of recess. Manufacturers offer ready -made cache for money that are hidden under sockets. You can not make a cache with your own hands, but buy furniture with built -in hiding places.

Video: How to make a cache in a house or apartment?

Where in the house or apartment you can hide money from apartment thieves?

Is it possible to protect the cash in the house from apartment thieves? After all, thieves can not only turn the entire apartment upside down during the absence of owners, but also hack a safe with a weak degree of protection. The thieves themselves definitely say that all the tricks of hiding money are ridiculous for them, and they know the whole list where they can hide the money in the house or apartment. All things in this case are dropped to the floor and turned upside down. All jars and bags, available shelves and boxes are rinsed. Inaccessible, from the point of view of the owners, locked on the key, the boxes are hacked. Should I even store money in an apartment or house?

If you are afraid to store money in the bank, come up with the maximum protection of your savings. The most reliable savings of money at home is a safe.

Safes have varying degrees of hacking. Which safe to choose - cheaper or more expensive? If you want to protect your money from households, safes with a weak degree of protection are suitable. Such safes will not save from professional thieves. We'll have to fork out on an expensive but more reliable safe. Small, not mounted into the walls, safes can simply be taken out of an apartment or at home. Fashionable new safes stylized for table lamps are opened using the owner’s phone. If such a safe is opened in the absence of the owners, a message will come to the phone about the incident. Now you can buy furniture with built -in hiding places. In such furniture, caches can be in the form of secret boxes. Manufacturers also offer cabinets with secret shelves or even racks.

Video: New hiding places and safes for home or apartments

Where in the house or apartment you should not store money?

If your home is visited by acquaintances or unfamiliar people, do not store money in accessible places. Such places can be in the pockets of clothing or bags. If you accept friends in the kitchen, it is inappropriate to store money in the boxes of kitchen tables. Storing money on the shelves of sideboards or a chiffonier is also not the most successful idea. Accepting guests where the money is in easily accessible places, you can get into an unpleasant situation with the loss of money. You can hardly calculate which of the guests you can. But the suspicion will fall for each of the friends.

To prevent this from happening, hide the money in reliable places. The best option is a safe for storing money and precious jewelry. Such a solution can be expensive, but the loss of money can be more expensive and offensive. Sometimes money is hidden in unusual, but not attractive places. So the small amounts of money of women manage to hide in hygienic gaskets, under the insoles of shoes, in massage brushes, cans and conservation cans, and other places of little for this. It is believed that no one will look for them in such places. With this method of storing money, it is likely that you will forget, where the money is and throw it together with the rubbish into garbage tanks.

Video: Where can you hide the money in a house or apartment?

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