DIY DOCTORY: How to make a diary yourself? How to arrange a diary with your own hands? Instructions, photos, ideas

DIY DOCTORY: How to make a diary yourself? How to arrange a diary with your own hands? Instructions, photos, ideas

In this article we will tell you how to create a practical and beautiful diary in which it will be incredibly convenient to fix plans.

How many times do we want to start doing anything-to learn a foreign language, play sports and so on-and each time we transfer the goal! Not enough time or simply forget. Well, then it's time to take advantage of the diary, literally starting life from scratch.

DIY DIY DIDED DOCTION: Description, photo

The first thing that comes to mind is the processing of an existing notebook. How can this be done? Creatively, creating from the most ordinary old notebook Diary with a clock!

In addition to the fact that it will be enough unusual So also very useful for constantly late people. Now, planning any event or checking with the nearest, the owner of a useful notebook can always be aware of the one that is an hour.

The manufacturing procedure is as follows:

  • Have to take old wristwatch, which, however, will in working order. The clock is preferably relieve the strap.
  • This watch fixed to the inside of the lower part of the cover. It is most convenient to use glue.
  • Left to do slot on all pages, which will correspond to the circle of the dial. Thus, regardless of which page is turning over, the watch will always be visible.

Important: this part of manufacture is the most difficult. To go perfectly, it is better to use a stationery knife.

This can turn out to be a registered diary with a clock from the most ordinary notebook
This can turn out to be a registered diary with a clock from the most ordinary notebook

Active personalities can be done A thick diary of several notebooks. For this you will need:

  • Actually, several notebooks
  • Satin tape, preferably thinner
  • White cardboard good density
  • The hole punch, scissors
  • Pencil simple and markers
  • Ruler
  • Various decorative elements - for example, stickers, multi -colored tape

The diary is made as follows:

  • Notebooks getting rid of covers. The easiest way to do this with not too thick notebooks in soft covers
  • Next with a hole punch holes on the roots are made notebooks

Important: the holes should be made in such a way that the notebooks are then convenient to fasten. That is, parallel to each other.

  • Then notebooks are folding The spine to the spine
  • Into the holes made ribbons are tied, tied
  • From dense cardboard you need to make two parts, which will be a cover
  • These parts Apply on different sides of notebooks and are interconnected in the same way using tapes
  • It remains only decorate the cover In accordance with personal wishes
This may look like a diary assembled from several notebooks
This may look like a diary assembled from several notebooks

DIY DIY DOCTION: Description, photo

Many people like this type of diaries. They are beautiful, practical. To create such a thing you will need:

  • Binding cardboard
  • Thick paper - specially designed for scrapbooking is perfect
  • The rings are detachable - they are also completely easy to purchase separately
  • Awl
  • PVA-blanket
  • Sewing machine, scissors
  • The printer is desirable

Important: and even better - a special device for installing eyelets.

The manufacturing process is simple:

  • Using a printer proceedings are printed For a diary. Or you can Mark yourself On attractive scrapbooking lists.
  • Sheets equal.
  • For the cover sheets are cut out of cardboard, suitable for the format for the future diary.
  • The cover is gluedcolored paper. A scrap-paper is also appropriate here.
  • After combining cardboard and main sheets They are done symmetric holes.

Important: it is preferable to insert the eyelets - this step will help maintain the cover unharmed for a long time.

  • It remains only insert the rings.
Can turn out such a cute diary on the rings
Can turn out such a cute diary on the rings

You can also create an unusual diary with a cover that imitates a tree. You will need:

  • Metal rings with connectors
  • Metal corners in the amount of 4 pcs.
  • Cardboard is thicker
  • Acrylic paints - 2 shades are needed
  • Krakelyur varnish
  • Chancellery knife, awl, round -liners, scissors
  • Ruler, pencil
  • Synthetic
  • Paper
Drumon paper can be anything, even color and with drawings
Drumon paper can be anything, even color and with drawings
Rings and corners for the diary need these
Rings and corners for the diary need these

You can start manufacturing:

  • To start the sheets are ordinary and cardboard are equal. Cardboard can be somewhat larger, since they make a cover.
  • Further in cardboard They are done Symmetrically holes.
  • Cardboard is covered acrylic paint. It becomes dense enough after that, and therefore it is recommended to equalize it to the coating.

