Feylifting after 50 years - facing a face without surgery at home: description of procedures, recommendations, reviews

Feylifting after 50 years - facing a face without surgery at home: description of procedures, recommendations, reviews

After 50 years, I really want to look younger than my years. In this, facelift procedures will help you, which can be performed at home.

Every woman aged after 50 faces a situation where care for her appearance with the help of only creams and masks does not give an effective result. Some decide to resort to surgical procedures. However, before daring to such cardinal actions, you should try to apply a more humane method. One of these alternative methods is - feining for the face.

What is facelifting: its advantages

Feylifting - This is a tightening of the skin and muscles of the face. There are several ways: a surgical method, hardware and without surgical intervention. The most acceptable and affordable way is without the use of plastic surgery.

In another sense, this is a method of combating the manifestation of skin aging with the help of gymnastics for the face, as well as all kinds of auxiliary cosmetics: masks, creams, oils, serums. This method is suitable for absolutely all age categories, easily used at home and does not require additional costs.


Regularly using face gymnastics, you can get such a positive result:

  1. Tighten and adjust the oval of the face.
  2. Normalize the outflow of lymph in the front part, and strengthen the formation of collagen.
  3. Smooth small and large facial wrinkles and folds of the skin.
  4. Strengthen the skin turgor and increase the production of elastin.
  5. Activate blood circulation and access to oxygen to the cells of the skin - restore a healthy skin color.
  6. Remove excess fat deposits and a manifestation of ptosis.
  7. Stop the aging process.
  8. Relax the facial nerves - eliminate facial clasps.
  9. Improve the general condition of the skin: give a healthy radiance, reduce porosity and sagging, restore water-lipid balance.

Facelapse for Faces: Indications

Of course, gymnastics can be used for preventive purposes of combating the loss of elasticity of the skin of the face.

There are signs of age -related changes in which the method of using facelifting for the face after 50 years is most useful:

  1. Visible loss of skin elasticity.
  2. The oval of the face becomes indistinguishable - the effect of "bulldog cheeks" is observed.
  3. The skin of the face as a whole or in some places becomes a naval or edematous skin.
  4. With the manifestation of wrinkles and creases.
  5. Any other age -related changes.
We determine the indications
We determine the indications
  • There are several schools according to the method of person exercises that develop their techniques in this direction. Each of these techniques has its own rules for groups: 30, 40, 50, 60 years old. The general recommendation is the prevention of age -related skin changes.
  • However, if such a change is already available, then you should adhere to the regularity and correctness of the program, according to your age group.
  • According to the same rules, the use of additional cosmetics should be distributed.

Feylifting: Face exercises

  • First you should decide on problem areas and choose a number of exercises aimed at working out these areas. It is necessary to perform exercises with courses of 10-15 sessions. The daily application of the methodology will give a steady result.
  • It is better to carry out the procedure in the morning - after washing: it is necessary to act with massage only on clean skin.
  • Before facial-support facies at home It is recommended to make a light massage: stroking, patting with your fingertips. And only then to start the main stage of the exercises.
  • Before performing the procedure facelifting after 50 years Cosmetic oil for the face should be applied to the palms, you can use oily cream. It is important that the fingers make sliding movements on the surface of the skin and do not stretch it.
  • The pressure of the hands should be moderate: a slight press will not give the desired effect, and excessive effort - can damage the thin layer of the skin.
You need to perform exercises
You need to perform exercises

You can perform facial facial facial exercises in an arbitrary priority:

  1. According to the massage lines with a light pressing of the fingers, make smoothing movements in the direction from the center of the face to oval.
  2. Work out the lip area: pull and stretch your lips, alternating the sounds of “o”, “and”. The hands should fix the temporal area of \u200b\u200bthe face. This exercise is repeated in three approaches.
  3. To eliminate folds near the nose: Press the folding area with index fingers and try to smile as widely as possible, opening the mouth. Fix your face in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the manipulation 5 times.
  4. Elimination of the second chin: strain the neck, slightly pushing the lower jaw forward. Both palms make stroking movements along an elongated neck in the direction up to the chin.
  5. For the oval of the face: Wrap the contour of the face from the chin to the ears.
  6. It is necessary to complete gymnastics with light massage movements in the form of patting and stroking.

It should be noted that the tightening exercises of facelifting and massage are performed in the direction from the bottom up and do not allow strong stretching of the skin.

Feylifting after 50 years at home with the help of facial simulators

  • One of the modern methods of combating the aging of the skin after 50 years at home is the use of various devices for skin tightening. Well established itself banny massagethat is carried out by a special elastic jar along the massage lines.
  • This method helps eliminate stagnant processes and restore the elasticity of the skin. Also, instead of a can massage, women often use roller simulators. The principle of their impact is similar.
  • It is worth mentioning and roller nozzles With microeles. They are used in conjunction with anti -aging ampoules: thanks to microscopic punctures on the skin - products penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • Methodology of application facelifting Actively applicable for home care for women after 50 years.

