Gastritis of the stomach: what is possible and what is impossible? Causes, symptoms, treatment at home

Gastritis of the stomach: what is possible and what is impossible? Causes, symptoms, treatment at home

Gastritis affects schoolchildren and students more often than other diseases. We will talk about the reasons.

Gastritis- This is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. As with any inflammation, the edema develops first, which squeezes the inertial endings (pain occurs) and the initial stage of gastritis develops.

Forms gastritis

AT dependencies from parts stomach, in which appeared inflammation, his divide on the:

Anthralplace sphincter
Diffusestruck all stomach
Fundamentalgastritis bodies stomach

So the same divide on reason diseases:

Esophagenereflux disease (abandonment sour contents stomach in esophagus)

Exist so the same special forms gastritis, in which we not we will become deepen, only  we list them: granularotous gastritis, atrophic, radiation gastritis
By duration diseases gastritis divide on the chronic and spicy.

Gastric gastritis: causes

There are many causes of gastritis, in medicine this is called multifactorial disease:

• Alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking
• consumption of drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa
• Bile casting into the stomach (reflux)
• non -compliance with the right diet, hard diets, eating fatty foods (spicy, salty)
• state of nervous tension and stress
• severe infectious diseases (AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis)
• Radiation radiation
• intestinal diseases
• Crohn's disease

Gastric gastritis: the first signs of the disease

At the very beginning of the disease, the symptoms can be confused with poisoning, they are not pronounced and only with the development and aggravation of the situation is it brighter. The disease can develop asymptomatic until a certain point.

General symptoms of gastritis:

  • Nausea
  • Sensation of the severity and overcrowding of the stomach
  • In the language of grayish-white plaque
  • Salivation or dry mouth
  • Bodding
  • Stool disorders
  • Weakness and anemia
  • Losing weight

Symptoms are manifested more often in the chronic form of the disease and similar to stomach ulcer. For this reason, a diagnosis of a gastroenterologist is necessary.

What tests should be taken to diagnose gastritis gastritis?

They consult a doctor already in cases where the symptoms of gastritis do not make it possible to exist normally. But despite the fact that the diagnosis can already be made by manifestations, it is necessary to clarify the form of the disease on which its treatment depends.

The most informative method of diagnosis is fibrogastroduidenoscopy (FGDS) or, as they say, is easier - swallowing the probe. The FGDS allows gastroscopy to visually inspect the damaged gastric mucosa and make an accurate diagnosis.

This procedure requires mandatory preparation:

• prohibit eating 12 hours before diagnosis
• Do not drink liquids 2 to 3 hours before the procedure
• have a towel with you
• It is advisable to take sedatives

For clarification, ultrasound and biopsy can be used, studying the level of acidity of the stomach

Additional diagnostic methods include:
• Clinical blood test
• Coprology
• Calais analysis for hidden blood
• Blood chemistry
• Determination of the presence of helycobacter infection

Drug treatment. Gastritis gastritis preparations

If helecobacter infection is detected, treatment is aimed at eliminating it, it is carried out:

  • antibiotic therapy
  • with increased acidity, antacid and enveloping agents are prescribed
  • proton pump blockers.

Treatment of gastritis of the stomach with folk remedies

Recipe 1: Prepare a decoction: Success's drying 1 tbsp, pour 1 glass of boiling water, take 0.5 cups 3 times a day. After eating food, eat 1 tsp. Powder from blue blue. Sushenitsa acts as an antispasmodic, Sinyukha has a calming sedative effect. These recommendations are suitable for hyperacid gastritis.

Recipe 2: Squeeze the juice from the leaves of the flower, but the plant should be at least 3 years old. Before cooking, the plant does not water for 2 weeks. Cut the leaves and put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Squeezed juice can be mixed with honey (100 ml of honey). Take 1 tsp. Half an hour before meals.

Recipe 3: With increased acidity, a collection is prepared. Nettleborn 1 tbsp, swamp calamus 1 tbsp, chamomile 1 tbsp. Mix everything, 1 tbsp. Pour the collection with a glass of water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Let it settled, take inward 1.3 cups 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Recipe 3: bitter wormwood 1 tbsp. l., Immortals 1 tbsp, calendula (flowers) 1 tbsp, St. John's wort 3 tbsp. Mix the herbs and brew 1 tbsp. on a glass of water (boil in a water bath for 15 minutes). Take with reduced acidity of 1.3 cups 3 times a day before meals.


Recipe 4: In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 1 cup of tea from the leaves of white willow, drink fresh milk with a glass of fresh milk and take 30 g of honey, dissolved in room temperature or in a decoction of herbs (not more than 100 g per day) for 20 minutes before meals. -x months.

Recipe 5: With increased acidity. 15 g of carriers, pour a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.
Take alternately with infusion of a rocker root, prepared according to the same scheme. 4 days to drink a decoction of the leaves of the kyra, then for 2 days a decoction of the root of the tissue.

Food for gastric gastritis: what is possible and what is impossible


During the exacerbation of the disease, a prerequisite for treatment is the observance of dietary nutrition.

Immediately list the prohibited products:

• fried (meat, potatoes, fish)
• Fat foods and soups
• smoked meats
• sour products (berries, fruits)
• spices
• fresh bakery products
• legumes, mushrooms, raw vegetables
• Alcoholic drinks, strong tea and coffee

Food should be high -calorie, but not irritate the gastric mucosa. Food should often be taken up to 8 times a day and small portions.

It is recommended to eat mucous membranes of rice or oatmeal, milk puree soup.
It is allowed to consume fish and meat of non -fat varieties (steam cutlets, meatballs or souffli). Eggs can be soft or omelets with milk.
Tea can be drunk green or weak black with the addition of milk. It is allowed to drink jelly with the addition of honey, fresh juices, but diluted with water.

Prevention of gastritis of the stomach

Any prevention is aimed at preventing the disease and should exclude the risk factors that cause this disease.

Gastric gastritis: tips and reviews

• Organize rational diet
• Do not eat very hot or cold food
• Follow the oral cavity and do not allow inflammatory processes
• Cheat the food used thoroughly
• Refuse tobacco and alcohol abuse
• Follow your psychological state

The Gastritis disease is insidious, do not treat it frivolously. It can lead to complications and ulcers, so be attentive to your health.

Video: Chronic gastritis. Treatment with folk remedies

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Comments K. article

  1. The rejection of hot, very cold, spicy, oily, very salty and very sweet food helped me at 40-50% weaken pain and burning in the stomach. Potato juice and decoction of chamomile-star also help well. Well, when all this copes poorly, then observing all the above, I accept 1 capsule of Rabeprazol-SZ. Helps for a long time.

  2. The doctor told me that in order to avoid complications, it is very important to help the gastrointestinal tract: not to load heavy foods, without fail to drink Evalar bio gastrointestinal tea, try not to be nervous in vain (the nerves are ruined by the stomach only that way). Indeed, I feel much better with such measures ... And the pains do not actually bother)) I, by the way, order a shop. Evalar, and more convenient, and cheaper))

  3. In principle, Amalia wrote everything correctly before me. However, it must be added that with a positive test on the pylori, you need to drink antibiotics, and preferably with the capsules of rabprazol-SZ, at the same time drink de zero. If, of course, gastritis with high acidity.

  4. In the case of my treatment, Rabeprazol-SZ and de Nol were prescribed. Of course, diet. After the course, it became much better. But the diet is respected, the drugs are left in case of exacerbation.

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