February - what is the zodiac sign? February 19 - 20 - what is the zodiac sign: Aquarius or Pisces?

February - what is the zodiac sign? February 19 - 20 - what is the zodiac sign: Aquarius or Pisces?

Characterization of the signs of the zodiac Aquarius and fish.

February is a border month for two zodiac signs: Aquarius and Pisces. As in any other month, to give a full zodiac characteristic to a person born at the junction of the elements is not easy. Consider in this article astrological secrets of transition signs

Sharp transitions without gradient shades and halftones are actually rare. There are smooth transitions everywhere. So in the zodiac signs: two signs of the zodiac form a kind of zodiac halftone.

The zodiac sign is considered borderline if it is at the junction of signs (plus or minus one day). Many famous people were born in the zodiac border.

In Russia, people use this option to publish horoscopes:

People born in February under the sign of Aquarius - from January 21 to February 19
People born In February, under the sign of fish - from February 20 to March 20

Even more - unusual people, about whom people say “not from this world”, unique, with magical abilities. As a rule, they are affected by the previous or next sign

Born on February 19, sociable and witty

Let's talk about those born 19 - 20 February And we find out what features are characteristic of the February border sign of the zodiac.

What is the general characteristic of the border mark of the prolord?

Aquarius in February - from 01 to 19 February
Fish in February - from 20 to 29 February

  • Born in the border sign February 19-20 They have incredible intuition. The signs of fate are well read. For them, the reality and the subtle world of the otherworldly and extraterrestrial and extraterrestrial exist in parallel: since they themselves live at the intersection of signs
  • If they choose occultism as the main activity, then they achieve great success in this direction. They are characterized by resentment and vulnerability
  • Representatives of the transitional sign of the zodiac remember the offended person who offended them, but continue to communicate with him
  • Being excessively practical, they can still succumb to temptation and spend a significant amount if they really want it
  • They quickly climb up the career ladder if they are doing their own business

February 19 - Zodiac sign: Aquarius or Pisces?

What is the zodiac sign dominates until February 19 inclusive: fish or Aquarius? Born on February 19 are under the rule of Aquarius. The period of the Aquarius sign begins from January 21 And lasts until February 19

The constellation Aquarius
The constellation Aquarius

Cold, reasonable and rational born under the sign of Aquarius. But since the sign is on the border with a sign of fish, such a neighborhood makes its own adjustments to the character of a person

  • An emotional perception of reality, intuition, sensuality is conveyed from the next sign
  • Very often, in the person of an enterprising businessman, you can see and capable of foresee the future of a psychic.
  • These people, as a rule, have so multidirectional energy that it is sometimes difficult for them to decide on priorities.
  • Today they may desire one, and tomorrow - the other. Strive to develop and move forward or suddenly fold their hands and philosophically observe how others fuss and flash around them
  • Being endowed with a strong imagination, they can be carried away by some idea, and surprise others with indefatigable energy and the desire to achieve a set goal. Such obsession is just characteristic of “pure” Aquarius, who were born from January 21 to February 18
Born on February 19
Born on February 19 have to surprise others with indefatigable energy

What do people born on February 19 get sick?

  • Those who were born February 19, they risk getting into an accident or other collapse, where the probability of various injuries is maintained (limbs, spine can be damaged).
  • They may feel severe discomfort from headaches of incomprehensible origin and pain in the stomach, which literally pursue them. Often they get the flu, cold.

How to improve well -being to people born on February 19?

  • drink more fluids, preferably simple water
  • do not play sports that they love so much, to exhaustion
  • the menu should be balanced, and food should be regular. For those born on February 19, the implementation of this rule may not be affordable, because it is so difficult for them to monitor the diet
  • eat less meat and increase food consumption, with a large content of vitamins (there are more fresh fruits and vegetables)
  • devote more time to rest and get enough sleep. A strong dream will protect from nervous exhaustion and overstrain
Born in February
Born in February should devote more time to rest

Life priorities and work of people born on February 19

  • The sooner energetic people born on February 19 determine their goals, the faster they will begin to move in the right direction
  • Such people are characterized by the innate curiosity of Aquarius and the desire to know other worlds
  • Born on February 19, early become adults, surprising those close to the strength and maturity of the personality. Stress resistance, observation and practicality - their main trump cards

Characterpeople born on February 19

  • They can pay enough attention to everyday life, combining this with observing the world around him
  • They are attracted by all mysterious, related to mysticism. All mysterious phenomena are such people are ready to study for a long time
  • They are sensitive and romantic, they are attracted by travel and adventure
  • Their rationality brings to the point that, recovering on the trip, they prepare an impressive list of tasks that should be completed during the rest or travel. This behavior is more characteristic of Aquarius
Aquarius is sensitive and rational

