Galitosis - what is this: a description of the disease, symptoms, varieties, diagnosis, causes of appearance, treatment with drugs, folk methods, rinsing recipes. Which doctor treats galitosis? Forest balm from galitosis: reviews

Galitosis - what is this: a description of the disease, symptoms, varieties, diagnosis, causes of appearance, treatment with drugs, folk methods, rinsing recipes. Which doctor treats galitosis? Forest balm from galitosis: reviews

Galitosis or halitosis can appear in every person. It is important to timely identify the causes of this disease and begin treatment.

Galitosis or halitosis is a disease of the digestive organs in a person, which is accompanied by a pathological increase in the number of anaerobic microorganisms in the oral cavity.

  • As a result of this disease, an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth.
  • Galitosis, as a term, is often used in dentistry, but the causes of this disease lies not only in the problems of the oral cavity, but often in the pathologies of internal organs.
  • In this article, we will figure out in more detail what the cause of the appearance of galitosis is and how to get rid of it.

Galitosis - what is this: a description of the disease, symptoms

Unpleasant odor
Unpleasant odor

The word galitosis or halitosis is understood as an unpleasant stable smell from the mouth. Each person may have a smell from the oral cavity, but if it is not possible to eliminate it with the help of ordinary hygiene products, then we can safely say about the presence of galitosis.

  • In general, the problem of smell from the mouth is not new. In developed countries, halitosis is sick up to 65% of the population.
  • Medicine considers this problem from the point of view of the pathology of internal organs, but poor oral hygiene is necessarily taken into account.
  • Often it is the dentist that indicates the patient to the problem of unpleasant odor from the mouth. This specialist assesses the situation and establishes the cause of the problem. It should also minimize the consequences associated with galitosis, even if they do not concern dental diseases.

The main symptom of galitosis is an unpleasant odor from the mouth, which can be different:

  • rotten eggs;
  • rotten cabbage;
  • faded fish;
  • stale meat;
  • garlic;
  • acetone;
  • sulfur;
  • naphthalene;
  • sweat;
  • urine.

Symptom of halitosis It can appear once, for example, when a person eaten food with sharp smells. If the occurrence of signs is constant, then we can confidently talk about the appearance of the disease of internal organs.

Varieties of galitosis: types, description


Modern medicine is known for three types of this disease:

  • pseudogalithosis;
  • real halitosis;
  • galithophobia.

With pseudo -Galitosis A person can feel some smell from his mouth, but others do not notice this. Often this sign appears with stress, nervous disorder or various household factors that cannot threaten health.

With galithophobia We'll have to turn to a psychologist for help. In fact, you may not have a smell from your mouth, but after eating or during stress, it seems that it stinks disgustingly from the oral cavity, and you always want to cover your mouth with your hand.

Real halitosis can be common and local. A general type of disease indicates the presence of pathologies of internal organs. Local galitosis indicates poor hygiene of the oral cavity or teeth disease.

The reasons for the appearance of halitosis

It smells bad from the mouth: the causes of galitosis
It smells bad from the mouth: the causes of galitosis

First of all, when an unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, which is constant, it is necessary to contact the dentist. Perhaps in the oral cavity there are diseases of the teeth:

  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • caries.

The dentist will also indicate the shortcomings in the careful hygiene of the oral cavity, if they are and will tell you what to pay attention to during the brushing of the teeth. After all, the smell often appears with incorrect hygiene. Microbes accumulate in the folds of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and in hard -to -reach areas, which leads to the active reproduction of pathogenic flora.

Also, such diseases that are not associated with the teeth lead to the development of halitosis:

  • eNT painting;
  • diabetes;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • respiratory infections;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • kidney disease.

Recently, the doctors have determined another reason for galithosis - smoking. The decay products of tobacco smoke settled on the oral cavity, which leads to the propagation of microorganisms and the appearance of a disgusting specific smell.

It's important to know: The smell from the mouth may appear when using spices with a glutamate of sodium, raw bow and garlic. Moreover, such a sign is not associated with the settlement of bacteria in the oral cavity, but with the ingress of these substances into the blood, after which they begin to stand out during breathing. According to this principle, the breath may appear from the mouth even when taking some drugs or during malnutrition.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of a halitosis, and independently, because of which it smells bad from the mouth, does not always succeed. Therefore, contact the doctor if you understand that the signs of the disease are constant.

Watch a video in which the doctor talks in detail about this disease, the causes of its occurrence and treatment methods.

Video: About the most important galitosis

Which doctor treats galitosis?

An unpleasant smell from the oral cavity: Which doctor will help?
An unpleasant smell from the oral cavity: Which doctor will help?