Important: several layers are needed for artificial lifting the cover. If it is simply planned to be decorated with drawings, one can do one.

  • Collapse like the outer sides future cover, and internal.
  • If there is still a need yet Contact the cardboard, It is worth laying something under the table.
  • After application the first layer of paint He needs to give properly dry.
  • Next is the turn krakelyur varnish. To make it dry faster, you can use a hair dryer.
  • And again layer of paint. The master must remember that the direction of the movement of the brush is actually the direction of future cracks.
Such blanks for the cover of the diary are obtained
Such blanks for the cover of the diary are obtained
  • But now you can and attach the corners. If it is difficult to do with your fingers, pliers will come to the rescue.
  • If necessary, you can again put in order sheets future diary.
  • Left collect together, follow the rings - And now the vintage diary is ready!
Here is such a vintage diary on the rings can be obtained in the end
Here is such a vintage diary on the rings can be obtained in the end

DIY DIDENDEL DRIVE: Description, photo

If you want to create a diary on your own book, you will have to stock up on the following components:

  • Cardboard
  • Sheets corresponding to A4 format
  • Fabric and tissue ribbon
  • A piece of gauze
  • PVA glue
  • Marker
  • Needle and dense threads

Important: dense sheets are needed, thin ones are not suitable.

The diary is made as follows:

  • First of all, sheets of A-4 format Fold in half.
  • Of them are needed form peculiar notebooks, By investing in each other. In each notebook you can place from 2 to 5 sheets.
  • These notebooks fold in one pile and for a while left under the press. Special stationery clamps and sheets of cardboard protecting from marks will help in this.
A diary in the form of a book needs pressing leaves by this principle
A diary in the form of a book needs pressing leaves by this principle

Important: leave the sheets in this position for 3 hours, no less.

  • After the specified time The brackets can be removed.
  • Further from the fabric tape you need cut off a few stripes. Them and roots are wrapped.
The fabric stripes are applied to the future diary so
The fabric stripes are applied to the future diary so
  • But it is not necessary to fix the strips at this stage - after peaks with a pen or pencil the locations of the bands, they can be removed.
Marks in the future diary
Marks in the future diary
It is even more convenient in the future diary to make such slots
It is even more convenient in the future diary to make such slots
  • Now the fabric stripes are being taken again, but this time already sewn to the workpiece firmly. It should be focused on the photographs below. It is worth noting that you do not need to sew the entire stack immediately to the ribbons - each notebook is processed separately.
Stripes are applied to the future diary at first
Stripes are applied to the future diary at first
Then the stripes are attached to the future diary by loops of thread like this
Then the stripes are attached to the future diary by loops of thread like this
It was the turn to sew the second notebook of the diary
It was the turn to sew the second notebook of the diary
This is how the notebook notebooks are fastened
This is how the notebook notebooks are fastened
Now you can sew the third notebook of the diary
Now you can sew the third notebook of the diary
This is the interweaving of a diary
This is the interweaving of a diary
  • The spine needs to strengthen. To do this, put on it under the press gauze. Or use sealant.
Gauze on the diary should be put like this
Gauze on the diary should be put like this
  • Further the spine is gluedfabric tape.
The rooster of the diary gets acquainted with the fabric ribbon again
The rooster of the diary gets acquainted with the fabric ribbon again
  • Now 3 parts are cut out of dense cardboard - the spine and parts of the future cover.

Important: it should be remembered that the cover should be slightly larger than sheets.

  • From fabric Rectangular is cut a piece, on which you can place the blanks described above.
  • They need them Glue On the fabric.
Cardboard blanks and fabric-shaft for the future diary
Cardboard blanks and fabric-shaft for the future diary
  • The remaining unoccupied parts of the cover are glued pieces of fabric from the inside.
Gluing a cloth for a diary from the inside
Gluing a cloth for a diary from the inside
  • Now glues vogs.
This is what the outgrass for the diary looks like
This is what the outgrass for the diary looks like
  • Left connect The main part of the leaflets and the cover.
It turns out such a diary-book
It turns out such a diary-book

DIY scrapbooking technique: photos, description

You can make a wonderful diary with a bright unusual cover with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • Scrap-paper
  • Any other sheets

Important: in this case, there is a rule that the more unusual the paper, the better. That is, old notes, unnecessary packaging from under something, etc. can be used.