Purposefulness of people born on February 19

  • If obstacles arise on the way of born on February 19, they direct all their strength to overcome them. They are creative and prefer to bring something new into everyday life
  • It is possible to achieve success on February 19, if they are systematically starting to climb their goal, openly express their opinion and prefer to solve those tasks that are of interest to them
  • They should not be depressed, become indifferent. Being by nature endowed with sensuality, it is important for them to protect this quality in oneself and not to blame
  • The duality of their nature sometimes surprises around: at work among colleagues this is one person, and in a home environment - a completely different

Relations with loved ones from people born on February 19

  • Born on February 19 are dependent on relatives and friends, since only their moral support and warmth will ensure success in any enterprise started
  • The head of the born on February 19 is very organized and tolerant. Employees value them a calm character, equanimity in a stressful situation Reliability

Aquarius men: Characteristic

  • Men who were born in the first half of the coldest winter month are so multifaceted personalities that the spread horizons of their life are difficult to limit the family nest. They are in no hurry to start a family
  • Crossing the threshold of the house, the Aquarius male prefers not to return back. Or come the next day
  • It is likely that he will get stuck with friends, whom he has many, or from his parents. But he will explain his absence with fateful steep zigzags who are waiting for him at every step
  • Aquarius man has such a vivid fantasy that he can be compared with the character of children's fairy tales-the author-sheet
  • Events are replaced around him, frames flash, and he prefers to remain only an observer. After all, there are another thousand other fairy tales, and beautiful princesses and fairies live in them. He needs to be in time everywhere
  • However, a majority man sooner or later will nevertheless begin to look for a candidate suitable for the role of his wife. And he chooses the one that will be able to intrigue it and will not reveal all the secrets at once
  • Aquarius man loves to talk. And he will look for himself in the satellites of a person who is ready to spend evenings on the end of conversations with tea drinks. A wide variety of things can be interested in him. If a woman also fantasizes, as he is, then Aquarius will certainly capitulate
  • In a marriage, a prolordial man does not change his habits and will demand freedom of movement for himself. But betrayals are not included in his plans. He will perceive the betrayal of the second half by philosophically, explaining what happened by the need to change the fairy tale.
Aquarius in the family retains independence
Aquarius in the family retains independence

Women Aquarius: Characteristic

  • Women who were born from February 1 to February 19 can be happy with their partner even in the "hut".
    Likes to stand out from the crowd with original clothes, non -banal statements
  • Changes outfits in accordance with his mood: today it is a vamp woman in a red dress, and tomorrow there will be a dress of shepherds and a hat with a veil. Likes to experiment with images
  • A prolcye woman has an excellent taste, courage. Can be a very talented and outstanding personality
  • It is free and independent and initially not ready for the marriage union. But if it allows someone to become her companion, he prefers to live according to his own rules
  • The Woman Aquarius has many acquaintances. It is sociable and sociable, therefore, most of the time devotes to trips. Ready to break away as often as others go to the store
  • It prefers to shift home chores to loved ones. The word "must" does not tolerate
Aquarius woman
Aquarius woman does not dream of marriage ties

Tips for those born on February 19

  • more often communicate with children in order to get rid of rudeness and rudeity
  • do not fence away from the problems of other people
  • try to understand the needs of others
  • be more careful and not to waste your energy in vain

Video: Aquarius compatibility horoscope

February 20 - What is the zodiac sign: Aquarius or Pisces?

Born on February 20, crossing the constellations of fishwhich provides them with a soft character and enthusiasm for culture, music

February 19 under the constellation Pisces
Born 20 February are under the auspices of the constellation Pisces

Born on February 20 are romantic and kind persons. In a sense, they can remind others who are open to all new and unknown children.