As mentioned above, the first doctor who detects the presence of a disease in humans is a dentist. With an unpleasant odor, you can contact the therapist from your mouth, but this doctor will most likely go first to the dentist.

When the reorganization of the oral cavity is carried out and the dentist will indicate that the teeth are healthy, then, when repeated symptoms appear, you can contact the therapist again. If this doctor sees that the disease is thought up by the patient, he can recommend to seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist.

You should know: Also, with galithosis, the patient is directed to an otolaryngologist and can be directed to an endocrinologist. With galitosis, it is important that there is a good metabolism and immunity.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of galithosis is simple: bring your hands to your palms with your palms, exhale the air out of yourself and sniff it. If you immediately feel an unpleasant putrid smell, then you have a galitosis. In the dentist’s office, the state of the oral cavity is evaluated and a scraping is taken for studying color and pathogenic flora. To determine the type of bacteria, saliva studies may be needed.

Halitosis treatment: drugs, folk methods, recipes


For the effective treatment of galitosis, it is first necessary to establish the true cause of its occurrence. When this is done, getting rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth begins with the treatment of internal organs, teeth, gums and so on. At the same time, it is necessary to use drugs for rinsing the oral cavity, inhalation and applying applications to the gums:

  • Campfain;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Cutilepyridine;
  • Remo student.

Important: Follow the hygiene of the oral cavity. Change the toothbrush every 2-3 months. Use the tooth thread to remove the remaining food after eating.

Antibiotics from the metronidazole group can also be prescribed, but only a doctor should do this.

Remember: Self -medication and uncontrolled taking drugs can harm health! Antibacterial drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor with the selection of individual dosage of use for each individual patient.

It is necessary to drink a lot of water and make food balanced. This will help improve metabolism, improve the body and get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth. Prepare a rinse solution and perform the procedure after each meal:

  • With hydrogen peroxide: Pour 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide on 1 cup. Half after eating, as well as in the morning and at night.
  • Mint with chamomile. Mix dry or fresh mint leaves with chamomile flowers in a 1: 1 proportion. Then, pour 1 tablespoon of a mixture of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain, cool and rinse the oral cavity according to the above scheme: after eating, in the morning and at night.
  • Oak bark. 1 tablespoon of oak bark pour 0.5 liter of water. Put on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. Then cool the solution, strain and rinse your mouth at least 5 times a day.
  • Salt with soda. Boil half a liter of water. Put 1 teaspoon of salt and soda without a slide in boiling water. Mix the solution well to dissolve the salt and turn off the fire. When the solution has cooled, rinse the oral cavity, as usual.

If you do not have time to prepare solutions for rinsing, then you can buy a finished product in a pharmacy.

"Forest Balm" from Galitosis: reviews

Forest balm
Forest balm

Trademark "Forest Balm" offers its consumers several types of rinses:

  • From inflammation
  • For sensitive teeth
  • Forte - with an enhanced formula
  • From bleeding gums
  • To protect the tissues of the oral cavity
  • For prevention
  • Professional protection
  • Complex protection
  • Whitening effect

You can choose for yourself a suitable version of the rinseum and use it to eliminate unpleasant odor from your mouth. A dentist will help to do this after examining the state of the oral cavity. Also read the reviews of the people who used "Forest Balm" And they coped with such a problem as galitosis:

Oksana, 25 years old

My gum was bleeding, and because of this, Galitosis appeared. When examining the dentist, it turned out that in two teeth I also have caries. After filling the teeth, the doctor prescribed rinsing with a “forest balm” from the bleeding of the gums. In addition, I changed the food, stopped eating sweet and spicy foods. Two weeks have passed already after going to the dentist, and I regularly fulfill his advice, a hollow of my mouth after each meal. The smell disappeared, so feel free to use this tool for galitosis - it is effective and completely natural.

Oleg, 30 years old

I got Galitosis six months ago. I pulled a trip to the doctor until the last moment until I had serious stomach problems. The stomach ulcer led to the appearance of disgusting smell from the mouth. In addition to the main treatment and surgery, the doctor prescribed rinsing the oral cavity with a forest balm. After its use, signs of galitosis began to disappear. But the doctor said that the main treatment should be done to the end, otherwise the smell will appear again from the mouth.

Elena, 29 years old

I use forest balm constantly to prevent galitosis. My brother suffered this disease. It was examined by many doctors, diseases were detected and their treatment was performed, but the unpleasant odor remained from the mouth. At that time, one very experienced dentist advised him to rinse: herbs, soda. If there is no time to constantly make decoctions, then he said that you can use the forest balm. Now everything is fine, and I use this means for prevention.

Video: Forest balm - gums rinser

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