Facts about cold coffee that you might not know: the history of the occurrence and methods of preparation. The use of cold coffee in medicine and cosmetology. Entertaining information about cold coffee

Facts about cold coffee that you might not know: the history of the occurrence and methods of preparation. The use of cold coffee in medicine and cosmetology. Entertaining information about cold coffee

Cold coffee has an interesting story and facts. Let's look at them in more detail, some of them could not know.

Cold coffee is a completely different drink with special properties. Do not confuse it with cooled coffee.

History of the occurrence of a coffee drink

For the first time a drink appeared in the 17th century. The manufacturing method belongs to the Dutch - coffee merchants who arrived in the Japanese city of Kyoto. In many countries, such coffee is still called Kyoto. Although the Japanese themselves call this method - Dutch.

The first recipe was a tincture of coffee grains on the water. Later, mention of cold coffee appeared in the 19th century during the invasion of French troops in Algeria. They diluted tincture of coffee grains - syrup. Such a drink was called Mazagran - in honor of the fortress where the battles were held.


And in 1960, American supermarkets filled their shelves with cold coffee in jars. Such storage was considered more practical when transporting goods. Nowadays, the recipes have not lost their relevance and have increased demand. All the same grains are insisted in cold water. This process is called - "cold brewing." And the drink itself is customary to call the “Cold Bru” - cold coffee.

Cold coffee preparation options

There are several ways to make cold coffee concentrate. It all depends on further use.

  1. Cool coffee - It serves as a substitute for “cold brewing” coffee, but this is not the same thing. It has a significant taste difference. Prepared by traditional brewing boiling water and cooling. Used to serve with ice, ice cream and other components. It is used to save time manufacturing.
  2. Cold brewing - A long but more refined way. Large grinding grains are poured with cold water and left to infuse. The time of insisting depends on taste preferences and can be from several hours to a day.

    Has several cooking options
    Has several cooking options
  3. Drip filtering - It is made using a filter for coffee and cold water. To do this, a small amount of cold water is passed through a paper funnel with ground coffee. Gradually, water penetrates through coffee and a concentrated drink comes out. Subsequently, it can be diluted with water.
  4. Nitro-coffee - Cold coffee with nitrogen. This is a modern preparation technique: cold coffee extraction is passed through a tap with nitrogen, forming a “beer” foam. Outwardly, coffee really resembles beer.

What are the differences and similarities from standard coffee: the pros and cons of cold coffee

  1. The main difference is a way of brewing - for cold coffee, water does not heat up. The drink has a mild taste without astringency, bitterness and sourness.
  2. A more suitable option for people with digestive problems. Nevertheless, it is not recommended to be used immediately after eating - the cold temperature slows down the digestion of food.
  3. Due to its softness, it does not require a lot of sugar. It must be remembered that the time of sugar dissolution in cold fluid is more, so it is better to use sugar syrup for cold coffee.
  4. In order to obtain a rich taste, water and ground grains are taken in equal proportions, and therefore there is more caffeine in such a drink.
  5. It also has more chlorogenic acid, respectively - it is more useful.
  6. The use of special devices does not require. A convenient way of storing - at a time you can prepare a large portion and store it in the refrigerator.

    The technology of cooking is different
    The technology of cooking is different
  7. Cold coffee emphasizes taste additives more intensivelyTherefore, it is more often used in the manufacture of alcoholic and non -alcoholic cocktails.
  8. For preventive purposes, it is not inferior to traditional coffee: it prevents the development of senile dementia, oncological diseases, diabetes.
  9. Cold coffee is used in its original form - suitable for raw food diet and vegetarianism.
  10. Essential oils in cold coffee last longer.
  11. According to scientific research - such coffee is three times more saturates the body with alkali and better opposes free radicals.
  12. Saves its properties for more than a week and does not change the saturation of taste and smell.

Curious facts about cold coffee

  1. In the course of scientific research, it turned out that the rudeness of coffee ground does not affect the concentration of caffeine in the drink. It all depends on the degree of roasts of grains: the highest dose of caffeine is contained in the grains of medium roasting and can be achieved after 7 hours.
  2. To simplify the extraction of cold coffee, Chemist Toddi Simpson invented a special glass. In the future, his invention formed the basis for the development of the modern coffee maker “Toddy Cold Brew”.

    Cold coffee
    Cold coffee
  3. Milk, syrups, ice cream and other additives give a calorie drink, but reduce the effect on the body of caffeine. The coffee itself in its pure form practically does not contain calories and is considered a dietary drink.
  4. The permissible dose of cold coffee is no more than three servings per day. It is much stronger than hot coffee.
  5. With the advent of nitro coffee, new recipes based on cold coffee began to be born-one of these is “coffee kvass”: in natural cold coffee, the pulp of maracuy is added and the drink is gasped.