  • Cardboard with high density or special blanks for covers
    Album rings
  • Glue gun, double -sided tape, pillow for stamp
  • Scissors, hole punch, sewing machine
  • Ribbons

You can start manufacturing:

  • First of all, it is worth calculating in advance what design It is better to do it for a diary. Then, based on this, You need to cut off in advancepreferred  the number of ribbons, prepare the required amount of other decor.
  • The machine will help Sew The necessary details on the paper.
It is very convenient to process the workpieces for the future diary as a machine
It is very convenient to process the workpieces for the future diary as a machine
This is how the seams look from the inside of the workpiece for the diary
This is how the seams look from the inside of the workpiece for the diary
  • It is attached to the cardboard Double-sided tape - It will be possible to glue processed paper with decor on it.
This is how you need to glue the cardboard for the cover of the diary
This is how you need to glue the cardboard for the cover of the diary
  • But, despite the presence of adhesive tape, additional cover processing clearly does not hurt. That is, desirable flash it around the perimeter.

Important: a wide line is best suited for this.

This is how you can flash the edges of the future cover for the diary
This is how you can flash the edges of the future cover for the diary
  • Now you can glue any others decorative elements.
Any decor will make a diary unique
Any decor will make a diary unique
  • In order for the sheets of the future diary to be attractive, you can Mark them with a pillow for a stamp.
A pillow for a stamp will decorate the pages of a diary
A pillow for a stamp will decorate the pages of a diary
  • Further, using a hole punch, punches in the sheets - And you can unite All leaflets, parts of the cover.
This is how parts of the diary are connected
This is how parts of the diary are connected
It turns out such a wonderful diary that you want to fill every day
It turns out such a wonderful diary that you want to fill every day

How to draw a diary inside: ideas, photo

How can you conveniently design a diary from the inside? We offer several ideas as options:

Every day in a diary can be indicated by a square into which plans are entered
Every day in a diary can be indicated by a square into which plans are entered
You can simply allocate a page for every day in the diary, and write things in a column
You can simply allocate a page for every day in the diary, and write things in a column
Cases in the diary can be distributed not only by days, but also by categories
Cases in the diary can be distributed not only by days, but also by categories
Also, such tear -off leaflets can be glued into the diary, which are removed as the next target is performed for the day
Also, such tear -off leaflets can be glued into the diary, which are removed as the next target is performed for the day
Can be combined in diary cells-days with tear-off leaves and a separate list of targets
Can be combined in diary cells-days with tear-off leaves and a separate list of targets
Such a marking of the diary is very convenient not only by the days of the week, but also by the hour
Such a marking of the diary is very convenient not only by the days of the week, but also by the hour

DIY DIY DOCTION: Ideas, photos

Now let's offer options for the appearance of the diary:

Name diary on the buttons
Name diary on the buttons
Old notes or old newspaper clippings will give a daily a diary vintage
Old notes or old newspaper clippings will give a daily a diary vintage
Metal details will give the diary the style
Metal details will give the diary the style
Diary -convert - laconic and comfortable model
Diary-convert-a concise and comfortable model
Can be sewn to the diary of applications from various fabrics
Can be sewn to the diary of applications from various fabrics
The status flaunting on the cover of the diary will add optimism with each use of it
The status flaunting on the cover of the diary will add optimism with each use of it
Here is such an interesting retro-idea for designing a diary
Here is such an interesting retro-idea for designing a diary
In the diary you can sew a zipper and make pockets - it is convenient to put pens, pencils, business cards, calculator there.
In the diary you can sew a zipper and make pockets - it is convenient to put pens, pencils, business cards, calculator there.
Decoupage of the diary will help create an interesting design
Decoupage of the diary will help create an interesting design
Everything is suitable for designing a diary - braid, old photos or pictures, buttons, tapes
Everything is suitable for designing a diary - braid, old photos or pictures, buttons, tapes
Beads of various sizes will give the appearance of the diary a special chic
Beads of various sizes will give the appearance of the diary a special chic
Tender design of buttons and braids
Tender design of buttons and braids

Now on sale you can find a diary for every taste. But why not create it personally for yourself? Unique, upsetting, motivating. One in which you definitely want to make notes. I would like to hope that tips from this article will help in this.

A small video about creating a diary with your own hands:

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