“If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, Magomet goes to the grief” - the meaning, origin of the proverb

“If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, Magomet goes to the grief” - the meaning, origin of the proverb

In this topic, we will analyze the meaning and origin of the proverb "If the mountain does not go to Mohammed."

Today it is impossible to imagine everyday communication without winged expressions and proverbs. We are so accustomed to their use that we rarely think about origin and real meaning. But the correctness of their use depends on this. Therefore, let's figure out what the most common proverb means - "If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the grief."

The meaning and origin of the proverb “If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the grief”

There are several options for the origin of this saying. But for a start, we want to remind its meaning. We remember for the “mountain that does not go to Mohammed” when the desired events also require our efforts. And when we begin to act in the right direction, we feel like a real magomet. And who is it, now we will find out with you by considering the most famous modifications.

  • Let's start from the most popular version, where the main legend is the Muslim hero of comic miniatures, jokes, folklore and fairy tales - Khoja Nasruddin. Back in the distant 1961, he decided to pass himself for a saint. But he decided to call to himself not a mountain, but that the first one came across his eyes - a palm tree. After all, a tree also does not know how to walk.
    • And this was confirmed, since the tree did not move to a centimeter. But in order not to fall into the dirt face, Khoja got out of the situation. And he said: “We, saints and prophets, are devoid of pride and arrogance! Therefore, if the palm tree does not come to me, then I will approach it. ”
There are several origin of this phrase
Khoja Nasruddin
  • We move in the opposite direction in chronology - 1487. Famous Marco Polo, What was the then traveler, made another similar record. No, the expression is not his, but it is taken From one legend about the shoemaker in Baghdad.
    • The fact is that he was a fanatical Christian believers. For some reason, it seems that the sources distorted the information a little, because Muslims should be in location. Although, perhaps, then there would be no dispute with the caliph.
    • And now the shoemaker, which is much lower by rank, decided to prove the power of his faith, calling the nearest hill to himself, which was located near the palace of the same caliph. But in this version of the expression, the mountain nevertheless approached the shoemaker. Perhaps it was only a sandy embankment, which under the force of wind really moved in time.
  • A little later, the more true origin of the proverb was noted - in 1597 in his book “Moral and Political Essays” Francis Bacon described the acts of one prophet. After all, believers believe that this proverb is connected with the Qur'an, or rather with one of the parables from there.
    • In it Prophet Magomet, Having a desire to show others his majesty, he began to appeal to the mountain so that she came to him. But, of course, this did not happen. Then Magomet said that "if the mountain does not go to him, he will go to her."

Important: believers believe that this parable says to us - we need to be humble and obey the circumstances that we are not able to change. A striking example can be tragic events associated with the death of a loved one. No matter how regrettable it was, you are not able to change it.

Prophet Muhammad
Prophet Muhammad
  • Mohammed himself is considered the founder of the religion of Islam, which dates back in 570-632. BC. In addition, among believers, one can often hear that Mohammed is considered the prophet of Allah.

Of course, no one claims that the origin of this saying is true, as it does not deny. Some believe in completely different theories about the origin of the expression, but still the third version is considered reliable. Firstly, it really concerns Mohammed. And secondly, the popular record of such incidents only dates back later, but they occurred much earlier.

Expand your horizons and do not be afraid to take steps towards your goal or to a person from whom you expect obedience. After all, not only "a mountain does not go to Mohammed," but "water does not flow under a lying stone."

Video: The appropriate use of the proverb “: If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the grief”

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  1. History needs to be known.

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