Eyes Cover - an eye mask. Where to buy, price, how to use the Eyes Cover gel mask for the eyes? Eyes Sover: Reviews

Eyes Cover - an eye mask. Where to buy, price, how to use the Eyes Cover gel mask for the eyes? Eyes Sover: Reviews

The Eyes Cover reusable mask is an elastic fabric formed in the form of glasses. It is filled with gel, which has the property of relaxing muscles and tones the skin of the face.

This is what Eyes Cover's eye mask looks like

How to use the Eyes Cover for the eyes?

Application of the mask for the eyes of Eyes Cover
  • We clean the eye area with any cosmetic product
  • Warm up or cool, depending on the desired result
  • We apply to the eye area for 7-10 minutes

The benefits of the Eyes Cover mask from wrinkles

Eyes Sover - Eye Mask: Vurifications

The composition of the gel content of the mask includes such useful components as:

  • ritinol
  • vitamin C
  • hydro-cyet-cellulose
  • plant hoods
  • algae extracts
    Thanks to this, after the first application, the skin refreshes, takes a healthier look.
    After the systematic use of a chilled mask, small wrinkles are smoothed.
    The use of contrast masks gives an even greater effect

    The benefits of the Eyes Cover eye mask from bags under the eyes

    Provingions of mask users before and after
    Reviews of users of the Eyes Mask Eyes Sover: before and after
  • The morning use of the mask will instantly get rid of ugly bags under the eyes
  • To prevent the appearance of a new problem, you should use a mask in the evening
  • After prolonged work at the computer to remove eye fatigue and edema formation, it is recommended to use the mask for 5-10 minutes

    Is it possible to use the Eyes Cover mask after 30, 40 and 50 years?

  • The fund has no age restrictions
  • It can be applied at any age

    Contraindications for the Eyes Cover mask

  • The mask itself is harmless. There are no contraindications
  • It should be taken into account that when using a mask to enhance the action of some cosmetic agent, allergies can occur, this tool

    Where to buy the Eyes Cover gel mask for the eyes?

    Where to buy the Eyes Cover gel mask for the eyes?

    You can buy a mask site.

    Eyes Cover Mask Price

    The cost of acquiring a mask relative to inexpensive.

    Mask Eyes Cover reviews:

    Elena:I really like to sew. Recently, I began to notice how the eyes have blushed and get tired by the end of the day. The ophthalmologist prescribed drops. I dripped for two weeks. Redness passed. But a week later resumed. I found information on the Internet about the Eyes Cover gel. Ordered. The price is acceptable. Now I use the mask every day. Not only that, I don’t even remember about the “rabbit eyes”. The face freshened, it seems to me and the wrinkles were decreased. And the swelling, which I have long been accustomed, now do not appear on my face at all

    Nel: Painful work with drawings, forces to tension of the eyes daily. Taking advantage of constant tips for removing fatigue and edema - the result of constant eye tension. I decided to buy a mask. I loved it. Easy to use. Lried relaxed, put on a mask and lay enjoy. I got up - the eyes shine. The skin around is even light. When I know that there is a large amount of work. I use a mask for half an hour before going to work. I work without tension during the day.

    Julia:I use the mask constantly. I always used it to combat edema and prevent wrinkles. I am satisfied with the result. And then there was a comfus. The child hit the nose inadvertently with a stick. Yes, so much that bruises under both eyes. I remembered about the mask. Cool, put it. She kept, probably from half an hour. I was afraid that I would catch a cold. There was no cold. The bruises did not form either. For me now it is not only a cosmetic product. The medicine cabinet also lies in reserve.

    Anya:I use a mask to whiten reinforced pigmentation under the eyes. I accidentally read the reviews. I decided to try it myself. The product is not expensive. I bought it. The fact that the effect would come after the first time did not expect. But the skin became lighter at once. After using about 20 days, pigmentation disappeared completely.

    Irina:Natural laziness and economy, prompted to look for a suitable wrinkle around the eyes. I accidentally heard the conversation of two women in the store about this mask. Found a site. Ordered. The mask is reusable. You do not need to invent and mix something every time. I took it out, washed the mask. The beauty! This tool also helps me to relieve headache. The first time I noticed I thought an accident. No, it turns out it really helps with migraines. Now I use it purposefully, even when my head hurts

    Video: Eyes Cover

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