Flucostat - Instructions for use: tablets, capsules, candles, ointment. Flucostat during pregnancy, children

Flucostat - Instructions for use: tablets, capsules, candles, ointment. Flucostat during pregnancy, children

The article describes the forms of release and features of the use of the drug "Flucostat". We will consider possible indications for the use of this drug and contraindications to it.

« Flucostat» instructions to application

  • Means refers to group anti -info drugs and effective used in given areas for treatment mikozov different genesis
  • By to your own mechanism actions he it has property block one from enzymes, thanks to which mytical flora grows and propagates. Thanks to this action cells fungus lost ability to reproduction and dying enough fast
  • Thanks to electoral exposure on the pathogenic fungal flora, a drug « Flucostat» not provides flexive impact on the other microorganisms, which in norm are located in intestines or organs urogenital systems
  • it antimicotic means it has wide spectrum actions, but the main fungus, against whom he most effective, is fungi kind Candida. The view fungus calls disease candidiasis, or how his more calledthrush

The main substance antifungal actions is fluconazole.

« Flucostat» the form release

"Flucostat" form of release

A drug « Flucostat» it has a lot of form release:
The form capsules in dose acting substances 150, 100 and 50 mg in 1 capsule
Solution, designed for intravenous introduction with content fluconazole in concentration 0,2% , available in bottles on 100 and 50 ml
Vaginal suspensions, intended for therapy gynecological fungal diseases
Tablet the form with content fluconazole 150 and 50 mg in 1 tablet
The form ointments designed for treatment skin fungal diseases

At oral reception funds, acting substance drug reaches maximum concentration in plasma blood after interval time from 30 minutes before 1.5 hours. He good has sucks in Gastrointestinal tract and fast distributed by in body. Acting substance fluconazole it has properties to accumulation in body and even after 6 months after passage treatment maybe detach for in nails and kidneys.

At administered « Flucostat» intravenously fluconazole evenly distributed by on everyone fabrics and liquids in body man. Approximately 12% component binded protein components plasma blood, thanks to what his period half -life (excretion half accepted doses) it is in average more 1 day.

Evacuated from organism given means on more meres through urine system, thenthere is buds.

« Flucostat» indications to application

Diseases at which showed reception « Flucostat» serving:
Leshay crimeable
Cryptococcal diseases, in volume number and meningitis
Mycoses with deep defeathistoplasmosis, sporrikhozi,coccididomycosis
Candidiasis generalized or disseminated forms, which on more parts amazing skin and mucous membranes
Candidiasis urogenital system u men (balanite candidiasis genesis) and u women (thrush)
Mycotic infection, called different clans fungi
Preventive therapy fungal diseases u patients, having immune deficit
Treatment gribkova infections in period treatment cytostatics or passage ray or chemotherapy

« Flucostat» dosage

"Flucostat" dosage

1. Capsules and tablet the form « Flucostat» accepted inside not mourning outside dependencies from reception food, so how suction drug in intestines not depends from his fullness or voids. Duration course treatment selected individually, usually it continues before negative indicators tests on the fungal microflora.

Dose drug « Flucostat» and scheme his reception depends from diseases, at which appointed his reception:
At onychomycosis accepted dose it is 150 mg 1 once in 7 days, duration reception depends from togo, how fast it will grow stricken fungus nail (from 3 months before 1 of the year)
At mikozakh skin pokov dose reception it is 150 mg 1 once in 7 days, duration course treatment before 6 weeks, this is depends from sensitivity fungus to therapy
At disease deep endemic mycosis dose reception it is from 200 before 400 mg in day, duration course depends from sensitivity microflora to treatment
At branchy lesha dose reception it is 50 mg in day with duration reception before 4 weeks
At defeat atrophic candidiasis mucous membranes oral cavities accept from 50 before 100 mg in day on the length 30 days
At candidiasis urogenital systems dose reception it is 150 mg in one -time reception, then on the length 1 of the year 1 once in month accepted preventive dose 150 mg
At defeat cryptococcal infection, generalization process in sepsis or disseminated form candidiasis dosage drug produced on next scheme: 1th day 400 mg, 2th day from 200 before 400 mG1 once in day on the length total course treatment

Often for amplification effectiveness therapy to treatment drug « Flucostat» add reception antibacterial drugs penicilin rows.

"Flucostat" dosage

2. Vaginal suspensions « Flucostat» applied in combined therapy vaginal candidiasis on the row with capsules or pills in quality local medicinal funds. Them application not calls inconvenience or not pleasant sensations. At this treatment given form drug not depends from menstrual cycle women and maybe even in period menses.

At application this forms drug very rarely develop side effects. Effect not depends from reception food. For definitions duration treatment and dosage drug necessary turn to for treating doctor.

« Flucostat» children

By that reason, what fungal defeat u children meet more often, how u adults, tablet the form medicines « Flucostat» maybe applied pediatricians for treatment small patients. Dose medicinal funds selected individually to each case and in compliance with weight child.

"Flucostat" to children

At cryptococcal defeat or systemic candidiasis assigned average dose in before 12 mg in compliance with severity diseases
At gribkov defeat mucous membranes membranes dose drug assigned from calculation 6 mg funds on the 1 kg masses bodies in the first day, a then on 3 mg on the 1 kg masses bodies child before complete cure
On the background low immunity for prevention a drug maybe appoint in dose before 12 mg on the each kilogram masses bodies

« Flucostat» contraindications

Means strictly contraindicated in the following cases:
Availability allergic reactions on the components components drug
At availability intolerance lactoses
At availability syndrome glucozolactose malabsorption
Age child before 3 years
Combination « Flucostat» with cordial drugs lengthening interval Qt cardiograms
Carefully means assigned at:
Systemic reception alcohol
At renal or liver insufficiency
At therapy drugs with high hepatotoxicity
States patient with arrhythmia or rearrhythmia

« Flucostat» side action

"Flucostat" Side effect

To side effects « Flucostat» related:
Disorders digestion
Nausea and vomit
Methyorism and increased gas formation
Thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis and leukocytopenia
Skin rash and allergic reactions

At intravenous administered funds so the same can to be observed the following not desireing manifestations:
Pain in stomach
Head pain
Violations at record ECG
Serious skin manifestations before necrosis

« Flucostat» at pregnancy

Reception this medicines in period pregnancy available only at availability heavy or generalized form defeat. AT the rest cases usage given drug contraindicated.

At lactation on the period treatment feeding costs stop.

« Flucostat» overdose

"Flucostat" overdose

At overdose this antifungal remedy maybe to be observed the next symptoms:
Hallucinations on the background poisoning
Side effects show myself on maximum
Behavior patient it becomes close to paranoid

At this specialized antidota at poisoning this drug not exists. Patient with overdose flucostat conduct washing stomach and conduct symptomatic therapy poisoning. So the same trying how can faster bring out a drug at help forced diuresis.

« Flucostat» analogs


Video: Flucostat during pregnancy

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