Methods of surface facelift after 50 years

  • These methods include homemade the use of natural and cosmetics face care. This care group includes any moisturizing, nutritious, regenerating masks and creams, serums and wraps based on oils or decoctions of herbs.
  • Also useful for the face will be washing with cold water with ice cubes: Low temperature helps to eliminate swelling, and increases skin elasticity. Many of the purchased funds cope well with the task - easy to use and are designed for any budget.
  • However, chemical components in their composition can cause reverse reactions. Home remedies with the effect of skin pulling can be attributed: olive oil, peppermint decoction, egg white, honey, cucumber juice, parsley decoction, starch, sugar syrup, cottage cheese. All these funds can be used in compiling natural masks and wraps.
  • Also effective use masks based on cosmetic clay, paraffin, dead sea mud, gelatin. Masks need to be done at least twice a week.
  • It is necessary to understand that the use of home remedies will not create the effect of plastic surgery, but it is quite capable of improving the general condition of the skin and slightly adjust and suspend the aging process.

Feylifting after 50 years: Contraindications

Homemade facial delays practical safe methods. However, there are some contraindications for facelift after 50 years:

  1. Inflammatory foci on the skin, as well as skin infectious diseases in the aggravation stage.
  2. Illness or injury to the facial nerve.
  3. Hypertonic disease.
  4. The recovery period after plastic surgery.
  5. The presence of implants or injections of drugs that block neuromuscular transmission.
  6. Allergic reactions to funds used in the process of manipulations.
There are contraindications
There are contraindications

Special recommendations after facilifting after 50 years

  • To consolidate the result of the procedure facelifting after 50 years, preventing the overcame of the oval of the face, eliminating the formation of wrinkles - it is recommended to use compression mask. Such a product is made of elastic material that can comfortably hold the muscles of the face in the correct position, helping their restoration.
  • It is recommended to put on such a mask every time after exercising gymnastics for the face - this will fix the achieved effect. Thanks to regular exercises and following recommendations, you can get rid of manifestations of aging for a month, without plastic surgery.
  • This technique does not lead to complications and is gaining popularity among women.
  • Experts say that the gymnastics of the person is well compatible with other cosmetic home care procedures.
  • Therefore, it is one of the most popular practices to restore beauty in the world - widespread among fashion and film industry stars.

Feylifting after 50 years: results before and after application

  • These procedures facelifting after 50 years at home - Effectively struggle with such manifestations: hanging the eyelids, swelling of the skin, sagging cheeks, asymmetry of the oval of the face, folds in the lips and nose, creases near the ear shells, unhealthy complexion, tuberosity and sagging of the skin.
  • Having passed the course of home therapy - you can improve the general condition of the skin, noticeably align the relief of the face, eliminate the manifestation of age -related changes.
  • Procedures give a safe and persistent result: swelling, ptosis and excess fat from the front area are removed, facial folds are reduced, small wrinkles disappear, and skin tone and skin color improve.
Before and after
Before and after

Feylifting after 50 years: reviews

  • Anna, 55 years old:After two weeks of applying facelifting procedures, the skin acquired a fresh look, the oval of the face pulled up, the facial wrinkles became less pronounced, age -related manifestations in the form of hanging eyelids and swelling - visually decreased.
  • Irina, 64 years old:Facial gymnastics helped adjust the fullness of the face and straighten the asymmetry. She used technology daily. Additionally, I used cosmetics for tightening the oval of the face. The first positive result was noticed a week later, and a month later - the effect acquired the final form. The result showed the real action of the method and its advantages in the future use to consolidate the effect.
  • Victoria, 58 years old:The procedures of surgical facelift of the face are very expensive and have side effects on the body. Home methods are safer and financially available to everyone. They help to fight age -related changes without a long period of rehabilitation and stress. Their main advantage is that, if you wish, you can use the procedures at any time convenient for yourself - even while watching a TV.
  • Julia, 61 years:At the very beginning of the use of procedures, it was not believed in their successful result - it seemed that at this age could not do without surgical intervention. However, systematic efforts corrected the primary opinion: it was possible to get rid of sagged cheeks, reduce the depth of the folds near the nose and raise the ends of the lips up. The face began to look much younger and more well -groomed.

Video: Facial gymnastics. Face exercises (face rejuvenation). Feylifting

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  1. I go to such procedures regularly. Really help to preserve youth. But even a cosmetologist tells me that in any case, moisturizing from the inside is important. On her advice, I take Evalarovsky hyaluronic acid. High dosage and special shape of the capsule allow the body to be absorbed as much as possible, so the skin is always nourished and fit.

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