With what and how to use cold coffee?

It is the coffee of cold brewing, thanks to the preservation of fragrant aroma, that enhances the taste of drinks and dishes. Therefore, the traditional method of making coffee in modern coffee establishments and restaurants is increasingly replaced. Coffee of cold brewing is a concentrated extract and in its pure form is used in small doses.

  • It is customary to dilute it with cold water, milk and even boiling water. They use it with ice cream, whipped cream.
  • Add syrup, condensed milk, honey, ice cubes, citrus fruits, egg yolk. Cold coffee is an excellent additive to soft drinks-it is mixed with Pepsi-Cola, orange juice, alcohol.
  • Also, coffee tincture is a good option for impregnating the biscuit, taste enrichment of the cream and chocolate glaze. Based on cold coffee, sweets, Montpansier and jelly, syrups for desserts are made.
  • Used in the preparation of unsweetened dishes: marinads for meat and poultry, additive to sauces, natural dye of flour products.

Cold coffee in medicine

Coffee extract is widely used in traditional and folk medicine. Coffee of cold brewing is considered environmental and more effective.

  1. Cold coffee extract is used for migraines, catarrhal phenomena, whooping cough.
  2. As a preventive agrite and gout.
  3. Before eating in an undiluted form, it is used as a slight laxative. Cold coffee extract accelerates metabolism
  4. The states of the tropical belt use coffee tincture to combat malaria infections.

    Used in medicine
    Used in medicine
  5. Cold coffee infusion helps to cope with food poisoning, intoxication with gas pairs. The tannins of a coffee drink do not allow to spread to poisonous substances throughout the body. I stimulate the work of the heart and digestive tract. The drink is used after the washing procedure.
  6. Cold coffee natural antiseptic. An unsweetened coffee solution can be washed the wound. And then for drying - to sprinkle the wound with ground dry coffee.
  7. In medical practice, the method of blind sounding is used to treat the liver and biliary tract: the patient is given a drink of coffee with raw yolk, this stimulates the active emission of bile.
  8. Coffee enemas - the method of detoxification and analgesic of the body in oncology. This practice was applied in hospitals during the World War. Later, Dr. Gerson improved it - proved that the effect of a coffee solution provokes the gall outflow and removes toxic substances and poisons from the body.
  9. Cold coffee helps with asthmatic attacks - reduces their frequency.
  10. For people suffering from allergic rhinitis, the use of cold coffee will help eliminate swelling, remove excess fluid from the body, and calm the mucous membrane of the nose.

The use of cold coffee in cosmetology

The lack of heat treatment allows you to convey from grain to tincture the entire range of nutrients and oils. This fact is taken into account in cosmetology when creating care products behind the body and cosmetic procedures.

  1. It has a regenerating property - anti -cellulite wrap is made from cold coffee extract.
  2. To eliminate the vascular mesh on the face - compresses from coffee solutions.
  3. Tincture of cold coffee is widely used in products without sulfates - for hair care.
  4. Due to its antiseptic properties, cold brewing coffee is recommended for the use of a tonic for the face with the appearance of signs of acne.

    Used in cosmetology
    Used in cosmetology
  5. The salons of bio-tattoo and Indian painting on the body are prepared by coloring compounds based on cold coffee. Its composition is natural and allows you to better preserve the coloring components after entering into the reaction.
  6. In home use, cold coffee is used as a natural rinse hair product. Tincture helps not only strengthen hair, but also give a light natural chocolate shade.
  7. For anti -aging massage, the coffee extract of cold brewing in the form of ice cubes is used. All the beneficial substances of coffee in contact with the body enter the skin. This improves microcirculation and creates a tonic and tightening effect.

The cold method of brewing has a more gentle effect on coffee grains. This allows you to preserve in the drink all the beneficial substances in its original form. Studies of the chemical composition showed that this method of brewing is much more useful and is able to maintain its effectiveness for a long time. Therefore, such a welding method gains wide popularity and is considered an extraclass drink.

Video: How to make cold coffee?

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  1. And I did not know about this, I had only one fact about coffee when I drank the month of the turboshelim of coffee (I ordered an Evalar, so faster and cheaper), I was able to lose weight well, though I did gymnastics in the amount, in total Probably everything allowed you to lose weight, but the fact remains a fact, there is generally the whole line of turboslim is excellent)

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