The nature of people born on February 20

  • Communication gives them joy. They try to make friends any team.
  • Being soft in nature, they can become good diplomats. In the team they quickly become indispensable and easily work in the team.
  • Those who turn to turn will always receive help from them. Their sharp flair tells what and to whom to say. From childhood they behave politely. Very educated
  • Alien pain is perceived as their own. And such sensitivity and intuition are characteristic of those born under the sign of the zodiac of fish
  • Born on February 20, are able to share with those in need of the latter, just to help the unfortunate person. Once others are often used for selfish purposes.
Pisces perceive someone else's misfortune as their
Pisces perceive someone else's misfortune as their

What are people born on February 20

  • Born on February 20, a failure can give a nervous system. They are subject to skin allergies. Can injure the lower limbs
  • Those who were born on February 20 should not go to gastronomic tours: their body perceives exotic foods heavily
  • It is advisable to observe a diet and move more. Well, if you have the opportunity to adhere to a special diet and regularly play sports
  • Women can do light fitness, men with martial arts, heavy athletics
  • They are spilled out only if they sleep longer than other people. It is necessary to plan your working days taking into account this feature.
Constellation of fish
Constellation of fish

Life priorities and work of people born on February 20

  • For those who were born on February 20, their own image is important. Therefore, in society they behave so that they are noticed and remembered for a long time
  • Possessing tenacious memory, working on emotions, they manage to remember in details of the event of past years. In the team, they are loved for the desire to please others. Do not tolerate a familiar attitude towards themselves
  • Their duties are seriously and fully given to work
  • For those born on February 20, it is important to make a positive impression on others. Sometimes they can even overdo it in this, which causes aggressive behavior
  • At work, those born on February 20 do not seek to occupy the chair of the boss. For them, the workflow itself is of interest. With their work, they strive to show colleagues their best qualities and prove that career is not the main thing for them
  • Being demanding of themselves and colleagues, they do not tolerate hack and failure to fulfill the tasks

They are able to easily spoil relations with colleagues, because they are not inclined to take into account the motives and thoughts of others, as well as their physical well -being. It is best for them to answer exclusively for their field of activity and not interfere in someone else's work.

Fish are caring parents
Careful parents born under the constellation Pisces

Family life is very serious. Responsible and caring

Men-fish: characteristic

  • Men born from 20 to 28-29 on February are naturally endowed with great potential. They reveal all the facets of their talents, devoting themselves to art, science. But they do not tend to make incredible efforts to achieve success
  • A male fish can dream of fame for years, but they prefer that everything itself is favorable for them. They will not actively participate in the embodiment of their desires
  • Going out in their fantasies beyond the reason, they create the image of man not from this world
  • The fish-fish needs a patron, whom he often easily finds among friends and friends
  • The success of a man-fish achieves if such factors are successfully developed as the ability to ignore their own non-meaningful dreams and the ability to identify their abilities as early as possible. And if by the age of 25 such a person does not find the case of his life, then the chances of a happy future are significantly reduced
  • Men-fish are sensitive and vulnerable. They are very easy to offend and get out of themselves. Despite the fact that they are easily annoyed, evil on the offender is not stored for a long time
A fish-fish needs a patron
A fish-fish needs a patron

Women Fishes: Characteristic

  • Born from February 20 to 29, women are natural and ingenuous. By nature, they are naive and trusting
  • The woman is easy to deceive
  • They easily conquer the hearts of men, thanks to sincerity. And her grace, smile and playful sparkles in her eyes do not leave a strong floor
  • Only a strong and strong man, confident in himself, will be able to win her heart. And if a man does not have the spirit of a defender, a miner and the savior, then he has nothing to do next to her
  • Women-fish are full of illusions, romantic dreams and bright hopes
  • In difficult life situations, women are capable of showing unprecedented endurance. Can be prudent and patient
  • They may begin to cry for no apparent reason, or fall into despondency. This behavior is characteristic of him in the new moon
  • The full moon, on the other hand, causes them an energy fork, which is expressed in the plans of both new and ideas
  • Women-fish are characterized by wastefulness. But everything that she buys is really valuable and worthwhile
The woman is hard not to notice
The woman is hard not to notice

Tips for those born on February 20

  • Do not strive to differ from others in any situation. The popularity and approval of others, contrary to their own principles, can sometimes play a cruel joke with them: a series of wrong actions will follow
  • Sometimes it is better to give up the desire to charm everyone with your behavior and act noble
  • Since such people have a very stormy emotional inner life, it is difficult for them to correctly respond to criticism. Do not fall into pessimism
  • It is necessary to make more efforts to track and control your emotions, not to cross the boundaries of the permitted
  • A philosophical view of life, the development of patience and tolerance for others will help to achieve success. You should take care of loved ones more and always think before speaking about the actions of other people
  • They are so impressive that sometimes they flood depression, becoming a witness to other people's misfortunes. Therefore, in life you need more hardness. You should not take other troubles close to heart

Video: Fish compatibility horoscope

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Comments K. article

  1. And you can find out gave birth to a daughter 02.02 2017 Who is she: Aquarius or fish?
    I read what depends on the year. How do I know 2017 under what sign?!

  2. So who is born on the horoscope on February 20?

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